<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
      <global name="Notebook" module="erp5.portal_type"/>
            <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key>
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            <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key>
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            <key> <string>language</string> </key>
            <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
            <value> <string>Notebook</string> </value>
            <key> <string>short_title</string> </key>
            <key> <string>text_content</string> </key>
            <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[

%% raw\n
               __      __  ___   _       ___    ___    __  __   ___ \n
               \\ \\    / / | __| | |     / __|  / _ \\  |  \\/  | | __|\n
                \\ \\/\\/ /  | _|  | |__  | (__  | (_) | | |\\/| | | _| \n
                 \\_/\\_/   |___| |____|  \\___|  \\___/  |_|  |_| |___|\n
                                 _____    ___  \n
                                |_   _|  / _ \\ \n
                                  | |   | (_) |\n
                                  |_|    \\___/ \n
                        ___    ___    ___    ___   ___    ___ \n
                       |_ _|  / _ \\  |   \\  |_ _| |   \\  | __|\n
                        | |  | (_) | | |) |  | |  | |) | | _| \n
                       |___|  \\___/  |___/  |___| |___/  |___|\n
Let\'s get started! You can just start trying things out, or you can follow the steps described below to get a quick introduction. Just read along and click or enter keystrokes when instructed.\n
The first thing you\'ll need to know is how to navigate within the notebook. An iodide notebook is one flat text file in a format we call JSMD. Each cell is delimited by `%%`, and that means you can easily add cells just by typing those two characters on a new line. This cell, for instance, has `%% raw`, which means it\'s a raw cell. Raw cells are useful for taking notes and leaving comments in your notebook.\n
Right below this is `%% js` which is a javascript cell.\n
Click somewhere in the javascript cell right below this one, and hit `shift+enter`. This will evaluate whatever chunk your cursor is on. Notice in the console to the right, you\'ll see the code and the output.\n
%% js\n
var tableSize = 10\n
var range = []\n
for (let i=0; i<tableSize; i++){range.push(i)}\n
var A = range.map( (x,i) => range.map( (y,j) => (Math.random() + i + j )))\n
%% raw\n
This entire buffer is a single text editor, so you can add `%% js` or `%% raw` (or any of our cell types) at any point (starting with a new line) and that automatically creates a new cell.\n
%% raw\n
There is another kind of cell - `%% md`, the _Markdown cell_. The contents of this cell renders in the "Report Preview" pane. You don\'t have to evaluate it the way you did the `js` cell. \n
Click the tab next to "Console", titled "Report Preview" in the top right to see that pane. \n
Markdown cells are where the output of your data analysis will live. It\'s your way of separating your exploratory code with your final explanation.\n
Try editing parts of the markdown cell directly below, and watch it live-update in the Report Preview. When you\'re done, click on the "Console" tab again - we\'re going to need it in a minute.\n
%% md \n
# My First Iodide Notebook ~~~\n
Try editing this line. It\'s easy!\n
<img src=\'https://media.giphy.com/media/lcjNHIJilbfGOdqIkd/giphy.gif\' width=250 style="display: block; margin: auto; margin-bottom:20px" />\n
Markdown cells support the full range of normal markdown formatting, like _multiple_ **levels** of ***emphasis***,\n
## headings \n
### of different\n
#### sizes\n
and multiline raw text blocks\n
Markdown cells also support LaTeX, like this:\n
\\end{array}\\right]  =  \\left[\\begin{array}{c}\n
\\left(T_{t,i}+\\epsilon_{T}\\right)cos\\left(\\theta_{t-1,i}\\right)-\\rho_{\\mathbf{v}}\\left\\Vert \\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}\\right\\Vert ^{2}\\frac{\\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}}{\\left\\Vert \\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}\\right\\Vert }\\\\\n
\\left(T_{t,i}+\\epsilon_{T}\\right)sin\\left(\\theta_{t-1,i}\\right)-\\rho_{\\mathbf{v}}\\left\\Vert \\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}\\right\\Vert ^{2}\\frac{\\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}}{\\left\\Vert \\mathbf{v}_{t-1,i}\\right\\Vert }\\\\\n
%% raw\n
The cell below this is an fetch cell, which allows you to load external libraries, css, and even data. It can be evaluated just like any other cell with `ctrl+enter` or `shift+enter`.\n
When a resource is successfully loaded, you will see `SUCCESS` printed in the console. If a resource fails to load, then you will see `ERROR`.\n
Let\'s go ahead and load the library "three.js", which we\'ll use a little farther below.\n
%% fetch\n
// click inside this chunk and hit shift+enter to load the resource\n
js: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/88/three.min.js\n
%% raw\n
Ok! Time to do something interesting with three.js.\n
%% md\n
You can also use in-line html, which is very handy for creating DOM elements within the flow of a narrative that you can then manipulate. This is great for adding plots and figures.\n
Let\'s create a `div` right below:\n
<div id="totalRows"></div>\n
<div id="spinningThing"></div>\n
...in a moment, we\'ll put something fancy right above this line.\n
%% js\n
// We\'ll now define a real JS function that does something cool.\n
// Go ahead and evaluate this cell.\n
// first off, let\'s clear the div where we draw, just in case.\n
document.getElementById(\'spinningThing\').innerHTML = \'\'\n
function spinCubeInTarget(targetSelector) {\n
    //\'use strict\';\n
    var width = 600, height = 400\n
    var scene = new THREE.Scene();\n
    var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, \n
\t\twidth/height, 0.1, 100);\n
    var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();\n
    renderer.setSize(width, height);\n
\tconst COLOR = 0xFFFFFF\n
    const LIGHT = 0xFFFFFF\n
    var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(5, 5, 5);\n
    var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: COLOR });\n
    var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);\n
    camera.position.z = 12; \n
    var pointLight = new THREE.PointLight(LIGHT);\n
    pointLight.position.z = 130;\n
    var reqAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame\n
    var render = function() {\n
        var delta = (Math.random()/10) * (0.06 - 0.02) + 0.03;\n
        cube.rotation.x += delta;\n
        cube.rotation.y += delta;\n
        renderer.render(scene, camera);\n
%% raw\n
If you followed all the steps described, you should now see a cube spinning in the markdown cell above!\n
Note that if you make any changes to that markdown cell, you will have to re-run the function `spinCubeInTarget("#targetDiv")`, because each time you change a markdown cell it\'s contents have to be regenerated, which will overwrite changes you\'ve made to it with code.\n
%% raw\n
One last cell type - `%% css`. This lets you change the styles of your presentation in realtime. Select the "Report Preview" tab on the top right, and then uncomment the css in the code below.\n
%% css\n
/* remove the comments here */\n
/* \n
.user-markdown {\n
\tfont-style: italic;\n
} \n
%% md\n
## to summarize:\n
Ok! Let\'s end this notebook with a markdown cell. With all of these tools, you\'re ready to get started! For review, we covered the following tools:\n
1. `raw` cells - make notes, add comments\n
2. `js` cells - run javascript code\n
3. `fetch` cells - grab libraries, external stylesheets, and data sets\n
4. `md` cells - write your report, add DOM elements, etc.\n
5. `css` cells - style your report\n
For next steps, try these:\n
- [JSMD Docs](https://iodide-project.github.io/docs/jsmd/)\n
- [Using Python in Iodide](https://github.com/iodide-project/pyodide/tree/master/docs)\n
- [Check out our example data analysis notebooks](https://iodide.io)

]]></string> </value>
            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
            <value> <string>A Tour of an Iodide Notebook</string> </value>