<value><string>Number of units involved in base prices. If Priced Quantity is 1, it means that this is a unit price. If 2, the price is given for two units, etc...</string></value>
<value><string>python: (here.isMovement() and not here.getVariationCategoryList()) or (here.getPortalType() in here.getPortalSupplyPathTypeList())</string></value>
<value><string>python: here.getResource() and here.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitList() and [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getTranslatedLogicalPath(), x.getCategoryRelativeUrl(base=0)) for x in here.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitValueList()] or [(\'\', \'\')]</string></value>
<value><string>A resource in ERP5 can be a product or a service. This term will be found in orders for instance, or accounting and inventories.</string></value>