diff --git a/spec/models/cycle_analytics/production_spec.rb b/spec/models/cycle_analytics/production_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76e42c1c2d4014c54aa4f7970e89d9744602781a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/models/cycle_analytics/production_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'CycleAnalytics#production', feature: true do
+  let(:project) { create(:project) }
+  let(:from_date) { 10.days.ago }
+  let(:user) { create(:user, :admin) }
+  subject { CycleAnalytics.new(project, from: from_date) }
+  def create_merge_request_closing_issue(issue, message: nil)
+    source_branch = random_git_name
+    project.repository.add_branch(user, source_branch, 'master')
+    sha = project.repository.commit_file(user, random_git_name, "content", "commit message", source_branch, false)
+    project.repository.commit(sha)
+    opts = {
+      title: 'Awesome merge_request',
+      description: message || "Fixes #{issue.to_reference}",
+      source_branch: source_branch,
+      target_branch: 'master'
+    }
+    MergeRequests::CreateService.new(project, user, opts).execute
+  end
+  def merge_merge_requests_closing_issue(issue)
+    merge_requests = issue.closed_by_merge_requests
+    merge_requests.each { |merge_request| MergeRequests::MergeService.new(project, user).execute(merge_request) }
+  end
+  def deploy_master(environment: 'production')
+    CreateDeploymentService.new(project, user, {
+                                  environment: environment,
+                                  ref: 'master',
+                                  tag: false,
+                                  sha: project.repository.commit('master').sha
+                                }).execute
+  end
+  generate_cycle_analytics_spec(phase: :production,
+                                data_fn: -> (context) { { issue: context.build(:issue, project: context.project) } },
+                                start_time_conditions: [["issue is created", -> (context, data) { data[:issue].save }]],
+                                before_end_fn: lambda do |context, data|
+                                  context.create_merge_request_closing_issue(data[:issue])
+                                  context.merge_merge_requests_closing_issue(data[:issue])
+                                end,
+                                end_time_conditions:
+                                  [["merge request that closes issue is deployed to production", -> (context, data) { context.deploy_master }],
+                                   ["production deploy happens after merge request is merged (along with other changes)",
+                                    lambda do |context, data|
+                                      # Make other changes on master
+                                      sha = context.project.repository.commit_file(context.user, context.random_git_name, "content", "commit message", 'master', false)
+                                      context.project.repository.commit(sha)
+                                      context.deploy_master
+                                    end]])
+  context "when a regular merge request (that doesn't close the issue) is merged and deployed" do
+    it "returns nil" do
+      5.times do
+        merge_request = create(:merge_request)
+        MergeRequests::MergeService.new(project, user).execute(merge_request)
+        deploy_master
+      end
+      expect(subject.production).to be_nil
+    end
+  end
+  context "when the deployment happens to a non-production environment" do
+    it "returns nil" do
+      5.times do
+        issue = create(:issue, project: project)
+        merge_request = create_merge_request_closing_issue(issue)
+        MergeRequests::MergeService.new(project, user).execute(merge_request)
+        deploy_master(environment: 'staging')
+      end
+      expect(subject.production).to be_nil
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/support/cycle_analytics_helpers.rb b/spec/support/cycle_analytics_helpers.rb
index 4819f8b517a8b40b75fe2c9bbd1bfcb9c1321b8c..c369caf80418fbf7305e0254d551462601fd2480 100644
--- a/spec/support/cycle_analytics_helpers.rb
+++ b/spec/support/cycle_analytics_helpers.rb
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ module CycleAnalyticsHelpers
   #    end_time_conditions: An array of `conditions`. Each condition is an tuple of `condition_name` and `condition_fn`. `condition_fn` is called with
   #                         `context` (no lexical scope, so need to do `context.create` for factories, for example) and `data` (from the `data_fn`).
   #                         Each `condition_fn` is expected to implement a case which consitutes the end of the given cycle analytics phase.
+  #          before_end_fn: This function is run before calling the end time conditions. Used for setup that needs to be run between the start and end conditions.
-  def generate_cycle_analytics_spec(phase:, data_fn:, start_time_conditions:, end_time_conditions:)
+  def generate_cycle_analytics_spec(phase:, data_fn:, start_time_conditions:, end_time_conditions:, before_end_fn: nil)
     combinations_of_start_time_conditions = (1..start_time_conditions.size).flat_map { |size| start_time_conditions.combination(size).to_a }
     combinations_of_end_time_conditions = (1..end_time_conditions.size).flat_map { |size| end_time_conditions.combination(size).to_a }
@@ -35,6 +36,9 @@ module CycleAnalyticsHelpers
                 Timecop.freeze(start_time) { condition_fn[self, data] }
+              # Run `before_end_fn` at the midpoint between `start_time` and `end_time`
+              Timecop.freeze(start_time + (end_time - start_time)/2) { before_end_fn[self, data] } if before_end_fn
               end_time_conditions.each do |condition_name, condition_fn|
                 Timecop.freeze(end_time) { condition_fn[self, data] }