Commit ac011cb9 authored by jim's avatar jim

Added a working-directory option.

git-svn-id: 62d5b8a3-27da-0310-9561-8e5933582275
parent f1ad0fe8
......@@ -2,6 +2,16 @@
Change History
1.0.0b4 (2006-10-24)
Feature Changes
- Added a working-directoy option to specify a working directory for
the generated script.
1.0.0b3 (2006-10-16)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def read(*rnames):
name = "zc.recipe.testrunner"
name = name,
version = "1.0.0b3",
version = "1.0.0b4",
author = "Jim Fulton",
author_email = "",
description = "ZC Buildout recipe for creating test runners",
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ setup(
include_package_data = True,
package_dir = {'':'src'},
namespace_packages = ['zc', 'zc.recipe'],
install_requires = ['zc.buildout >=1.0.0b7', 'zope.testing', 'setuptools',
install_requires = ['zc.buildout >=1.0.0b12',
'zope.testing', 'setuptools',
'zc.recipe.egg >=1.0.0a3',
test_suite = name+'.tests.test_suite',
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Test-Runner Recipe
The test-runner recipe, zc.recipe.testrunner, creates a test runner
for a project.
The test-runner recipe has 3 options:
The test-runner recipe has several options:
The eggs option specified a list of eggs to test given as one ore
......@@ -20,11 +20,15 @@ extra-paths
One or more extra paths to include in the generated test script.
The defaults option lets you specify testrunner default
options. These are specified as Python source for an expression
yielding a list, typically a list literal.
The working-directory option lets to specify a directory where the
tests will run. The testrunner will change to this directory whe
(Note that, at this time, due to limitations in the Zope test runner,
the distributions cannot be zip files. TODO: Fix the test runner!)
......@@ -216,6 +220,47 @@ extra-paths option to specify them:
'--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo',
We can use the working-directory option to specify an working
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... develop = demo
... parts = testdemo
... offline = true
... [testdemo]
... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
... eggs = demo
... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python
... working-directory = /foo/bar
... """)
>>> print system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'),
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo')
import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
import os
import zope.testing.testrunner
if __name__ == '__main__':[
'--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo',
If we need to specify default options, we can use the defaults
option. For example, Zope 3 applications typically define test suites
in modules named ftests or tests. The default test runner behaviour
......@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ class TestRunner:
if defaults:
defaults = '(%s) + ' % defaults
wd = options.get('working-directory', '')
if wd:
initialization = "import os\nos.chdir(%r)" % wd
initialization = ''
return zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
[(options['script'], 'zope.testing.testrunner', 'run')],
ws, options['executable'],
......@@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ class TestRunner:
', ', ",\n '--test-path', "),
initialization = initialization,
update = install
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