# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2018 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import unittest import os import fnmatch import re import glob import logging import shutil from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse try: import subprocess32 as subprocess except ImportError: import subprocess # type: ignore subprocess # pyflakes from .utils import getPortFromPath from ..slap.standalone import StandaloneSlapOS from ..slap.standalone import SlapOSNodeCommandError from ..slap.standalone import PathTooDeepError from ..grid.utils import md5digest from ..util import mkdir_p try: from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Callable, Type, Dict, List, Optional except ImportError: pass def makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass( software_url, base_directory=None, ipv4_address=os.environ['SLAPOS_TEST_IPV4'], ipv6_address=os.environ['SLAPOS_TEST_IPV6'], debug=bool(int(os.environ.get('SLAPOS_TEST_DEBUG', 0))), verbose=bool(int(os.environ.get('SLAPOS_TEST_VERBOSE', 0))), shared_part_list=[ os.path.expanduser(p) for p in os.environ.get( 'SLAPOS_TEST_SHARED_PART_LIST', '').split(os.pathsep) if p ], snapshot_directory=os.environ.get('SLAPOS_TEST_LOG_DIRECTORY'), ): # type: (str, str, str, str, bool, bool, Iterable[str], Optional[str]) -> Tuple[Callable[[], None], Type[SlapOSInstanceTestCase]] """Create a setup module function and a testcase for testing `software_url`. This function returns a tuple of two arguments: * a function to install the software, to be used as `unittest`'s `setUpModule` * a base class for test cases. The SlapOS instance will be using ip addresses defined by environment variables `SLAPOS_TEST_IPV4` and `SLAPOS_TEST_IPV6`, or by the explicits `ipv4_address` and `ipv6_address` arguments. To ease development and troubleshooting, two switches are available: * `verbose` (also controlled by `SLAPOS_TEST_VERBOSE` environment variable) to tell the test framework to log information describing the actions taken. * `debug` (also controlled by `SLAPOS_TEST_DEBUG` environment variable) to enable debugging mode which will drop in a debugger session when errors occurs. The base_directory directory is by default .slapos in current directory, or a path from `SLAPOS_TEST_WORKING_DIR` environment variable. This test class will use its own directory for shared parts and can also paths from `shared_part_list` argument to lookup existing parts. This is controlled by SLAPOS_TEST_SHARED_PART_LIST environment variable, which should be a : separated list of path. A note about paths: SlapOS itself and some services running in SlapOS uses unix sockets and (sometimes very) deep paths, which does not play very well together. To workaround this, users can set `SLAPOS_TEST_WORKING_DIR` environment variable to the path of a short enough directory and local slapos will use this directory. The partitions references will be named after the unittest class name, which can also lead to long paths. For this, unit test classes can define a `__partition_reference__` attribute which will be used as partition reference. If the class names are long, the trick is then to use a shorter `__partition_reference__`. See https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/slapns for a solution to this problem. """ if base_directory is None: base_directory = os.path.realpath( os.environ.get( 'SLAPOS_TEST_WORKING_DIR', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.slapos'))) # TODO: fail if already running ? try: slap = StandaloneSlapOS( base_directory=base_directory, server_ip=ipv4_address, server_port=getPortFromPath(base_directory), shared_part_list=shared_part_list) except PathTooDeepError: raise RuntimeError( 'base directory ( {} ) is too deep, try setting ' 'SLAPOS_TEST_WORKING_DIR to a shallow enough directory'.format( base_directory)) if not snapshot_directory: snapshot_directory = os.path.join(base_directory, "snapshots") cls = type( 'SlapOSInstanceTestCase for {}'.format(software_url), (SlapOSInstanceTestCase,), { 'slap': slap, 'getSoftwareURL': classmethod(lambda _cls: software_url), 'software_id': urlparse(software_url).path.split('/')[-2], '_debug': debug, '_verbose': verbose, '_ipv4_address': ipv4_address, '_ipv6_address': ipv6_address, '_base_directory': base_directory, '_test_file_snapshot_directory': snapshot_directory }) class SlapOSInstanceTestCase_( cls, # type: ignore # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/2813 SlapOSInstanceTestCase): # useless intermediate class so that editors provide completion anyway. pass def setUpModule(): # type: () -> None if debug: unittest.installHandler() logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if (verbose or debug) else logging.WARNING) installSoftwareUrlList(cls, [software_url], debug=debug) return setUpModule, SlapOSInstanceTestCase_ def checkSoftware(slap, software_url): # type: (StandaloneSlapOS, str) -> None """Check software installation. This perform a few basic static checks for common problems with software installations. """ # Check that all components set rpath correctly and we don't have miss linking any libraries. # Also check that they are not linked against system libraries, except a white list of core # system libraries. system_lib_white_list = set(( 'libc', 'libcrypt', 'libdl', 'libgcc_s', 'libgomp', 'libm', 'libnsl', 'libpthread', 'libresolv', 'librt', 'libstdc++', 'libutil', )) # we also ignore a few patterns for part that are known to be binary distributions, # for which we generate LD_LIBRARY_PATH wrappers or we don't use directly. ignored_file_patterns = set(( '*/parts/java-re*/*', '*/parts/firefox*/*', '*/parts/chromium-*/*', '*/parts/chromedriver*/*', '*/parts/libreoffice-bin/*', '*/parts/wkhtmltopdf/*', # R uses wrappers to relocate symbols '*/r-language/lib*/R/*', # pulp is a git checkout with some executables '*/pulp-repository.git/src/pulp/solverdir/cbc*', # nss is not a binary distribution, but for some reason it has invalid rpath, but it does # not seem to be a problem in our use cases. '*/parts/nss/*', # npm packages containing binaries '*/node_modules/phantomjs*/*', '*/grafana/tools/phantomjs/*', '*/node_modules/puppeteer/*', # left over of compilation failures '*/*__compile__/*', )) software_hash = md5digest(software_url) error_list = [] ldd_so_resolved_re = re.compile( r'\t(?P<library_name>.*) => (?P<library_path>.*) \(0x') ldd_already_loaded_re = re.compile(r'\t(?P<library_name>.*) \(0x') ldd_not_found_re = re.compile(r'.*not found.*') class DynamicLibraryNotFound(Exception): """Exception raised when ldd cannot resolve a library. """ def getLddOutput(path): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, str] """Parse ldd output on shared object/executable as `path` and returns a mapping of library paths or None when library is not found, keyed by library so name. Raises a `DynamicLibraryNotFound` if any dynamic library is not found. Special entries, like VDSO ( linux-vdso.so.1 ) or ELF interpreter ( /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ) are ignored. """ libraries = {} # type: Dict[str, str] try: ldd_output = subprocess.check_output( ('ldd', path), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.output not in ('\tnot a dynamic executable\n',): raise return libraries if ldd_output == '\tstatically linked\n': return libraries not_found = [] for line in ldd_output.splitlines(): resolved_so_match = ldd_so_resolved_re.match(line) ldd_already_loaded_match = ldd_already_loaded_re.match(line) not_found_match = ldd_not_found_re.match(line) if resolved_so_match: libraries[resolved_so_match.group( 'library_name')] = resolved_so_match.group('library_path') elif ldd_already_loaded_match: # VDSO or ELF, ignore . See https://stackoverflow.com/a/35805410/7294664 for more about this pass elif not_found_match: not_found.append(line) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown ldd line %s for %s.' % (line, path)) if not_found: not_found_text = '\n'.join(not_found) raise DynamicLibraryNotFound( '{path} has some not found libraries:\n{not_found_text}'.format( **locals())) return libraries def checkExecutableLink(paths_to_check, valid_paths_for_libs): # type: (Iterable[str], Iterable[str]) -> List[str] """Check shared libraries linked with executables in `paths_to_check`. Only libraries from `valid_paths_for_libs` are accepted. Returns a list of error messages. """ valid_paths_for_libs = [os.path.realpath(x) for x in valid_paths_for_libs] executable_link_error_list = [] for path in paths_to_check: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: f = os.path.join(root, f) if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(f, ignored_pattern) for ignored_pattern in ignored_file_patterns): continue if os.access(f, os.X_OK) or fnmatch.fnmatch('*.so', f): try: libs = getLddOutput(f) except DynamicLibraryNotFound as e: executable_link_error_list.append(str(e)) else: for lib, lib_path in libs.items(): if lib.split('.')[0] in system_lib_white_list: continue lib_path = os.path.realpath(lib_path) # dynamically linked programs can only be linked with libraries # present in software or in shared parts repository. if any(lib_path.startswith(valid_path) for valid_path in valid_paths_for_libs): continue executable_link_error_list.append( '{f} uses system library {lib_path} for {lib}'.format( **locals())) return executable_link_error_list paths_to_check = ( os.path.join(slap.software_directory, software_hash), slap.shared_directory, ) error_list.extend( checkExecutableLink( paths_to_check, paths_to_check + tuple(slap._shared_part_list), )) # check this software is not referenced in any shared parts. for signature_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(slap.shared_directory, '*', '*', '.*slapos.*.signature')): with open(signature_file) as f: signature_content = f.read() if software_hash in signature_content: error_list.append( "Software hash present in signature {}\n{}\n".format( signature_file, signature_content)) if error_list: raise RuntimeError('\n'.join(error_list)) def installSoftwareUrlList(cls, software_url_list, max_retry=2, debug=False): # type: (Type[SlapOSInstanceTestCase], Iterable[str], int, bool) -> None """Install softwares on the current testing slapos, for use in `setUpModule`. This also check softwares with `checkSoftware` """ def _storeSoftwareSnapshot(name): for path in glob.glob(os.path.join( cls._base_directory, 'var', 'log', '*', )) + glob.glob(os.path.join( cls.slap.software_directory, '*', '*.cfg', )) + glob.glob(os.path.join( cls.slap.software_directory, '*', '.installed.cfg', )) + glob.glob(os.path.join( cls.slap.shared_directory, '*', '*', '.slapos.recipe.cmmi.signature', )): cls._copySnapshot(path, name) try: cls.logger.debug("Starting") cls.slap.start() for software_url in software_url_list: cls.logger.debug("Supplying %s", software_url) cls.slap.supply(software_url) cls.logger.debug("Waiting for slapos node software to build") cls.slap.waitForSoftware(max_retry=max_retry, debug=debug) _storeSoftwareSnapshot('setupModule') for software_url in software_url_list: checkSoftware(cls.slap, software_url) except BaseException as e: if not debug: cls.logger.exception("Error building software, removing") try: for software_url in software_url_list: cls.logger.debug("Removing %s", software_url) cls.slap.supply(software_url, state="destroyed") cls.logger.debug("Waiting for slapos node software to remove") cls.slap.waitForSoftware(max_retry=max_retry, debug=debug) except BaseException: cls.logger.exception("Error removing software") _storeSoftwareSnapshot('setupModule removing software') cls._cleanup('setupModule') raise e class SlapOSInstanceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Install one slapos instance. This test case install software(s) and request one instance during `setUpClass` and destroy that instance during `tearDownClass`. Software Release URL, Instance Software Type and Instance Parameters can be defined on the class. All tests from the test class will run with the same instance. The following class attributes are available: * `computer_partition`: the `slapos.slap.slap.ComputerPartition` computer partition instance. * `computer_partition_root_path`: the path of the instance root directory. This class is not supposed to be imported directly, but needs to be setup by calling makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass. """ # can set this to true to enable debugging utilities _debug = False # can set this to true to enable more verbose output _verbose = False # maximum retries for `slapos node instance` instance_max_retry = 10 # maximum retries for `slapos node report` report_max_retry = 10 # number of partitions needed for this instance partition_count = 10 # reference of the default requested partition default_partition_reference = 'testing partition 0' # a logger for messages of the testing framework logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Dynamic members slap = None # type: StandaloneSlapOS _ipv4_address = "" _ipv6_address = "" # a short name of that software URL. # eg. helloworld instead of # https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/raw/software/helloworld/software.cfg software_id = "" _base_directory = "" # base directory for standalone _test_file_snapshot_directory = "" # directory to save snapshot files for inspections # patterns of files to save for inspection, relative to instance directory _save_instance_file_pattern_list = ( '*/bin/*', '*/etc/*', '*/var/log/*', '*/.*log', '*/.*cfg', '*/*cfg', 'etc/', ) # Methods to be defined by subclasses. @classmethod def getSoftwareURL(cls): """Return URL of software release to request instance. This method will be defined when initialising the class with makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def getInstanceParameterDict(cls): """Return instance parameters. To be defined by subclasses if they need to request instance with specific parameters. """ return {} @classmethod def getInstanceSoftwareType(cls): """Return software type for instance, default "". To be defined by subclasses if they need to request instance with specific software type. """ return "" # Unittest methods @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Request an instance. """ cls._instance_parameter_dict = cls.getInstanceParameterDict() snapshot_name = "{}.{}.setUpClass".format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__) try: cls.logger.debug("Starting") cls.slap.start() cls.logger.debug( "Formatting to remove old partitions XXX should not be needed because we delete ..." ) cls.slap.format(0, cls._ipv4_address, cls._ipv6_address) cls.logger.debug("Formatting with %s partitions", cls.partition_count) cls.slap.format( cls.partition_count, cls._ipv4_address, cls._ipv6_address, getattr(cls, '__partition_reference__', '{}-'.format(cls.__name__))) # request cls.requestDefaultInstance() # slapos node instance cls.logger.debug("Waiting for instance") # waitForInstance does not tolerate any error but with instances, # promises sometimes fail on first run, because services did not # have time to start. # To make debug usable, we tolerate instance_max_retry-1 errors and # only debug the last. if cls._debug and cls.instance_max_retry: try: cls.slap.waitForInstance(max_retry=cls.instance_max_retry - 1) except SlapOSNodeCommandError: cls.slap.waitForInstance(debug=True) else: cls.slap.waitForInstance( max_retry=cls.instance_max_retry, debug=cls._debug) # expose some class attributes so that tests can use them: # the main ComputerPartition instance, to use getInstanceParameterDict cls.computer_partition = cls.requestDefaultInstance() # the path of the instance on the filesystem, for low level inspection cls.computer_partition_root_path = os.path.join( cls.slap._instance_root, cls.computer_partition.getId()) cls.logger.debug("setUpClass done") except BaseException: cls.logger.exception("Error during setUpClass") cls._storeSystemSnapshot(snapshot_name) cls._cleanup(snapshot_name) cls.setUp = lambda self: self.fail('Setup Class failed.') raise else: cls._storeSystemSnapshot(snapshot_name) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Tear down class, stop the processes and destroy instance. """ cls._cleanup("{}.{}.tearDownClass".format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__)) if not cls._debug: cls.logger.debug( "cleaning up slapos log files in %s", cls.slap._log_directory) for log_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(cls.slap._log_directory, '*')): os.unlink(log_file) @classmethod def _storePartitionSnapshot(cls, name): """Store snapshot of partitions. This uses the definition from class attribute `_save_instance_file_pattern_list` """ # copy config and log files from partitions for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(cls.slap.instance_directory): for dirname in list(dirnames): dirabspath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) if any(fnmatch.fnmatch( dirabspath, pattern, ) for pattern in cls._save_instance_file_pattern_list): cls._copySnapshot(dirabspath, name) # don't recurse, since _copySnapshot is already recursive dirnames.remove(dirname) for filename in filenames: fileabspath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if any(fnmatch.fnmatch( fileabspath, pattern, ) for pattern in cls._save_instance_file_pattern_list): cls._copySnapshot(fileabspath, name) @classmethod def _storeSystemSnapshot(cls, name): """Store a snapshot of standalone slapos and partitions. Does not include software log, because this is stored at the end of software installation and software log is large. """ # copy log files from standalone for standalone_log in glob.glob(os.path.join( cls._base_directory, 'var', 'log', '*', )): if not standalone_log.startswith('slapos-node-software.log'): cls._copySnapshot(standalone_log, name) # store slapproxy database cls._copySnapshot(cls.slap._proxy_database, name) cls._storePartitionSnapshot(name) def tearDown(self): self._storePartitionSnapshot(self.id()) @classmethod def _copySnapshot(cls, source_file_name, name): """Save a file, symbolic link or directory for later inspection. The path are made relative to slapos root directory and we keep the same directory structure. """ # we cannot use os.path.commonpath on python2, so implement something similar common_path = os.path.commonprefix((source_file_name, cls._base_directory)) if not os.path.isdir(common_path): common_path = os.path.dirname(common_path) relative_path = source_file_name[len(common_path):] if relative_path[0] == os.sep: relative_path = relative_path[1:] destination = os.path.join( cls._test_file_snapshot_directory, cls.software_id, name, relative_path, ) destination_dirname = os.path.dirname(destination) mkdir_p(destination_dirname) if os.path.islink( source_file_name) and not os.path.exists(source_file_name): cls.logger.debug( "copy broken symlink %s as %s", source_file_name, destination) with open(destination, 'w') as f: f.write('broken symink to {}\n'.format(os.readlink(source_file_name))) elif os.path.isfile(source_file_name): cls.logger.debug("copy %s as %s", source_file_name, destination) shutil.copy(source_file_name, destination) elif os.path.isdir(source_file_name): cls.logger.debug("copy directory %s as %s", source_file_name, destination) # we copy symlinks as symlinks, so that this does not fail when # we copy a directory containing broken symlinks. shutil.copytree(source_file_name, destination, symlinks=True) # implementation methods @classmethod def _cleanup(cls, snapshot_name): # type: (str) -> None """Destroy all instances and stop subsystem. Catches and log all exceptions and take snapshot named `snapshot_name` + the failing step. """ try: if hasattr(cls, '_instance_parameter_dict'): cls.requestDefaultInstance(state='destroyed') except: cls.logger.exception("Error during request destruction") cls._storeSystemSnapshot( "{}._cleanup request destroy".format(snapshot_name)) try: cls.slap.waitForReport(max_retry=cls.report_max_retry, debug=cls._debug) except: cls.logger.exception("Error during actual destruction") cls._storeSystemSnapshot( "{}._cleanup waitForReport".format(snapshot_name)) leaked_partitions = [ cp for cp in cls.slap.computer.getComputerPartitionList() if cp.getState() != 'destroyed' ] if leaked_partitions: cls.logger.critical( "The following partitions were not cleaned up: %s", [cp.getId() for cp in leaked_partitions]) cls._storeSystemSnapshot( "{}._cleanup leaked_partitions".format(snapshot_name)) for cp in leaked_partitions: try: # XXX is this really the reference ? partition_reference = cp.getInstanceParameterDict()['instance_title'] cls.slap.request( software_release=cp.getSoftwareRelease().getURI(), # software_type=cp.getType(), # TODO partition_reference=partition_reference, state="destroyed") except: cls.logger.exception( "Error during request destruction of leaked partition") cls._storeSystemSnapshot( "{}._cleanup leaked_partitions request destruction".format( snapshot_name)) try: cls.slap.waitForReport(max_retry=cls.report_max_retry, debug=cls._debug) except: cls.logger.exception( "Error during leaked partitions actual destruction") cls._storeSystemSnapshot( "{}._cleanup leaked_partitions waitForReport".format(snapshot_name)) try: cls.slap.stop() except: cls.logger.exception("Error during stop") cls._storeSystemSnapshot("{}._cleanup stop".format(snapshot_name)) leaked_supervisor_configs = glob.glob( os.path.join( cls.slap.instance_directory, 'etc', 'supervisord.conf.d', '*.conf')) if leaked_supervisor_configs: for config in leaked_supervisor_configs: os.unlink(config) raise AssertionError( "Test leaked supervisor configurations: %s" % leaked_supervisor_configs) @classmethod def requestDefaultInstance(cls, state='started'): software_url = cls.getSoftwareURL() software_type = cls.getInstanceSoftwareType() cls.logger.debug( 'requesting "%s" software:%s type:%s state:%s parameters:%s', cls.default_partition_reference, software_url, software_type, state, cls._instance_parameter_dict) return cls.slap.request( software_release=software_url, software_type=software_type, partition_reference=cls.default_partition_reference, partition_parameter_kw=cls._instance_parameter_dict, state=state)