{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description": "Slapos Software Release instantiation descriptor", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "software-type" ], "properties": { "name": { "description": "A short human-friendly name for the sofware release", "default": "", "type": "string" }, "description": { "description": "A short description of the sofware release", "default": "", "type": "string" }, "serialisation": { "description": "How the parameters and results are serialised", "enum": ["xml", "json-in-xml"], "type": "string" }, "software-type": { "description": "Existing software types", "patternProperties": { ".*": { "description": "Software type declaration", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "request", "response" ], "properties": { "title": { "description": "A human-friendly title of the software type", "default": "", "type": "string" }, "description": { "description": "A human-friendly description of the software type", "default": "", "type": "string" }, "serialisation": { "description": "How the parameters and results are serialised, if different from global setting, required if global setting is not provided", "enum": ["xml", "json-in-xml"], "type": "string" }, "request": { "description": "URL, relative to Software Release base path, of a json schema for values expected by instance of current software type", "type": "string" }, "response": { "description": "URL, relative to Software Release base path, of a json schema for values published by instance of current software type", "type": "string" }, "software-type" : { "description": "Value to be used as software type instead of the software type id (in order to use multiple diferent forms for the same software type).", "type": "string" }, "shared" : { "description": "Define if the request will request a Slave or Software Instance.", "default": "false", "type": "boolean" }, "index": { "description": "Value to use instead of software type id to sort them (in order to display most relevant software types earlier in a list, for example)", "default": 0, "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }