Commit c23f986a authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐸

erp5_svg_editor: drop method-draw launch page

parent cbd4f10e
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<strong>Install Method Draw on Deta Space</strong>
<span>With Method Draw on Deta Space, you can securely save, open, and share your designs in the cloud.</span>
<p>These designs are available to you across your devices, over the internet, for free.</p><p> Click the button to try Method Draw on Deta Space!</p>
<svg class="sponsor-logo" width="100%" height="100%" fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 225" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><g clip-path="url(#deta_new_svg__clip0)"><path d="M111.14 0c61.38 0 111.139 49.705 111.139 111.02S172.52 222.04 111.14 222.04C49.759 222.04 0 172.335 0 111.02S49.759 0 111.14 0z" fill="#EF39A8"></path><path d="M111.404 21.676c49.689 0 89.97 40.237 89.97 89.873s-40.281 89.873-89.97 89.873-89.97-40.237-89.97-89.873 40.281-89.873 89.97-89.873z" fill="#BD399C"></path><path d="M111.404 45.465c36.536 0 66.154 29.586 66.154 66.084 0 36.497-29.618 66.083-66.154 66.083S45.25 148.046 45.25 111.549c0-36.498 29.618-66.084 66.154-66.084z" fill="#93388E"></path><path d="M110.874 65.555c24.844 0 44.985 20.119 44.985 44.937 0 24.817-20.141 44.936-44.985 44.936s-44.985-20.119-44.985-44.936c0-24.818 20.141-44.937 44.985-44.937z" fill="#6030A2"></path><path d="M339 170.836h49.915c23.004 0 40.365-5.842 51.867-17.745 11.719-11.902 17.579-25.752 17.579-41.983 0-16.23-5.86-30.296-17.579-42.199-11.502-11.902-28.863-17.745-51.867-17.745H339v119.672zm96.574-59.728c0 11.686-3.907 21.641-11.719 29.864-7.596 8.007-19.315 12.119-34.94 12.119h-27.779V68.909h27.779c15.625 0 27.344 4.112 34.94 12.119 7.812 8.223 11.719 18.178 11.719 30.08zm40.582 10.388c0 30.08 19.098 51.504 52.302 51.504 22.136 0 39.931-10.604 47.744-30.513h-24.523c-5.426 8.44-13.022 12.768-23.221 12.768-16.928 0-27.778-10.82-29.732-27.7h79.212v-6.059c0-29.648-19.966-51.505-50.782-51.505-31.034 0-51 21.208-51 51.505zm78.995-8.224h-56.208c2.388-14.932 11.936-25.535 28.213-25.535 15.843 0 25.608 10.387 27.995 25.535zm73.353 20.992V88.386h24.957v-16.23h-24.957V49h-21.702v23.155h-16.06v16.23h16.06v45.879c0 14.499 3.038 24.237 9.332 29.431 6.293 5.193 15.191 7.79 26.693 7.79 3.69 0 6.944-.216 9.766-.865l4.123-.866v-17.096l-4.123.433c-2.822.433-6.076.649-9.766.649-11.719 0-14.323-6.059-14.323-19.476zm93.101-63.624c-14.54 0-25.825 3.03-33.638 9.306-8.029 6.276-11.936 13.85-11.936 22.723h22.136c0-10.388 11.719-14.283 23.438-14.283 14.757 0 23.872 5.193 23.872 18.827v6.059h-26.693c-26.259 0-46.659 6.709-46.659 28.782 0 20.342 15.625 30.946 38.847 30.946 14.973 0 25.607-3.679 31.901-11.037l3.039-3.678c0 4.111 1.735 10.387 2.386 12.551H770v-1.731l-1.519-4.761c-.868-3.246-1.302-8.223-1.302-15.148v-38.088c0-28.998-16.493-40.468-45.574-40.468zm23.872 57.131c0 19.693-9.982 29.864-28.863 29.864-12.37 0-22.354-4.111-22.354-14.499 0-11.902 10.852-15.365 24.524-15.581l26.693.216z" fill="#000"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="deta_new_svg__clip0"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h770v222.04H0z"></path></clipPath></defs></svg>
<div class="sponsor-disclaimer">Deta is a sponsor of Method Draw</div>
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<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M17.66 7.93L12 2.27 6.34 7.93c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31C7.9 20.8 9.95 21.58 12 21.58c2.05 0 4.1-.78 5.66-2.34 3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31zM12 19.59c-1.6 0-3.11-.62-4.24-1.76C6.62 16.69 6 15.19 6 13.59s.62-3.11 1.76-4.24L12 5.1v14.49z"></path></svg>
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<label class="draginput twocol textcontent" data-title="Change Content">
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<label data-title="Change canvas width" class="draginput">
<input id="canvas_width" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" value="800" />
<span class="icon_label">Width</span>
<label data-title="Change canvas height" class="draginput">
<input id="canvas_height" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" value="600" />
<span class="icon_label">Height</span>
<label data-title="Change canvas color" class="draginput">
<div id="color_canvas_tools">
<div class="color_tool active" id="tool_canvas">
<div class="color_block">
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<div id="canvas_color"></div>
<div class="draginput">
<select id="resolution">
<option id="selectedPredefined" selected="selected">Custom</option>
<option id="fitToContent" value="content">Fit to Content</option>
<optgroup label="Social Media">
<option value="1012x506">Twitter Post (1012 × 506)</option>
<option value="1500x500">Twitter Header (1500 × 500)</option>
<option value="1200x630">Facebook Post (1200 × 630)</option>
<option value="820x312">Facebook Cover (820 × 312)</option>
<option value="1080x1080">Instagram Post (1080 × 1080)</option>
<option value="1080x1920">Instagram Story (1080 × 1920)</option>
<option value="300">Dribble Shot (400 × 300)</option>
<option value="800x600">Dribble Shot HD (800 × 600)</option>
<option value="1584x396">LinkedIn Cover (1584 × 396)</option>
<optgroup label="Presentation">
<option value="1920x1080">16:9 (1920 × 1080)</option>
<option value="1024x768">4:3 (1024 × 768)</option>
<optgroup label="Desktop">
<option value="1140x1024">Desktop (1140 × 1024)</option>
<option value="375x700">MacBook (834 × 1194)</option>
<option value="1440x900">MacBook Pro (1024 × 1366)</option>
<option value="1500x1000">Surface Book (1440 × 990)</option>
<option value="1280x720">iMac (1368 × 912)</option>
<optgroup label="Tablet">
<option value="414x896">iPad Mini (768 × 1024)</option>
<option value="375x812">iPad Pro 11" (834 × 1194)</option>
<option value="375x812">iPad Pro 12.9" (1024 × 1366)</option>
<option value="414x736">Surface Pro 3 (1440 × 990)</option>
<option value="414x736">Surface Pro 4 (1368 × 912)</option>
<optgroup label="Phone">
<option value="414x896">iPhone 11 ProMax (414 × 896)</option>
<option value="375x812">iPhone 11 Pro / X (375 × 812)</option>
<option value="414x736">iPhone 8 Plus (414 × 736)</option>
<option value="375x667">iPhone 8 (375 × 667)</option>
<option value="411x731">Google Pixel 2 (411 × 731)</option>
<option value="411x823">Google Pixel XL (411 × 823)</option>
<option value="360x640">Android (360 × 640)</option>
<optgroup label="Paper">
<option value="595x842">A4 (595 × 842)</option>
<option value="420x595">A5 (420 × 595)</option>
<option value="297x420">A6 (297 × 420)</option>
<option value="612x792">Letter (612 × 792) </option>
<option value="792x1224">Tabloid (792 × 1224)</option>
<div class="caret"></div>
<label id="resolution_label">Custom</label>
<div id="rect_panel" class="context_panel">
<div class="draginputs">
<label class="draginput">
<input id="rect_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change X coordinate" data-attr="x" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<label class="draginput">
<input id="rect_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change Y coordinate" data-attr="y" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<label class="draginput" id="rect_width_tool attr_changer" data-title="Change rectangle width">
<input id="rect_width" class="attr_changer" data-attr="width" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span class="icon_label">Width</span>
<label class="draginput" id="rect_height_tool" data-title="Change rectangle height">
<input id="rect_height" class="attr_changer" data-attr="height" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span class="icon_label">Height</span>
<div id="path_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div class="draginputs">
<input id="path_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's cx coordinate" data-attr="x" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<input id="path_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's cy coordinate" data-attr="y" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<div id="image_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div class="draginputs">
<label class="draginput">
<input id="image_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change X coordinate" data-attr="x" pattern="[0-9]*"/>
<label class="draginput">
<input id="image_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change Y coordinate" data-attr="y" pattern="[0-9]*"/>
<label class="draginput">
<input id="image_width" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change image width" data-attr="width" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span class="icon_label">Width</span>
<label class="draginput">
<input id="image_height" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change image height" data-attr="height" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span class="icon_label">Height</span>
<div id="circle_panel" class="context_panel">
<div class="draginputs">
<label id="tool_circle_cx" class="draginput">
<span>Center X</span>
<input id="circle_cx" class="attr_changer" title="Change circle's cx coordinate" data-attr="cx"/>
<label id="tool_circle_cy" class="draginput">
<span>Center Y</span>
<input id="circle_cy" class="attr_changer" title="Change circle's cy coordinate" data-attr="cy"/>
<label id="tool_circle_r" class="draginput">
<input id="circle_r" class="attr_changer" title="Change circle's radius" data-attr="r"/>
<div id="ellipse_panel" class="context_panel">
<div class="draginputs">
<label id="tool_ellipse_cx">
<input id="ellipse_cx" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's cx coordinate" data-attr="cx" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<label id="tool_ellipse_cy">
<input id="ellipse_cy" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's cy coordinate" data-attr="cy" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<label id="tool_ellipse_rx">
<input id="ellipse_rx" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's x radius" data-attr="rx" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>Radius X</span>
<label id="tool_ellipse_ry">
<input id="ellipse_ry" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change ellipse's y radius" data-attr="ry" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>Radius Y</span>
<div id="line_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div class="draginputs">
<label id="tool_line_x1">
<input id="line_x1" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change line's starting x coordinate" data-attr="x1" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>Start X</span>
<label id="tool_line_y1">
<input id="line_y1" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change line's starting y coordinate" data-attr="y1" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>Start Y</span>
<label id="tool_line_x2">
<input id="line_x2" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change line's ending x coordinate" data-attr="x2" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>End X</span>
<label id="tool_line_y2">
<input id="line_y2" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change line's ending y coordinate" data-attr="y2" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span>End Y</span>
<div id="text_panel" class="context_panel">
<div class="draginputs">
<label class="draginput twocol textcontent hidden" data-title="Change Content">
<input id="text" type="text" autocomplete="off"/>
<input id="text_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change text x coordinate" data-attr="x" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<input id="text_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change text y coordinate" data-attr="y" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<div class="toolset draginput twocol" id="tool_font_family">
<!-- Font family -->
<div id="preview_font" style="font-family: sans-serif">sans-serif</div>
<div class="caret"></div>
<input id="font_family" data-title="Change Font Family" size="12" type="hidden" />
<select id="font_family_dropdown">
<div class="draginput font_style">
<span>Font Style</span>
<div id="tool_bold" data-title="Bold Text [B]">B</div>
<div id="tool_italic" data-title="Italic Text [I]">i</div>
<label id="tool_font_size" data-title="Change Font Size">
<input id="font_size" value="0" />
<span id="font_sizeLabel" class="icon_label">Font Size</span>
<!-- formerly gsvg_panel -->
<div id="svg_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div id="use_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div class="button full" id="tool_unlink_use" data-title="Break link">Break use ref</div>
<div id="g_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<div class="draginputs">
<input id="g_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change groups's x coordinate" data-attr="x" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<input id="g_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change groups's y coordinate" data-attr="y" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<div class="button full" title="Ungroup Elements" id="button_ungroup">Ungroup</div>
<div id="path_node_panel" class="context_panel clearfix">
<h4>Edit Path</h4>
<div class="draginputs">
<label id="tool_node_x">
<input id="path_node_x" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change node's x coordinate" data-attr="x" />
<label id="tool_node_y">
<input id="path_node_y" class="attr_changer" data-title="Change node's y coordinate" data-attr="y" />
<div id="segment_type" class="draginput label">
<span>Seg Type</span>
<select id="seg_type" data-title="Change Segment type">
<option id="straight_segments" selected="selected" value="4">Straight</option>
<option id="curve_segments" value="6">Curve</option>
<div class="caret"></div>
<label id="seg_type_label">Straight</label>
<div class="button-container clearfix">
<div class="button full" id="tool_node_clone" title="Adds a node">Add Node</div>
<div class="button full" id="tool_node_delete" title="Delete Node">Delete Node</div>
<div class="button full" id="tool_openclose_path" title="Open/close sub-path">Open/close Path</div>
<!-- Buttons when a single element is selected -->
<div id="selected_panel" class="context_panel">
<div class="draginputs">
<label id="tool_angle" data-title="Change rotation angle" class="draginput">
<input id="angle" class="attr_changer" size="2" value="0" data-attr="transform" data-min="-180" data-max="180" type="text"/>
<span class="icon_label">Rotation</span>
<div id="tool_angle_indicator" class="angle">
<div id="tool_angle_indicator_cursor" class="angle-cursor"></div>
<label id="tool_opacity" data-title="Change selected item opacity">
<input id="group_opacity" class="attr_changer" data-attr="opacity" value="100" step="5" min="0" max="100" />
<span id="group_opacityLabel" class="icon_label">Opacity</span>
<label id="tool_blur" data-title="Change gaussian blur value">
<input id="blur" size="2" value="0" step=".1" min="0" max="10" />
<span class="icon_label">Blur</span>
<label id="cornerRadiusLabel" data-title="Change Rectangle Corner Radius">
<input id="rect_rx" value="0" data-attr="rx" class="attr_changer" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />
<span class="icon_label">Roundness</span>
<div id="align_tools">
<h4>Align to canvas</h4>
<div class="toolset align_buttons" id="tool_position">
<div class="col last clear" id="position_opts">
<div class="align_button" id="tool_posleft" title="Align Left" data-align="left">
<svg viewBox="0 0 27 27" xmlns="" width="27" height="27">
<path d="M 2 1 L 2 5 L 14 5 L 14 11 L 2 11 L 2 16 L 20 16 L 20 22 L 2 22 L 2 26 L 1 26 L 1 1 L 2 1 Z" />
<div class="align_button" id="tool_poscenter" title="Align Center" data-align="center">
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