Commit f241ce7f authored by Roque's avatar Roque

[WEB-WORKER] [WIP] move all game logic into one file (WIP)

parent a32b9a79
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
this._canvas = canvas;
this._scene = null;
this._engine = null;
this._teamLeft = []; //TODO rename as drone list or something
this._droneList = [];
this._canUpdate = false;
if (!simulation_speed) { simulation_speed = 5; }
this._max_step_animation_frame = simulation_speed;
......@@ -355,10 +355,10 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
var seconds = Math.floor(this._game_duration / 1000);
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.compareFlights) {
for (var count = 0; count < GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList.length; count++) {
if (this._teamLeft[count]._controlMesh) {
var drone_position_x = this._teamLeft[count]._controlMesh.position.x,
drone_position_z = this._teamLeft[count]._controlMesh.position.y,
drone_position_y = this._teamLeft[count]._controlMesh.position.z;
if (this._droneList[count]._controlMesh) {
var drone_position_x = this._droneList[count]._controlMesh.position.x,
drone_position_z = this._droneList[count]._controlMesh.position.y,
drone_position_y = this._droneList[count]._controlMesh.position.z;
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.compareFlights.log) {
if (this._log_count[count] === 0 || this._game_duration / this._log_count[count] > 1) {
this._log_count[count] += GAMEPARAMETERS.compareFlights.log_interval_time;
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
return drone.internal_update(delta_time);
this._teamLeft.forEach(function (drone) {
this._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
queue.push(function () {
return updateDrone(drone);
......@@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
document = undefined;
var advancedTexture = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI", true, ctx._scene);
document = documentTmp;
for (var count = 0; count < GAMEPARAMETERS.teamSize; count++) { //TODO use one color per drone
var controlMeshBlue = ctx._teamLeft[count].infosMesh;
for (var count = 0; count < GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList.length; count++) { //TODO use one color per drone
var controlMeshBlue = ctx._droneList[count].infosMesh;
var rectBlue = new BABYLON.GUI.Rectangle();
rectBlue.width = "10px";
rectBlue.height = "10px";
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
promise_list = [];
_this._teamLeft.forEach(function (drone) {
_this._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
drone._tick = 0;
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
if (default_drone_AI) {
code = default_drone_AI;
var team = "L"; //TODO DROP TEAM
var team = "L"; //TODO DROP TEAM in DroneManager
var base, code_eval = "let drone = new DroneManager(ctx._scene, " +
index + ', "' + team + '", api);' +
"let droneMe = function(NativeDate, me, Math, window, DroneManager, GameManager, DroneLogAPI, DroneAaileFixeAPI, BABYLON, GAMEPARAMETERS) {" +
......@@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
base = code_eval;
code_eval += code + "}; droneMe(Date, drone, Math, {});";
base += "};ctx._teamLeft.push(drone)";
code_eval += "ctx._teamLeft.push(drone)";
base += "};ctx._droneList.push(drone)";
code_eval += "ctx._droneList.push(drone)";
try {
......@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
else {
var api = new this.APIs_dict[drone_list[i]](this, "L", GAMEPARAMETERS.compareFlights); //TODO drip L team in DroneAPI
var api = new this.APIs_dict[drone_list[i]](this, GAMEPARAMETERS.compareFlights);
spawnDrone(position.x, position.y, position.z, i, api, code, this);
......@@ -714,3 +714,123 @@ var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
return GameManager;
var DroneLogAPI = /** @class */ (function () {
//*************************************************** CONSTRUCTOR **************************************************
function DroneLogAPI(gameManager, flight_parameters) {
this._gameManager = gameManager;
this._flight_parameters = flight_parameters;
//*************************************************** FUNCTIONS ****************************************************
//TODO test sendMsg (what is iterable (latency.communication?)(GM.delay?)
DroneLogAPI.prototype.internal_sendMsg = function (msg, to) {
var _this = this;
_this._gameManager.delay(function () {
if (to < 0) {
// Send to all drones (drone) {
if (drone.infosMesh) {
try {
catch (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on sendMsg due to error:', error);
else {
// Send to specific drone
if (drone.infosMesh) {
try {[to].onGetMsg(msg);
catch (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on sendMsg due to error:', error);[to]._internal_crash();
}, GAMEPARAMETERS.latency.communication);
//#region ------------------ Accessible from AI
DroneLogAPI.prototype.log = function (msg) {
console.log("API say : " + msg);
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getGameParameter = function (name) {
if (["gameTime", "mapSize", "teamSize", "derive", "meteo", "initialHumanAreaPosition"].includes(name))
return this._gameManager.gameParameter[name];
DroneLogAPI.prototype.processCoordinates = function (x, y, z) {
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(z)){
throw new Error('Target coordinates must be numbers');
return {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z
//Internal AI: drone follows the flight log points
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getDroneAI = function () {
return 'function distance(p1, p2) {' +
'var a = p1[0] - p2[0],' +
'b = p1[1] - p2[1];' +
'return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);' +
'}' +
'me.onStart = function() {' +
'console.log("DRONE LOG START!");' +
'if (!me.getFlightParameters())' +
'throw "DroneLog API must implement getFlightParameters";' +
'me.flightParameters = me.getFlightParameters();' +
'me.checkpoint_list = me.flightParameters.converted_log_point_list;' +
'me.startTime = new Date();' +
'me.initTimestamp = me.flightParameters.converted_log_point_list[0][3];' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(me.checkpoint_list[0][0], me.checkpoint_list[0][1], me.checkpoint_list[0][2]);' +
'me.last_checkpoint_reached = -1;' +
'me.setAcceleration(10);' +
'};' +
'me.onUpdate = function () {' +
'var next_checkpoint = me.checkpoint_list[me.last_checkpoint_reached+1];' +
'if (distance([me.position.x, me.position.y], next_checkpoint) < 12) {' +
'var log_elapsed = next_checkpoint[3] - me.initTimestamp,' +
'time_elapsed = new Date() - me.startTime;' +
'if (time_elapsed < log_elapsed) {' +
'me.setDirection(0, 0, 0);' +
'return;' +
'}' +
'if (me.last_checkpoint_reached + 1 === me.checkpoint_list.length - 1) {' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(me.position.x, me.position.y, me.position.z);' +
'return;' +
'}' +
'me.last_checkpoint_reached += 1;' +
'next_checkpoint = me.checkpoint_list[me.last_checkpoint_reached+1];' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(next_checkpoint[0], next_checkpoint[1], next_checkpoint[2]);' +
'} else {' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(next_checkpoint[0], next_checkpoint[1], next_checkpoint[2]);' +
'}' +
DroneLogAPI.prototype.setAltitude = function (altitude) {
return altitude;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMaxSpeed = function () {
return 3000;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getInitialAltitude = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getAltitudeAbs = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMinHeight = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMaxHeight = function () {
return 220;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getFlightParameters = function () {
return this._flight_parameters;
return DroneLogAPI;
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
<key> <string>serial</string> </key>
<value> <string>1003.16016.1852.32460</string> </value>
<value> <string>1003.16051.29741.34372</string> </value>
<key> <string>state</string> </key>
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ importScripts('rsvp.js',
function mainToWorker(evt) {
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
<key> <string>serial</string> </key>
<value> <string>1003.15921.17646.56234</string> </value>
<value> <string>1003.15990.61363.41267</string> </value>
<key> <string>state</string> </key>
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
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