Remove useless and bad question.

Sometimes we want a second disk even inside of VM.
Even weirder, maybe you want a vm inside of your vm (now possible with new KVM).
parent 4705c30f
......@@ -310,14 +310,6 @@ def slapserver(config):
if not dry_run:
open(os.path.join(config.slapos_configuration, 'SlapContainer-needed'), 'w')
# Removing line in slapos script activating kvm in virtual
if config.virtual:
if not dry_run:
path = os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'sbin', 'slapos-boot-dedicated')
_call(['sed', '-i', "$d", path], dry_run=dry_run)
_call(['sed', '-i', "$d", path], dry_run=dry_run)
# Adding slapos_firstboot in case of MultiDisk usage
if not config.one_disk:
for script in ['slapos_firstboot']:
......@@ -470,13 +462,8 @@ class Config:
print "Starting from scratch..."
return False
self.virtual = get_yes_no("Is this a virtual Machine?", False)
if not self.virtual:
self.one_disk = not get_yes_no("Do you want to use SlapOS with a second disk?", True)
self.need_bridge = get_yes_no("Do you want the setup to allow virtual machines inside this node?", True)
self.one_disk = True
self.need_bridge = False
self.force_vpn = get_yes_no("Do you want to use vpn to provide ipv6?", True)
self.force_slapcontainer = get_yes_no("Do you want to force the use lxc on this computer?", False)
......@@ -498,12 +485,10 @@ class Config:
print "URL \"web\" of master: %s" % self.master_url_web
print "Number of partition: %s" % (self.partition_amount)
print "Computer name: %s" % self.computer_name
print "Virtual Machine: %s" % self.virtual
print "Network bridge for hosted VMs: %s" % self.need_bridge
print "Ipv6 over VPN: %s" % self.force_vpn
print "Remote ssh access: %s" % self.need_ssh
print "Prepared to use lxc: %s" % self.force_slapcontainer
if not self.virtual:
print "Use a second disk: %s" % (not self.one_disk)
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