Commit 4bc42b89 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

playbook: Improve shared facts between playbooks (apply DRY)

parent 1c600de6
......@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
- set_fact:
computer_id: "{{ prompt.user_input }}"
- name: Set Fluentd Software Release Name
- pause:
prompt: "What is the name of your Fluentd Software Relase? [Fluentd-Software-Release]"
register: prompt
- set_fact:
fluentd_software_name: "{{ prompt.user_input | default('Fluentd-Software-Release', true) }}"
- name: Check if client configuration exists already
stat: path=/root/.slapos/slapos-client.cfg
......@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@
- name: "user_password"
prompt: "What is the password for the user of your Wendelin instance?"
private: yes
- name: "fluentd_software_name"
prompt: "What is the name of your Fluentd Software relase?"
private: no
default: "Fluentd software release"
fluentd_config: |
......@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
prompt: "What is your tag name?\nYour tag name must consist of 2 part separated by .(dot). First part is the name of the sensor and must be the same as the reference of the Data Supply. The second part is the type of data (Data Product)."
private: no
default: "sensor_1.sample-environment-raw-data"
- name: "fluentd_software_name"
prompt: "What is the name of your Fluentd Software relase?"
private: no
default: "Fluentd software release"
fluentd_config: |
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