• Ayush Tiwari's avatar
    Jupyter: Hook ERP5 Kernel · eae41a31
    Ayush Tiwari authored
    Following changes :-
    1. More comments and description.
    2. Useless empty display_response removed.
    3. Use of MagicInfo class and then MAGICS dictionary to ease up with lookup.
    4. Error handling more robust.
    5. Add restriction message on Jupyter frontend for user to not change module objects explicitly
    6. For successfull request to server, use mime_type returned from result only
    7. Add message in custom.js to not dynamically alter imported module for users
    8. Ease in adding new magics
    9. Refactored erp5 kernel to enter required magics ['user', 'password', 'url', 'reference'] in any possible combinations
    10. Exception handling for content which aren't json
    11. Docstring for ERP5Kernel class
    12. Handle cases for server side error in ERP5Kernel
    13. Add display_response parameter
        'display_message' parameter would be used to check if there is a need to display 'message'
         after making a successful request to erp5 or not.
         Useful for magics such as '%my_notebooks' for which we don't need to show message cause we are
         already getting some content from erp5 for this magics.
    14. rename response parameter to message.
custom.js.jinja 3.96 KB