Commit 682dd5a6 authored by Yusuke Tsutsumi's avatar Yusuke Tsutsumi

adding allow-site-packages to allow for site package imports

parent c8a43f4a
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file",
"file to be used."))
parser.add_option("-f", "--find-links",
help=("Specify a URL to search for buildout releases"))
action="store_true", default=False,
help=("Let use existing site packages"))
options, args = parser.parse_args()
......@@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ options, args = parser.parse_args()
# load/install setuptools
if options.allow_site_packages:
import setuptools
import pkg_resources
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen
......@@ -71,13 +77,14 @@ except ImportError:
ez = {}
).read(), ez)
# ez_setup imports site, which adds site packages
# this will remove them from the path to ensure that incompatible versions
# of setuptools are not in the path
import site
# inside a virtualenv, there is no 'getsitepackages'.
# We can't remove these reliably
if hasattr(site, 'getsitepackages'):
if not options.allow_site_packages:
# ez_setup imports site, which adds site packages
# this will remove them from the path to ensure that incompatible versions
# of setuptools are not in the path
import site
# inside a virtualenv, there is no 'getsitepackages'.
# We can't remove these reliably
if hasattr(site, 'getsitepackages'):
for sitepackage_path in site.getsitepackages():
sys.path[:] = [x for x in sys.path if sitepackage_path not in x]
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