Commit 1b662c1e authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé


parent e1835e0a
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ md5sum = 5b046b0bd0f4b9b604a8ba947ae86417
filename = config/enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = d19d631a0181a5449be8859274d4fade
md5sum = a3ac50df13ddb723efdc97bf90185c0e
filename = config/drb_lte.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ md5sum = 282b11d7b72b01b8325df4632d82b84d
filename = config/sib23.jinja2.asn
md5sum = 959523597e29b048e45ebf58f7ea4c5b
md5sum = 1ab214f4a813826b17e810a178035ad6
_update_hash_filename_ = config/mt_call_qos.jinja2.sdp
......@@ -298,7 +298,11 @@
{%- endif %}
// tune LTE parameters for the cell
{%- if ors %}
manual_ref_signal_power: true,
{%- if ors['one-watt'] %}
tx_power_offset: -54,
{%- else %}
tx_power_offset: -35,
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- set tdd = (cell.rf_mode == 'tdd') %}
{%- if tdd %}
......@@ -583,14 +587,6 @@
{#- NOTE: NR + LTE Dual Connectivity is setup via EN-DC only - via en_dc_scg_cell_list.
nr_dc_scg_cell_list sets up NR+NR Dual Connectivity #}
// tune NR parameters for the cell
{%- if ors %}
manual_ref_signal_power: true,
{%- if ors['one-watt'] %}
ss_pbch_block_power: {{ ru.tx_gain - 54 }},
{%- else %}
ss_pbch_block_power: {{ ru.tx_gain - 35 }},
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- set tdd = (cell.rf_mode == 'tdd') %}
{%- set tdd_config =
{'5ms 2UL 7DL 4/6 (default)': 1,
......@@ -38,15 +38,7 @@
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
{% if ors %}
{%- if ors['one-watt'] %}
referenceSignalPower {{ (ru.tx_gain | int) - 54 }}, /* patched by eNB */
{%- else %}
referenceSignalPower {{ (ru.tx_gain | int) - 35 }}, /* patched by eNB */
{%- endif %}
{% else %}
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
{% endif %}
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
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