* source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node * add virtual master contraint to tickets and events portal types * propagate project from Regularisation Request to event * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up * set source_project on event * stop setting person as source_project * copy project from ticket to the new event * utf-8 encoding issue * XXX disable regularisation request alarm * Regularisation Request Module acquires local roles See other modules * drop upgrade_scope Upgrade is managed by Allocation Supply. * drip upgrade_scope usage * drop Upgrade Decision Line usage * lint test * fix slapos_crm_check_software_installation_state alarm test * fixup slapos_crm_check_compute_node_state tests * fixup slapos_crm_check_instance_in_error test * fixup slapos_crm_update_support_request_state tests * fixup slapos_crm_send_pending_ticket_reminder test * fixup slapos_crm_trigger_stop_reminder_escalation tests * fixup slapos_crm_trigger_stop_acknowledgment_escalation test * fixup slapos_crm_trigger_delete_reminder_escalation test * fix slapos_crm_trigger_acknowledgment_escalation test * fix slapos_crm_stop_instance_tree test * fix slapos_crm_invalidate_suspended_regularisation_request test * fix slapos_crm_delete_instance_tree test * fix slapos_crm_create_regularisation_request test * drop slapos_crm_check_update_allocation_scope tests * do not require source_project on crm * fixup rebase: drop Instance Tree Module | slapos_resilience_usage_report * drop preferred_support_request_template_property * drop slapos_crm_support_request_template * fixup slapos_crm_create_regularisation_request tests * reactivate slapos_crm_create_regularisation_request * test slapos_crm_invalidate_suspended_regularisation_request is ok * test slapos_crm_check_software_installation_state * test slapos_crm_check_instance_in_error * test slapos_crm_update_support_request_state * desactivate Person_getSubscriptionRequestFirstUnpaidInvoiceList * drop Person_getSubscriptionRequestFirstUnpaidInvoiceList * do not count all Support Requests limit parameter with count is meaningless, as count return 1 result * update Base_getSupportRequestInProgress usage * XXX disable ticket.notify and ticket.requestEvent * wip script to create Support Request and Event * search a matching Trade Condition to generate a Support Request * update ComputeNode_checkState to use new scripts * test ComputeNode_checkSoftwareInstallationState * deliver outgoing events * test InstanceTree_checkSoftwareInstanceState * Project_createSupportRequestWithCausality already checks if Support Request exists * no need to check twice the object portal type * test SupportRequest_updateMonitoringState * activate one more alarm * revert Send Mail on pending tickets nexedi/slapos.core!417 Virtual Master's manager are responsible to handle the tickets through their worklist. Not user. Virtual Master's manager can send email from the Ticket to directly ping a user. * drop ticket_slap_interface_workflow * test ComputeNode_hasContactedRecently Do not check if there is a packing list. It is unrelated to the contact. * Base_getOpenRelatedTicketList was dropped * ComputeNode_checkAndUpdateAllocationScope was dropped * test: simplify * set comment in the event workflow history * send Mail Message * unify event creation Reuse Ticket_createProjectEvent * do not pass a empty list of node_uid * no need to manually handle the notification message * create the Regularisation Request from a Trade Condition instead of a template * use notification message title instead of the ticket title * use Entity_hasOutstandingAmount Entity_getOutstandingAmount is meaningless in case of multiple source_section and multiple currencies. Entity_hasOutstandingAmount will only report True or False. * test RegularisationRequest_invalidateIfPersonBalanceIsOk * test RegularisationRequest_checkToTriggerNextEscalationStep * test RegularisationRequest_triggerStopReminderEscalation * test RegularisationRequest_triggerStopAcknowledgmentEscalation * test RegularisationRequest_triggerDeleteReminderEscalation * test RegularisationRequest_stopInstanceTreeList * test RegularisationRequest_deleteInstanceTreeList * fixup RegularisationRequest_checkToSendUniqEvent tests * fixup RegularisationRequest_checkToTriggerNextEscalationStep tests * fixup InstanceTree_stopFromRegularisationRequest tests * fixup InstanceTree_deleteFromRegularisationRequest tests * drop slapos_crm_regularisation_request_template * drop slapos_crm_web_message_template * drop preferred_web_message_template_property * drop slapos_ticket_trade_condition * drop update_destination_for_slapos * drop allocation_tester * drop template_software_installation * drop template_instance_tree * drop template_member * test: fixup person title * test: fixup: ensure tickets can be created * test: fixup creation of instance tree * test: fixup instance tree creation * test: ComputeNode_getTicketRelatedList was dropped * test: rss feed will be used by virtual manager production * test: ticket.approveRegistration was dropped * ExactMatch * drop preferred_cloud_contract_enabled_property * only submit the newlu created Support Request end user can not validate their submitted ticket * drop jump_related_slapos_item * drop outdated SlapOSSupportRequestConstraint * submit created event This allow to separate new ticket from the one currently handled * constraint was dropped * test: create test ticket in submitted state * support request are created in submitted state * drop open/personal allocation_scope * only check automated Outstanding Invoices * invalidate Regularisation Request as soon as payment is done * create the regularisation request as soon as possible * use _baseSetGroupingReference for interaction * test: disable interaction * test: use PinnedDateTime context * delete instance, compute node, project if regularisation request reach the end * test: add crm scenario showing services are destroyed * trigger Project invalidation as soon as Nodes and Instances are invalidated * trigger not paid item deletion as fast as possible * test: reduce number of alarm triggered * do not stop but delete directly Services were already in degraded mode due to allocation/propagation being forbidden * test: only payable services are destroyed by the subscription request
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