Commit fc3db14c authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

check first credentials from netrc, remove lxml

parent 6d611970
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ setup(
include_package_data = True,
entry_points = entry_points,
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import tempfile
import zc.buildout
from . import bytes2str, str2bytes
from .rmtree import rmtree
from lxml.html import parse as lxmlparse
class netrc(netrc.netrc):
......@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ class Download(object):
download_url = alternate_url
self.urlretrieve(alternate_url, path)
except GitlabAccessDeniedError:
header_dict, laburl = self._labraw_authproxy(url)
laburl, header_dict = self._labraw_authproxy(url)
if len(header_dict.keys()) > 0:
# gitlab url, try from API
self.urlretrieve(laburl, path, headers=header_dict)
......@@ -297,14 +296,12 @@ class Download(object):
def _labraw_authproxy(self, url): # -> url'
header_dict = {}
# url should be https://XXX.YYY/namespace/project/[-/]raw/....
if not re.match(r"https://[\w\-_\.\:\@\+]+/([\.\w\-\+_]+/[\.\w\-\+_]+/(-/){0,1}raw/)", url):
return header_dict, url
p = urlparse(url)
pathv = p.path.split('/')
if p.username == "PRIVATE-TOKEN" and p.password:
header_dict["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = p.password
# url path should be /namespace/project/[-/]raw/....
if pathv[3:5] != ['-', 'raw'] and pathv[3:4] != ['raw']:
return url, header_dict
repo = '/'.join(pathv[1:3])
# FIXME this does not support refs like y/bstr.
......@@ -319,14 +316,27 @@ class Download(object):
ref = pathv[4]
filepath = '/'.join(pathv[5:])
query = urlencode({'ref': ref})
auth_list = (
netrc.authenticators('%s/%s' % (p.hostname, repo)), # auth for
netrc.authenticators(p.hostname) # auth for
auth = auth_list[1] if auth_list[0] is None else auth_list[0]
if auth is not None:
if auth[0] == "private_token":
header_dict["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = auth[1]
query[auth[0]] = auth[2] # only private_token is supported ?
elif p.username == "PRIVATE-TOKEN" and p.password:
header_dict["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = p.password
qrepo = quote(repo, '')
qfilepath = quote(filepath, '')
path = '/api/v4/projects/%s/repository/files/%s/raw' % (qrepo, qfilepath)
query = urlencode({'ref': ref})
netloc = '%s:%s' % (p.hostname, p.port) if p.port else p.hostname
return header_dict, urlunparse((p.scheme, netloc, path, p.params, query, p.fragment))
return urlunparse((p.scheme, netloc, path, p.params, query, p.fragment)), header_dict
def urlretrieve(self, url, tmp_path, headers={}):
......@@ -340,14 +350,14 @@ class Download(object):
for k, v in headers.items():
req.add_header(k, v)
with closing(urlopen(req)) as src:
# Is this a gitlab raw URL ?
# Gitlab return to sign in page with code 200 if authentication failed.
if re.match(r"https://[\w\-_\.\:\@\+]+/([\.\w\-\+_]+/[\.\w\-\+_]+/(-/){0,1}raw/)", url):
parsed = lxmlparse(src)
page_title = parsed.find(".//title")
if page_title is not None and page_title.text.startswith("Sign in"):
# the content is gitlab Sign in page
raise GitlabAccessDeniedError("You have been redirected to Sign in page")
# If Access denied to gitlab url, we have response 200 here
# and url is to BASE_URL/users/sign_in
if src.url.rindex("users/sign_in"):
raise GitlabAccessDeniedError("Redirected to Sign in page")
except ValueError:
# nothing to do
with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as dst:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
return tmp_path,
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