Commit 97b6bc7f authored by Kai Lautaportti's avatar Kai Lautaportti

Pass the augmented environment to the hook scripts.

The call signature for the hook scripts was changed by adding a third
parameter which is a dictionary containing the environment variables copied
from ``os.environ`` and augmented with the environment overrides from the
part configuration.

Existing hook scripts that accept only two arguments continue to work but
reading ``os.environ`` directly will not contain the overridden values.
parent 8308537a
Change History
1.4.1 (XXXX-XX-XX)
1.5.0 (XXXX-XX-XX)
- Refactored the environment variable handling logic. Python versions prior
......@@ -11,15 +11,19 @@ Change History
Instead of modifying ``os.environ`` directly we use the ``subprocess``
module to run the commands in child processes which are given an explicit
environment which is a copy of the current ``os.environ`` augmented with
the per-part overrides.
the per-part overrides. As a result, ``os.environ`` is no longer modified
by this recipe.
The `Python hook scripts`_ are passed the augmented environment dictionary
as a third parameter.
.. warning:: Existing hook scripts accepting only two parameters
continue to work but they do not have access to the modified
environment variables. To fix this they should be refactored
to accept the third parameter.
for details.
.. warning:: Due to this change the hook scripts no longer have the
augmented environment. They can still access the buildout
configuration to read the overrides but need to do this
1.4.0 (2010-08-27)
......@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ Change History
- the ``configure-command`` is not used to specify a custom configure command and
- ``--prefix`` is not given explicitly in the ``configure-options`` option.
- Removed the ``is_build_dir()`` heuristic.
......@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ Change History
an error message if they were missing. However, the recipe is useful for
building many different kinds of software packages and checking for
particular files limited its use severely.
Now the recipe omits any checks for particular files in the downloaded
package. It is recommended that you use the ``md5sum`` option in your part
configuration to assert that you are downloading the package you expect
......@@ -69,17 +69,32 @@ Supported options
List of patch files to the applied to the extracted source. Each
file should be given on a separate line.
.. _Python hook scripts:
Custom python script that will be executed before running the
``configure`` script. The format of the options is::
where the first part is a filesystem path to the python module and
the second part is the name of the callable in the module that
will be called. The callable will be passed two parameters: the
``options`` dictionary from the recipe and the global ``buildout``
dictionary. The callable is not expected to return anything.
where the first part is a filesystem path to the python module and the
second part is the name of the callable in the module that will be called.
The callable will be passed three parameters in the following order:
1. The ``options`` dictionary from the recipe.
2. The global ``buildout`` dictionary.
3. A dictionary containing the current ``os.environ`` augmented with
the part specific overrides.
The callable is not expected to return anything.
.. note:: The ``os.environ`` is not modified so if the hook script is
interested in the environment variable overrides defined for the
part it needs to read them from the dictionary that is passed in
as the third parameter instead of accessing ``os.environ``
Custom python script that will be executed before running
......@@ -102,18 +117,25 @@ Supported options
Name of a section that provides environment variables that will be used to
update ``os.environ`` before executing the recipe.
augment the variables read from ``os.environ`` before executing the
This recipe does not modify ``os.environ`` directly. External commands
run as part of the recipe (e.g. make, configure, etc.) get an augmented
environment when they are forked. Python hook scripts are passed the
augmented as a parameter.
The values of the environment variables may contain references to other
existing environment variables (including themselves) in the form of
Python string interpolation variables using the dictionary notation. These
references will be expanded before ``os.environ`` is updated. This can be
references will be expanded using values from ``os.environ``. This can be
used, for example, to append to the ``PATH`` variable, e.g.::
recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
environment-section = environment
environment-section =
PATH = %(PATH)s:${buildout:directory}/bin
......@@ -122,7 +144,7 @@ Supported options
A sequence of ``KEY=VALUE`` pairs separated by newlines that define
additional environment variables used to update ``os.environ`` before
executing the recipe.
The semantics of this option are the same as ``environment-section``. If
both ``environment-section`` and ``environment`` are provided the values from
the former will be overridden by the latter allowing per-part customization.
......@@ -203,7 +225,7 @@ a custom location within the buildout::
... configure-command = perl -I${buildout:perl_lib}/lib/perl5 Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=${buildout:perl_lib}
... url = file://%s/Foo-Bar-0.0.0.tar.gz
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing foobar.
......@@ -254,15 +276,15 @@ Makefile and using explicit ``make`` options to control the build process.
Installing checkouts
Sometimes instead of downloading and building an existing tarball we
need to work with code that is already available on the filesystem,
for example an SVN checkout.
Sometimes instead of downloading and building an existing tarball we need to
work with code that is already available on the filesystem, for example an SVN
Instead of providing the ``url`` option we will provide a ``path``
option to the directory containing the source code.
Instead of providing the ``url`` option we will provide a ``path`` option to
the directory containing the source code.
Let's demonstrate this by first unpacking our test package to the
filesystem and building that.
Let's demonstrate this by first unpacking our test package to the filesystem
and building that.
>>> checkout_dir = tmpdir('checkout')
>>> import setuptools.archive_util
......@@ -290,21 +312,21 @@ filesystem and building that.
building package
installing package
Since using the ``path`` implies that the source code has been
acquired outside of the control of the recipe also the responsibility
of managing it is outside of the recipe.
Since using the ``path`` implies that the source code has been acquired
outside of the control of the recipe also the responsibility of managing it is
outside of the recipe.
Depending on the software you may need to manually run ``make clean``
etc. between buildout runs if you make changes to the code. Also, the
Depending on the software you may need to manually run ``make clean`` etc.
between buildout runs if you make changes to the code. Also, the
``keep-compile-dir`` has no effect when ``path`` is used.
Advanced configuration
The above options are enough to build most packages. However, in some
cases it is not enough and we need to control the build process
more. Let's try again with a new buildout and provide more options.
The above options are enough to build most packages. However, in some cases it
is not enough and we need to control the build process more. Let's try again
with a new buildout and provide more options.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
......@@ -335,10 +357,9 @@ more. Let's try again with a new buildout and provide more options.
... patches/Makefile.dist.patch
... """ % dict(src=src))
This configuration uses custom configure options, an environment
section, per-part customization to the environment, custom prefix,
multiple make targets and also patches the source code before the
scripts are run.
This configuration uses custom configure options, an environment section,
per-part customization to the environment, custom prefix, multiple make
targets and also patches the source code before the scripts are run.
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
......@@ -358,14 +379,14 @@ scripts are run.
Customizing the build process
Sometimes even the above is not enough and you need to be able to
control the process in even more detail. One such use case would be to
perform dynamic substitutions on the source code (possible based on
information from the buildout) which cannot be done with static
patches or to simply run arbitrary commands.
Sometimes even the above is not enough and you need to be able to control the
process in even more detail. One such use case would be to perform dynamic
substitutions on the source code (possible based on information from the
buildout) which cannot be done with static patches or to simply run arbitrary
The recipe allows you to write custom python scripts that hook into
the build process. You can define a script to be run:
The recipe allows you to write custom python scripts that hook into the build
process. You can define a script to be run:
- before the configure script is executed (pre-configure-hook)
- before the make process is executed (pre-make-hook)
......@@ -375,13 +396,22 @@ Each option needs to contain the following information
where the callable object (here name_of_callable) is expected to take
two parameters, the ``options`` dictionary from the recipe and the
global ``buildout`` dictionary.
where the callable object (here name_of_callable) is expected to take three
1. The ``options`` dictionary from the recipe.
2. The global ``buildout`` dictionary.
3. A dictionary containing the current ``os.environ`` augmented with
the part specific overrides.
Let's create a simple python script to demonstrate the
functionality. You can naturally have separate scripts for each hook
or simply use just one or two hooks. Here we use just a single module.
These parameters should provide the callable all the necessary information to
perform any part specific customization to the build process.
Let's create a simple python script to demonstrate the functionality. You can
naturally have separate modules for each hook or simply use just one or two
hooks. Here we use just a single module.
>>> hooks = tmpdir('hooks')
>>> write(hooks, '',
......@@ -389,15 +419,15 @@ or simply use just one or two hooks. Here we use just a single module.
... import logging
... log = logging.getLogger('hook')
... def preconfigure(options, buildout):
... def preconfigure(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is pre-configure-hook!')
... def premake(options, buildout):
... def premake(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is pre-make-hook!')
... def postmake(options, buildout):
... def postmake(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is post-make-hook!')
... """)
and a new buildout to try it out
......@@ -431,8 +461,8 @@ and a new buildout to try it out
hook: This is post-make-hook!
For even more specific needs you can write your own recipe that uses
``hexagonit.recipe.cmmi`` and set the ``keep-compile-dir`` option to
``true``. You can then continue from where this recipe finished by
reading the location of the compile directory from
``options['compile-directory']`` from your own recipe.
``hexagonit.recipe.cmmi`` and set the ``keep-compile-dir`` option to ``true``.
You can then continue from where this recipe finished by reading the location
of the compile directory from ``options['compile-directory']`` from your own
......@@ -73,8 +73,15 @@ class Recipe(object):
filename, callable = script.split(':')
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
module = imp.load_source('script', filename)
# Run the script with all options
getattr(module, callable.strip())(self.options, self.buildout)
script = getattr(module, callable.strip())
script(self.options, self.buildout, self.augmented_environment())
except TypeError:
# BBB: Support hook scripts that do not take the environment as
# the third parameter
script(self.options, self.buildout)
def run(self, cmd):
"""Run the given ``cmd`` in a child process."""
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ class NonInformativeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
for var in os.environ.keys():
if var.startswith('HRC_'):
del os.environ[var]
def write_file(self, filename, contents, mode=stat.S_IREAD|stat.S_IWUSR):
path = os.path.join(self.dir, filename)
......@@ -151,6 +154,48 @@ class NonInformativeTests(unittest.TestCase):
'url' : 'file://%s/testdata/package-0.0.0.tar.gz' % os.path.dirname(__file__)})
def test_call_script__bbb_for_callable_with_two_parameters(self):
recipe = self.make_recipe({}, 'test', {
'url' : 'file://%s/testdata/package-0.0.0.tar.gz' % os.path.dirname(__file__),
# The hook script does not return anything so we (ab)use exceptions
# as a mechanism for asserting the function behaviour.
filename = os.path.join(self.dir, '')
script = open(filename, 'w')
script.write('def my_hook(options, buildout): raise ValueError("I got called")\n')
recipe.call_script('%s:my_hook' % filename)"The hook script was not called.")
except ValueError, e:
self.assertEquals(str(e), 'I got called')
def test_call_script__augmented_environment_as_third_parameter(self):
os.environ['HRC_SENTINEL'] = 'sentinel'
os.environ['HRC_TESTVAR'] = 'foo'
recipe = self.make_recipe({}, 'test', {
'url' : 'file://%s/testdata/package-0.0.0.tar.gz' % os.path.dirname(__file__),
'environment' : 'HRC_TESTVAR=bar'
# The hook script does not return anything so we (ab)use exceptions
# as a mechanism for asserting the function behaviour.
filename = os.path.join(self.dir, '')
script = open(filename, 'w')
script.write('def my_hook(options, buildout, env): raise ValueError("%(HRC_SENTINEL)s %(HRC_TESTVAR)s" % env)\n')
recipe.call_script('%s:my_hook' % filename)"The hook script was not called.")
except ValueError, e:
self.assertEquals(str(e), 'sentinel bar')
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite((
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