Commit 80ea7cc0 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

replace all print by LOG

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 427f10a5
......@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
# take the input ScribusFile and read the content
xml_string = ScribusParser.getContentFile(import_scribus_file)
if xml_string == None:
print "no field was defined in the Scribus file"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'no field was defined in the Scribus file')
......@@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
# get string from ScribusFile content
output_string = str(xml_string)
print " createmodule > ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict')
# building a tree from the output string elaborated from the
# original Scribus file.
# create a list of pages containing a dict of all the page_objects
......@@ -168,10 +170,12 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
(text_field_list, keep_page, page_gap) = \
print " createmodule < ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule < ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict')
print " createmodule > ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversionDict"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversionDict')
# parsing text_field_list created from the getXmlObjectsPropertiesDict
# to extract all the usefull properties and organize elements. Then check
# attributes to get properties values.
......@@ -179,12 +183,14 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
widget_properties = \
print " createmodule < ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversionDict\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule < ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversionDict')
# testing if final rendering is PDF-like
if option_html == 1:
print " createmodule > generating background"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > generating background')
# extract background pictures from the PDF document, convert them in the right
# format (JPG) and add them to the skin folder as Image objects.
......@@ -196,9 +202,12 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
page_width, page_height = image_size
print " height = " + str(page_height)
print " width = " + str(page_width)
print " createmodule < background generated\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
' height = %s' % str(page_height))
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
' width = %s' % str(page_width))
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule < background generated')
# add field from OrderedWidgetProperties in ERP5 Module created
# radiofield_widget_properties = {}
......@@ -216,7 +225,8 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
properties_css_dict = ManageCSS.setInit()
print " createmodule > begining data interpretation"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > begining data interpretation')
#iterating pages
#print " %s" % int(global_properties['page'])
for page_iterator in range(int(global_properties['page'])):
......@@ -290,7 +300,8 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
print " createmodule > generate fields in ERP Form"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > generate fields in ERP Form')
# create ERP5 Form to handle object view
......@@ -315,12 +326,14 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
print " createmodule < fields created in ERP5 Form\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule < fields created in ERP5 Form')
print " createmodule > managing PDF settings"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > managing PDF settings')
# read all the content of the PDF document and save it in the skin_folder
# as a PDFForm. then iterate the fields to get the corresponding TALES
# expressions and save them in the PDFForm.
......@@ -330,13 +343,14 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
print " createmodule < PDF settings managed\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0, 'createmodule < PDF settings managed')
print " createmodule > PropertySheet and Document creation"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule > PropertySheet and Document creation')
# recover personal properties and save them in a PropertySheet
# then create the Document related to the object
......@@ -350,7 +364,8 @@ def ERP5Site_createModuleScribus(self,
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import initializeLocalDocumentRegistry
print " createmodule < PropertySheet and Document imported\n"
LOG('ERP5Site_createModuleScribus', 0,
'createmodule < PropertySheet and Document imported')
......@@ -345,13 +345,14 @@ class ManageModule:
# field_nb is already used by another field. this can appen
# when there are several pages in the document. In such case
# the script find automatically the closest available value.
print " can not add %s to dict : %s already used by %s " % \
(field_id, field_nb, field_nb_dict[field_nb])
LOG('ManageModule', 0,
'can not add %s to dict : %s already used by %s ' % \
(field_id, field_nb, field_nb_dict[field_nb]))
field_nb = field_nb + 1
while field_nb in field_nb_dict.keys():
# trying next value
field_nb = field_nb + 1
print " add %s to %s" % (field_id, field_nb)
LOG('ManageModule', 0, ' add %s to %s' % (field_id, field_nb))
# value is available, no problem to link field_id to this field_nb
field_nb_dict[field_nb] = field_id
......@@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ class ManageFiles:
TALES = "python: here.getProperty('" + cell_name[3:] +"')"
print " %s > %s " % (cell_name, TALES)
LOG('ManageFiles', 0, ' %s > %s ' % (cell_name, TALES))
c.setCellTALES(cell_name, TALES)
def getPDFFile(self, file_descriptor):
......@@ -726,7 +727,7 @@ class ManageFiles:
reinitialized after this procedure has been called.
if def_usePropertySheet:
print " object_names = %s" % object_names['view_id']
LOG('ManageFiles', 0, ' object_names = %s' % object_names['view_id'])
#property_form = getattr(skin_folder,object_names['view_id'])
# defining file name for Property Sheet
name_file =''
......@@ -869,7 +870,8 @@ class ManageCSS:
and save these informations in the output dict
(field_name, properties_field) = field
print " => %s : %s" % (field_name, properties_field['rendering'])
LOG('ManageCSS', 0,
' => %s : %s' % (field_name, properties_field['rendering']))
# updating field properties if necessary
if keep_page == 1:
......@@ -1010,11 +1012,11 @@ class ManageCSS:
elif properties_field['type'] == 'DateTimeField':
# rendering DateTimeField, composed at least of three input
# areas, and their order can be changed
print " Type DateTimeField"
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' Type DateTimeField')
# getting the number of fields to render and their size unit
if properties_field['date_only'] == '0':
print " Option : Not Date Only"
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' Option : Not Date Only')
field_nb = 5
# defining counting unit for fields
# total = 6.1 units:
......@@ -1026,13 +1028,14 @@ class ManageCSS:
# 1 > minutes
width_part = int(float(properties_field['size_x']) / 6.1)
print " Option : Date Only"
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' Option : Date Only')
field_nb = 3
# same as before but without hours and minutes
width_part = int((float(properties_field['size_x']) / 4))
print " input_order=%s" % properties_field['input_order']
LOG('ManageCSS', 0,
' input_order=%s' % properties_field['input_order'])
# defining global field rendering (for Date), ignoring for the moment
# the whole part about the time
if properties_field['input_order'] in \
......@@ -1092,8 +1095,10 @@ class ManageCSS:
# rendering time if necessary
if properties_field['date_only'] == '0':
# date is specified
print " position_x=%s" % properties_field['position_x']
print " size_x=%s" % properties_field['size_x']
LOG('ManageCSS', 0,
' position_x=%s' % properties_field['position_x'])
LOG('ManageCSS', 0,
' size_x=%s' % properties_field['size_x'])
field_dict[4] = {}
field_dict[4]['width'] = str(width_part) + 'px'
field_dict[4]['margin-left'] = \
......@@ -1107,7 +1112,7 @@ class ManageCSS:
int(properties_field['size_x']) - width_part) + 'px'
# number of fields to generate
print "\n field_number = %s" % field_nb
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, '\n field_number = %s' % field_nb)
field_nb_range = field_nb + 1
field_range = range(field_nb_range)
......@@ -1116,9 +1121,9 @@ class ManageCSS:
# iterator take the field_id according to the field_nb
# ie (0..field_nb)
#iterator = it + 1
print " sub_field_id=%s" % iterator
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' sub_field_id=%s' % iterator)
class_name = field_name + '_class_' + str(iterator)
print " class_name=%s" % class_name
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' class_name=%s' % class_name)
# managing standard class properties
properties_css_dict['standard'][class_name] = {}
......@@ -1141,13 +1146,13 @@ class ManageCSS:
# final printing for testing
print "\n\n final printing"
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, '\n\n final printing')
for iterator in field_range:
class_name = field_name + '_class_' + str(iterator)
print " class=%s" % class_name
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' class=%s' % class_name)
for prop_id in properties_css_dict['standard'][class_name].keys():
print " prop:%s=%s" % \
LOG('ManageCSS', 0, ' prop:%s=%s' % \
return properties_css_dict
......@@ -1175,7 +1180,8 @@ class ManageCSS:
return a string containing the whole content of the CSS output
from properties_css_dict
print " createmodule > printing output from css_class_generator"
LOG('ManageCSS', 0,
' createmodule > printing output from css_class_generator')
form_css_content = "/*-- special css form generated through ScribusUtils"\
"module --*/\n"
form_css_content += "/*-- to have a graphic rendering with 'form_html' "\
......@@ -1287,7 +1293,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
xml_string = xml_string.replace('&#x4;', '\t')
# Create DOM tree from the xml string
print " > create DOM tree"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > create DOM tree')
dom_tree = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
# creating the root from the input file
......@@ -1306,17 +1312,18 @@ class ScribusParser:
# no version propery is contained in the document
# the content does not comply with the Scribus document
# specification
print " Bad Scribus document format : no 'Version' property "
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
" Bad Scribus document format : no 'Version' property ")
return (None, keep_page, 0)
version = dom_root.attributes["Version"].value
if version[:3] == "1.2" :
# Scribus document format is 1.2
print " found Scribus document format 1.2"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' found Scribus document format 1.2')
#making a listing of all the PAGE objects
print " > making listing of all PAGE objects"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > making listing of all PAGE objects')
page_list = dom_root.getElementsByTagName("PAGE")
returned_page_dict = {}
......@@ -1330,7 +1337,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
if 'NUM' in page.attributes.keys():
page_number = str(page.attributes['NUM'].value)
print " > PAGE NUM=" + str(page_number)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > PAGE NUM=%s' % str(page_number))
# making a listing of all PAGEOBJECT in a specified PAGE
page_object_list = page.getElementsByTagName("PAGEOBJECT")
......@@ -1361,7 +1368,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
#if 'PAGEOBJECT' has a valid name, then adding it to the global
#dictionary containing all the 'PAGEOBJECT' of the 'PAGE'
print " > PAGEOBJECT = " + str(field_name)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > PAGEOBJECT = ' + str(field_name))
#after having scanned all 'PAGEOBJECT' from a 'PAGE', adding the
#relative informations to the list of 'PAGE' before going to
......@@ -1370,13 +1377,14 @@ class ScribusParser:
if len(returned_page_object_list) != 0:
returned_page_dict[page_number] = returned_page_object_list
print "=> end ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
'=> end ScribusParser.getXmlObjectPropertiesDict')
return (returned_page_dict, keep_page, 0)
# end parsing document version 1.2.*
print " found Scribus Doucment format 1.3 or higher"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' found Scribus Doucment format 1.3 or higher')
# assuming version is compliant with 1.3.* specifications
keep_page = 1
......@@ -1392,8 +1400,9 @@ class ScribusParser:
scribus_page_height = \
print " DOCUMENT > scratch_left = %s scratch_top = %s" % \
(scratch_left, scratch_top)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' DOCUMENT > scratch_left = %s scratch_top = %s' % \
(scratch_left, scratch_top))
#page_list = dom_root.getElementsByTagName("PAGE")
page_object_list = dom_root.getElementsByTagName("PAGEOBJECT")
......@@ -1416,28 +1425,29 @@ class ScribusParser:
if node_name == 'ANNAME':
if node_value != '':
field_name = node_value.replace(' ', '_')
print "> found field : %s" % field_name
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, '> found field : %s' % field_name)
elif node_name == 'OwnPage':
field_OwnPage = node_value
elif node_name == 'XPOS':
print " > updating Xpos : %s - %s = %s" % \
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > updating Xpos : %s - %s = %s' % \
(scratch_left+int(float(node_value)), scratch_left,
node_value = str(int(float(node_value)) - scratch_left)
elif node_name == 'YPOS':
print " > updating Ypos : %s - %s = %s" % \
(scratch_top+int(float(node_value)), scratch_top, node_value)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > updating Ypos : %s - %s = %s' % \
(scratch_top+int(float(node_value)), scratch_top,
node_value = str(int(float(node_value)) - scratch_top)
returned_page_object[node_name] = node_value
if field_name != '':
print " > field has the name : %s" % field_name
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > field has the name : %s' % field_name)
# field seems to be ok, just need to check if the related page
# already exists in the 'returned_page_dict'
if not field_OwnPage in returned_page_dict.keys():
# page does not exists, need to create it before adding the field
print " > adding new page"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' > adding new page')
returned_page_dict[field_OwnPage] = []
return (returned_page_dict, keep_page, page_gap)
......@@ -1465,7 +1475,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
print "\n => ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversion"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, '\n => ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversion')
returned_page_dict = {}
# declaring ScribusParser object to run other functions
......@@ -1477,7 +1487,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
# content = page_content
page_content = text_page_dict[page_number]
print " => PAGE = %s" % str(page_number)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' => PAGE = %s" % str(page_number)')
# declaring special lists used to generate nb for all objects
# this 'nb' property is usefull to define the object creation order
......@@ -1501,7 +1511,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
object_content = object_data
multiline_field= 0
#multiline_field= object_content['ANFLAG']
print " => PAGEOBJECT = " + str(object_name)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' => PAGEOBJECT = " + str(object_name)')
# recovering other attributes list (string format) from 'ANTOOLTIP'
text_tooltipfield_properties = \
sp.getObjectTooltipProperty('ANTOOLTIP', '', object_name,
......@@ -1514,7 +1524,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
tooltipfield_properties_list = \
print " " + str(tooltipfield_properties_list)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' ' + str(tooltipfield_properties_list))
# test if first argument is nb according to previous
# naming-conventions i.e composed of three digits without
......@@ -1524,8 +1534,8 @@ class ScribusParser:
# a creation-order information compliant with the previous
# naming convention
# modifying this field to make it compatible with new convention
print " => first element = " + \
str(tooltipfield_properties_list[0] + " is digit...")
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' => first element = ' + \
str(tooltipfield_properties_list[0] + " is digit..."))
LOG("WARNING : " + str(object_name), 0, "out-of-date " \
+ "for tooltipfield, please check naming_conventions")
temp_nb = tooltipfield_properties_list[0]
......@@ -1536,7 +1546,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
# end of translating work to get new standard compliant code
for tooltipfield_property in tooltipfield_properties_list:
#printing each property before spliting
print " " + str(tooltipfield_property)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' ' + str(tooltipfield_property))
# splitting attribute_id / attribute_value
tooltipfield_properties_split = tooltipfield_property.split(':')
if len(tooltipfield_properties_split) == 2:
......@@ -1628,7 +1638,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
anflag_properties['required'] = 0
anflag_properties['readOnly'] = 0
# analysing result
print " => ANFLAG = " + str(temp_ANFLAG)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' => ANFLAG = ' + str(temp_ANFLAG))
# These tests uses some special variables
# defined at the begining of the script
if temp_ANFLAG - long(def_noScroll) >= 0:
......@@ -1681,7 +1691,8 @@ class ScribusParser:
print " => MaxInput = %s" % object_properties['maximum_input']
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' => MaxInput = %s' % object_properties['maximum_input'])
# getting object type :
# first checking for user-specified type in 'tooltip' properties
......@@ -1738,9 +1749,11 @@ class ScribusParser:
LOG("WARNING : " + str(object_name),
"no 'type' found, please check your document properties")
print " => no type specified : default = StringField"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' => no type specified : default = StringField')
object_properties['type'] = 'StringField'
print " type = " + str(object_properties['type'])
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' type = ' + str(object_properties['type']))
# getting data_type relative to object type (used in
......@@ -1777,7 +1790,8 @@ class ScribusParser:
print " group = " + str(object_properties['group'])
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' group = ' + str(object_properties['group']))
# object is listbox, and listbox have several possible values
# WARNING listbox have not been tested in graphic rendering for
# the moment. is there any use for listbox in PDF-like rendering ?
......@@ -1855,32 +1869,36 @@ class ScribusParser:
# object has a nb properties containing its creation position
# adding the object in the ordered list
nb_value = int(tooltipfield_properties_dict['nb'])
print " =>'nb' property specified : using it"
print " > len(list)=%s" % len(nb_property_nbkey_list)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, " =>'nb' property specified : using it")
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' > len(list)=%s' % len(nb_property_nbkey_list))
# iterating through existing list to find right position
# before inserting value
if len(nb_property_nbkey_list) == 0:
print " => 'nb' list empty : adding without sorting"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
" => 'nb' list empty : adding without sorting")
# list is empty : adding value without sort
nb_property_nbkey_list.insert(0, (nb_value,object_name))
elif nb_property_nbkey_list[len(nb_property_nbkey_list)-1][0] <= \
print " => 'nb' end : adding at the end"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, " => 'nb' end : adding at the end")
# last element is smaller than new element : adding at the end
nb_property_nbkey_list.append((nb_value, object_name))
print " => checking for place to add the element"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' => checking for place to add the element')
# searching where to insert the element in the ordered list
for temp_key in range(len(nb_property_nbkey_list)):
temp_value = nb_property_nbkey_list[temp_key][0]
temp_content = nb_property_nbkey_list[temp_key][1]
print " @" + str(temp_key) + " temp=" + \
str(temp_value) + "/" + str(nb_value)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, " @" + str(temp_key) + " temp=" + \
str(temp_value) + "/" + str(nb_value))
if nb_value < temp_value:
#first position where actual 'nb' is smaller than temp 'nb'
# inserting new couple (nb_value,object_name) here
print " inserting here : " + str(temp_value) + \
"/" + str(nb_value)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
' inserting here : ' + str(temp_value) + \
"/" + str(nb_value))
nb_property_nbkey_list.insert(temp_key, (nb_value,
# element has been insered ,
......@@ -1891,8 +1909,9 @@ class ScribusParser:
# nb-less objects. Script will automatically find a 'nb' value for this element
LOG("WARNING : " + str(object_name), 0,
"no 'nb' defined : finding a free slot")
print " => no 'nb' property specified : post-processing "\
"will try to define one"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
" => no 'nb' property specified : post-processing "\
"will try to define one")
# adding current object with its relative properties to the dict
......@@ -1909,7 +1928,8 @@ class ScribusParser:
# and addind it to the end of the final nb-list
# to give them a 'nb' property
print " => 'nb' found for %s : %s" % (object_name, object_position)
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
" => 'nb' found for %s : %s" % (object_name, object_position))
# now all page_object are referenced in the list, we just need to sort
# the elements in the good order. for that a new list of objects
......@@ -1929,7 +1949,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
returned_page_dict[page_number] = returned_object_list
# returning final dict containing all the modified data
print " => end ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversion"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0, ' => end ScribusParser.getPropertiesConversion')
return (returned_page_dict)
......@@ -1945,7 +1965,7 @@ class ScribusParser:
global_properties = {}
global_properties['object'] = global_object_dict
global_properties['page'] = global_page_number
global_properties['page_width']= 595
global_properties['page_width'] = 595
global_properties['page_height']= 842
# return final main dict
return global_properties
......@@ -2005,7 +2025,8 @@ class ScribusParser:
elif properties_field['input_order'] in ['year/month/day','ymd']:
object_dict['attributes']['input_order'] = 'ymd'
print " found incompatible 'input_order', assuming default ymd"
LOG('ScribusParser', 0,
" found incompatible 'input_order', assuming default ymd")
object_dict['attributes']['input_order'] = 'ymd'
# checking if date only or date + time
object_dict['attributes']['date_only'] = \
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