Commit cfa802f4 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

remove commented out code

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 7b5a46bb
......@@ -142,30 +142,6 @@ class TestInvoiceMixin(TestPackingListMixin,
# def stepCreateCurrency(self, sequence, **kw) :
# """Create a default currency. """
# currency_module = self.getCurrencyModule()
# if len(currency_module.objectValues(id='EUR'))==0:
# currency = self.getCurrencyModule().newContent(
# portal_type='Currency',
# id="EUR",
# base_unit_quantity=0.01,
# )
# else:
# currency = currency_module.objectValues(id='EUR')[0]
# sequence.edit(currency=currency)
# def stepSetOrderPriceCurrency(self, sequence, **kw) :
# """Set the price currency of the order.
# This step is not necessary.
# TODO : - include a test without this step.
# - include a test with this step late.
# """
# currency = sequence.get('currency')
# order = sequence.get('order')
# order.setPriceCurrency(currency.getRelativeUrl())
def stepCreateSaleInvoiceTransactionRule(self, sequence, **kw) :
"""Create the rule for accounting. """
portal = self.getPortal()
......@@ -2498,6 +2474,7 @@ class TestInvoice(TestInvoiceMixin):
#class TestPurchaseInvoice(TestInvoice):
# order_portal_type = 'Purchase Order'
# order_line_portal_type = 'Purchase Order Line'
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