#!{{ bin_path }} # BEWARE: This file is operated by slapgrid # BEWARE: It will be overwritten automatically import argparse, os, sys, traceback from erp5.util import taskdistribution from lxml import etree from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC import time from urllib import urlopen def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run a test suite.') parser_configuration = {{ repr(configuration) }} parser.add_argument('--test_suite', help='The test suite name') parser.add_argument('--test_suite_title', help='The test suite title') parser.add_argument('--test_node_title', help='The test node title') parser.add_argument('--project_title', help='The project title') parser.add_argument('--revision', help='The revision to test', default='dummy_revision') parser.add_argument('--node_quantity', help='ignored', type=int) parser.add_argument('--master_url', help='The Url of Master controling many suites') parser.add_argument('--remote_access_url', help='The access url', default = parser_configuration.get('remote-access-url') ) parser.add_argument('--target', help='Target OS to run tests on', default = parser_configuration.get('target') ) parser.add_argument('--target_version', help='Target OS version to use', default = parser_configuration.get('target-version') ) parser.add_argument('--target_browser', help='The desired browser of the target OS to be used. Example: Firefox if target is Android.', default = parser_configuration.get('target-browser') ) parser.add_argument('--target_device', help='The desired device running the target OS. Example: iPad Simulator, if target is iOS.', default = parser_configuration.get('target-device') ) parser.add_argument('--appium_server_auth', help='Combination of user and token to access SauceLabs service. (i.e. user:token)', default = parser_configuration.get('appium-server-auth') ) parser.add_argument('--run_only', help='zuite to run', default = parser_configuration.get('run-only') ) parser.add_argument('--max_duration', type=int, help='max duration for running test en second', default = parser_configuration.get('max-duration', 1800) ) args = parser.parse_args() test_line_dict = {} test_suite_title = args.test_suite_title or args.test_suite test_suite = args.test_suite revision = args.revision # curl https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/info/platforms/all # https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Platform+Configurator#/ if args.target in ['iOS', 'Android']: # parameters for mobile emulators have different names then parameters for # desktop OSes capabilities = { 'platformName': args.target, 'platformVersion': args.target_version, 'deviceName': args.target_device, 'browserName': args.target_browser, 'maxDuration': args.max_duration, 'name': test_suite_title } elif 'Windows' in args.target or 'OS X' in args.target: capabilities = { 'browserName': args.target_browser, 'platform': args.target, 'version': args.target_version, 'maxDuration': args.max_duration, 'name': test_suite_title } if not args.appium_server_auth or not args.remote_access_url: sys.exit(-1) #Authentication over HTTPS is not supported in saucelab #https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Instant+Selenium+Python+Tests appium_url = "http://%s@ondemand.saucelabs.com/wd/hub" % (args.appium_server_auth) # adjust make path to access url # Do not store any test result in the ZMI if args.run_only: url = "%s/erp5/portal_tests/%s/core/TestRunner.html" \ "?test=../test_suite_html" \ "&auto=on" \ "&resultsUrl=../getId" \ "&__ac_name=%s" \ "&__ac_password=%s" % (args.remote_access_url, args.run_only, {{ repr(user) }}, {{ repr(password) }}) else: url = "%s/erp5/portal_tests/core/TestRunner.html" \ "?test=../test_suite_html" \ "&auto=on" \ "&resultsUrl=../getId" \ "&__ac_name=%s" \ "&__ac_password=%s" % (args.remote_access_url, {{ repr(user) }}, {{ repr(password) }}) # Wait until all activities are finished... wait_url = args.remote_access_url + '/erp5/Zuite_waitForActivities' while 1: try: response = urlopen(wait_url) try: if response.code == 500: sys.exit(-1) if response.code == 200 and response.read() == 'Done.': break finally: response.close() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(10) tool = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor(portal_url=args.master_url) browser = webdriver.Remote(appium_url, capabilities) try: agent = browser.execute_script("return navigator.userAgent") print url print agent start_time = time.time() browser.get(url) # Wait for Zelenium to be loaded WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, '//iframe[@id="testSuiteFrame"]' ))) # XXX No idea how to wait for the iframe content to be loaded time.sleep(5) # Count number of test to be executed test_count = browser.execute_script( "return document.getElementById('testSuiteFrame').contentDocument.querySelector('tbody').children.length" ) - 1 # First child is the file name # Wait for test to be executed while 1: try: WebDriverWait(browser, args.max_duration).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, '//td[@id="testRuns" and contains(text(), "%i")]' % test_count ))) break except TimeoutException as error: raise error except Exception: traceback.print_exc() except: test_line_dict['UnexpectedException'] = { 'test_count': 1, 'error_count': 0, 'failure_count': 1, 'skip_count': 0, 'duration': 1, 'command': url, 'stdout': agent, 'stderr': traceback.format_exc() } finally: execution_duration = round(time.time() - start_time, 2) if test_count: test_execution_duration = execution_duration / test_count else: test_execution_duration = 0 html_parser = etree.HTMLParser(recover=True) # body = etree.fromstring(browser.page_source.encode('UTF-8'), html_parser) # test_count = int(body.xpath('//td[@id="testRuns"]')[0].text) # failed_test_count = int(body.xpath('//td[@id="testFailures"]')[0].text) # print 'Run %i, failed %i' % (test_count, failed_test_count) # https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/5199 # browser.switch_to.frame(browser.find_element_by_id("testSuiteFrame")) # iframe = etree.fromstring(browser.page_source.encode('UTF-8'), html_parser) iframe = etree.fromstring( browser.execute_script( "return document.getElementById('testSuiteFrame').contentDocument.querySelector('html').innerHTML" ).encode('UTF-8'), html_parser ) # parse test result tbody = iframe.xpath('.//body/table/tbody')[0] for tr in tbody[1:]: # First td is the main title test_name = tr[0][0].text if len(tr) == 1: test_line_dict[test_name] = { 'test_count': 1, 'error_count': 0, 'failure_count': 1, 'skip_count': 0, 'duration': 0, 'command': url, 'stdout': agent, 'stderr': '', 'html_test_result': 'Not Executed due to saucelabs related error' } else: skip_count = success_count = error_count = 0 test_table = tr[1].xpath('.//table')[0] test_tbody = tr[1].xpath('.//tbody')[0] tr_count = len(test_tbody) for tr in test_tbody: # print etree.tostring(tr).split('\n')[0] status = tr.attrib.get('class') if status is None or 'status_done' in status: skip_count += 1 elif 'status_passed' in status: success_count += 1 elif 'status_failed' in status: error_count += 1 test_line_dict[test_name] = { 'test_count': tr_count, 'error_count': error_count, 'failure_count': tr_count - (skip_count + success_count + error_count), 'skip_count': skip_count, 'duration': test_execution_duration, 'command': url, 'stdout': agent, 'stderr': '', 'html_test_result': etree.tostring(test_table) } browser.quit() try: test_result = tool.createTestResult(revision = revision, test_name_list = test_line_dict.keys(), node_title = args.test_node_title, test_title = test_suite_title, project_title = args.project_title) if test_result is None or not hasattr(args, 'master_url'): return # report test results while 1: test_result_line = test_result.start() if not test_result_line: print 'No test result anymore.' break print 'Submitting: "%s"' % test_result_line.name # report status back to Nexedi ERP5 test_result_line.stop(**test_line_dict[test_result_line.name]) except: # Catch any exception here, to warn user instead of being silent, # by generating fake error result traceback.print_exc() result = dict(status_code=-1, command=url, stderr=traceback.format_exc(), stdout='') # XXX: inform test node master of error raise EnvironmentError(result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()