Commit 83877a21 authored by Alex Clark ☺'s avatar Alex Clark ☺

Merge pull request #199 from reinout/reinout-fix-for-193

Fix for buildout 2.2.3 upgrade/downgrade problems
parents 2226a2ea aed82c07
Change History
2.2. (unreleased)
- Fix for #198: buildout 2.2.3 caused a version conflict when bootstrapping a
buildout with a version pinned to an earlier one. Same version conflict
could occur with system-wide installed packages that were newer than the
pinned version.
2.2.3 (2014-10-30)
......@@ -635,25 +635,33 @@ class Installer:
# zc.buildout.tests).
requirements.reverse() # Set up the stack.
processed = {} # This is a set of processed requirements.
best = {} # This is a mapping of key -> dist.
best = {} # This is a mapping of package name -> dist.
# Note that we don't use the existing environment, because we want
# to look for new eggs unless what we have is the best that
# matches the requirement.
env = pkg_resources.Environment(ws.entries)
while requirements:
# Process dependencies breadth-first.
req = self._constrain(requirements.pop(0))
current_requirement = requirements.pop(0)
req = self._constrain(current_requirement)
if req in processed:
# Ignore cyclic or redundant dependencies.
dist = best.get(req.key)
if dist is None:
# Find the best distribution and add it to the map.
dist = ws.by_key.get(req.key)
if dist is None:
dist = best[req.key] = env.best_match(req, ws)
dist = env.best_match(req, ws)
except pkg_resources.VersionConflict as err:
"Version conflict while processing requirement %s "
"(constrained to %s)",
current_requirement, req)
# When bootstrapping zc.buildout, we might be doing it
# with a different version than the one we specified in
# our versions list. Reason: the bootstrap grabs the
# latest buildout. Same with setuptools.
# So ignore the version conflict for those two packages.
if req.key not in ['zc.buildout', 'setuptools']:
raise VersionConflict(err, ws)
if dist is None:
if dest:
......@@ -668,6 +676,8 @@ class Installer:
# Oops, the "best" so far conflicts with a dependency.
raise VersionConflict(
pkg_resources.VersionConflict(dist, req), ws)
best[req.key] = dist
processed[req] = True
return ws
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