# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012 Vifib SARL and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
from zope.interface import Interface

Note: all strings accepted/returned by the slap library are encoded in UTF-8.
class IException(Interface):
  Classes which implement IException are used to report errors.

class INotFoundError(IException):
  Classes which implement INotFoundError are used to report missing
  informations on the slap server.

class IUnauthorized(IException):
  Classes which implement IUnauthorized are used to report missing
  permissions on the slap server.

class IRequester(Interface):
  Classes which implement IRequester can request software instance to the
  slapgrid server.

  def request(software_release, software_type, partition_reference,
              shared=False, partition_parameter_kw=None, filter_kw=None):
    Request software release instanciation to slapgrid server.

    Returns a new computer partition document, where this sofware release will
    be installed.

    software_release -- uri of the software release
                        which has to be instanciated

    software_type -- type of component provided by software_release

    partition_reference -- local reference of the instance used by the recipe
                           to identify the instances.

    shared -- boolean to use a shared service

    partition_parameter_kw -- dictionary of parameter used to fill the
                              parameter dict of newly created partition.

    filter_kw -- dictionary of filtering parameter to select the requested
                 computer partition.

      computer_guid - computer of the requested partition
      partition_type - virtio, slave, full, limited
      port - port provided by the requested partition

       request('http://example.com/toto/titi', 'typeA', 'mysql_1')

class IBuildoutController(Interface):
  Classes which implement IBuildoutController can report the buildout run
  status to the slapgrid server.

  def available():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the software instance is

  def building():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the buildout is not
    available and under creation.

  def error(error_log):
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the buildout is not available
    and reports an error.

    error_log -- a text describing the error
                 It can be a traceback for example.

class ISoftwareRelease(IBuildoutController):
  Software release interface specification

  def getURI():
    Returns a string representing the uri of the software release.

  def getState():
    Returns a string representing the expected state of the software

    The result can be: available, destroyed

  def destroyed():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the software installation has
    been correctly destroyed.

class IComputerPartition(IBuildoutController, IRequester):
  Computer Partition interface specification

  Classes which implement IComputerPartition can propagate the computer
  partition state to the SLAPGRID server and request new computer partition

  def stopped():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the software instance is
    available and stopped.

  def started():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the software instance is
    available and started.

  def destroyed():
    Notify (to the slapgrid server) that the software instance has
    been correctly destroyed.

  def getId():
    Returns a string representing the identifier of the computer partition
    inside the slapgrid server.

  def getState():
    Returns a string representing the expected state of the computer partition.

    The result can be: started, stopped, destroyed

  def getSoftwareRelease():
    Returns the software release associate to the computer partition.

    Raise an INotFoundError if no software release is associated.

  def getInstanceParameterDict():
    Returns a dictionary of instance parameters.

    The contained values can be used to fill the software instanciation

  def getConnectionParameterDict():
    Returns a dictionary of connection parameters.

    The contained values are connection parameters of a compute partition.

  def setUsage(usage_log):
    Associate a usage log to the computer partition.
    This method does not report the usage to the slapgrid server. See

    usage_log -- a text describing the computer partition usage.
                 It can be an XML for example.

  def bang(log):
    Report a problem detected on a computer partition.
    This will trigger the reinstanciation of all partitions in the instance tree.

    log -- a text explaining why the method was called

  def getCertificate():
    Returns a dictionnary containing the authentification certificates
    associated to the computer partition.
    The dictionnary keys are:
      key -- value is a SSL key
      certificate -- value is a SSL certificate

    Raise an INotFoundError if no software release is associated.

  def setConnectionDict(connection_dict, slave_reference=None):
    Store the connection parameters associated to a partition.

    connection_dict -- dictionary of parameter used to fill the
                              connection dict of the partition.

    slave_reference -- current reference of the slave instance to modify

  def getInstanceParameter(key):
    Returns the instance parameter associated to the key.

    Raise an INotFoundError if no key is defined.

    key -- a string name of the parameter

  def getConnectionParameter(key):
    Return the connection parameter associate to the key.

    Raise an INotFoundError if no key is defined.

    key -- a string name of the parameter

  def rename(partition_reference, slave_reference=None):
    Change the partition reference of a partition

    partition_reference -- new local reference of the instance used by the recipe
                           to identify the instances.

    slave_reference -- current reference of the slave instance to modify

class IComputer(Interface):
  Computer interface specification

  Classes which implement IComputer can fetch informations from the slapgrid
  server to know which Software Releases and Software Instances have to be

  def getSoftwareReleaseList():
    Returns the list of software release which has to be supplied by the

    Raise an INotFoundError if computer_guid doesn't exist.

  def getComputerPartitionList():
    Returns the list of configured computer partitions associated to this

    Raise an INotFoundError if computer_guid doesn't exist.

  def reportUsage(computer_partition_list):
    Report the computer usage to the slapgrid server.
    IComputerPartition.setUsage has to be called on each computer partition to
    define each usage.

    computer_partition_list -- a list of computer partition for which the usage
                               needs to be reported.

  def bang(log):
    Report a problem detected on a computer.
    This will trigger IComputerPartition.bang on all instances hosted by the

    log -- a text explaining why the method was called

  def updateConfiguration(configuration_xml):
    Report the current computer configuration.

    configuration_xml -- computer XML description generated by slapformat

class IOpenOrder(IRequester):
  Open Order interface specification

  Classes which implement Open Order describe which kind of software instances
  is requested by a given client.

class ISupply(Interface):
  Supply interface specification

  Classes which implement Supply describe which kind of software releases
  a given client is ready to supply.

  def supply(software_release, computer_guid=None):
    Tell that given client is ready to supply given sofware release

    software_release -- uri of the software release
                        which has to be instanciated

    computer_guid -- the identifier of the computer inside the slapgrid

class slap(Interface):
  Initialise slap connection to the slapgrid server

  Slapgrid server URL is defined during the slap library installation,
  as recipes should not use another server.

  def initializeConnection(slapgrid_uri, authentification_key=None):
    Initialize the connection parameters to the slapgrid servers.

    slapgrid_uri -- uri the slapgrid server connector

    authentification_key -- string the authentificate the agent.

    Example: https://slapos.server/slap_interface

  def registerComputer(computer_guid):
    Instanciate a computer in the slap library.

    computer_guid -- the identifier of the computer inside the slapgrid server.

  def registerComputerPartition(computer_guid, partition_id):
    Instanciate a computer partition in the slap library.

    computer_guid -- the identifier of the computer inside the slapgrid server.

    partition_id -- the identifier of the computer partition inside the
                    slapgrid server.

    Raise an INotFoundError if computer_guid doesn't exist.

  def registerSoftwareRelease(software_release):
    Instanciate a software release in the slap library.

    software_release -- uri of the software release definition

  def registerOpenOrder():
    Instanciate an open order in the slap library.

  def registerSupply():
    Instanciate a supply in the slap library.