Commit 2cf1e5c4 authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng Committed by Sebastien Robin

patches/ simplify showAsXML function.

parent a10d8a5d
......@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
from xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller import Marshaller
marshaller = Marshaller(namespace_uri=MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI,
......@@ -858,43 +854,12 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
for prop_id in sorted(workflow_prop_id_to_show):
# In most case, we should not synchronize acquired properties
if prop_id not in ('uid', 'workflow_history', 'id', 'portal_type',):
value = self.__dict__[prop_id]
if value is None:
# not registered if not defined.
prop_type = workflow_prop_id_to_show[prop_id]
sub_object = SubElement(workflow, prop_id, attrib=dict(type=prop_type))
if prop_type in ('object',):
# We may have very long lines, so we should split
value = aq_base(value)
value = dumps(value)
sub_object.text = standard_b64encode(value)
elif prop_type in ('data',):
# Create blocks to represent data
# <data><block>ZERD</block><block>OEJJM</block></data>
size_block = 60
if isinstance(value, str):
for index in xrange(0, len(value), size_block):
content = value[index:index + size_block]
data_encoded = standard_b64encode(content)
block = SubElement(sub_object, 'block_data')
block.text = data_encoded
raise ValueError("XMLExportImport failed, the data is undefined")
elif prop_type in ('lines', 'tokens',):
value = [word.decode('utf-8').encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')\
for word in value]
elif prop_type in ('text', 'string',):
if type(value) in (tuple, list, dict):
sub_object.text = str(value)
sub_object.text = unicode(escape(value), 'utf-8')
elif prop_type != 'None':
sub_object.text = str(value)
value = getattr(self, prop_id, '')
if value == () or value == []:
value = ''
prop_type = workflow_prop_id_to_show[prop_id]
sub_object = SubElement(workflow, prop_id, attrib=dict(type=prop_type))
sub_object.text = str(value)
# 1. State as XML
state_reference_list = []
......@@ -910,44 +875,12 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
sdef = self.states[sid]
state = SubElement(states, 'state', attrib=dict(reference=sid,portal_type='State'))
for property_id in sorted(state_prop_id_to_show):
property_value = sdef.__dict__[property_id]
if property_value is None:
# do not register if not defined.
property_type = state_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
property_value = getattr(sdef, property_id, '')
if property_value is None or property_value == [] or property_value ==():
property_value = ''
property_type = state_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
sub_object = SubElement(state, property_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
if property_type in ('object',):
# We may have very long lines, so we should split
property_value = aq_base(property_value)
property_value = dumps(property_value)
sub_object.text = standard_b64encode(property_value)
elif property_type in ('data',):
# Create blocks to represent data
# <data><block>ZERD</block><block>OEJJM</block></data>
size_block = 60
if isinstance(property_value, str):
for index in xrange(0, len(property_value), size_block):
content = property_value[index:index + size_block]
data_encoded = standard_b64encode(content)
block = SubElement(sub_object, 'block_data')
block.text = data_encoded
raise ValueError("XMLExportImport failed, the data is undefined")
elif property_type in ('lines', 'tokens',):
property_value = [word.decode('utf-8').encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')\
for word in property_value]
elif property_type in ('text', 'string',):
if property_id == 'permission_roles':
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
elif type(property_value) in (tuple, list, dict):
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
sub_object.text = unicode(escape(property_value), 'utf-8')
elif property_type != 'None':
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
# 2. Transition as XML
transition_reference_list = []
......@@ -968,17 +901,7 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
attrib=dict(reference=tid, portal_type='Transition'))
guard = SubElement(transition, 'guard', attrib=dict(type='object'))
for property_id in sorted(transition_prop_id_to_show):
if property_id == 'new_state_id':
property_value = tdef.__dict__['new_state_id']
sub_object = SubElement(transition, property_id, attrib=dict(type='string'))
elif property_id == 'script_name':
property_value = tdef.__dict__['script_name']
sub_object = SubElement(transition, property_id, attrib=dict(type='string'))
elif property_id == 'after_script_name':
property_value = tdef.__dict__['after_script_name']
sub_object = SubElement(transition, property_id, attrib=dict(type='string'))
# show guard configuration:
elif property_id == 'guard':
if property_id == 'guard':
guard_obj = getattr(tdef, 'guard', None)
guard_prop_to_show = sorted({'roles':'guard configuration',
'groups':'guard configuration', 'permissions':'guard configuration',
......@@ -988,15 +911,17 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
prop_value = getattr(guard_obj, prop_id, '')
prop_value = ''
guard_config = SubElement(guard, prop_id, attrib=dict(type='guard configuration'))
if prop_value is None or prop_value == ():
sub_object = SubElement(guard, prop_id, attrib=dict(type='guard configuration'))
if prop_value is None or prop_value == [] or prop_value ==():
prop_value = ''
guard_config.text = str(prop_value)
sub_object.text = str(prop_value)
property_value = getattr(tdef, property_id)
property_type = transition_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
sub_object = SubElement(transition, property_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
if property_value is None or property_value == [] or property_value ==():
property_value = ''
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
# 3. Variable as XML
variable_reference_list = []
......@@ -1019,11 +944,12 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
property_value = expression.text
property_value = ''
sub_object = SubElement(variable, property_id, attrib=dict(type='string'))
property_value = vdef.__dict__[property_id]
property_type = variable_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
sub_object = SubElement(variable, property_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
property_value = getattr(vdef, property_id, '')
if property_value is None or property_value == [] or property_value ==():
property_value = ''
property_type = variable_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
sub_object = SubElement(variable, property_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
# 4. Worklist as XML
......@@ -1044,7 +970,7 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
worklist = SubElement(worklists, 'worklist', attrib=dict(reference=qdef.getReference(),
guard = SubElement(worklist, 'guard', attrib=dict(type='object'))
var_matches = qdef.__dict__['var_matches']
var_matches = getattr(qdef, 'var_matches')
for property_id in sorted(worklist_prop_id_to_show):
if property_id == 'guard':
guard_obj = getattr(qdef, 'guard', None)
......@@ -1056,10 +982,11 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
prop_value = getattr(guard_obj, prop_id, '')
prop_value = ''
guard_config = SubElement(guard, prop_id, attrib=dict(type='guard configuration'))
if prop_value is None or prop_value == ():
property_type='guard configuration'
sub_object = SubElement(guard, prop_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
if prop_value is None or prop_value == [] or prop_value ==():
prop_value = ''
guard_config.text = str(prop_value)
sub_object.text = str(prop_value)
if property_id == 'matched_portal_type_list':
var_id = 'portal_type'
......@@ -1072,16 +999,17 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_showAsXML(self, root=None):
property_value = var_matches.get(var_id)
property_value = getattr(qdef, property_id)
if property_value is None:
property_value = ''
property_type = worklist_prop_id_to_show[property_id]
sub_object = SubElement(worklist, property_id, attrib=dict(type=property_type))
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
if property_value is None or property_value == [] or property_value ==():
property_value = ''
sub_object.text = str(property_value)
# 5. Script as XML
script_reference_list = []
script_id_list = sorted(self.scripts.keys())
script_prop_id_to_show = {'title':'string', 'body':'string', 'parameter_signature':'string'}
script_prop_id_to_show = {'body':'string', 'parameter_signature':'string'}
for sid in script_id_list:
scripts = SubElement(workflow, 'scripts', attrib=dict(script_list=str(script_reference_list),
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