Commit 9671b4d0 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

proxy: allow several instances with subpartitions having same reference

parent a01eb331
......@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS partition%(version)s (
slave_instance_list TEXT,
software_type VARCHAR(255),
partition_reference VARCHAR(255), -- name of the instance
requested_by VARCHAR(255), -- only used for debugging,
-- slapproxy does not support proper scope
requested_by VARCHAR(255),
requested_state VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'started',
timestamp REAL,
CONSTRAINT uniq PRIMARY KEY (reference, computer_reference)
......@@ -462,7 +462,9 @@ def requestComputerPartition():
requested_computer_id = parsed_request_dict['filter_kw'].get('computer_guid', app.config['computer_id'])
matching_partition = getAllocatedSlaveInstance(slave_reference, requested_computer_id)
matching_partition = getAllocatedInstance(parsed_request_dict['partition_reference'])
matching_partition = getAllocatedInstance(
if matching_partition:
# Then the instance is already allocated, just update it
......@@ -644,34 +646,27 @@ def forwardRequestToExternalMaster(master_url, request_form):
partition._software_release_document = request_form['software_release'] # type: ignore
return dumps(partition)
def getAllocatedInstance(partition_reference):
def getAllocatedInstance(partition_reference, requested_by):
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
corresponding partition dict, else return None
args = []
a = args.append
table = 'partition'
q = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE partition_reference=?'
return execute_db(table, q, args, one=True)
return execute_db('partition',
'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE partition_reference is ? AND requested_by is ?',
(partition_reference, requested_by or None), one=True)
def getAllocatedSlaveInstance(slave_reference, requested_computer_id):
def getAllocatedSlaveInstance(*args):
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
corresponding partition dict, else return None
args = []
a = args.append
# XXX: Scope currently depends on instance which requests slave.
# Meaning that two different instances requesting the same slave will
# result in two different allocated slaves.
table = 'slave'
q = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE reference=? and computer_reference=?'
# XXX: check there is only one result
return execute_db(table, q, args, one=True)
return execute_db('slave',
'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE reference is ? AND computer_reference is ?',
args, one=True)
def getRootPartition(reference):
"""Climb the partitions tree up by 'requested_by' link to get the root partition."""
......@@ -696,9 +691,7 @@ def requestNotSlave(software_release, software_type, partition_reference, partit
instance_xml = dict2xml(partition_parameter_kw)
requested_computer_id = filter_kw['computer_guid']
partition = execute_db('partition',
'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE partition_reference=?',
(partition_reference,), one=True)
partition = getAllocatedInstance(partition_reference, partition_id)
args = []
a = args.append
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ CREATE TABLE partition14 (
slave_instance_list TEXT,
software_type VARCHAR(255),
partition_reference VARCHAR(255), -- name of the instance
requested_by VARCHAR(255), -- only used for debugging,
-- slapproxy does not support proper scope
requested_by VARCHAR(255),
requested_state VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'started',
timestamp REAL,
CONSTRAINT uniq PRIMARY KEY (reference, computer_reference)
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