Commit efae48ab authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

slapos_erp5: Minor change

   Limit role definition for whenever destination decision is a person, follow up the role over Subscription Request, to be future-proof whenever doing Organisation accounting.
parent 3445cfa5
<role id='Auditor'>
<property id='title'>Customer</property>
<property id='description'>Monovalued role</property>
<property id='condition'>python: context.getDestinationDecision('', portal_type='Person') != ""</property>
<property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property>
<multi_property id='categories'>local_role_group/user</multi_property>
<multi_property id='base_category'>destination_decision</multi_property>
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