Commit d068e001 authored by Benjamin Blanc's avatar Benjamin Blanc

testnode: add SlapOSMasterCommunicator classe

parent 45e6d8fb
import json
import httplib
import urlparse
# TODO: News-> look list to get last news... (and not the first of the list)
class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
collection: collection of data (hosting_subscription, instance, software_release...)
hosting_subscription: result of a request
instance(s): instance(s) related to an hosting_subscription
usage: ex:
# Try to reuse same communicator, because initilization step may takes a lot of time
# due to listing of all instances (alive or not) related to the specified slapOS account.
communicator = SlapOSMasterCommunicator()
# Know if 'TestScalability_21423104630420' requested status is corresponding as excepted (True/Flase)
print communicator.isHostingSubscriptionCorrect('TestScalability_21423104630420')
# Print news related to 'TestScalability_21423104630420' all instances
instance_link_list = communicator._getRelatedInstanceLink('TestScalability_21423104630420')
for instance_link in instance_link_list:
news = communicator.getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)
print news['news']
def __init__(self, certificate_path='/home/benjamin/nexedi_scalability_service_account/certificate',
# Create connection
api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
self.connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(api_netloc, key_file=key_path, cert_file=certificate_path)
# Get master
master_link = {'href':api_path,'type':"application/;"}
master = self._curl(master_link)
self.person_link = master['_links']['']
# Get person related to specified key/certificate provided
person = self._curl(self.person_link)
self.personnal_collection_link = person['_links']['']
# Get collection (of hosting subscriptions)
collection = self._curl(self.personnal_collection_link)
# XXX: This part may be extremly long (because here no hosting subscriptions
# has been visited)
self.hosting_subcriptions_dict = {}
self.visited_hosting_subcriptions_link_list = []
def _curl(self, link):
link must look like : {'href':link,'type':content_type}
api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(link['href'])
headers={'Accept': link['type']},
response = self.connection.getresponse()
return json.loads(
def _update_hosting_subscription_informations(self):
Add all not already visited hosting_subcription
# Visit all hosting subscriptions and fill a dict containing all
# new hosting subscriptions. ( like: {hs1_title:hs1_link, hs2_title:hs2_link, ..} )
# and a list of visited hosting_subsciption ( like: [hs1_link, hs2_link, ..] )
collection = self._curl(self.personnal_collection_link)
# For each hosting_subcription present in the collection
for hosting_subscription_link in collection['_links']['item']:
if hosting_subscription_link not in self.visited_hosting_subcriptions_link_list:
title = self._curl(hosting_subscription_link)['title']
def _getRelatedInstanceLink(self, hosting_subscription_title):
Return a list of all related instance_url from an hosting_subscription_title
# Update informations
# Get specified hosting_subscription
hosting_subscription_link = self.hosting_subcriptions_dict[hosting_subscription_title]
hosting_subscription = self._curl(hosting_subscription_link)
assert(hosting_subscription_title == hosting_subscription['title'])
# Get instance collection related to this hosting_subscription
instance_collection_link = hosting_subscription['_links']['']
instance_collection = self._curl(instance_collection_link)
related_instance_link_list = []
# For each instance present in the collection
for instance in instance_collection['_links']['item']:
return related_instance_link_list
def getNewsFromInstanceLink(self, instance_link):
instance = self._curl(instance_link)
news_link = instance['_links']['']
return self._curl(news_link)
def isHostingSubsciptionStatusEqualTo(self, hosting_subscription_title, excepted_news_text):
Return True if all related instance state are equal to status,
or False if not or if there is are no related instances.
related_instance_link_list = _getRelatedInstanceLink(hosting_subscription_title)
# For each instance present in the collection
for instance_link in related_instance_link_list:
news = self.getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)
if excepted_news_text != news['news'][0]['text']:
return False
return len(related_instance_link_list) > 0
def isInstanceCorrect(self, instance_link):
Return True if instance status and instance news text ~looks corresponding.
( use the matching of 'correctly' and 'Instance' and status )
instance = self._curl(instance_link)
news_link = instance['_links']['']
news = self._curl(news_link)
text = news['news'][0]['text']
requested_status = instance['status']
return ('Instance' in text) and ('correctly' in text) and (requested_status in text)
def isInstanceCorrectly(self, instance_link, status):
Return True if instance status and instance news text ~looks corresponding.
( use the matching of 'correctly' and 'Instance' and status )
text = getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)['news'][0]['text']
return ('Instance' in text) and ('correctly' in text) and (status in text)
def isHostingSubscriptionCorrect(self, hosting_subscription_title):
Return True if all instance news related to hosting_subscription_title
correspond to the requested status.
instance_link_list = self._getRelatedInstanceLink('TestScalability_21423104630420')
for instance_link in instance_link_list:
if not communicator.isInstanceCorrect(instance_link):
return False
return len(instance_link_list) > 0
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