From 761bed516445a7d93c2643dd6296043675cae233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Pelletier <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 05:31:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Make ERP5 SR able to deploy an ERP5 cluster.

 component/findutils/buildout.cfg          |   8 +
 slapos/recipe/generic_mysql/      |   6 +-
 software/erp5/README.txt                  | 408 +++++++++++++++-
 stack/erp5/buildout.cfg                   | 148 +++---
 stack/erp5/       | 159 +++++++
 stack/erp5/        |  35 +-
 stack/erp5/   | 294 ++++++++++++
 stack/erp5/   | 245 ++++++----
 stack/erp5/    |  13 +-
 stack/erp5/         |  53 ++-
 stack/erp5/ |  50 ++
 stack/erp5/        | 321 +++++++------
 stack/erp5/      | 147 ------
 stack/erp5/     | 538 ----------------------
 stack/erp5/        |   2 +-
 stack/erp5/            | 220 +++++++++
 stack/erp5/           |   6 +-
 stack/erp5/                | 191 +++++---
 stack/erp5/   |  16 +
 stack/erp5/                      |  79 ++++
 stack/erp5/                   |   4 +-
 21 files changed, 1862 insertions(+), 1081 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 component/findutils/buildout.cfg
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 delete mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 delete mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/
 create mode 100644 stack/erp5/

diff --git a/component/findutils/buildout.cfg b/component/findutils/buildout.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b9f7e6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/component/findutils/buildout.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+parts =
+  findutils
+recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
+url =
+md5sum = 351cc4adb07d54877fa15f75fb77d39f
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/generic_mysql/ b/slapos/recipe/generic_mysql/
index 8e0e0bf6c..8ba7f3c57 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/generic_mysql/
+++ b/slapos/recipe/generic_mysql/
@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ def updateMysql(args):
     with open(script_filename) as script_file:
       conf['mysql_script'] =
   while True:
-    mysql_upgrade_list = [conf['mysql_upgrade_binary'], '--no-defaults', '--user=root']
+    mysql_upgrade_list = [conf['mysql_upgrade_binary'], '--user=root']
     if 'socket' in conf:
+      mysql_upgrade_list.insert(1, '--no-defaults')
       mysql_upgrade_list.append('--socket=' + conf['socket'])
     mysql_upgrade = subprocess.Popen(mysql_upgrade_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
     result = mysql_upgrade.communicate()[0]
@@ -80,8 +81,9 @@ def updateMysql(args):
         print "MySQL database upgraded with result:\n%s" % result
         print "No need to upgrade MySQL database"
-      mysql_list = [conf['mysql_binary'].strip(), '--no-defaults', '-B', '--user=root']
+      mysql_list = [conf['mysql_binary'].strip(), '-B', '--user=root']
       if 'socket' in conf:
+        mysql_list.insert(1, '--no-defaults')
         mysql_list.append('--socket=' + conf['socket'])
       mysql = subprocess.Popen(mysql_list, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
diff --git a/software/erp5/README.txt b/software/erp5/README.txt
index 6a1ac6885..a8f16bbf4 100644
--- a/software/erp5/README.txt
+++ b/software/erp5/README.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,131 @@
-TODO: improve
+Software types
+Which software type is an entry point and can be used for root software
-Instance Parameters
+Parameters are expected to be passed as of *.serialised recipes expect them::
-Zope Parameters
-Needed by software-type development (default) and zope.
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  <parameter id="_">...</parameter>
+where `...` is a json expression (typically a dict).
+TCPv4 ports allocation
+Service listening ports are allocated in the following pattern.
+Base port of each software can be overridden, those are the default values.
+- kumofs (persistent)
+  2000: manager
+  2001: server port (?)
+  2002: server listen port (?)
+  2003: gateway port (?)
+- kumofs (volatile)
+  2010: manager
+  2011: server port (?)
+  2012: server listen port (?)
+  2013: gateway port (?)
+- cloudooo
+  2020: cloudooo
+  2021: openoffice
+- mariadb
+  2099: mariadb
+- zeo & tidstorage
+  2100: tidstorage
+  2101: first zeo
+  2102: second zeo
+  (etc)
+- haproxy
+  2150: first haproxy
+  2151: first apache
+  2152: second haproxy
+  2153: second apache
+  (etc)
+- cluster-zope
+  2200: first zope
+  2201: second zope
+  (etc)
+Note: these are not applicable when (yet unsupported) ipv6 mode is enabled, as
+stunnel (used to tunnel ipv4-only services over ipv6) needs its own listening
+This pattern was chosen to make it possible to deploy this software release in
+a setup where all partitions would share the same IPv4 without having to
+provide many parameters.
+Some ports are unused in the overall range to allow software types to grow.
+Parameters which are available to all software types.
+'mariadb-dict' (dict, optional)
+MariaDB (used for catalog, activity tables and id generator) instance
+Defaults to {}.
+Possible keys and associated value types:
+'tcpv4-port' (int, optional)
+  TCPv4 port to listen on.
+  Defaults to 2099.
+'database-list' (list, optional)
+  Define the list of databases mariadb must provide, and the user having entire
+  access to each database. Each entry in the list is a dict, with these
+  possible keys and associated value types:
+  'name' (str, mandatory)
+    Database name
+  'user' (str, mandatory)
+    User login
+  'password' (str, mandatory)
+    User password
+  Defaults to: [{'name': 'erp5', 'user': 'user', 'password': 'insecure'}]
+'test-database-amount' (int, optional)
+  Number of test databases to generate in addition of requested databases.
+  A test database, if it were provided as a database-list entry, would look
+  like:
+    {'name': 'erp5_test_0', 'user': 'testuser_0', 'password': 'testpassword0'}
+  with '0' being all numbers from 0 to test-database-amount - 1.
+  Defaults to 30.
+  Note: the default is way too much for "normal" usage. You are encouraged to
+  provide this key to some lower value: 0 if you don't intend to run any unit
+  test (ex: production instance) 3..5 if you intend to run tests without
+  paralellism.
+'full-retention-days' (int, optional)
+  The number of days full backups will be kept.
+  If -1, backups are disabled.
+  If 0, backup never expire.
+  Defaults to 7.
+'incremental-retention-days' (int, optional)
+  The number of days binlogs will be kept.
+  If -1, binlogs are disabled.
+  If 0, binlogs are never expired.
+  Defaults to 'full-retention-days' value.
+'innodb-buffer-pool-size' (str, optional)
+  See mariadb documentation for innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration
+  parameter. Value is used verbatim in configuration file.
+  Empty string means unconfigured (ie, bail out to mariadb's default).
+  Defaults to "".
+'innodb-log-file-size' (str, optional)
+  See mariadb documentation for innodb_log_file_size configuration parameter.
+  Value is used verbatim in configuration file.
+  Empty string means unconfigured (ie, bail out to mariadb's default).
+  Defaults to "".
+'innodb-log-buffer-size' (str, optional)
+  See mariadb documentation for innodb_log_buffer_size configuration parameter.
+  Value is used verbatim in configuration file.
+  Empty string means unconfigured (ie, bail out to mariadb's default).
+  Defaults to "".
+'mariadb-relaxed-writes' (int, optional)
+  Controls relaxed writes, which improves performances at the cost of data
+  safety. DO NOT ENABLE THIS ON PRODUCTION. It's fine for unit tests and may be
+  acceptable for development instances. Set to 1 to enable.
+  Default: 0
+single (default)
+This creates an ERP5 instance suited for small needs/resources, or local
+development. A minimal ERP5 site is created when instance is started.
@@ -31,3 +151,279 @@ frontend-domain (optional)
 Domain name frontend must recognise as belonging to this instance.
+This creates a massive ERP5 instance suited for high-demanding production
+setups - which also have a lot of available resources (several machines,
+several CPUs per machine, GBs of ram, several machines...).
+For each available key in the outmost dict are described below.
+Publishes a dict in which each entry is the URL to a balancer entry point
+(apache listening socket), witht the same keys as zope-partition-dict.
+'zodb-software-type' (str, optional)
+Storage mechanism to use. To know the list of supported values, see all keys in's section [switch-softwaretype] which start with "zodb-".
+Defaults to 'zeo'.
+'zodb-tcpv4-port' (int, optional)
+Base TCPv4 port for ZODB provider, if applicable (depends on chosen
+Defaults to 2100.
+'zodb-dict' (dict, optional)
+Describes ZODBs to create and use in the instance. At least one entry is
+required to achieve anything sensible with the instance.
+key (str)
+  Zope internal name for this ZODB. Used to tell mountpoints apart in the ZMI
+  when populating them.
+value (dict)
+  key (str)
+    Possible keys and associated value types:
+    'storage-family' (str, optional)
+      Storage family. All zodbs requested with the same value are provided
+      by the same service (ex: same ZEO process). Might not be supported by
+      all zodb-software-type, silently ignored if so (ie, each ZODB gets its
+      own family).
+      Defaults to 'default'.
+    'mount-point' (str, optional)
+      Storage mount point.
+      Defaults to '/'.
+    'cache-size' (int, optional)
+      Storage ZODB cache size (aka 'Connection cache'), in objects. No value
+      is specified when negative is provided (ie, uses ZODB's default).
+      Defaults to -1.
+    'storage-dict' (dict, optional)
+      Storage-type-specific parameters. For example, it can be used to tell where
+      a ZEO filestorage database is located.
+      When zodb-software-type is 'zeo', the following keys are supported:
+      'path' (string, optional)
+        FileStorage file path. Occurrences of '%(zodb)s' are replaced with the
+        path to partition's srv/zodb directory.
+        Defaults to '%(zodb)s/', Zope's internal name for this ZODB, and '.fs'.
+      'client' (dict, optional)
+        Client(=Zope)-side settings. 'server' and 'storage' keys will be
+        overwritten. Keys and values are expected to be strings, and map
+        directly to options in the resulting <zeoclient> section.
+        Defaults to {}.
+'tidstorage-dict' (dict, optional)
+Backup parameters for tidstorage-related backup scripts.
+TIDStorage is not deployed if not provided.
+key (str)
+  Possible keys and associated value types:
+  'zodb-dict' (dict, optional)
+    key (str)
+      (same as zodb-dict)
+    value (str, optional)
+      Path to store backups of this zodb into. Occurrences of '%(backup)s' are
+      replaced with the path to partition's srv/backup/zodb directory.
+    Defaults to {}.
+    If an item is missing compared to zodb-dict, value defaults to
+    '%(backup)s/' + key.
+  'timestamp-path' (str, optional)
+    Path to backup timestamp file.
+    Occurrences of '%(backup)s' are replaced with the path to partition's
+    srv/backup/tidstorage directory.
+    Defaults to '%(backup)s/repozo_tidstorage_timestamp.log'.
+'zope-partition-dict' (dict, optional)
+key (str)
+  Instance name.
+value (dict)
+  Possible keys and associated value types:
+  'family' (str, optional)
+    The family this partition is part of. For example: 'public', 'admin',
+    'backoffice', 'web-service'... Each family gets its own frontend
+    (=client-facing ip & port). It has no special meaning as far as
+    buildout is concerned.
+    Defaults to 'default'.
+  'instance-count' (int, optional)
+    The number of Zopes to setup on this partition.
+    Defaults to 1.
+  'thread-amount' (int, optional)
+    The number of worker threads for each created Zope process.
+    Defaults to 1.
+  'timerserver-interval' (int, optional)
+    The timerserver tick perdiod. 0 to disable timerserver.
+    Defaults to 5.
+  'computer-guid' (string, optional)
+    Computer on which partition should be allocated.
+    Defauts to the same computer as the one this .cfg is executed in.
+  'longrequest-logger-interval' (int, optional)
+    The period, in seconds, with which LongRequestLogger polls worker thread
+    stack traces. -1 to disable.
+    Defaults to -1.
+  'longrequest-logger-timeout' (int, optional)
+    The transaction duration after which LongRequestLogger will start logging
+    its stack trace, in seconds. Ignored if longrequest-logger-interval is -1.
+    Defaults to 1.
+  'port-base' (int, optional)
+    Start allocating ports at this value. Useful if one needs to make several
+    partitions share the same port range (ie, several partitions bound to a
+    single address).
+    Defaults to 2200.
+'haproxy-maxconn' (int, optional)
+The number of connections haproxy accepts for a given backend.
+See haproxy's "server maxconn" setting.
+Defaults to 1 (correct for single-worker-threaded zopes).
+'haproxy-tcpv4-port' (int, optional)
+Base TCPv4 port for load-balancer (haproxy + backend apache).
+Defaults to 2150.
+'haproxy-server-check-path' (str, optional)
+The path haproxy accesses on a each backend to test their responsiveness.
+Occurrences of '%(site-id)s' are replaced with site-id value (see below).
+Defaults to '/'.
+'apache-backend-path' (str, optional)
+Used as a rewriterule to strip components from site's URL.
+Occurrences of '%(site-id)s' are replaced with site-id value (see below).
+XXX: You may want to avoid using this when also requesting a frontend apache.
+Defaults to '/' (ie, nothing is stripped).
+'apache-access-control-string' (str, optional)
+The list of hosts apache accepts connections from.
+Defaults to 'all'.
+'apache-ssl-authentication' (booleanish, optional)
+Controls certificate-based authentication.
+Defaults to '0' (disabled).
+'site-id' (str, optional)
+Site object's id. Defaults to 'erp5'.
+'ca' (dict, optional)
+Certificate autority parameters.
+Possible keys and associated value types:
+'country-code' (str, optional)
+  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Defaults to 'ZZ'.
+'email' (str, optional)
+  E-mail address. Defaults to ''
+'state' (str, optional)
+  State name. Defaults to 'Dummy State'.
+'city' (str, optional)
+  City name. Default to 'Dummy City'.
+'company' (str, optional)
+  Company name. Defaults to 'Dummy Company'.
+'mariadb-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition mariadb is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+'cloudooo-tcpv4-port' (int, optional)
+Base TCPv4 port for cloudooo.
+Defaults to 2020.
+'cloudooo-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition cloudooo is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+'memcached-size' (int, optional)
+Megabytes of ram to allocate for volatile memcached use.
+Defaults to 64.
+Negative/zero values cause undefined behaviour which may change in the future.
+Base TCPv4 port for volatile memcached.
+Defaults to 2010.
+'memcached-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition memcached is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+Base TCPv4 port for persistent memcached.
+Defaults to 2000.
+'kumofs-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition kumofs is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+'zodb-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition ZODB server is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+'balancer-computer-guid' (str, optional)
+Computer GUID identifying the partition balander (haproxy, apache, some HTTP
+cache) is to be requested on.
+Defaults to "cluster" software type's partition's effective computer GUID.
+'font-url-list' (list of strings, optional)
+List of extra fonts URLs to be used by cloudooo.
+Defaults to [].
+'bt5' (str, optional)
+XXX: what is this ?
+Defaults to 'erp5_full_text_myisam_catalog \
+erp5_configurator_standard \
+erp5_configurator_maxma_demo \
+erp5_configurator_ung \
+'bt5-repository-url' (str, optional)
+XXX: what is this ?
+Defaults to SR's buildout['local-bt5-repository']['list'].
+'smtp-url' (str, optional)
+XXX: what is this ?
+Defaults to 'smtp://localhost:25/'.
+'timezone' (str, optional)
+Timezone to put processes in (default timezone for DateTime instances).
+Defaults to 'Europe/Paris'.
+'frontend-software-url' (str, optional)
+Frontend's software url.
+Defaults to ''.
+If non-empty, the following options are used (otherwise, they are all
+optional and ignored):
+'frontend-software-type' (str, optional)
+Frontend's software type.
+Defaults to 'RootSoftwareInstance'
+'frontend-instance-guid' (str, mandatory)
+Instance GUID identifying the partition frontend is on.
+'frontend-domain' (str, optional)
+The domain name used to access this ERP5 cluster, ignored if empty.
+Defaults to ''.
+For a better description of these parameters, see a frontend software
+release documentation.
diff --git a/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg b/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg
index 4dac1445c..ad14c8050 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg
+++ b/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ extends =
-  ../../component/xtrabackup/buildout.cfg
@@ -65,6 +64,8 @@ extends =
+  ../../component/6tunnel/buildout.cfg
+  ../../component/findutils/buildout.cfg
 parts =
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ parts =
+  findutils
@@ -137,6 +139,11 @@ parts =
 # Create instance template
+recipe =
+url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
+mode = 644
 # Local development
 recipe =
@@ -164,63 +171,46 @@ context =
-< = template-jinja2-base
-filename = instance-mariadb.cfg
-md5sum = 49ae6f1bf97d3755978fe08b8e29fb5a
-extra-context =
-    key coreutils_location coreutils:location
-    key dcron_location dcron:location
-    key gettext_location gettext:location
-    key grep_location grep:location
-    key gzip_location gzip:location
-    key logrotate_location logrotate:location
-    key mariadb_location mariadb:location
-    key perl_location perl:location
-    key perl_siteprefix perl:siteprefix
-    key sed_location sed:location
-    key xtrabackup_location xtrabackup:location
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = defc8f21dd651dab65102f889740a4e5
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = 69556ddc9773fb95896b7762e998bb9b
-mode = 640
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 2b68521ebde309d6453336f1a2e46381
-< = template-jinja2-base
-filename = instance-kumofs.cfg
-md5sum = 90a321be12ee977800d590bf941021ef
-extra-context =
-    key dash_location dash:location
-    key dcron_location dcron:location
-    key gzip_location gzip:location
-    key kumo_location kumo:location
-    key logrotate_location logrotate:location
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = 5572d10b343bd2de90deeaf55dd0fdc7
-mode = 640
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 0dd51fb85ced7e77d4a8544115f90f8e
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = 53492e520be57f4c6a9eacd107c8d446
-mode = 640
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 6660382993d14e1d538e737e881219ba
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = bc2154161a1d5baddc4ed4dfaaf94fbe
-mode = 640
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = c4c42d06c63d33de703fc03415e34d84
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 1339485f80e049fd22d0270ebf044aa6
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 564006953b7d7a12d40a14b6648b32f0
 < = template-jinja2-base
 # XXX: "template.cfg" is hardcoded in instanciation recipe
 filename = template.cfg
 template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = a1a5a9983207e4a8128bab331cbd3cd5
+md5sum = d4b6e9bdaea4c11827dcb7a30c2d20c9
 extra-context =
     key apache_location apache:location
     key aspell_location aspell:location
@@ -232,9 +222,11 @@ extra-context =
     key dmtx_utils_location dmtx-utils:location
     key erp5_location erp5:location
     key file_location file:location
+    key findutils_location findutils:location
     key fontconfig_location fontconfig:location
     key fonts_location fonts:location
     key freetype_location freetype:location
+    key gettext_location gettext:location
     key git_location git:location
     key graphviz_location graphviz:location
     key grep_location grep:location
@@ -242,6 +234,7 @@ extra-context =
     key haproxy_location haproxy:location
     key imagemagick_location imagemagick:location
     key jsl_location jsl:location
+    key kumo_location kumo:location
     key libICE_location libICE:location
     key libSM_location libSM:location
     key libX11_location libX11:location
@@ -257,17 +250,24 @@ extra-context =
     key logrotate_location logrotate:location
     key mariadb_location mariadb:location
     key openssl_location openssl:location
+    key perl_location perl:location
+    key perl_siteprefix perl:siteprefix
     key poppler_location poppler:location
     key sed_location sed:location
+    key sixtunnel_location 6tunnel:location
     key stunnel_location stunnel:location
+    key template_balancer template-balancer:target
     key template_cloudooo template-cloudooo:target
+    key template_cluster_zope template-cluster-zope:target
     key template_erp5_single template-erp5-single:target
     key template_erp5_cluster template-erp5-cluster:target
-    key template_kumofs template-kumofs:rendered
-    key template_mariadb template-mariadb:rendered
-    key template_memcached template-memcached:rendered
-    key template_tidstorage template-tidstorage:target
+    key template_kumofs template-kumofs:target
+    key template_logrotate_base template-logrotate-base:rendered
+    key template_mariadb template-mariadb:target
+    key template_mariadb_initial_setup template-mariadb-initial-setup:target
+    key template_my_cnf template-my-cnf:target
     key template_varnish template-varnish:target
+    key template_zeo template-zeo:target
     key template_zope template-zope:target
     key template_zope_conf template-zope-conf:target
     key tesseract_location tesseract:location
@@ -276,34 +276,44 @@ extra-context =
     key wget_location wget:location
     key zlib_location zlib:location
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 77ec4f095a22b5bd7dfea9dff63bade5
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = c745d794b28cae64feba527f894d7340
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 6d0bdee21ac4837f07852b98b6fcea36
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 019f306860857e8536f26aba32101b30
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = 9c9741c4db7e46f3cd13c0b2f392fd5d
 < = template-jinja2-base
-filename = instance-memcached.cfg
-md5sum = 346c864c1f119360eddb5e163f16d4f3
+filename = instance-logrotate-base.cfg
+md5sum = af19ff0c7817df85987c69738fb083f2
 extra-context =
-    key dash_location dash:location
     key dcron_location dcron:location
     key gzip_location gzip:location
-    key kumo_location kumo:location
     key logrotate_location logrotate:location
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = 2a4312202a3160f874c4fa3ee9155a1d
-mode = 640
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = eecde68b9a266d8883042540ac077839
-mode = 640
-recipe =
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
-md5sum = ae0465591c22c0cb316c1706965c6b18
-mode = 640
+< = download-base
+filename =
+md5sum = b3020e1da069d43ece0de99b106cfb45
 # Format:
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f26f7179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
+{% set part_list = [] -%}
+{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
+XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv4 and (if ipv6 is used) one IPv6
+per partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
+# TODO: insert varnish between apache & haproxy.
+# And think of a way to specify which urls goe through varnish, which go
+# directly to haproxy. (maybe just passing literal configuration file chunk)
+{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:ipv4toipv6
+runner-path = ${directory:services}/${:base-name}
+6tunnel-path = {{ parameter_dict['6tunnel'] }}/bin/6tunnel
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash'] }}/bin/dash
+ipv4 = {{ ipv4 }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% set haproxy_dict = {} -%}
+{% set apache_dict = {} -%}
+{% set next_port = slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port'] -%}
+{% for family_name, parameter_id_list in slapparameter_dict['zope-family-dict'].items() -%}
+{%   set zope_family_address_list = [] -%}
+{%   for parameter_id in parameter_id_list -%}
+{%     set zope_address_list = slapparameter_dict[parameter_id] -%}
+{%     for zope_address in zope_address_list -%}
+{%       if use_ipv6 -%}
+[{{ section('zope-tunnel-' ~ next_port) }}]
+< = zope-tunnel-base
+base-name = {{ 'zeo-tunnel-' ~ next_port }}
+ipv4-port = {{ next_port }}
+ipv6-port = {{ zope_address.split(']:')[1] }}
+ipv6 = {{ zope_address.split(']:')[0][1:] }}
+{%         set zope_effective_address = ipv4 ~ ":" ~ next_port -%}
+{%         set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+{%       else -%}
+{%         set zope_effective_address = zope_address -%}
+{%       endif -%}
+{%       do zope_family_address_list.append(zope_effective_address) -%}
+{%     endfor -%}
+{%   endfor -%}
+{%   set haproxy_port = next_port -%}
+{%   set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+{%   do haproxy_dict.__setitem__(family_name, (haproxy_port, zope_family_address_list)) -%}
+{%   do apache_dict.__setitem__(family_name, (next_port, 'http://' ~ ipv4 ~ ':' ~ haproxy_port)) -%}
+{%   set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:haproxy
+conf-path = ${directory:etc}/haproxy.cfg
+ip = {{ ipv4 }}
+maxconn = {{ slapparameter_dict['haproxy-maxconn'] }}
+server-check-path = {{ slapparameter_dict['haproxy-server-check-path'] }}
+wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/haproxy
+ctl-path = ${directory:bin}/haproxy-ctl
+socket-path = ${directory:run}/haproxy.sock
+binary-path = {{ parameter_dict['haproxy'] }}/sbin/haproxy
+backend-dict = {{ dumps(haproxy_dict) }}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:apache.zope.backend
+backend-list = {{ dumps(apache_dict.values()) }}
+ip = {% if use_ipv6 %}{{ ipv6 }}{% else %}{{ ipv4 }}{% endif %}
+wrapper = ${directory:bin}/apache
+scheme = https
+key-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.key
+cert-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.crt
+configuration-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache.conf
+access-control-string = {{ slapparameter_dict['apache-access-control-string'] }}
+pid-file = ${directory:run}/
+lock-file = ${directory:run}/apache.lock
+ssl-session-cache = $${directory:log}/apache-ssl-session-cache
+error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-error.log
+access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-access.log
+apache-binary = {{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd
+ssl-authentication = {{ slapparameter_dict['apache-ssl-authentication'] }}
+backend-path = {{ slapparameter_dict['apache-backend-path'] }}
+# Note: Without certificate-authority main certificate have to be hardcoded
+ssl-authentication-certificate = ${certificate-authority:ca-dir}/cacert.pem
+ssl-authentication-crl = ${certificate-authority:ca-crl}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+{% for family_name, (apache_port, _) in apache_dict.items() -%}
+{%   if use_ipv6 -%}
+{{     family_name }} = ${apache:scheme}://[${apache:ip}]:{{ apache_port }}
+{%   else -%}
+{{     family_name }} = ${apache:scheme}://${apache:ip}:{{ apache_port }}
+{%   endif -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
+openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
+ca-dir = ${directory:ca-dir}
+requests-directory = ${directory:requests}
+wrapper = ${directory:services}/ca
+ca-private = ${directory:private}
+ca-certs = ${directory:certs}
+ca-newcerts = ${directory:newcerts}
+ca-crl = ${directory:crl}
+{% set ca = slapparameter_dict['ca'] -%}
+country-code = {{ ca.get('country-code', 'ZZ') }}
+email = {{ ca.get('email', '') }}
+state = {{ ca.get('state', 'Dummy State') }}
+city = {{ ca.get('city', 'Dummy City') }}
+company = {{ ca.get('company', 'Dummy Company') }}
+< = certificate-authority
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
+key-file = ${apache:key-file}
+cert-file = ${apache:cert-file}
+executable = ${apache:wrapper}
+wrapper = ${directory:services}/apache
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
+logrotate-entries = ${logrotate:logrotate-entries}
+backup = ${logrotate:backup}
+name = apache
+log = ${apache:error-log} ${apache:access-log}
+post = {{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/killpidfromfile ${apache:pid-file} SIGUSR1
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
+apache-conf = ${:etc}/apache
+bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
+etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
+services = ${:etc}/run
+var = ${buildout:directory}/var
+run = ${:var}/run
+log = ${:var}/log
+ca-dir = ${buildout:directory}/srv/ssl
+requests = ${:ca-dir}/requests
+private = ${:ca-dir}/private
+certs = ${:ca-dir}/certs
+newcerts = ${:ca-dir}/newcerts
+crl = ${:ca-dir}/crl
+extends = {{ parameter_dict['instance-logrotate-cfg'] }}
+parts +=
+  publish
+  logrotate-apache
+  haproxy
+  ca-apache
+  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}
+eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
+develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
+offline = true
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 692c2e06f..952f2f49f 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
 {% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
-{% set json = json_module.loads(parameter_dict.get('cloudooo-json', '{}')) -%}
 {% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['buildout-bin-directory'] -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
 parts =
+  {% if use_ipv6 %}promise-tunnel{% endif %}
 eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
 develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
 offline = true
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publishurl
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+url = cloudooo://[${ipv6toipv4:ipv6}]:${ipv6toipv4:ipv6-port}/
+{% else -%}
 url = cloudooo://${cloudooo-instance:ip}:${cloudooo-instance:port}/
+{% endif -%}
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.cloudooo
 # Network options
 ip = ${slap-network-information:local-ipv4}
-port = 23000
-openoffice-port = 23060
+{% set tcpv4_port = slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port'] -%}
+port = {{ tcpv4_port }}
+openoffice-port = {{ tcpv4_port + 1 }}
 # Paths
 configuration-file = ${directory:etc}/cloudooo.cfg
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:fontconfig
 conf-path = ${directory:etc}/font.conf
 font-system-folder = {{ parameter_dict['fonts'] }}
 font-folder = ${directory:font}
-url-list = {{ json.get('font_url_list', []) | join(' ') }}
+url-list = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('font-url-list', []) | join(' ') }}
 service-folder = ${directory:service}
 onetimedownload_path = {{ bin_directory }}/onetimedownload
@@ -61,6 +67,25 @@ path = ${directory:promise}/openoffice
 hostname = ${cloudooo-instance:ip}
 port = ${cloudooo-instance:openoffice-port}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+path = ${directory:promise}/tunnel
+hostname = ${ipv6toipv4:ipv6}
+port = ${ipv6toipv4:ipv6-port}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:ipv6toipv4
+runner-path = ${directory:service}/${:base-name}
+6tunnel-path = {{ parameter_dict['6tunnel'] }}/bin/6tunnel
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash'] }}/bin/dash
+ipv4 = ${cloudooo-instance:ip}
+ipv6 = {{ (ipv6_set | list)[0] }}
+ipv6-port = ${cloudooo-instance:port}
+ipv4-port = ${cloudooo-instance:port}
+base-name = cloudooo-tunnel
+{% endif -%}
 # rest of parts are candidates for some generic stuff
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ec3cb40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+{% if slap_software_type == software_type -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = parameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
+{% set next_port = slapparameter_dict['port-base'] -%}
+{% set site_id = slapparameter_dict['site-id'] -%}
+{% set storage_type = slapparameter_dict['zodb-storage-type'] -%}
+{% set part_list = [] -%}
+{% set publish_list = [] -%}
+{% set zodb_dict = slapparameter_dict['zodb-dict'] -%}
+{% set longrequest_logger_base_path = buildout_directory ~ '/var/log/longrequest_logger_' -%}
+{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
+{% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['buildout-bin-directory'] -%}
+XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv4 and one IPv6 per
+partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
+{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
+bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
+etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
+instance = ${:srv}/erp5shared
+instance-constraint = ${:instance}/Constraint
+instance-document = ${:instance}/Document
+instance-etc = ${:instance}/etc
+instance-etc-package-include = ${:instance}/etc/package-include
+instance-extensions = ${:instance}/Extensions
+instance-import = ${:instance}/import
+instance-lib = ${:instance}/lib
+instance-products = ${:instance}/Products
+instance-propertysheet = ${:instance}/PropertySheet
+instance-tests = ${:instance}/tests
+log = ${:var}/log
+run = ${:var}/run
+services = ${:etc}/run
+srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
+tmp = ${buildout:directory}/tmp
+var = ${buildout:directory}/var
+promises = ${:etc}/promise
+recipe =
+target-directory = ${directory:bin}
+link-binary =
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/basename
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cat
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cp
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/ls
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/tr
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/uname
+  {{ parameter_dict['git'] }}/bin/git
+  {{ parameter_dict['graphviz'] }}/bin/dot
+  {{ parameter_dict['grep'] }}/bin/grep
+  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/convert
+  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/identify
+  {{ parameter_dict['sed'] }}/bin/sed
+  {{ parameter_dict['tesseract'] }}/bin/tesseract
+  {{ parameter_dict['w3m'] }}/bin/w3m
+  {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
+  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdfinfo
+  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftotext
+  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftohtml
+  {{ parameter_dict['dmtx-utils'] }}/bin/dmtxwrite
+requests-directory = ${directory:requests}
+ca-dir = ${directory:ca-dir}
+ca-private = ${directory:private}
+ca-certs = ${directory:certs}
+ca-newcerts = ${directory:newcerts}
+ca-crl = ${directory:crl}
+< = certificate-authority-common
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
+openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
+wrapper = ${directory:services}/ca
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+{%   set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:ipv4toipv6
+runner-path = ${directory:services}/${:base-name}
+6tunnel-path = {{ parameter_dict['6tunnel'] }}/bin/6tunnel
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash'] }}/bin/dash
+ipv4 = {{ ipv4 }}
+{%   if storage_type == 'zeoclient' -%}
+{#     ZEO needs tunelling for IPv6 (...until next version becomes current in Zope) -#}
+{%     set zeo_tunneling_dict = {} -%}
+{%     for _, _, storage_dict in zodb_dict.values() -%}
+{%       set storage_server = storage_dict['server'] -%}
+{%       if storage_server not in zeo_tunneling_dict -%}
+{%         set current_port = next_port + (zeo_tunneling_dict | length) -%}
+{%         do zeo_tunneling_dict.__setitem__(storage_server, current_port) -%}
+[{{ section('zeo-tunnel-' ~ current_port) }}]
+< = zeo-tunnel-base
+base-name = {{ 'zeo-tunnel-' ~ current_port }}
+ipv4-port = {{ current_port }}
+ipv6-port = {{ storage_server.split(']:')[1] }}
+ipv6 = {{ storage_server.split(']:')[0][1:] }}
+{%       endif -%}
+{%       do storage_dict.__setitem__('server', '' ~ ipv4 ~ ':' ~ zeo_tunneling_dict[storage_server]) -%}
+{%     endfor -%}
+{%     set next_port = next_port + (zeo_tunneling_dict | length) -%}
+{%   endif -%}
+{%   if slapparameter_dict.get('tidstorage-ip') -%}
+< = zeo-tunnel-base
+base-name = {{ 'tidstorage-tunnel' }}
+ipv4-port = {{ next_port }}
+ipv6 = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('tidstorage-ip') }}
+ipv6-port = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('tidstorage-port') }}
+{%     do slapparameter_dict.__setitem__('tidstorage-ip', ipv4) -%}
+{%     do slapparameter_dict.__setitem__('tidstorage-port', next_port) -%}
+{%     set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+[{{ section("promise-tidstorage-tunnel") }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv4}
+port = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv4-port}
+path = ${directory:promises}/tidstorage
+{%   endif -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:ipv6toipv4
+runner-path = ${directory:services}/${:base-name}
+6tunnel-path = {{ parameter_dict['6tunnel'] }}/bin/6tunnel
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash'] }}/bin/dash
+ipv4 = {{ ipv4 }}
+ipv6 = {{ ipv6 }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if slapparameter_dict.get('tidstorage-ip') -%}
+ipv4 = {{ slapparameter_dict['tidstorage-ip'] }}
+ipv4-port = {{ slapparameter_dict['tidstorage-port'] }}
+{% else -%}
+ipv4 =
+ipv4-port =
+{% endif -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.zope.zeo.client
+user = zope
+ip = {{ ipv4 }}
+timezone = {{ slapparameter_dict['timezone'] }}
+tidstorage-ip = ${tidstorage:ipv4}
+tidstorage-port = ${tidstorage:ipv4-port}
+instance-etc = ${directory:instance-etc}
+bt5-repository = ${directory:var}/bt5_repository
+tmp-path = ${directory:tmp}
+bin-path = ${directory:bin}
+site-zcml = ${:instance-etc}/site.zcml
+inituser = ${directory:instance}/inituser
+runzope-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/runzope
+bt5-repository-list =
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:pwgen.stable
+ip = {{ ipv4 }}
+site-id = {{ site_id }}
+{% set zodb_list = [] -%}
+{% for key, (mount_point, cache_size, storage_dict) in zodb_dict.items() -%}
+{%   do zodb_list.append([key, mount_point, cache_size, storage_type, storage_dict]) -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+zodb-list = {{ dumps(zodb_list) }}
+recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
+template = {{ parameter_dict['zope-conf-template'] }}
+extra-context =
+context =
+  key instance directory:instance
+  key instance_products directory:instance-products
+  raw deadlock_path /manage_debug_threads
+  key deadlock_debugger_password deadlock-debugger-password:password
+  key tidstorage_ip tidstorage:ipv4
+  key tidstorage_port tidstorage:ipv4-port
+  key promise_path erp5-promise:promise-path
+  ${:extra-context}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
+logrotate-entries = ${logrotate:logrotate-entries}
+backup = ${logrotate:backup}
+{% macro zope(
+  name,
+  port,
+  thread_amount,
+  timerserver_interval,
+  longrequest_logger_timeout,
+  longrequest_logger_interval
+) -%}
+{% set conf_name = name ~ '-conf' -%}
+{% set conf_parameter_name = conf_name ~ '-param' -%}
+{% set zope_tunnel_section_name = name ~ '-ipv6toipv4' -%}
+{% set zope_tunnel_base_name = zope_tunnel_section_name -%}
+[{{ conf_parameter_name }}]
+< = zope-conf-parameter-base
+pid-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.pid
+lock-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.lock
+port = {{ port }}
+thread-amount = {{ thread_amount }}
+timerserver-interval = {{ dumps(timerserver_interval) }}
+event-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-event.log
+z2-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-Z2.log
+[{{ conf_name }}]
+< = zope-conf-base
+rendered = ${directory:etc}/{{ name }}.conf
+extra-context =
+  section parameter_dict {{ conf_parameter_name }}
+[{{ name }}]
+< = zope-base
+{% if longrequest_logger_interval < 0 -%}
+longrequest-logger-file =
+longrequest-logger-timeout =
+longrequest-logger-interval =
+{% else -%}
+longrequest-logger-file = {{ longrequest_logger_base_path ~ name ~ ".log" }}
+longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ dumps(longrequest_logger_timeout) }}
+longrequest-logger-interval = {{ dumps(longrequest_logger_interval) }}
+{% endif -%}
+wrapper = ${directory:services}/{{ name }}
+configuration-file = {{ '${' ~ conf_name ~ ':rendered}' }}
+port = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':port}' }}
+[{{ section("promise-" ~ name) }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = {{ '${' ~ name ~ ':ip}' }}
+port = {{ '${' ~ name ~ ':port}' }}
+path = ${directory:promises}/{{ name }}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+[{{ zope_tunnel_section_name }}]
+< = ipv6toipv4-base
+base-name = {{ zope_tunnel_base_name }}
+ipv6-port = {{ port }}
+ipv4-port = {{ port }}
+{%   do publish_list.append("[" ~ ipv6 ~ "]:" ~ port) -%}
+[{{ section("promise-tunnel-" ~ name) }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = {{ '${' ~ zope_tunnel_section_name ~ ':ipv6}' }}
+port = {{ '${' ~ zope_tunnel_section_name ~ ':ipv6-port}' }}
+path = ${directory:promises}/{{ zope_tunnel_base_name }}
+{% else -%}
+{%   do publish_list.append(ipv4 ~ ":" ~ port) -%}
+{% endif -%}
+[{{ section('logrotate-entry-' ~ name) }}]
+< = logrotate-entry-base
+name = {{ name }}
+log = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':event-log}' }} {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':z2-log}' }} {{ '${' ~ name ~ ':longrequest-logger-file}' }}
+post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':pid-file}' }} SIGUSR2
+{% endmacro -%}
+{% for i in range(slapparameter_dict.get('instance-count', 1)) -%}
+{{   zope("zope-" ~ i, next_port, slapparameter_dict['thread-amount'], slapparameter_dict['timerserver-interval'], slapparameter_dict['longrequest-logger-timeout'], slapparameter_dict['longrequest-logger-interval']) }}
+{%   set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+zope-address-list = {{ dumps(publish_list) }}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:erp5.promise
+promise-path = ${directory:etc}/erp5promise.cfg
+kumofs-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['kumofs-url'] }}
+memcached-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['memcached-url'] }}
+cloudooo-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['cloudooo-url'] }}
+smtp-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['smtp-url'] }}
+bt5 = {{ slapparameter_dict['bt5'] }}
+bt5-repository-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['bt5-repository-url'] }}
+eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
+develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
+offline = true
+extends =
+  {{ parameter_dict['instance-logrotate-cfg'] }}
+parts +=
+  binary-link
+  erp5-promise
+  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}
+  publish-zope
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 531852e49..9d2a2a289 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -1,62 +1,54 @@
 {% if slap_software_type == software_type -%}
-# Request erp5 production environnment
-parts =
-  request-tidstorage
-  basedirectory
-eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
-develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
-offline = true
+{% set publish_dict = {} -%}
+{% set frontend_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('frontend', {}) %}
+{% set has_frontend = frontend_dict.get('software-url', '') != '' -%}
+{% set site_id = slapparameter_dict.get('site-id', 'erp5') -%}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
 software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
 sla = computer_guid
-return = url
 server-url = ${slap-connection:server-url}
 key-file = ${slap-connection:key-file}
 cert-file = ${slap-connection:cert-file}
 computer-id = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
 partition-id = ${slap-connection:partition-id}
+config =
+  use-ipv6
+  ${:extra-config}
+extra-config =
+config-use-ipv6 = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False)) }}
-name = MariaDB DataBase
-software-type = mariadb
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:mariadb-computer-guid}
-name = Cloudooo
-config = cloudooo-json
-config-cloudooo-json = ${slap-parameter:cloudooo-json}
-software-type = cloudooo
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:cloudooo-computer-guid}
-name = Memcached
-software-type = memcached
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:memcached-computer-guid}
+{% macro request(name, software_type, config_key, config={}, ret={'url': True}) -%}
+{% do config.update(slapparameter_dict.get(config_key, {})) -%}
+{% set section = 'request-' ~ name -%}
+[{{ section }}]
+< = request-common
+name = {{ name }}
+software-type = {{ software_type }}
+return = {{ ret.keys() | join(' ') }}
+{% for ret, publish in ret.items() -%}
+{%   if publish -%}
+{%     do publish_dict.__setitem__(name ~ '-' ~ ret, '${' ~ section ~ ':connection-' ~ ret ~ '}')%}
+{%   endif -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+sla-computer_guid = {{ slapparameter_dict.get(config_key + '-computer-guid', computer_id) }}
+extra-config = {{ ' '.join(config) }}
+{% for option, value in config.items() -%}
+config-{{ option }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
+{% endfor -%}
+{% endmacro -%}
-name = KumoFS
-software-type = kumofs
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:kumofs-computer-guid}
+{{ request('memcached-persistent', 'kumofs', 'kumofs', {'tcpv4-port': 2000}) }}
+{{ request('memcached-volatile', 'kumofs', 'memcached', {'tcpv4-port': 2010, 'ram-storage-size': 64}) }}
+{{ request('cloudooo', 'cloudooo', 'cloudooo', {'tcpv4-port': 2020}) }}
+{{ request('mariadb', 'mariadb', 'mariadb', {'tcpv4-port': 2099}) }}
+{{ request('zodb', 'zodb-' ~ slapparameter_dict.get('zodb-software-type', 'zeo'), 'zodb', {'tcpv4-port': 2100, 'zodb-dict': {'root': {}}}, {'zodb-storage-type': False, 'zodb-dict': False, 'tidstorage-ip': False, 'tidstorage-port': False}) }}
-name = TidStorage
-return = url-login
-config =
-  json
+< = request-common
+return =
+  zope-address-list
+extra-config =
@@ -64,45 +56,132 @@ config =
-config-json = ${slap-parameter:json}
+  zodb-dict
+  zodb-storage-type
+  tidstorage-ip
+  tidstorage-port
+  instance-count
+  thread-amount
+  timerserver-interval
+  timezone
+  site-id
+  longrequest-logger-interval
+  longrequest-logger-timeout
+  port-base
 config-mysql-url = ${request-mariadb:connection-url}
-config-memcached-url = ${request-memcached:connection-url}
+config-memcached-url = ${request-memcached-volatile:connection-url}
 config-cloudooo-url = ${request-cloudooo:connection-url}
-config-kumofs-url = ${request-kumofs:connection-url}
-config-bt5 = ${slap-parameter:bt5}
-config-bt5-repository-url = ${slap-parameter:bt5-repository-url}
-config-smtp-url = ${slap-parameter:smtp-url}
-software-type = tidstorage
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:tidstorage-computer-guid}
+config-kumofs-url = ${request-memcached-persistent:connection-url}
+config-bt5 = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('bt5', 'erp5_full_text_myisam_catalog erp5_configurator_standard erp5_configurator_maxma_demo erp5_configurator_ung erp5_configurator_run_my_doc') }}
+config-bt5-repository-url = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('bt5-repository-url', local_bt5_repository) }}
+config-smtp-url = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('smtp-url', 'smtp://localhost:25/') }}
+config-zodb-dict = ${request-zodb:connection-zodb-dict}
+config-zodb-storage-type = ${request-zodb:connection-zodb-storage-type}
+config-tidstorage-ip = ${request-zodb:connection-tidstorage-ip}
+config-tidstorage-port = ${request-zodb:connection-tidstorage-port}
+config-timezone = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('timezone', 'UTC') }}
+config-site-id = {{ site_id }}
+software-type = cluster-zope
+{% set zope_family_dict = {} -%}
+{% for custom_name, zope_parameter_dict in slapparameter_dict.get('zope-partition-dict', {'1': {}}).items() -%}
+{%   set base_name = 'zope-' ~ custom_name -%}
+{%   set name = 'request-' ~ base_name -%}
+{%   do zope_family_dict.setdefault(zope_parameter_dict.get('family', 'default'), []).append(name) -%}
+[{{ name }}]
+< = request-zope-base
+name = {{ base_name }}
+config-instance-count = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('instance-count', 1)) }}
+config-thread-amount = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('thread-amount', 1)) }}
+config-timerserver-interval = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('timerserver-interval', 5)) }}
+config-longrequest-logger-interval = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('longrequest-logger-interval', -1)) }}
+config-longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('longrequest-logger-timeout', 1)) }}
+config-port-base = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('port-base', 2200)) }}
+sla-computer_guid = {{ zope_parameter_dict.get('computer-guid', computer_id) }}
+{% endfor -%}
+{# We need to concatenate lists that we cannot read as lists, so this gets hairy. -#}
+{% set zope_address_list_id_dict = {} -%}
+{% set zope_family_parameter_dict = {} -%}
+{% for family_name, zope_section_id_list in zope_family_dict.items() -%}
+{%   for zope_section_id in zope_section_id_list -%}
+{%     set parameter_name = 'zope-family-entry-' ~ zope_section_id -%}
+{%     do zope_address_list_id_dict.__setitem__(zope_section_id, parameter_name) -%}
+{%     do zope_family_parameter_dict.setdefault(family_name, []).append(parameter_name) -%}
+{%   endfor -%}
+{%   if has_frontend -%}
+{%     set frontend_name = 'frontend-' ~ family_name -%}
+{%     set publishable = frontend_name ~ ':connection-site_url' -%}
+[{{ frontend_name }}]
+< = request-frontend-base
+name = {{ frontend_name }}
+config-url = {{ backend_url }}
+{%   else -%}
+{%     set publishable = 'request-balancer:connection-' ~ family_name -%}
+{%   endif -%}
+{%   do publish_dict.__setitem__('family-' ~ family_name, '${' ~ publishable ~ '}' ) -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+< = request-common
+name = balancer
+software-type = balancer
+sla-computer_guid = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('balancer-computer-guid', computer_id) }}
+extra-config =
+  tcpv4-port
+  haproxy-maxconn
+  haproxy-server-check-path
+  apache-access-control-string
+  apache-ssl-authentication
+  apache-backend-path
+  ca
+  zope-family-dict
+  {{ zope_address_list_id_dict.values() | join(' ') }}
+return =
+  {{ zope_family_dict.keys() | join(' ') }}
+config-zope-family-dict = {{ dumps(zope_family_parameter_dict) }}
+config-tcpv4-port = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('', 2150)) }}
+{% for zope_section_id, name in zope_address_list_id_dict.items() -%}
+config-{{ name }} = {{ ' ${' ~ zope_section_id ~ ':connection-zope-address-list}' }}
+{% endfor -%}
+# XXX: should those really be same for all families ?
+config-haproxy-maxconn = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('haproxy-maxconn', 1) }}
+config-haproxy-server-check-path = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('haproxy-server-check-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id} }}
+config-apache-access-control-string = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('apache-access-control-string', 'all') }}
+config-apache-ssl-authentication = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('apache-ssl-authentication', '0') }}
+config-apache-backend-path = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('apache-backend-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id} }}
+config-ca = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('ca', {})) }}
-name = Varnish
-config = tidstorage-url
-config-tidstorage-url = ${request-tidstorage:connection-url-login}
-config-web-checker-mail-address = ${slap-parameter:web-checker-mail-address}
-config-web-checker-smtp-host = ${slap-parameter:web-checker-smtp-host}
-software-type = varnish
-sla-computer_guid = ${slap-parameter:varnish-computer-guid}
+{% if has_frontend -%}
+< = request-common
+software-url = {{ frontend_dict['software-url'] }}
+software-type = {{ frontend_dict.get('software-type', 'RootSoftwareInstance') }}
+sla = instance_guid
+sla-instance_guid = {{ frontend_dict['instance-guid'] }}
+slave = true
+{% set config_dict = {
+  'type': 'zope',
+} -%}
+{%   if frontend_dict.get('domain') -%}
+{%     do config_dict.__setitem__('custom_domain', frontend_dict['domain']) -%}
+{%   endif -%}
+extra-config = url {{ config_dict.keys() | join(' ') }}
+{%   for name, value in config_dict.items() -%}
+config-{{ name }} = {{ value }}
+{%   endfor -%}
+return = site_url
+{% endif -%}
-# Default value if no computer_guid is specified for each type
-mariadb-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-cloudooo-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-memcached-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-kumofs-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-tidstorage-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-varnish-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
-cloudooo-json =
-bt5 = erp5_full_text_myisam_catalog
-  erp5_configurator_standard
-  erp5_configurator_maxma_demo
-  erp5_configurator_ung
-  erp5_configurator_run_my_doc
-bt5-repository-url = {{ local_bt5_repository }}
-smtp-url = smtp://localhost:25/
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+{% for name, value in publish_dict.items() -%}
+{{   name }} = {{ value }}
+{% endfor -%}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc/run
+parts = publish
+eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
+develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
+offline = true
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 15aa6ebd9..3902b8758 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ bt5 = ${slap-parameter:bt5}
 bt5-repository-url = ${slap-parameter:bt5-repository-url}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
 software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
 sla = computer_guid
 sla-computer_guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@ partition-id = ${slap-connection:partition-id}
 name = MariaDB DataBase
 software-type = mariadb
+{% set mariadb_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('mariadb-dict', {}) -%}
+{% for option, value in mariadb_dict.items() -%}
+config-{{ option }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
+{% endfor -%}
+config = {{ ' '.join(mariadb_dict) }}
@@ -112,8 +117,10 @@ software-type = cloudooo
-name = Memcached
-software-type = memcached
+name = KumoFS-ram
+software-type = kumofs
+config = ram-storage-size
+config-ram-storage-size = 64m
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 5609b0248..2fe5460e9 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
 parts =
@@ -16,53 +18,67 @@ develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
 offline = true
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publishurl
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+url = memcached://[${kumofs-instance:ip}]:${kumofs-instance:gateway-port}/
+{% else -%}
 url = memcached://${kumofs-instance:ip}:${kumofs-instance:gateway-port}/
+{% endif -%}
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.kumofs
 # Network options
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+ip = ${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
+address-family = inet6
+{% else -%}
 ip = ${slap-network-information:local-ipv4}
-manager-port = 13101
-server-port = 13201
-server-listen-port = 13202
-gateway-port = 13301
+address-family = inet4
+{% endif -%}
+{% set tcpv4_port = slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port'] -%}
+manager-port = {{ tcpv4_port }}
+server-port = {{ tcpv4_port + 1 }}
+server-listen-port = {{ tcpv4_port + 2 }}
+gateway-port = {{ tcpv4_port + 3 }}
+# Paths: Data
+{% set ram_storage_size = slapparameter_dict.get('ram-storage-size') -%}
+{% if ram_storage_size -%}
+data-path = *#capsiz={{ ram_storage_size }}m
+{% else -%}
+data-directory = ${directory:kumofs-data}
+{% endif -%}
 # Paths: Running wrappers
 gateway-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/kumofs_gateway
 manager-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/kumofs_manager
 server-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/kumofs_server
-# Paths: Data
-data-directory = ${directory:kumofs-data}
 # Paths: Logs
 kumo-gateway-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-gateway.log
 kumo-manager-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-manager.log
 kumo-server-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-server.log
 # Binary information
-kumo-gateway-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-gateway
-kumo-manager-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-manager
-kumo-server-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-server
-shell-path = {{ dash_location }}/bin/dash
+kumo-gateway-binary = {{ parameter_dict['kumo-location'] }}/bin/kumo-gateway
+kumo-manager-binary = {{ parameter_dict['kumo-location'] }}/bin/kumo-manager
+kumo-server-binary = {{ parameter_dict['kumo-location'] }}/bin/kumo-server
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash-location'] }}/bin/dash
 <= logrotate
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
 name = kumofs
-log = ${kumofs-instance:kumo-gateway-log} ${kumofs-instance:kumo-manager-log}
-  ${kumofs-instance:kumo-server-log}
+log = ${kumofs-instance:kumo-gateway-log} ${kumofs-instance:kumo-manager-log} ${kumofs-instance:kumo-server-log}
 # rest of parts are candidates for some generic stuff
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
 # Binaries
-logrotate-binary = {{ logrotate_location }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
-gzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gzip
-gunzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gunzip
+logrotate-binary = {{ parameter_dict['logrotate-location'] }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
+gzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip-location'] }}/bin/gzip
+gunzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip-location'] }}/bin/gunzip
 # Directories
 wrapper = ${rootdirectory:bin}/logrotate
 conf = ${rootdirectory:etc}/logrotate.conf
@@ -96,7 +112,7 @@ bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
-dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_location }}/sbin/crond
+dcrond-binary = {{ parameter_dict['dcron-location'] }}/sbin/crond
 cron-entries = ${directory:cron-entries}
 crontabs = ${directory:crontabs}
 cronstamps = ${directory:cronstamps}
@@ -140,3 +156,4 @@ port = ${kumofs-instance:gateway-port}
 <= promise-template
 path = ${basedirectory:promise}/kumofs-manager
 port = ${kumofs-instance:manager-port}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cff8e4c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+parts =
+  cron-entry-logrotate
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
+cron-entries = ${logrotate-directory:cron-entries}
+dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_location }}/sbin/crond
+crontabs = ${logrotate-directory:crontabs}
+cronstamps = ${logrotate-directory:cronstamps}
+catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
+binary = ${logrotate-directory:services}/crond
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
+wrapper = ${logrotate-directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
+log = ${logrotate-directory:log}/cron.log
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
+logrotate-entries = ${logrotate-directory:logrotate-entries}
+backup = ${logrotate-directory:logrotate-backup}
+logrotate-binary = {{ logrotate_location }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
+gzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gzip
+gunzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gunzip
+wrapper = ${logrotate-directory:bin}/logrotate
+conf = ${logrotate-directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
+state-file = ${logrotate-directory:srv}/logrotate.status
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
+cron-entries = ${cron:cron-entries}
+name = logrotate
+frequency = 0 0 * * *
+command = ${logrotate:wrapper}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
+cron-entries = ${:etc}/cron.d
+cronstamps = ${:etc}/cronstamps
+crontabs = ${:etc}/crontabs
+logrotate-backup = ${:backup}/logrotate
+logrotate-entries = ${:etc}/logrotate.d
+bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
+srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
+backup = ${:srv}/backup
+etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
+services = ${:etc}/run
+log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 6acf65681..4558ef970 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -1,140 +1,150 @@
-parts =
-  publish-mariadb-url
-  mariadb-instance
-  logrotate
-  logrotate-entry-mariadb
-  cron
-  cron-entry-logrotate
-  cron-entry-mariadb-backup
-  binary-link
-  promise
-eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
-develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
-offline = true
+{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
+{% set part_list = [] -%}
+{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
+{% set database_list = slapparameter_dict.get('database-list', [{'name': 'erp5', 'user': 'user', 'password': 'insecure'}]) -%}
+{% for database_count in range(slapparameter_dict.get('test-database-amount', 0)) -%}
+{%   do database_list.append({'name': 'erp5_test_' ~ database_count, 'user': 'testuser_' ~ database_count, 'password': 'testpassword' ~ database_count}) -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+{% set catalog_backup = slapparameter_dict.get('catalog-backup', {}) -%}
+{% set full_backup_retention_days = catalog_backup.get('full-retention-days', 7) -%}
+{% set incremental_backup_retention_days = catalog_backup.get('incremental-retention-days', full_backup_retention_days) -%}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publishurl
-url = mysql://${mariadb-instance:user}:${mariadb-instance:password}@${mariadb-instance:ip}:${mariadb-instance:port}/${mariadb-instance:database}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+{%   set address = "[${my-cnf-parameters:ip}]" -%}
+{% else -%}
+{%   set address = "${my-cnf-parameters:ip}" -%}
+{% endif -%}
+{# TODO: support any number of databases -#}
+{% set database = database_list[0] %}
+url = mysql://{{ database['user'] }}:{{ database['password'] }}@{{ address }}:${my-cnf-parameters:port}/{{ database['name'] }}
+{% if full_backup_retention_days > -1 -%}
+[{{ section('cron-entry-mariadb-backup') }}]
 <= cron
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
 name = mariadb-backup
-frequency = 0 0 * * *
-command = ${mariadb-instance:backup-script}
+frequency = 0 22 * * *
+{# When binlogs are enabled:
+# flush-logs: used so no manipulation on binlogs is needed to restore from
+#   full + binlogs. The first binlog after a dump starts from dump snapshot and
+#   can be fully restored.
+# master-data: use value "2" as we are not in a replication case
+command = "${binary-wrap-mysqldump:wrapper-path}" -u root --all-databases {% if incremental_backup_retention_days > -1 %}--flush-logs --master-data=2 {% endif %}| {{ parameter_dict['gzip-location'] }}/bin/gzip > "${directory:mariadb-backup-full}/$({{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S").sql.gz"
+{# KEEP GLOB PATTERN IN SYNC with generated filenames above
+#           YYYYmmddHHMMSS -#}
+file-glob = ??????????????.sql.gz
+{% if full_backup_retention_days > 0 -%}
+[{{ section("cron-entry-mariadb-backup-expire") }}]
+<= cron
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
+name = mariadb-backup-expire
+frequency = 0 22 * * *
+command = {{ parameter_dict['findutils-location'] }}/bin/find "${directory:mariadb-backup-full}" -maxdepth 1 -name "${cron-entry-mariadb-backup:file-glob}" -daystart -mtime +{{ full_backup_retention_days }} -delete
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+ip = {{ (ipv6_set | list)[0] }}
+{% else -%}
+ip = {{ (ipv4_set | list)[0] }}
+{% endif -%}
+port = {{ slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port'] }}
+socket = ${directory:run}/mariadb.sock
+data-directory = ${directory:mariadb-data}
+pid-file = ${directory:run}/
+error-log = ${directory:log}/mariadb_error.log
+slow-query-log = ${directory:log}/mariadb_slowquery.log
+innodb-buffer-size = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('innodb-buffer-size', '') }}
+innodb-log-file-size = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('innodb-log-file-size', '') }}
+innodb-log-buffer-size = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('innodb-log-buffer-size', '') }}
+relaxed_writes = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('mariadb-relaxed-writes', 0)) }}
+{% if incremental_backup_retention_days > -1 -%}
+binlog-path = ${directory:mariadb-backup-incremental}/binlog
+# XXX: binlog rotation happens along with other log's rotation
+binlog-expire-days = {{ incremental_backup_retention_days }}
+{% endif -%}
+recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
+rendered = ${directory:etc}/mariadb.cnf
+template = {{ parameter_dict['template-my-cnf'] }}
+context = section parameter_dict my-cnf-parameters
+database-list = {{ dumps(database_list) }}
+recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
+# XXX: is there a better location ?
+rendered = ${directory:etc}/mariadb_initial_setup.sql
+template = {{ parameter_dict['template-mariadb-initial-setup'] }}
+context = section parameter_dict init-script-parameters
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.mysql.wrap_update_mysql
+output = ${directory:services}/mariadb_update
+binary = ${binary-wrap-mysql_upgrade:wrapper-path}
+mysql = ${binary-wrap-mysql:wrapper-path}
+init-script = ${init-script:rendered}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.mysql.wrap_mysqld
+output = ${directory:services}/mariadb
+binary = {{ parameter_dict['mariadb-location'] }}/bin/mysqld
+configuration-file = ${my-cnf:rendered}
+data-directory = ${my-cnf-parameters:data-directory}
+mysql-install-binary = {{ parameter_dict['mariadb-location'] }}/scripts/mysql_install_db
+mysql-base-directory = {{ parameter_dict['mariadb-location'] }}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.mysql
 # Options
 user = user
-parallel-test-database-amount = ${slap-parameter:test-database-amount}
-port = 45678
-ip = ${slap-network-information:local-ipv4}
+parallel-test-database-amount = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('test-database-amount', 30) }}
 database = erp5
 test-user = erp5_test
 test-database = erp5_test
 mysql-test-database-base = testdb
 mysql-test-user-base = testuser
-# Paths
-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/mariadb
-update-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/mariadb_update
-backup-script = ${rootdirectory:bin}/innobackupex-controller
-full-backup-directory = ${directory:mariadb-backup-full}
-incremental-backup-directory = ${directory:mariadb-backup-incremental}
-data-directory = ${directory:mariadb-data}
-pid-file = ${basedirectory:run}/
-socket = ${basedirectory:run}/mariadb.sock
-error-log = ${basedirectory:log}/mariadb_error.log
-slow-query-log = ${basedirectory:log}/mariadb_slowquery.log
-conf-file = ${rootdirectory:etc}/mariadb.cnf
-bin-directory = ${rootdirectory:bin}
-innobackupex-incremental = ${rootdirectory:bin}/innobackupex-incremental
-innobackupex-full = ${rootdirectory:bin}/innobackupex-full
-# Binary information
-innobackupex-binary = {{ xtrabackup_location }}/bin/innobackupex
-mysql-base-directory = {{ mariadb_location }}
-mysql-binary = {{ mariadb_location }}/bin/mysql
-mysql-install-binary = {{ mariadb_location }}/scripts/mysql_install_db
-mysql-upgrade-binary = {{ mariadb_location }}/bin/mysql_upgrade
-mysqld-binary = {{ mariadb_location }}/bin/mysqld
-pt-align-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-align
-pt-archiver-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-archiver
-pt-collect-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-collect
-pt-config-diff-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-config-diff
-pt-deadlock-logger-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-deadlock-logger
-pt-diskstats-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-diskstats
-pt-duplicate-key-checker-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-duplicate-key-checker
-pt-fifo-split-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-fifo-split
-pt-find-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-find
-pt-fingerprint-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-fingerprint
-pt-fk-error-logger-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-fk-error-logger
-pt-heartbeat-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-heartbeat
-pt-index-usage-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-index-usage
-pt-ioprofile-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-ioprofile
-pt-kill-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-kill
-pt-log-player-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-log-player
-pt-mext-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-mext
-pt-mysql-summary-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-mysql-summary
-pt-online-schema-change-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-online-schema-change
-pt-pmp-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-pmp
-pt-query-advisor-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-query-advisor
-pt-query-digest-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-query-digest
-pt-show-grants-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-show-grants
-pt-sift-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-sift
-pt-slave-delay-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-slave-delay
-pt-slave-find-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-slave-find
-pt-slave-restart-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-slave-restart
-pt-stalk-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-stalk
-pt-summary-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-summary
-pt-table-checksum-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-table-checksum
-pt-table-sync-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-table-sync
-pt-table-usage-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-table-usage
-pt-tcp-model-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-tcp-model
-pt-trend-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-trend
-pt-upgrade-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-upgrade
-pt-variable-advisor-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-variable-advisor
-pt-visual-explain-binary = {{ perl_siteprefix }}/bin/pt-visual-explain
-xtrabackup-binary = {{ xtrabackup_location }}/bin/xtrabackup_51
-perl-binary = {{ perl_location }}/bin/perl
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
 # Binaries
-logrotate-binary = {{ logrotate_location }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
-gzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gzip
-gunzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gunzip
+logrotate-binary = {{ parameter_dict['logrotate-location'] }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
+gzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip-location'] }}/bin/gzip
+gunzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip-location'] }}/bin/gunzip
 # Directories
-wrapper = ${rootdirectory:bin}/logrotate
-conf = ${rootdirectory:etc}/logrotate.conf
+wrapper = ${directory:bin}/logrotate
+conf = ${directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
 logrotate-entries = ${directory:logrotate-entries}
 backup = ${directory:logrotate-backup}
-state-file = ${rootdirectory:srv}/logrotate.status
+state-file = ${directory:srv}/logrotate.status
 <= logrotate
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
 name = mariadb
-log = ${mariadb-instance:error-log} ${mariadb-instance:slow-query-log}
-post = ${mariadb-instance:mysql-binary} --no-defaults -B --socket=${mariadb-instance:socket} -e "FLUSH LOGS"
+log = ${my-cnf-parameters:error-log} ${my-cnf-parameters:slow-query-log}
+post = "${binary-wrap-mysql:wrapper-path}" --no-defaults -B -u root -e "FLUSH LOGS"
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
-dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_location }}/sbin/crond
+dcrond-binary = {{ parameter_dict['dcron-location'] }}/sbin/crond
 cron-entries = ${directory:cron-entries}
 crontabs = ${directory:crontabs}
 cronstamps = ${directory:cronstamps}
 catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
-binary = ${basedirectory:services}/crond
+binary = ${directory:services}/crond
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
-wrapper = ${rootdirectory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
-log = ${basedirectory:log}/cron.log
+wrapper = ${directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
+log = ${directory:log}/cron.log
 <= cron
@@ -145,51 +155,80 @@ command = ${logrotate:wrapper}
 recipe =
-target-directory = ${rootdirectory:bin}
+target-directory = ${directory:bin}
 link-binary =
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/basename
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/cat
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/cp
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/ls
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/tr
-  {{ coreutils_location }}/bin/uname
-  {{ gettext_location }}/lib/gettext/hostname
-  {{ grep_location }}/bin/grep
-  {{ sed_location }}/bin/sed
-  {{ mariadb_location }}/bin/mysql
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
-var = ${buildout:directory}/var
-srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
-bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-log = ${rootdirectory:var}/log
-services = ${rootdirectory:etc}/run
-promise = ${rootdirectory:etc}/promise
-run = ${rootdirectory:var}/run
-backup = ${rootdirectory:srv}/backup
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/basename
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/cat
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/cp
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/ls
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/tr
+  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils-location'] }}/bin/uname
+  {{ parameter_dict['gettext-location'] }}/lib/gettext/hostname
+  {{ parameter_dict['grep-location'] }}/bin/grep
+  {{ parameter_dict['sed-location'] }}/bin/sed
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
+# Note: --defaults-file must be the first argument, otherwise wrapped binary
+# will reject it.
+command-line = "{{ parameter_dict['mariadb-location'] }}/bin/${:command}" --defaults-file="${my-cnf:rendered}"
+wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/${:command}
+parameters-extra = true
+< = binary-wrap-base
+command = mysql
+< = binary-wrap-base
+command = mysqldump
+< = binary-wrap-base
+command-line = mysql_upgrade
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-cron-entries = ${rootdirectory:etc}/cron.d
-crontabs = ${rootdirectory:etc}/crontabs
-cronstamps = ${rootdirectory:etc}/cronstamps
-ca-dir = ${rootdirectory:srv}/ssl
-mariadb-backup-full = ${basedirectory:backup}/mariadb-full
-mariadb-backup-incremental = ${basedirectory:backup}/mariadb-incremental
-mariadb-data = ${rootdirectory:srv}/mariadb
-logrotate-backup = ${basedirectory:backup}/logrotate
-logrotate-entries = ${rootdirectory:etc}/logrotate.d
+bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
+etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
+services = ${:etc}/run
+promise = ${:etc}/promise
+cron-entries = ${:etc}/cron.d
+crontabs = ${:etc}/crontabs
+cronstamps = ${:etc}/cronstamps
+logrotate-entries = ${:etc}/logrotate.d
+srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
+backup = ${:srv}/backup
+mariadb-backup-full = ${:backup}/mariadb-full
+mariadb-backup-incremental = ${:backup}/mariadb-incremental
+logrotate-backup = ${:backup}/logrotate
+mariadb-data = ${:srv}/mariadb
+var = ${buildout:directory}/var
+log = ${:var}/log
+run = ${:var}/run
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
-path = ${basedirectory:promise}/mariadb
-hostname = ${mariadb-instance:ip}
-port = ${mariadb-instance:port}
+path = ${directory:promise}/mariadb
+hostname = ${my-cnf-parameters:ip}
+port = ${my-cnf-parameters:port}
-test-database-amount = 100
+parts =
+  publish-mariadb-url
+  logrotate
+  logrotate-entry-mariadb
+  cron
+  cron-entry-logrotate
+  cron-entry-mariadb-backup
+  cron-entry-mariadb-backup-expire
+  binary-link
+  update-mysql
+  mysqld
+  promise
+  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}
+eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
+develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
+offline = true
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc8f81c0..000000000
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# memcached-compatible volatile cache using kumofs
-# that has no limitation for key length and data size
-parts =
-  publish-kumofs-connection-information
-  kumofs-instance
-  logrotate
-  logrotate-entry-kumofs
-  cron
-  cron-entry-logrotate
-  promise-kumofs-server
-  promise-kumofs-server-listen
-  promise-kumofs-gateway
-  promise-kumofs-manager
-eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
-develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
-offline = true
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publishurl
-url = memcached://${kumofs-instance:ip}:${kumofs-instance:gateway-port}/
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.kumofs
-# Network options
-ip = ${slap-network-information:local-ipv4}
-manager-port = 13401
-server-port = 13501
-server-listen-port = 13502
-# previous memcached configuration
-gateway-port = 11000
-# previous memcached configuration
-storage-size = 64m
-# Paths: Running wrappers
-gateway-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/volatile_kumofs_gateway
-manager-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/volatile_kumofs_manager
-server-wrapper = ${basedirectory:services}/volatile_kumofs_server
-# Paths: Data
-data-path = *#capsiz=${:storage-size}
-# Paths: Logs
-kumo-gateway-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-gateway.log
-kumo-manager-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-manager.log
-kumo-server-log = ${basedirectory:log}/kumo-server.log
-# Binary information
-kumo-gateway-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-gateway
-kumo-manager-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-manager
-kumo-server-binary = {{ kumo_location }}/bin/kumo-server
-shell-path = {{ dash_location }}/bin/dash
-<= logrotate
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = kumofs
-log = ${kumofs-instance:kumo-gateway-log} ${kumofs-instance:kumo-manager-log}
-  ${kumofs-instance:kumo-server-log}
-# rest of parts are candidates for some generic stuff
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
-# Binaries
-logrotate-binary = {{ logrotate_location }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
-gzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gzip
-gunzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gunzip
-# Directories
-wrapper = ${rootdirectory:bin}/logrotate
-conf = ${rootdirectory:etc}/logrotate.conf
-logrotate-entries = ${directory:logrotate-entries}
-backup = ${directory:logrotate-backup}
-state-file = ${rootdirectory:srv}/logrotate.status
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-log = ${rootdirectory:var}/log
-services = ${rootdirectory:etc}/run
-promise = ${rootdirectory:etc}/promise
-run = ${rootdirectory:var}/run
-backup = ${rootdirectory:srv}/backup
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-cron-entries = ${rootdirectory:etc}/cron.d
-crontabs = ${rootdirectory:etc}/crontabs
-cronstamps = ${rootdirectory:etc}/cronstamps
-logrotate-backup = ${basedirectory:backup}/logrotate
-logrotate-entries = ${rootdirectory:etc}/logrotate.d
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
-var = ${buildout:directory}/var
-srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
-bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
-dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_location }}/sbin/crond
-cron-entries = ${directory:cron-entries}
-crontabs = ${directory:crontabs}
-cronstamps = ${directory:cronstamps}
-catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
-binary = ${basedirectory:services}/crond
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
-wrapper = ${rootdirectory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
-log = ${basedirectory:log}/cron.log
-<= cron
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
-name = logrotate
-frequency = 0 0 * * *
-command = ${logrotate:wrapper}
-# Deploy zope promises scripts
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
-hostname = ${kumofs-instance:ip}
-port = ${kumofs-instance:server-listen-port}
-<= promise-template
-path = ${basedirectory:promise}/kumofs-server
-port = ${kumofs-instance:server-port}
-<= promise-template
-path = ${basedirectory:promise}/kumofs-server-listen
-port = ${kumofs-instance:server-listen-port}
-<= promise-template
-path = ${basedirectory:promise}/kumofs-gateway
-port = ${kumofs-instance:gateway-port}
-<= promise-template
-path = ${basedirectory:promise}/kumofs-manager
-port = ${kumofs-instance:manager-port}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb930ae6f..000000000
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
-Note: all port counters are pre-incremented. No idea why base port is skipped.
-{% set current_zeo_port = zeo_port_base | int -%}
-{% set zope_port_base = zope_port_base | int -%}
-{% set zope_dummy_list = [] -%}
-{% set current_apache_port = apache_port_base | int -%}
-{% set current_haproxy_port = haproxy_port_base | int -%}
-{% set json = json_module.loads(slapparameter_dict['json']) -%}
-{% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['buildout-bin-directory'] -%}
-XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv4 and one IPv6 per
-partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
-{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
-{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
-BBB: erp5-ca['state'] has been configured as string by mistake. Keep this for
-backward compatibility with existing automatically setup CAs.
-{% set erp5_ca = json.get('erp5-ca', {
-  'country-code': 'ZZ',
-  'email': '',
-  'state': "('State',)",
-  'city': 'City',
-  'company': 'Company',
-}) -%}
-{% set site_id = json['site-id'] -%}
-{% set part_list = [] -%}
-{% set known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} -%}
-{% set zodb_connection_list = [] -%}
-{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
-{% macro zope(
-  name,
-  thread_amount=1,
-  timerserver_interval=0,
-  longrequest_logger_file='',
-  longrequest_logger_timeout='',
-  longrequest_logger_interval=''
-) -%}
-{% set conf_name = name ~ '-conf' -%}
-{% set conf_parameter_name = conf_name ~ '-param' -%}
-[{{ conf_parameter_name }}]
-< = zope-conf-parameter-base
-pid-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.pid
-lock-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.lock
-{% do zope_dummy_list.append(None) -%}
-{% set offset = zope_dummy_list | length -%}
-port = {{ zope_port_base + offset }}
-thread-amount = {{ thread_amount }}
-{% if timerserver_interval -%}
-timerserver-interval = {{ timerserver_interval }}
-{% endif -%}
-event-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-event.log
-z2-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-Z2.log
-[{{ conf_name }}]
-< = zope-conf-base
-rendered = ${directory:etc}/{{ name }}.conf
-extra-context =
-  section parameter_dict {{ conf_parameter_name }}
-[{{ section(name) }}]
-< = zope-base
-longrequest-logger-file = {{ longrequest_logger_file }}
-longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ longrequest_logger_timeout }}
-longrequest-logger-interval = {{ longrequest_logger_interval }}
-wrapper = ${directory:services}/{{ name }}
-configuration-file = {{ '${' ~ conf_name ~ ':rendered}' }}
-port = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':port}' }}
-[{{ section('logrotate-entry-' ~ name) }}]
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = {{ name }}
-log = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':event-log}' }} {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':z2-log}' }}
-post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':pid-file}' }} SIGUSR2
-{% endmacro -%}
-# Directory creation
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-apache-conf = ${:etc}/apache
-backup = ${:srv}/backup
-bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
-ca-dir = ${:srv}/ssl
-cron-entries = ${:etc}/cron.d
-cronstamps = ${:etc}/cronstamps
-crontabs = ${:etc}/crontabs
-erp5-ca-dir = ${:srv}/erp5-ssl
-etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
-instance = ${:srv}/erp5shared
-instance-constraint = ${:instance}/Constraint
-instance-document = ${:instance}/Document
-instance-etc = ${:instance}/etc
-instance-etc-package-include = ${:instance}/etc/package-include
-instance-extensions = ${:instance}/Extensions
-instance-import = ${:instance}/import
-instance-lib = ${:instance}/lib
-instance-products = ${:instance}/Products
-instance-propertysheet = ${:instance}/PropertySheet
-instance-tests = ${:instance}/tests
-log = ${:var}/log
-logrotate-backup = ${:backup}/logrotate
-logrotate-entries = ${:etc}/logrotate.d
-run = ${:var}/run
-services = ${:etc}/run
-srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
-tidstorage = ${:srv}/tidstorage
-tmp = ${buildout:directory}/tmp
-var = ${buildout:directory}/var
-zodb = ${:srv}/zodb
-zodb-backup = ${:backup}/zodb
-# Binary symlinking
-recipe =
-target-directory = ${directory:bin}
-link-binary =
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/basename
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cat
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cp
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/ls
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/tr
-  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/uname
-  {{ parameter_dict['git'] }}/bin/git
-  {{ parameter_dict['graphviz'] }}/bin/dot
-  {{ parameter_dict['grep'] }}/bin/grep
-  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/convert
-  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/identify
-  {{ parameter_dict['mariadb'] }}/bin/mysql
-  {{ parameter_dict['mariadb'] }}/bin/mysqldump
-  {{ parameter_dict['sed'] }}/bin/sed
-  {{ parameter_dict['tesseract'] }}/bin/tesseract
-  {{ parameter_dict['w3m'] }}/bin/w3m
-  {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
-  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdfinfo
-  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdfseparate
-  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftotext
-  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftohtml
-  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdfunite
-  {{ parameter_dict['dmtx-utils'] }}/bin/dmtxwrite
-# CA
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-requests = ${directory:ca-dir}/requests
-private = ${directory:ca-dir}/private
-certs = ${directory:ca-dir}/certs
-newcerts = ${directory:ca-dir}/newcerts
-crl = ${directory:ca-dir}/crl
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
-openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
-ca-dir = ${directory:ca-dir}
-requests-directory = ${cadirectory:requests}
-wrapper = ${directory:services}/ca
-ca-private = ${cadirectory:private}
-ca-certs = ${cadirectory:certs}
-ca-newcerts = ${cadirectory:newcerts}
-ca-crl = ${cadirectory:crl}
-# ERP5 CA
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
-requests = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/requests
-private = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/private
-certs = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/certs
-newcerts = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/newcerts
-crl = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/crl
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
-openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
-ca-dir = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}
-requests-directory = ${erp5-cadirectory:requests}
-wrapper = ${directory:services}/erp5-ca
-ca-private = ${erp5-cadirectory:private}
-ca-certs = ${erp5-cadirectory:certs}
-ca-newcerts = ${erp5-cadirectory:newcerts}
-ca-crl = ${erp5-cadirectory:crl}
-country-code = {{ erp5_ca['country-code'] }}
-email = {{ erp5_ca['email'] }}
-state = {{ erp5_ca['state'] }}
-city = {{ erp5_ca['city'] }}
-company = {{ erp5_ca['company'] }}
-cron-entries = ${directory:cron-entries}
-< = cron-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
-dcrond-binary = {{ parameter_dict['dcron'] }}/sbin/crond
-crontabs = ${directory:crontabs}
-cronstamps = ${directory:cronstamps}
-catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
-binary = ${directory:services}/crond
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
-wrapper = ${directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
-log = ${directory:log}/cron.log
-# Logrotate
-logrotate-entries = ${directory:logrotate-entries}
-backup = ${directory:logrotate-backup}
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
-# Binaries
-logrotate-binary = {{ parameter_dict['logrotate'] }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
-gzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip'] }}/bin/gzip
-gunzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip'] }}/bin/gunzip
-# Directories
-wrapper = ${directory:bin}/logrotate
-conf = ${directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
-state-file = ${directory:srv}/logrotate.status
-< = cron-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
-name = logrotate
-frequency = 0 0 * * *
-command = ${logrotate:wrapper}
-# ERP5 bootstrap
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:erp5.bootstrap
-runner-path = ${directory:services}/erp5-bootstrap
-mysql-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['mysql-url'] }}
-zope-url = http://${zope-admin:user}:${zope-admin:password}@${zope-admin:ip}:${zope-admin:port}/{{ site_id }}
-# ERP5 promise
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:erp5.promise
-promise-path = ${directory:etc}/erp5promise.cfg
-kumofs-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['kumofs-url'] }}
-memcached-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['memcached-url'] }}
-cloudooo-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['cloudooo-url'] }}
-smtp-url = ${slap-parameter:smtp-url}
-bt5 = ${slap-parameter:bt5}
-bt5-repository-url = ${slap-parameter:bt5-repository-url}
-# ZEO
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:zeo
-ip = {{ ipv4 }}
-binary-path = {{ bin_directory }}/runzeo
-{% for zeo_id, zeo_configuration_list in json['zeo'].iteritems() -%}
-{%   set current_zeo_port = current_zeo_port + 1 -%}
-{%   set storage_list = [] -%}
-{%   for zeo_slave in zeo_configuration_list -%}
-{%     do zodb_connection_list.append((
-         zeo_slave['storage-name'],
-         zeo_slave['mount-point'] % {'site-id': site_id},
-         zeo_slave['zope-cache-size'],
-         'zeoclient',
-         {
-           'cache-size': zeo_slave['zeo-cache-size'],
-           'server': ipv4 ~ ':' ~ current_zeo_port,
-           'storage': zeo_slave['storage-name'],
-           'name': zeo_slave['storage-name'],
-         },
-       )) -%}
-{%     set zodb_path = '${directory:zodb}/' ~ zeo_slave['storage-name'] ~ '.fs' -%}
-{%     do storage_list.append('storage-name=%(storage-name)s zodb-path=%(zodb-path)s' % {'zodb-path': zodb_path, 'storage-name': zeo_slave['storage-name']}) -%}
-{%     do known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.__setitem__("((('${zeo-instance-%(zeo_id)s:ip}', ${zeo-instance-%(zeo_id)s:port}),), '%(storage_name)s')" % {
-         'zeo_id': zeo_id,
-         'storage_name': zeo_slave['storage-name']
-       }, (zodb_path, '${directory:zodb-backup}/%s/' % zeo_slave['storage-name'], zeo_slave['serialize-path'] % {'site-id': site_id})) -%}
-{%   endfor -%}
-[{{ section('zeo-instance-%s' % zeo_id) }}]
-< = zeo-instance-entry-common
-log-path = ${directory:log}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.log
-pid-path = ${directory:run}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.pid
-conf-path = ${directory:etc}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.conf
-port = {{ current_zeo_port }}
-storage =
-  {{ storage_list | join('\n  ') }}
-wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}
-[{{ section('logrotate-entry-zeo-%s' % zeo_id) }}]
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = zeo-{{ zeo_id }}
-log = ${zeo-instance-{{ zeo_id }}:log-path}
-post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${zeo-instance-{{ zeo_id }}:pid-path} SIGUSR2
-{% endfor -%}
-# Zope
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.zope.zeo.client
-user = zope
-ip = {{ ipv4 }}
-timezone = {{ json['timezone'] }}
-tidstorage-ip = ${tidstorage:ip}
-tidstorage-port = ${tidstorage:port}
-instance-etc = ${directory:instance-etc}
-bt5-repository = ${directory:var}/bt5_repository
-tmp-path = ${directory:tmp}
-bin-path = ${directory:bin}
-site-zcml = ${:instance-etc}/site.zcml
-inituser = ${directory:instance}/inituser
-runzope-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/runzope
-bt5-repository-list =
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:pwgen.stable
-ip = {{ ipv4 }}
-site-id = {{ site_id }}
-zodb-list = {{ dumps(zodb_connection_list) }}
-recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
-template = {{ parameter_dict['zope-conf-template'] }}
-extra-context =
-context =
-  key instance directory:instance
-  key instance_products directory:instance-products
-  raw deadlock_path /manage_debug_threads
-  key deadlock_debugger_password deadlock-debugger-password:password
-  key tidstorage_ip tidstorage:ip
-  key tidstorage_port tidstorage:port
-  key promise_path erp5-promise:promise-path
-  ${:extra-context}
-# Distribution node
-{{ zope('zope-distribution', timerserver_interval=1) }}
-# Admin node
-{{ zope('zope-admin') }}
-# Activity nodes
-{% for q in range(1, json['activity']['zopecount'] + 1) -%}
-{{   zope('zope-activity-%s' % q, timerserver_interval=1) }}
-{%- endfor %}
-# Other zopes, apaches and haproxies
-{% set publish_url_list =  [] -%}
-{% for backend_name, backend_configuration in json['backend'].iteritems() -%}
-{%   set haproxy_backend_list = [] -%}
-{%   set longrequest_logger = backend_configuration.get('longrequest-logger') -%}
-{%   for q in range(1, backend_configuration['zopecount'] + 1) -%}
-{%     set part_name = 'zope-%s-%s' % (backend_name, q) -%}
-{%     if longrequest_logger != None -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_file = '${directory:log}/%s-longrequest.log' % (part_name, ) -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_timeout = longrequest_logger.get('timeout', '4') -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_interval = longrequest_logger.get('interval', '2') -%}
-{%     else -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_file = '' -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_timeout = '' -%}
-{%       set longrequest_logger_interval = '' -%}
-{%     endif -%}
-{{     zope(
-         part_name,
-         thread_amount=backend_configuration['thread-amount'],
-         longrequest_logger_file=longrequest_logger_file,
-         longrequest_logger_timeout=longrequest_logger_timeout,
-         longrequest_logger_interval=longrequest_logger_interval,
-       ) }}
-{%     do haproxy_backend_list.append('${%(part_name)s:ip}:${%(part_name)s:port}' % {'part_name': part_name}) -%}
-{%  endfor -%}
-{%   set scheme = backend_configuration.get('scheme', ['https']) -%}
-{%   set current_apache_port = current_apache_port + 2 -%}
-{%   set current_haproxy_port = current_haproxy_port + 1 -%}
-{%   if 'http' in scheme -%}
-{%     set section_name = 'apache-public-' ~ backend_name -%}
-{%     do publish_url_list.append(
-         'url-public-%(backend_name)s = http://[${%(section_name)s:ip}]:${%(section_name)s:port}' % {
-         'backend_name': backend_name,
-         'section_name': section_name,
-       }) -%}
-[{{ section(section_name) }}]
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:apache.zope.backend
-backend = http://${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:ip}:${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:port}
-ip = {{ ipv6 }}
-port = {{ current_apache_port }}
-scheme = http
-wrapper = ${directory:services}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}
-configuration-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.conf
-access-control-string = {{ backend_configuration['access-control-string'] }}
-pid-file = ${directory:run}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.pid
-lock-file = ${directory:run}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.lock
-error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}-error.log
-access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}-access.log
-apache-binary = {{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd
-[{{ section('logrotate-entry-apache-public-' ~ backend_name) }}]
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = apache-public-{{ backend_name }}
-log = ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:error-log} ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:access-log}
-post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:pid-file} SIGUSR1
-{%   endif -%}
-{%   if 'https' in scheme -%}
-{%     set section_name = 'apache-' ~ backend_name -%}
-{%     do publish_url_list.append(
-         'url-%(backend_name)s = https://[${%(section_name)s:ip}]:${%(section_name)s:port}' % {
-         'backend_name': backend_name,
-         'section_name': section_name,
-       }) -%}
-[{{ section(section_name) }}]
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:apache.zope.backend
-backend = http://${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:ip}:${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:port}
-ip = {{ ipv6 }}
-port = {{ current_apache_port - 1 }}
-wrapper = ${directory:bin}/apache-{{ backend_name }}
-scheme = https
-key-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.key
-cert-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.crt
-configuration-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.conf
-access-control-string = {{ backend_configuration['access-control-string'] }}
-pid-file = ${directory:run}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.pid
-lock-file = ${directory:run}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.lock
-ssl-session-cache = $${directory:log}/apache-ssl-session-cache
-error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-{{ backend_name }}-error.log
-access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-{{ backend_name }}-access.log
-apache-binary = {{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd
-ssl-authentication = {{ backend_configuration.get('ssl-authentication', False) }}
-backend-path = {{ backend_configuration.get('backend-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id} }}
-# Note: Without erp5-certificate-authority main certificate have to be hardcoded
-ssl-authentication-certificate = ${erp5-certificate-authority:ca-dir}/cacert.pem
-ssl-authentication-crl = ${erp5-certificate-authority:ca-crl}
-[{{ section('ca-apache-' ~ backend_name) }}]
-< = certificate-authority
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
-key-file = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:key-file}
-cert-file = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:cert-file}
-executable = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:wrapper}
-wrapper = ${directory:services}/apache-{{ backend_name }}
-[{{ section('logrotate-entry-apache-' ~ backend_name) }}]
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = apache-{{ backend_name }}
-log = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:error-log} ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:access-log}
-post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:pid-file} SIGUSR1
-[{{ section('haproxy-' ~ backend_name) }}]
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:haproxy
-name = {{ backend_name }}
-conf-path = ${directory:etc}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}.cfg
-socket-path = ${directory:run}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}.sock
-ip = {{ ipv4 }}
-port = {{ current_haproxy_port }}
-maxconn = {{ backend_configuration['maxconn'] }}
-server-check-path = /{{ site_id }}/getId
-wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}
-binary-path = {{ parameter_dict['haproxy'] }}/sbin/haproxy
-ctl-path = ${directory:bin}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}-ctl
-backend-list = {{ haproxy_backend_list | join(' ')}}
-{%-  endif %}
-{% endfor -%}
-[{{ section('publish-apache-backend-list') }}]
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
-{{ publish_url_list | join('\n') }}
-# tidstorage
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:tidstorage
-known-tid-storage-identifier-dict = {{ known_tid_storage_identifier_dict }}
-configuration-path = ${directory:etc}/
-ip = {{ ipv4 }}
-port = 6001
-timestamp-file-path = ${directory:tidstorage}/repozo_tidstorage_timestamp.log
-logfile-name = ${directory:log}/tidstorage.log
-pidfile-name = ${directory:run}/
-status-file = ${directory:tidstorage}/tidstorage.tid
-tidstorage-repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstorage_repozo
-tidstoraged-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstoraged
-repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/repozo
-tidstorage-wrapper = ${directory:services}/tidstoraged
-repozo-wrapper = ${buildout:bin-directory}/tidstorage-repozo
-< = cron-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
-name = tidstorage
-frequency = 0 0 * * *
-command = ${tidstorage:repozo-wrapper}
-< = logrotate-base
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
-name = tidstorage
-log = ${tidstorage:logfile-name}
-post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${tidstorage:pidfile-name} SIGHUP
-# buildout main section
-parts =
-  logrotate
-  cron
-  cron-entry-logrotate
-  certificate-authority
-  erp5-certificate-authority
-  tidstorage
-  cron-entry-tidstorage-backup
-  logrotate-entry-tidstorage
-  binary-link
-  erp5-promise
-  erp5-bootstrap
-  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}
-eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
-develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
-offline = true
-{%- endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 7867ba1c1..ab03c36d6 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
 offline = true
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publishurl
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
 url = http://${varnish-instance:ip}:${varnish-instance:server-port}/
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b5d91ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
+{% set use_ipv6 = slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False) -%}
+{% set next_port = slapparameter_dict['tcpv4-port'] -%}
+{% set part_list = [] -%}
+{% set storage_dict = {} -%}
+{% set zodb_dict = {} -%}
+{% set tidstorage_dict = slapparameter_dict.get('tidstorage-dict') -%}
+{% set known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} -%}
+{% set default_zodb_path = buildout_directory ~ '/srv/zodb' -%}
+{% set zodb_backup_path = buildout_directory ~ '/srv/backup/zodb' -%}
+{% set default_tidstorage_timestamp_path = buildout_directory ~ '/srv/backup/tidstorage' -%}
+{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
+XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv6 per
+partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
+{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
+{% set tidstorage_ip = ipv4 -%}
+{% set tidstorage_port = 6001 -%}
+{% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['buildout-bin-directory'] -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
+logrotate-entries = ${logrotate:logrotate-entries}
+backup = ${logrotate:backup}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:zeo
+log-path = ${directory:log}/${:base-name}.log
+pid-path = ${directory:run}/${:base-name}.pid
+conf-path = ${directory:etc}/${:base-name}.conf
+wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/${:base-name}
+binary-path = {{ bin_directory }}/runzeo
+ip = {{ ipv4 }}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:ipv6toipv4
+runner-path = ${directory:services}/${:base-name}
+6tunnel-path = {{ parameter_dict['6tunnel'] }}/bin/6tunnel
+shell-path = {{ parameter_dict['dash'] }}/bin/dash
+ipv4 = {{ ipv4 }}
+ipv6 = {{ ipv6 }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% for export_id, mountpoint_dict in slapparameter_dict['zodb-dict'].items() -%}
+{%   do storage_dict.setdefault(
+       mountpoint_dict.get('storage-family', 'default'), []
+     ).append((
+       export_id,
+       mountpoint_dict.get('mount-point', '/'),
+       mountpoint_dict.get('cache-size', -1),
+       mountpoint_dict.get('storage-dict', {}),
+     )) -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+{% for storage_family, export_list in storage_dict.items() -%}
+{%   set known_tid_storage_identifier_host = ((ipv4, next_port), ) -%}
+{%   set client_dict = {} -%}
+{%   for export_id, mount_point, cache_size, storage_dict in export_list -%}
+{%     do storage_dict.__setitem__('path', storage_dict.get('path', '%(zodb)s/' ~ export_id ~ '.fs') % {'zodb': default_zodb_path}) -%}
+{%     do client_dict.update(storage_dict.get('client', {})) -%}
+{%     do client_dict.__setitem__('storage', export_id) -%}
+{#     XXX: I would like to raise if export_id is present in zodb_dict -#}
+{%     do zodb_dict.__setitem__(export_id, [
+         mount_point,
+         cache_size,
+         client_dict,
+       ]) -%}
+{%     if tidstorage_dict != None -%}
+{%       do known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.__setitem__(
+           json_module.dumps((known_tid_storage_identifier_host, export_id)), (
+             storage_dict['path'],
+             tidstorage_dict.get('zodb-dict', {}).get(export_id, '%(backup)s/' ~ export_id) % {'backup': zodb_backup_path},
+             mount_point,
+           ),
+         ) -%}
+{%     endif -%}
+{%   endfor -%}
+{%   set zeo_section_name = 'zeo-' ~ storage_family %}
+[{{ zeo_section_name }}]
+< = zeo-base
+base-name = zeo-{{ storage_family }}
+port = {{ next_port }}
+{%   set storage_list = [] -%}
+{%   for storage_name, _, _, storage_dict in export_list -%}
+{%     do storage_list.append((storage_name, storage_dict['path'])) -%}
+{%   endfor -%}
+storage = {{ dumps(storage_list) }}
+[{{ section("logrotate-" ~ zeo_section_name) }}]
+< = logrotate-base
+name = {{ "${" ~ zeo_section_name ~ ":base-name}" }}
+log = {{ "${" ~ zeo_section_name ~ ":log-path}" }}
+post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile {{ "${" ~ zeo_section_name ~ ":pid-path}" }} SIGUSR2
+[{{ section(zeo_section_name ~ "-promise") }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = {{ "${" ~ zeo_section_name ~ ":ip}" }}
+port = {{ next_port }}
+path = ${directory:promises}/zeo-{{ storage_family }}
+{%   if use_ipv6 -%}
+{%     do client_dict.__setitem__('server', '[' ~ ipv6 ~ ']:' ~ next_port) -%}
+{%     set tunnel_section_name = zeo_section_name ~ "-tunnel" -%}
+[{{ tunnel_section_name }}]
+< = ipv6toipv4-base
+base-name = zeo-tunnel-{{ storage_family }}
+ipv6-port = {{ next_port }}
+ipv4-port = {{ next_port }}
+[{{ section(tunnel_section_name ~ "-promise") }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = {{ "${" ~ tunnel_section_name ~ ":ipv6}" }}
+port = {{ next_port }}
+path = ${directory:promises}/zeo-tunnel-{{ storage_family }}
+{%   else -%}
+{%     do client_dict.__setitem__('server', ipv4 ~ ':' ~ next_port) -%}
+{%   endif -%}
+{%   set next_port = next_port + 1 -%}
+{% endfor -%}
+{% if tidstorage_dict != None -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:tidstorage
+known-tid-storage-identifier-dict = {{ dumps(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict) }}
+configuration-path = ${directory:etc}/
+ip = {{ tidstorage_ip }}
+port = {{ tidstorage_port }}
+timestamp-file-path = {{ tidstorage_dict.get('timestamp-path', '%(backup)s/repozo_tidstorage_timestamp.log' % {'backup': default_tidstorage_timestamp_path}) }}
+logfile-name = ${directory:log}/tidstorage.log
+pidfile-name = ${directory:run}/
+status-file = ${directory:tidstorage}/tidstorage.tid
+tidstorage-repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstorage_repozo
+tidstoraged-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstoraged
+repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/repozo
+tidstorage-wrapper = ${directory:services}/tidstoraged
+repozo-wrapper = ${buildout:bin-directory}/tidstorage-repozo
+[{{ section("promise-tidstorage") }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = ${tidstorage:ip}
+port = ${tidstorage:port}
+path = ${directory:promises}/tidstorage
+{%  if use_ipv6 -%}
+< = ipv6toipv4-base
+base-name = tidstorage-tunnel
+ipv4-port = ${tidstorage:port}
+ipv6-port = ${tidstorage:port}
+[{{ section("promise-tidstorage-tunnel") }}]
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
+hostname = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv6}
+port = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv6-port}
+path = ${directory:promises}/tidstorage
+{% endif -%}
+[{{ section("cron-entry-tidstorage-backup") }}]
+# TODO:
+# - configurable periodicity
+# - configurable full/incremental
+# - configurable retention
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
+cron-entries = ${cron:cron-entries}
+name = tidstorage
+frequency = 0 0 * * *
+command = ${tidstorage:repozo-wrapper}
+[{{ section("logrotate-tidstorage") }}]
+< = logrotate-base
+name = tidstorage
+log = ${tidstorage:logfile-name}
+post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${tidstorage:pidfile-name} SIGHUP
+{% else -%}
+ip =
+port =
+ipv6 =
+ipv6-port =
+{% endif -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
+zodb-storage-type = zeoclient
+zodb-dict = {{ dumps(zodb_dict) }}
+{% if use_ipv6 -%}
+tidstorage-ip = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv6}
+tidstorage-port = ${tidstorage-tunnel:ipv6-port}
+{% else -%}
+tidstorage-ip = ${tidstorage:ip}
+tidstorage-port = ${tidstorage:port}
+{% endif -%}
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
+etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
+services = ${:etc}/run
+promises = ${:etc}/promise
+var = ${buildout:directory}/var
+log = ${:var}/log
+run = ${:var}/run
+backup-zodb = {{ zodb_backup_path }}
+zodb = {{ default_zodb_path }}
+tidstorage = {{ default_tidstorage_timestamp_path }}
+extends =
+  {{ parameter_dict['instance-logrotate-cfg'] }}
+parts +=
+  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}
+  publish
+eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
+develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
+offline = true
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 1d6ee1b62..d8453e728 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ offline = true
 {% if 'frontend-software-url' in slapparameter_dict -%}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
 software-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['frontend-software-url'] }}
 software-type = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('frontend-software-type', 'RootSoftwareInstance') }}
 sla = instance_guid
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ config-{{ name }} = {{ value }}
 return = site_url
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
 url = ${request-slave-frontend:connection-site_url}
 login = ${zope-instance:user}
 password = ${zope-instance:password}
 url-deadlock = ${:url}/${zope-instance:deadlock-path}?${zope-instance:deadlock-password}
 {% else %}
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
 url = https://${zope-instance:user}:${zope-instance:password}@[${apache-zope-backend-instance:ip}]:${apache-zope-backend-instance:port}
 url-deadlock = ${:url}/${zope-instance:deadlock-path}?${zope-instance:deadlock-password}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 945345284..1f058a7e5 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
 develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
 offline = true
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
 computer = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
 partition = ${slap-connection:partition-id}
 url = ${slap-connection:server-url}
@@ -19,53 +19,15 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
 rendered = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}/${:filename}
 extra-context =
 context =
+    key ipv4_set slap-configuration:ipv4
+    key ipv6_set slap-configuration:ipv6
     key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
     key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
-    key slap_software_type slap-parameters:slap-software-type
-    key slapparameter_dict slap-parameters:configuration
+    key slap_software_type slap-configuration:slap-software-type
+    key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
+    key computer_id slap-configuration:computer
-apache = {{ apache_location }}
-haproxy = {{ haproxy_location }}
-dcron = {{ dcron_location }}
-logrotate = {{ logrotate_location }}
-gzip = {{ gzip_location }}
-openssl = {{ openssl_location }}
-coreutils = {{ coreutils_location }}
-git = {{ git_location }}
-graphviz = {{ graphviz_location }}
-grep = {{ grep_location }}
-imagemagick = {{ imagemagick_location }}
-librsvg = {{ librsvg_location }}
-mariadb = {{ mariadb_location }}
-sed = {{ sed_location }}
-tesseract = {{ tesseract_location }}
-w3m = {{ w3m_location }}
-aspell = {{ aspell_location }}
-poppler = {{ poppler_location }}
-dmtx-utils = {{ dmtx_utils_location }}
-buildout-bin-directory = {{ buildout_bin_directory }}
-zope-conf-template = {{ template_zope_conf }}
-jsl = {{ jsl_location }}
-< = jinja2-template-base
-template = {{ template_tidstorage }}
-filename = instance-tidstorage.cfg
-extensions =
-extra-context =
-    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-tidstorage-parameters
-    import json_module json
-    raw zope_port_base 12000
-    raw zeo_port_base 15000
-    raw haproxy_port_base 11000
-    raw apache_port_base 10000
-    key ipv4_set slap-parameters:ipv4
-    key ipv6_set slap-parameters:ipv6
-# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
-    raw software_type tidstorage
 file = {{ file_location }}
 fontconfig = {{ fontconfig_location }}
@@ -83,6 +45,8 @@ zlib = {{ zlib_location }}
 libreoffice-bin = {{ libreoffice_bin_location }}
 fonts = {{ fonts_location }}
 buildout-bin-directory = {{ buildout_bin_directory }}
+6tunnel = {{ sixtunnel_location }}
+dash = {{ dash_location }}
 < = jinja2-template-base
@@ -90,7 +54,6 @@ template = {{ template_cloudooo }}
 filename = instance-cloudoo.cfg
 extra-context =
     section parameter_dict dynamic-template-cloudooo-parameters
-    import json_module json
 # Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
     raw software_type cloudooo
@@ -188,37 +151,139 @@ extra-context =
     key template_zope dynamic-template-zope:rendered
     key local_bt5_repository template-erp5-single-parameters:local_bt5_repository
 local-bt5-repository = {{ local_bt5_repository }}
 < = jinja2-template-base
 template = {{ template_erp5_cluster }}
-filename = instance-erp5-cluster.cfg
+filename = instance-cluster-erp5.cfg
+extensions =
 extra-context =
-    key local_bt5_repository dynamic-template-cluster-parameters:local-bt5-repository
+    key local_bt5_repository dynamic-template-cluster-erp5-parameters:local-bt5-repository
 # Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
-# XXX: it is dangerous to use buildout-style expansion in jinja context declaration
-    raw software_type ${:software-type}
-software-type = cluster
+    raw software_type cluster
-# BBB: use "cluster" software type instead
-< = dynamic-template-cluster
-software-type = production
+apache = {{ apache_location }}
+openssl = {{ openssl_location }}
+haproxy = {{ haproxy_location }}
+instance-logrotate-cfg = {{ template_logrotate_base }}
+bin-directory = {{ bin_directory }}
+6tunnel = {{ sixtunnel_location }}
+dash = {{ dash_location }}
+< = jinja2-template-base
+template = {{ template_balancer }}
+extensions =
+filename = instance-balancer.cfg
+extra-context =
+    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-balancer-parameters
+# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
+    raw software_type balancer
+buildout-bin-directory = {{ buildout_bin_directory }}
+instance-logrotate-cfg = {{ template_logrotate_base }}
+6tunnel = {{ sixtunnel_location }}
+dash = {{ dash_location }}
+< = jinja2-template-base
+template = {{ template_zeo }}
+filename = instance-zeo.cfg
+extensions =
+extra-context =
+    key buildout_directory buildout:directory
+    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-zeo-parameters
+    import json_module json
+# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
+    raw software_type zodb-zeo
+zope-conf-template = {{ template_zope_conf }}
+instance-logrotate-cfg = {{ template_logrotate_base }}
+git = {{ git_location }}
+graphviz = {{ graphviz_location }}
+buildout-bin-directory = {{ buildout_bin_directory }}
+coreutils = {{ coreutils_location }}
+grep = {{ grep_location }}
+imagemagick = {{ imagemagick_location }}
+sed = {{ sed_location }}
+tesseract = {{ tesseract_location }}
+w3m = {{ w3m_location }}
+poppler = {{ poppler_location }}
+dmtx-utils = {{ dmtx_utils_location }}
+openssl = {{ openssl_location }}
+6tunnel = {{ sixtunnel_location }}
+dash = {{ dash_location }}
+jsl = {{ jsl_location }}
+< = jinja2-template-base
+template = {{ template_cluster_zope }}
+filename = instance-cluster-zope.cfg
+extensions =
+extra-context =
+    key buildout_directory buildout:directory
+    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-cluster-zope-parameters
+# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
+    raw software_type cluster-zope
+dash-location = {{ dash_location }}
+dcron-location = {{ dcron_location }}
+gzip-location = {{ gzip_location }}
+kumo-location = {{ kumo_location }}
+logrotate-location = {{ logrotate_location }}
+< = jinja2-template-base
+template = {{ template_kumofs }}
+filename = instance-kumofs.cfg
+extra-context =
+    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-kumofs-parameters
+# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
+    raw software_type kumofs
+coreutils-location = {{ coreutils_location }}
+dcron-location = {{ dcron_location }}
+findutils-location = {{ findutils_location }}
+gettext-location = {{ gettext_location }}
+grep-location = {{ grep_location }}
+gzip-location = {{ gzip_location }}
+logrotate-location = {{ logrotate_location }}
+mariadb-location = {{ mariadb_location }}
+perl-location = {{ perl_location }}
+perl-siteprefix = {{ perl_siteprefix }}
+sed-location = {{ sed_location }}
+template-my-cnf = {{ template_my_cnf }}
+template-mariadb-initial-setup = {{ template_mariadb_initial_setup }}
+< = jinja2-template-base
+template = {{ template_mariadb }}
+filename = instance-mariadb.cfg
+extensions =
+extra-context =
+    section parameter_dict dynamic-template-mariadb-parameters
+# Must match the key id in [switch-softwaretype] which uses this section.
+    raw software_type mariadb
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:softwaretype
 default = ${template-erp5-single:rendered}
-production = ${dynamic-template-production:rendered}
-cluster = ${dynamic-template-cluster:rendered}
-kumofs = {{ template_kumofs }}
-memcached = {{ template_memcached }}
+cluster = ${dynamic-template-cluster-erp5:rendered}
+kumofs = ${dynamic-template-kumofs:rendered}
 cloudooo = ${dynamic-template-cloudooo:rendered}
 zope = ${dynamic-template-zope:rendered}
-mariadb = {{ template_mariadb }}
-tidstorage = ${dynamic-template-tidstorage:rendered}
+mariadb = ${dynamic-template-mariadb:rendered}
 varnish = ${dynamic-template-varnish:rendered}
+balancer = ${dynamic-template-balancer:rendered}
+zodb-zeo = ${dynamic-template-zeo:rendered}
+cluster-zope = ${dynamic-template-cluster-zope:rendered}
 # part to migrate to new - separated words
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96f666072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+USE mysql;
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS last_insert_grn_id;
+{% set mroonga = parameter_dict.get('mroonga', '') -%}
+{% if mroonga %}CREATE FUNCTION last_insert_grn_id RETURNS INTEGER SONAME '{{ mroonga }}';{% endif %}
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS sphinx_snippets;
+{% macro database(name, user, password) -%}
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {{ name }}.* TO {{ user }}@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ password }}';
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {{ name }}.* TO {{ user }}@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ password }}';
+{% endmacro -%}
+{% for entry in parameter_dict['database-list'] -%}
+{{   database(entry['name'], entry['user'], entry['password']) }}
+{% endfor -%}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..049094082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+{% set socket = parameter_dict['socket'] -%}
+# ERP5 buildout my.cnf template based on my-huge.cnf shipped with mysql
+# The MySQL server
+# ERP5 by default requires InnoDB storage. MySQL by default fallbacks to using
+# different engine, like MyISAM. Such behaviour generates problems only, when
+# tables requested as InnoDB are silently created with MyISAM engine.
+# Loud fail is really required in such case.
+# Workaround for
+# that causes wrong result in Resource_zGetInventoryList etc.
+optimizer_switch = derived_merge=off
+{% set ip = parameter_dict.get('ip') -%}
+{% if ip -%}
+bind_address = {{ ip }}
+port = {{ parameter_dict['port'] }}
+{% else -%}
+{% endif -%}
+socket = {{ socket }}
+datadir = {{ parameter_dict['data-directory'] }}
+pid_file = {{ parameter_dict['pid-file'] }}
+log_error = {{ parameter_dict['error-log'] }}
+slow_query_log_file = {{ parameter_dict['slow-query-log'] }}
+long_query_time = 1
+max_allowed_packet = 128M
+query_cache_size = 32M
+plugin_load =;
+# By default only 100 connections are allowed, when using zeo
+# we may have much more connections
+max_connections = 1000
+{% set innodb_buffer_pool_size = parameter_dict.get('innodb-buffer-pool-size') -%}
+{% if innodb_buffer_pool_size %}innodb_buffer_pool_size = {{ innodb_buffer_pool_size }}{% endif %}
+{% set innodb_log_file_size = parameter_dict.get('innodb-log-file-size') -%}
+{% if innodb_log_file_size %} innodb_log_file_size = {{ innodb_log_file_size }}{% endif %}
+{% set innodb_log_buffer_size = parameter_dict.get('innodb-log-buffer-size') -%}
+{% if innodb_log_buffer_size %} innodb_log_buffer_size = {{ innodb_log_buffer_size }}{% endif %}
+# very important to allow parallel indexing
+# Note: this is compatible with binlog-based incremental backups, because ERP5
+# doesn't use "insert ... select" (in any number of queries) pattern.
+innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1
+{% set log_bin = parameter_dict.get('binlog-path') -%}
+{% if log_bin -%}
+log_bin = {{ log_bin }}
+{% set binlog_expire_days = parameter_dict.get('binlog-expire-days') -%}
+{% if binlog_expire_days > 0 %}expire_logs_days = {{ binlog_expire_days }}{% endif %}
+{% endif -%}
+{# Note: strictly check equality to one, as a last line of defense against users not reading the doc. -#}
+{% if parameter_dict.get('relaxed_writes') == 1 -%}
+innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
+innodb_flush_method = nosync
+innodb_doublewrite = 0
+sync_frm = 0
+{% endif -%}
+# Force utf8 usage
+collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci
+character_set_server = utf8
+socket = {{ socket }}
diff --git a/stack/erp5/ b/stack/erp5/
index 8094bb435..153fffe1a 100644
--- a/stack/erp5/
+++ b/stack/erp5/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ products {{ instance_products }}
 {% endif -%}
-{% set timerserver_interval = parameter_dict.get('timerserver-interval', '0') | int -%}
+{% set timerserver_interval = parameter_dict.get('timerserver-interval', 0) -%}
 {% if timerserver_interval -%}
 %import timerserver
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ products {{ instance_products }}
 {% for db_name, mount_point, cache_size, storage_type, storage_dict in parameter_dict['zodb-list'] -%}
 <zodb_db {{ db_name }}>
-{%-   if cache_size %}
+{%-   if cache_size >= 0 %}
   cache-size {{ cache_size }}
 {%-   endif %}
   mount-point {{ mount_point }}