Commit 48726608 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

promise/plugin/check_lopcomm_*: Skip all promises when testing=True

When testing is True we do not have hardware around and only check
generated configuration files. Most lopcomm promises were already
skipping themselves under testing=True environment, but
check_lopcomm_config_log and check_lopcomm_stats_log were missing
testing checks. This leads to test failures when trying to test
ors-amarisoft with Lopcomm driver in my upcoming work via [1] e.g. as

    Error with promises for the following partitions:
      TestENB_Lopcomm4-0[enb]: Promise '' failed with output: Not subscribed

-> Fix it by making sure `testing==True` checks are present in all
   promises related to lopcomm.

P.S. in current ors-amarisoft Lopcomm driver is not tested at all: even
though we have there[2] `python unittest discover ...`
does not pick up test files with dash in their name. This is also
true for all other dashed test files. Currently only and are run during the tests there.


/cc @lu.xu, @tomo, @xavier_thompson, @Daetalus
/reviewed-by @jhuge
/reviewed-on !129
parent a974c1e5
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