diff --git a/stack/monitor/README.txt b/stack/monitor/README.txt
index 45ef3fd11adf98a9b7308d4f8d3c5d709dbc100d..5a685bdfdae3e75cd2b2c7c2cde18cb3e14db9c8 100644
--- a/stack/monitor/README.txt
+++ b/stack/monitor/README.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
 * This stack has for purpose to know if all promises, services, custom monitoring scripts went/are ok.
+* The second purpose of this stack is to implement a zero-knowledge feature : it means you can use its control interface to provide the user with sensible data. It can also let the user change some parameters
+* It also provides a web interface, to see which promises, services and custom scripts failed. It also provide a rss feed to easily know the actual state of your instance, and to know when it started to went bad.
-* If you want to use the monitoring stack:
+Implementation :
 1/ In the software.cfg of your Software Release, extends the stack
 2/ In the template that will be copied for the buildout in the instance folder (instance.cfg ?), you have to add these parts:
+###Parts to add for monitoring
+  slap-parameters
-  ca-nginx
-  directory
-  deploy-monitor-script
-  deploy-rss-script
+  deploy-monitor-cgi
+  deploy-control-cgi
+  deploy-monitor-script
+  deploy-rss-script
-  nginx-service
-  slap-parameters
+  certificate-authority
+  public
+  zero-parameters
+  cgi-httpd-wrapper
+  publish-connection-parameter
 * If you want to add a custom monitoring script, you can write it (in whatever language you wish) and save it in YOUR_INSTANCE_FOLDER/etc/monitor.
 The only thing to know, is that if your script successfully passed, do not return or print nothing. If there is a problem, you can print the explanation on stdout or stderr
@@ -32,4 +39,13 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_url_available
 path = $${directory:promise}/fail
 url =
 dash_path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash
-curl_path = ${curl:location}/bin/curl
\ No newline at end of file
+curl_path = ${curl:location}/bin/curl
+Notice :
+* /!\A default password is set up at the installation : "passwordtochange". It has to be rewritten in the control interface by the user itself
+* /!\ If you use the recipe zeroknown, never name a parameter "recipe" or "password". 
+* The control interface will let you change the values of the options declared in the [public] section of the config file (see zeroknown recipe). Other section's values will just be printed. These values won't be overwritten by buildout.
+* If you want to allow a user to change, use the recipe zeroknown, with the buildout section name : "[public]"
+* If you manually change a parameter, it could take some time for the modifications to be applied (at least 1 or 2 slapgrid-cp)
\ No newline at end of file