diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5DocumentSyncML.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5DocumentSyncML.py
index 1cfcaf0f4afc5d6a8fd8834eceb4dfe391ec594e..754d0eb1c7e28f9ce28762bddbc7f3812a6cebf0 100644
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5DocumentSyncML.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5DocumentSyncML.py
@@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ class TestERP5DocumentSyncMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
-  def assertXMLViewIsEqual(self, sub_id, object_pub=None, object_sub=None,\
-                           force=0):
+  def assertXMLViewIsEqual(self, sub_id, object_pub=None, object_sub=None,
+                                                                  force=False):
       Check the equality between two xml objects with gid as id
@@ -541,28 +541,29 @@ class TestERP5DocumentSyncMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
     gid_sub = publication.getGidFromObject(object_sub)
     self.assertEqual(gid_pub, gid_sub)
     conduit = ERP5DocumentConduit()
-    xml_pub = conduit.getXMLFromObjectWithGid(object=object_pub, gid=gid_pub,\
-              xml_mapping=publication.getXMLMapping())
+    xml_pub = conduit.getXMLFromObjectWithGid(object=object_pub, gid=gid_pub,
+                                       xml_mapping=publication.getXMLMapping())
     #if One Way From Server there is not xml_mapping for subscription
-    xml_sub = conduit.getXMLFromObjectWithGid(object=object_sub, gid=gid_sub,\
-              xml_mapping=subscription.getXMLMapping(force))
+    xml_sub = conduit.getXMLFromObjectWithGid(object=object_sub, gid=gid_sub,
+                                 xml_mapping=subscription.getXMLMapping(force))
     erp5diff = ERP5Diff()
     erp5diff.compare(xml_pub, xml_sub)
-    result = erp5diff.outputString()
-    result = etree.XML(result)
-    if len(result) != 0 :
-      for update in result:
-        #XXX edit workflow is not replaced, so discard workflow checking
-        if update.get('select').find('workflow') != -1 or\
-           update.find('block_data') != -1:
-          continue
-        else :
-          self.fail('diff between pub:\n%s \n => \n%s' %\
-              (xml_pub, etree.tostring(result, pretty_print=True)))
-class TestERP5DocumentSyncML(TestERP5DocumentSyncMLMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
+    result =  etree.XML(erp5diff.outputString())
+    identity = True
+    for update in result:
+      #XXX edit workflow is not replaced, so discard workflow checking
+      if 'workflow' not in update.get('select', ''):
+        identity = False
+        break
+    if not identity:
+      self.fail('diff between %s and %s \nxupdate:\n%s' %\
+                                                  (object_pub.getRelativeUrl(),
+                                                   object_sub.getRelativeUrl(),
+                                    etree.tostring(result, pretty_print=True)))
+class TestERP5DocumentSyncML(TestERP5DocumentSyncMLMixin):
   def getTitle(self):