"VC++Files/mysqlcheck/mysqlcheck_ia64.dsp" did not exist on "8a1a99301fdc649b9b497966332c072d17c816f2"
Commit e9a0f030 authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet

sets: (A minus (A inter B)) can be be rewritten as (A minus B)

git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@31508 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 8ce88eff
......@@ -148,12 +148,11 @@ class TradeCondition(Path, Transformation, XMLMatrix):
# it is possible, that specialised object cannot be specialised
# anymore
intersection = set(child_specialised_value_list).intersection(\
difference = set(child_specialised_value_list).difference(\
for model in child_specialised_value_list:
# don't add model that have already been visited. This permit to
# visit all the tree and to prevent having circular dependency
if model not in intersection:
for model in difference:
# only add those who matches the portal type given
if model in child_visited_trade_condition_list:
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