Commit c1c73f90 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

revisionstorage.js amd compatible now

parent e3d3b88f
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */
/*global jIO: true, hex_sha256: true, setTimeout: true */
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */
/*global jIO, hex_sha256, setTimeout, define */
* JIO Revision Storage.
* It manages document version and can generate conflicts.
......@@ -9,1014 +10,1033 @@
* "sub_storage": <sub storage description>
* }
jIO.addStorageType("revision", function (spec, my) {
// define([module_name], [dependencies], module);
(function (dependencies, module) {
"use strict";
var that = {}, priv = {};
spec = spec || {};
that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
priv.doc_tree_suffix = ".revision_tree.json";
priv.sub_storage = spec.sub_storage;
* Constructor
priv.RevisionStorage = function () {
// no init
* Description to store in order to be restored later
* @method specToStore
* @return {object} Descriptions to store
that.specToStore = function () {
return {
"sub_storage": priv.sub_storage
* Clones an object in deep (without functions)
* @method clone
* @param {any} object The object to clone
* @return {any} The cloned object
priv.clone = function (object) {
var tmp = JSON.stringify(object);
if (tmp === undefined) {
return undefined;
return JSON.parse(tmp);
* Generate a new uuid
* @method generateUuid
* @return {string} The new uuid
priv.generateUuid = function () {
var S4 = function () {
/* 65536 */
var i, string = Math.floor(
Math.random() * 0x10000
for (i = string.length; i < 4; i += 1) {
string = '0' + string;
return string;
return S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() +
S4() + S4();
* Generates a hash code of a string
* @method hashCode
* @param {string} string The string to hash
* @return {string} The string hash code
priv.hashCode = function (string) {
return hex_sha256(string);
* Checks a revision format
* @method checkDocumentRevisionFormat
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @return {object} null if ok, else error object
priv.checkDocumentRevisionFormat = function (doc) {
var send_error = function (message) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define(dependencies, module);
module(jIO, hex_sha256);
}(['jio', 'sha256'], function (jIO, hex_sha256) {
"use strict";
jIO.addStorageType("revision", function (spec, my) {
var that = {}, priv = {};
spec = spec || {};
that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
priv.doc_tree_suffix = ".revision_tree.json";
priv.sub_storage = spec.sub_storage;
* Constructor
priv.RevisionStorage = function () {
// no init
* Description to store in order to be restored later
* @method specToStore
* @return {object} Descriptions to store
that.specToStore = function () {
return {
"status": 31,
"statusText": "Wrong Revision Format",
"error": "wrong_revision_format",
"message": message,
"reason": "Revision is wrong"
"sub_storage": priv.sub_storage
if (typeof doc._rev === "string") {
if (/^[0-9]+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/.test(doc._rev) === false) {
return send_error("The document revision does not match " +
if (typeof doc._revs === "object") {
if (typeof doc._revs.start !== "number" ||
typeof doc._revs.ids !== "object" ||
typeof doc._revs.ids.length !== "number") {
return send_error("The document revision history is not well formated");
if (typeof doc._revs_info === "object") {
if (typeof doc._revs_info.length !== "number") {
return send_error("The document revision information " +
"is not well formated");
* Creates a new document tree
* @method newDocTree
* @return {object} The new document tree
priv.newDocTree = function () {
return {"children": []};
* Convert revs_info to a simple revisions history
* @method revsInfoToHistory
* @param {array} revs_info The revs info
* @return {object} The revisions history
priv.revsInfoToHistory = function (revs_info) {
var i, revisions = {
"start": 0,
"ids": []
revs_info = revs_info || [];
if (revs_info.length > 0) {
revisions.start = parseInt(revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0], 10);
for (i = 0; i < revs_info.length; i += 1) {
return revisions;
* Convert the revision history object to an array of revisions.
* @method revisionHistoryToList
* @param {object} revs The revision history
* @return {array} The revision array
priv.revisionHistoryToList = function (revs) {
var i, start = revs.start, new_list = [];
for (i = 0; i < revs.ids.length; i += 1, start -= 1) {
new_list.push(start + "-" + revs.ids[i]);
return new_list;
* Convert revision list to revs info.
* @method revisionListToRevsInfo
* @param {array} revision_list The revision list
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The document revs info
priv.revisionListToRevsInfo = function (revision_list, doc_tree) {
var revisionListToRevsInfoRec, revs_info = [], j;
for (j = 0; j < revision_list.length; j += 1) {
revs_info.push({"rev": revision_list[j], "status": "missing"});
revisionListToRevsInfoRec = function (index, doc_tree) {
var child, i;
if (index < 0) {
* Clones an object in deep (without functions)
* @method clone
* @param {any} object The object to clone
* @return {any} The cloned object
priv.clone = function (object) {
var tmp = JSON.stringify(object);
if (tmp === undefined) {
return undefined;
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === revision_list[index]) {
revs_info[index].status = child.status;
revisionListToRevsInfoRec(index - 1, child);
return JSON.parse(tmp);
* Generate a new uuid
* @method generateUuid
* @return {string} The new uuid
priv.generateUuid = function () {
var S4 = function () {
/* 65536 */
var i, string = Math.floor(
Math.random() * 0x10000
for (i = string.length; i < 4; i += 1) {
string = '0' + string;
return string;
return S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() +
S4() + S4();
revisionListToRevsInfoRec(revision_list.length - 1, doc_tree);
return revs_info;
* Update a document metadata revision properties
* @method fillDocumentRevisionProperties
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties = function (doc, doc_tree) {
if (doc._revs_info) {
doc._revs = priv.revsInfoToHistory(doc._revs_info);
} else if (doc._revs) {
doc._revs_info = priv.revisionListToRevsInfo(
} else if (doc._rev) {
doc._revs_info = priv.getRevisionInfo(doc._rev, doc_tree);
doc._revs = priv.revsInfoToHistory(doc._revs_info);
} else {
doc._revs_info = [];
doc._revs = {"start": 0, "ids": []};
if (doc._revs.start > 0) {
doc._rev = doc._revs.start + "-" + doc._revs.ids[0];
} else {
delete doc._rev;
* Generates the next revision of a document.
* @methode generateNextRevision
* @param {object} doc The document metadata
* @param {boolean} deleted_flag The deleted flag
* @return {array} 0:The next revision number and 1:the hash code
priv.generateNextRevision = function (doc, deleted_flag) {
var string, revision_history, revs_info, pseudo_revision;
doc = priv.clone(doc) || {};
revision_history = doc._revs;
revs_info = doc._revs_info;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
string = JSON.stringify(doc) + JSON.stringify(revision_history) +
JSON.stringify(deleted_flag ? true : false);
revision_history.start += 1;
doc._revs = revision_history;
doc._rev = revision_history.start + "-" + revision_history.ids[0];
"rev": doc._rev,
"status": deleted_flag ? "deleted" : "available"
doc._revs_info = revs_info;
return doc;
* Gets the revs info from the document tree
* @method getRevisionInfo
* @param {string} revision The revision to search for
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The revs info
priv.getRevisionInfo = function (revision, doc_tree) {
var getRevisionInfoRec;
getRevisionInfoRec = function (doc_tree) {
var i, child, revs_info;
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === revision) {
return [{"rev": child.rev, "status": child.status}];
revs_info = getRevisionInfoRec(child);
if (revs_info.length > 0 || revision === undefined) {
revs_info.push({"rev": child.rev, "status": child.status});
return revs_info;
* Generates a hash code of a string
* @method hashCode
* @param {string} string The string to hash
* @return {string} The string hash code
priv.hashCode = function (string) {
return hex_sha256(string);
* Checks a revision format
* @method checkDocumentRevisionFormat
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @return {object} null if ok, else error object
priv.checkDocumentRevisionFormat = function (doc) {
var send_error = function (message) {
return {
"status": 31,
"statusText": "Wrong Revision Format",
"error": "wrong_revision_format",
"message": message,
"reason": "Revision is wrong"
if (typeof doc._rev === "string") {
if (/^[0-9]+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/.test(doc._rev) === false) {
return send_error("The document revision does not match " +
return [];
return getRevisionInfoRec(doc_tree);
priv.updateDocumentTree = function (doc, doc_tree) {
var revs_info, updateDocumentTreeRec, next_rev;
doc = priv.clone(doc);
revs_info = doc._revs_info;
updateDocumentTreeRec = function (doc_tree, revs_info) {
var i, child, info;
if (revs_info.length === 0) {
info = revs_info.pop();
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === info.rev) {
return updateDocumentTreeRec(child, revs_info);
if (typeof doc._revs === "object") {
if (typeof doc._revs.start !== "number" ||
typeof doc._revs.ids !== "object" ||
typeof doc._revs.ids.length !== "number") {
return send_error(
"The document revision history is not well formated"
"rev": info.rev,
"status": info.status,
"children": []
updateDocumentTreeRec(doc_tree.children[0], revs_info);
updateDocumentTreeRec(doc_tree, priv.clone(revs_info));
priv.send = function (method, doc, option, callback) {
function (success) {
callback(undefined, success);
function (err) {
callback(err, undefined);
if (typeof doc._revs_info === "object") {
if (typeof doc._revs_info.length !== "number") {
return send_error("The document revision information " +
"is not well formated");
priv.getWinnerRevsInfo = function (doc_tree) {
var revs_info = [], getWinnerRevsInfoRec;
getWinnerRevsInfoRec = function (doc_tree, tmp_revs_info) {
var i;
if (doc_tree.rev) {
tmp_revs_info.unshift({"rev": doc_tree.rev, "status": doc_tree.status});
* Creates a new document tree
* @method newDocTree
* @return {object} The new document tree
priv.newDocTree = function () {
return {"children": []};
* Convert revs_info to a simple revisions history
* @method revsInfoToHistory
* @param {array} revs_info The revs info
* @return {object} The revisions history
priv.revsInfoToHistory = function (revs_info) {
var i, revisions = {
"start": 0,
"ids": []
revs_info = revs_info || [];
if (revs_info.length > 0) {
revisions.start = parseInt(revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0], 10);
if (doc_tree.children.length === 0) {
if (revs_info.length === 0 ||
(revs_info[0].status !== "available" &&
tmp_revs_info[0].status === "available") ||
(tmp_revs_info[0].status === "available" &&
revs_info.length < tmp_revs_info.length)) {
revs_info = priv.clone(tmp_revs_info);
for (i = 0; i < revs_info.length; i += 1) {
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
getWinnerRevsInfoRec(doc_tree.children[i], tmp_revs_info);
return revisions;
* Convert the revision history object to an array of revisions.
* @method revisionHistoryToList
* @param {object} revs The revision history
* @return {array} The revision array
priv.revisionHistoryToList = function (revs) {
var i, start = revs.start, new_list = [];
for (i = 0; i < revs.ids.length; i += 1, start -= 1) {
new_list.push(start + "-" + revs.ids[i]);
getWinnerRevsInfoRec(doc_tree, []);
return revs_info;
priv.getConflicts = function (revision, doc_tree) {
var conflicts = [], getConflictsRec;
getConflictsRec = function (doc_tree) {
var i;
if (doc_tree.rev === revision) {
return new_list;
* Convert revision list to revs info.
* @method revisionListToRevsInfo
* @param {array} revision_list The revision list
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The document revs info
priv.revisionListToRevsInfo = function (revision_list, doc_tree) {
var revisionListToRevsInfoRec, revs_info = [], j;
for (j = 0; j < revision_list.length; j += 1) {
revs_info.push({"rev": revision_list[j], "status": "missing"});
if (doc_tree.children.length === 0) {
if (doc_tree.status !== "deleted") {
revisionListToRevsInfoRec = function (index, doc_tree) {
var child, i;
if (index < 0) {
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === revision_list[index]) {
revs_info[index].status = child.status;
revisionListToRevsInfoRec(index - 1, child);
revisionListToRevsInfoRec(revision_list.length - 1, doc_tree);
return revs_info;
* Update a document metadata revision properties
* @method fillDocumentRevisionProperties
* @param {object} doc The document object
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties = function (doc, doc_tree) {
if (doc._revs_info) {
doc._revs = priv.revsInfoToHistory(doc._revs_info);
} else if (doc._revs) {
doc._revs_info = priv.revisionListToRevsInfo(
} else if (doc._rev) {
doc._revs_info = priv.getRevisionInfo(doc._rev, doc_tree);
doc._revs = priv.revsInfoToHistory(doc._revs_info);
} else {
doc._revs_info = [];
doc._revs = {"start": 0, "ids": []};
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
if (doc._revs.start > 0) {
doc._rev = doc._revs.start + "-" + doc._revs.ids[0];
} else {
delete doc._rev;
return conflicts.length === 0 ? undefined : conflicts;
priv.get = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("get", doc, option, callback);
priv.put = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("put", doc, option, callback);
priv.remove = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("remove", doc, option, callback);
priv.getAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("getAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.putAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("putAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.removeAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("removeAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.getDocument = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
delete doc._attachment;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
priv.get(doc, option, callback);
priv.putDocument = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
delete doc._attachment;
delete doc._data;
delete doc._mimetype;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
priv.put(doc, option, callback);
priv.getRevisionTree = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + priv.doc_tree_suffix;
priv.get(doc, option, callback);
priv.getAttachmentList = function (doc, option, callback) {
var attachment_id, dealResults, state = "ok", result_list = [], count = 0;
dealResults = function (attachment_id, attachment_meta) {
return function (err, attachment) {
if (state !== "ok") {
* Generates the next revision of a document.
* @methode generateNextRevision
* @param {object} doc The document metadata
* @param {boolean} deleted_flag The deleted flag
* @return {array} 0:The next revision number and 1:the hash code
priv.generateNextRevision = function (doc, deleted_flag) {
var string, revision_history, revs_info, pseudo_revision;
doc = priv.clone(doc) || {};
revision_history = doc._revs;
revs_info = doc._revs_info;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
string = JSON.stringify(doc) + JSON.stringify(revision_history) +
JSON.stringify(deleted_flag ? true : false);
revision_history.start += 1;
doc._revs = revision_history;
doc._rev = revision_history.start + "-" + revision_history.ids[0];
"rev": doc._rev,
"status": deleted_flag ? "deleted" : "available"
doc._revs_info = revs_info;
return doc;
* Gets the revs info from the document tree
* @method getRevisionInfo
* @param {string} revision The revision to search for
* @param {object} doc_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The revs info
priv.getRevisionInfo = function (revision, doc_tree) {
var getRevisionInfoRec;
getRevisionInfoRec = function (doc_tree) {
var i, child, revs_info;
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === revision) {
return [{"rev": child.rev, "status": child.status}];
revs_info = getRevisionInfoRec(child);
if (revs_info.length > 0 || revision === undefined) {
revs_info.push({"rev": child.rev, "status": child.status});
return revs_info;
return [];
return getRevisionInfoRec(doc_tree);
priv.updateDocumentTree = function (doc, doc_tree) {
var revs_info, updateDocumentTreeRec, next_rev;
doc = priv.clone(doc);
revs_info = doc._revs_info;
updateDocumentTreeRec = function (doc_tree, revs_info) {
var i, child, info;
if (revs_info.length === 0) {
count -= 1;
if (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
} else {
state = "error";
return callback(err, undefined);
info = revs_info.pop();
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
child = doc_tree.children[i];
if (child.rev === info.rev) {
return updateDocumentTreeRec(child, revs_info);
"_attachment": attachment_id,
"_data": attachment,
"_mimetype": attachment_meta.content_type
"rev": info.rev,
"status": info.status,
"children": []
if (count === 0) {
state = "finished";
callback(undefined, result_list);
updateDocumentTreeRec(doc_tree.children[0], revs_info);
updateDocumentTreeRec(doc_tree, priv.clone(revs_info));
priv.send = function (method, doc, option, callback) {
function (success) {
callback(undefined, success);
function (err) {
callback(err, undefined);
priv.getWinnerRevsInfo = function (doc_tree) {
var revs_info = [], getWinnerRevsInfoRec;
getWinnerRevsInfoRec = function (doc_tree, tmp_revs_info) {
var i;
if (doc_tree.rev) {
"rev": doc_tree.rev,
"status": doc_tree.status
if (doc_tree.children.length === 0) {
if (revs_info.length === 0 ||
(revs_info[0].status !== "available" &&
tmp_revs_info[0].status === "available") ||
(tmp_revs_info[0].status === "available" &&
revs_info.length < tmp_revs_info.length)) {
revs_info = priv.clone(tmp_revs_info);
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
getWinnerRevsInfoRec(doc_tree.children[i], tmp_revs_info);
getWinnerRevsInfoRec(doc_tree, []);
return revs_info;
for (attachment_id in doc._attachments) {
if (doc._attachments.hasOwnProperty(attachment_id)) {
count += 1;
{"_id": doc._id, "_attachment": attachment_id},
dealResults(attachment_id, doc._attachments[attachment_id])
if (count === 0) {
callback(undefined, []);
priv.putAttachmentList = function (doc, option, attachment_list, callback) {
var i, dealResults, state = "ok", count = 0, attachment;
attachment_list = attachment_list || [];
dealResults = function (index) {
return function (err, response) {
if (state !== "ok") {
priv.getConflicts = function (revision, doc_tree) {
var conflicts = [], getConflictsRec;
getConflictsRec = function (doc_tree) {
var i;
if (doc_tree.rev === revision) {
count -= 1;
if (err) {
state = "error";
return callback(err, undefined);
if (doc_tree.children.length === 0) {
if (doc_tree.status !== "deleted") {
if (count === 0) {
state = "finished";
callback(undefined, {"id": doc._id, "ok": true});
for (i = 0; i < doc_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
return conflicts.length === 0 ? undefined : conflicts;
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
attachment = attachment_list[i];
if (attachment !== undefined) {
count += 1;
attachment._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
priv.putAttachment(attachment, option, dealResults(i));
if (count === 0) {
return callback(undefined, {"id": doc._id, "ok": true});
priv.putDocumentTree = function (doc, option, doc_tree, callback) {
doc_tree = priv.clone(doc_tree);
doc_tree._id = doc._id + priv.doc_tree_suffix;
priv.put(doc_tree, option, callback);
priv.notFoundError = function (message, reason) {
return {
"status": 404,
"statusText": "Not Found",
"error": "not_found",
"message": message,
"reason": reason
priv.conflictError = function (message, reason) {
return {
"status": 409,
"statusText": "Conflict",
"error": "conflict",
"message": message,
"reason": reason
priv.revisionGenericRequest = function (doc, option,
specific_parameter, onEnd) {
var prev_doc, doc_tree, attachment_list, callback = {};
if (specific_parameter.doc_id) {
doc._id = specific_parameter.doc_id;
if (specific_parameter.attachment_id) {
doc._attachment = specific_parameter.attachment_id;
callback.begin = function () {
var check_error;
doc._id = doc._id || priv.generateUuid();
if (specific_parameter.revision_needed && !doc._rev) {
return onEnd(priv.conflictError(
"Document update conflict",
"No document revision was provided"
), undefined);
// check revision format
check_error = priv.checkDocumentRevisionFormat(doc);
if (check_error !== undefined) {
return onEnd(check_error, undefined);
priv.getRevisionTree(doc, option, callback.getRevisionTree);
priv.get = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("get", doc, option, callback);
callback.getRevisionTree = function (err, response) {
var winner_info, previous_revision = doc._rev,
generate_new_revision = doc._revs || doc._revs_info ? false : true;
if (err) {
if (err.status !== 404) {
err.message = "Cannot get document revision tree";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
doc_tree = response || priv.newDocTree();
if (specific_parameter.get || specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
if (!doc._rev) {
winner_info = priv.getWinnerRevsInfo(doc_tree);
if (winner_info.length === 0) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Document not found",
), undefined);
priv.put = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("put", doc, option, callback);
priv.remove = function (doc, option, callback) {
priv.send("remove", doc, option, callback);
priv.getAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("getAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.putAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("putAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.removeAttachment = function (attachment, option, callback) {
priv.send("removeAttachment", attachment, option, callback);
priv.getDocument = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
delete doc._attachment;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
priv.get(doc, option, callback);
priv.putDocument = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
delete doc._attachment;
delete doc._data;
delete doc._mimetype;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
delete doc._revs_info;
priv.put(doc, option, callback);
priv.getRevisionTree = function (doc, option, callback) {
doc = priv.clone(doc);
doc._id = doc._id + priv.doc_tree_suffix;
priv.get(doc, option, callback);
priv.getAttachmentList = function (doc, option, callback) {
var attachment_id, dealResults, state = "ok", result_list = [], count = 0;
dealResults = function (attachment_id, attachment_meta) {
return function (err, attachment) {
if (state !== "ok") {
if (winner_info[0].status === "deleted") {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Document not found",
), undefined);
count -= 1;
if (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
} else {
state = "error";
return callback(err, undefined);
doc._rev = winner_info[0].rev;
"_attachment": attachment_id,
"_data": attachment,
"_mimetype": attachment_meta.content_type
if (count === 0) {
state = "finished";
callback(undefined, result_list);
for (attachment_id in doc._attachments) {
if (doc._attachments.hasOwnProperty(attachment_id)) {
count += 1;
{"_id": doc._id, "_attachment": attachment_id},
dealResults(attachment_id, doc._attachments[attachment_id])
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties(doc, doc_tree);
return priv.getDocument(doc, option, callback.getDocument);
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties(doc, doc_tree);
if (generate_new_revision) {
if (previous_revision && doc._revs_info.length === 0) {
// the document history has changed, it means that the document
// revision was wrong. Add a pseudo history to the document
doc._rev = previous_revision;
doc._revs = {
"start": parseInt(previous_revision.split("-")[0], 10),
"ids": [previous_revision.split("-")[1]]
doc._revs_info = [{"rev": previous_revision, "status": "missing"}];
doc = priv.generateNextRevision(
if (count === 0) {
callback(undefined, []);
if (doc._revs_info.length > 1) {
prev_doc = {
"_id": doc._id,
"_rev": doc._revs_info[1].rev
priv.putAttachmentList = function (doc, option, attachment_list, callback) {
var i, dealResults, state = "ok", count = 0, attachment;
attachment_list = attachment_list || [];
dealResults = function (index) {
return function (err, response) {
if (state !== "ok") {
count -= 1;
if (err) {
state = "error";
return callback(err, undefined);
if (count === 0) {
state = "finished";
callback(undefined, {"id": doc._id, "ok": true});
if (!generate_new_revision && specific_parameter.putAttachment) {
prev_doc._rev = doc._revs_info[0].rev;
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
attachment = attachment_list[i];
if (attachment !== undefined) {
count += 1;
attachment._id = doc._id + "." + doc._rev;
priv.putAttachment(attachment, option, dealResults(i));
// force revs_info status
doc._revs_info[0].status = (specific_parameter.remove ?
"deleted" : "available");
priv.updateDocumentTree(doc, doc_tree);
if (prev_doc) {
return priv.getDocument(prev_doc, option, callback.getDocument);
if (count === 0) {
return callback(undefined, {"id": doc._id, "ok": true});
priv.putDocumentTree = function (doc, option, doc_tree, callback) {
doc_tree = priv.clone(doc_tree);
doc_tree._id = doc._id + priv.doc_tree_suffix;
priv.put(doc_tree, option, callback);
priv.notFoundError = function (message, reason) {
return {
"status": 404,
"statusText": "Not Found",
"error": "not_found",
"message": message,
"reason": reason
priv.conflictError = function (message, reason) {
return {
"status": 409,
"statusText": "Conflict",
"error": "conflict",
"message": message,
"reason": reason
priv.revisionGenericRequest = function (doc, option,
specific_parameter, onEnd) {
var prev_doc, doc_tree, attachment_list, callback = {};
if (specific_parameter.doc_id) {
doc._id = specific_parameter.doc_id;
if (specific_parameter.remove || specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to remove an inexistent document",
), undefined);
if (specific_parameter.attachment_id) {
doc._attachment = specific_parameter.attachment_id;
priv.putDocument(doc, option, callback.putDocument);
callback.getDocument = function (err, res_doc) {
var k, conflicts;
if (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
if (specific_parameter.remove ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
return onEnd(priv.conflictError(
"Document update conflict",
"Document is missing"
), undefined);
if (specific_parameter.get) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to find the document",
), undefined);
res_doc = {};
} else {
err.message = "Cannot get document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
callback.begin = function () {
var check_error;
doc._id = doc._id || priv.generateUuid();
if (specific_parameter.revision_needed && !doc._rev) {
return onEnd(priv.conflictError(
"Document update conflict",
"No document revision was provided"
), undefined);
if (specific_parameter.get) {
res_doc._id = doc._id;
res_doc._rev = doc._rev;
if (option.conflicts === true) {
conflicts = priv.getConflicts(doc._rev, doc_tree);
if (conflicts) {
res_doc._conflicts = conflicts;
// check revision format
check_error = priv.checkDocumentRevisionFormat(doc);
if (check_error !== undefined) {
return onEnd(check_error, undefined);
priv.getRevisionTree(doc, option, callback.getRevisionTree);
callback.getRevisionTree = function (err, response) {
var winner_info, previous_revision, generate_new_revision;
previous_revision = doc._rew;
generate_new_revision = doc._revs || doc._revs_info ? false : true;
if (err) {
if (err.status !== 404) {
err.message = "Cannot get document revision tree";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
if (option.revs === true) {
res_doc._revisions = doc._revs;
doc_tree = response || priv.newDocTree();
if (specific_parameter.get || specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
if (!doc._rev) {
winner_info = priv.getWinnerRevsInfo(doc_tree);
if (winner_info.length === 0) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Document not found",
), undefined);
if (winner_info[0].status === "deleted") {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Document not found",
), undefined);
doc._rev = winner_info[0].rev;
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties(doc, doc_tree);
return priv.getDocument(doc, option, callback.getDocument);
if (option.revs_info === true) {
res_doc._revs_info = doc._revs_info;
priv.fillDocumentRevisionProperties(doc, doc_tree);
if (generate_new_revision) {
if (previous_revision && doc._revs_info.length === 0) {
// the document history has changed, it means that the document
// revision was wrong. Add a pseudo history to the document
doc._rev = previous_revision;
doc._revs = {
"start": parseInt(previous_revision.split("-")[0], 10),
"ids": [previous_revision.split("-")[1]]
doc._revs_info = [{"rev": previous_revision, "status": "missing"}];
doc = priv.generateNextRevision(
return onEnd(undefined, res_doc);
if (specific_parameter.putAttachment ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
// copy metadata (not beginning by "_" to document
for (k in res_doc) {
if (res_doc.hasOwnProperty(k) && !k.match("^_")) {
doc[k] = res_doc[k];
if (doc._revs_info.length > 1) {
prev_doc = {
"_id": doc._id,
"_rev": doc._revs_info[1].rev
if (!generate_new_revision && specific_parameter.putAttachment) {
prev_doc._rev = doc._revs_info[0].rev;
if (specific_parameter.remove) {
priv.putDocumentTree(doc, option, doc_tree, callback.putDocumentTree);
} else {
priv.getAttachmentList(res_doc, option, callback.getAttachmentList);
callback.getAttachmentList = function (err, res_list) {
var i, attachment_found = false;
if (err) {
err.message = "Cannot get attachment";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
attachment_list = res_list || [];
if (specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
// getting specific attachment
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
doc._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
return onEnd(undefined, attachment_list[i]._data);
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to get an inexistent attachment",
), undefined);
if (specific_parameter.remove_from_attachment_list) {
// removing specific attachment
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
specific_parameter.remove_from_attachment_list._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
attachment_found = true;
attachment_list[i] = undefined;
if (!attachment_found) {
// force revs_info status
doc._revs_info[0].status = (specific_parameter.remove ?
"deleted" : "available");
priv.updateDocumentTree(doc, doc_tree);
if (prev_doc) {
return priv.getDocument(prev_doc, option, callback.getDocument);
if (specific_parameter.remove || specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to remove an inexistent attachment",
"Unable to remove an inexistent document",
), undefined);
priv.putDocument(doc, option, callback.putDocument);
callback.putDocument = function (err, response) {
var i, attachment_found = false;
if (err) {
err.message = "Cannot post the document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
if (specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list) {
// adding specific attachment
attachment_list = attachment_list || [];
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
attachment_found = true;
attachment_list[i] = specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list;
priv.putDocument(doc, option, callback.putDocument);
callback.getDocument = function (err, res_doc) {
var k, conflicts;
if (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
if (specific_parameter.remove ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
return onEnd(priv.conflictError(
"Document update conflict",
"Document is missing"
), undefined);
if (specific_parameter.get) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to find the document",
), undefined);
res_doc = {};
} else {
err.message = "Cannot get document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
if (!attachment_found) {
if (specific_parameter.get) {
res_doc._id = doc._id;
res_doc._rev = doc._rev;
if (option.conflicts === true) {
conflicts = priv.getConflicts(doc._rev, doc_tree);
if (conflicts) {
res_doc._conflicts = conflicts;
if (option.revs === true) {
res_doc._revisions = doc._revs;
if (option.revs_info === true) {
res_doc._revs_info = doc._revs_info;
return onEnd(undefined, res_doc);
if (specific_parameter.putAttachment ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment) {
// copy metadata (not beginning by "_" to document
for (k in res_doc) {
if (res_doc.hasOwnProperty(k) && !k.match("^_")) {
doc[k] = res_doc[k];
if (specific_parameter.remove) {
priv.putDocumentTree(doc, option, doc_tree, callback.putDocumentTree);
} else {
priv.getAttachmentList(res_doc, option, callback.getAttachmentList);
callback.putAttachmentList = function (err, response) {
if (err) {
err.message = "Cannot copy attacments to the document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
priv.putDocumentTree(doc, option, doc_tree, callback.putDocumentTree);
callback.putDocumentTree = function (err, response) {
var response_object;
if (err) {
err.message = "Cannot update the document history";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
response_object = {
"ok": true,
"id": doc._id,
"rev": doc._rev
if (specific_parameter.putAttachment ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment ||
specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
response_object.attachment = doc._attachment;
onEnd(undefined, response_object);
// if (option.keep_revision_history !== true) {
// // priv.remove(prev_doc, option, function () {
// // - change "available" status to "deleted"
// // - remove attachments
// // - done, no callback
// // });
// }
* Post the document metadata and create or update a document tree.
* Options:
* - {boolean} keep_revision_history To keep the previous revisions
* (false by default) (NYI).
* @method post
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command) {
function (err, response) {
callback.getAttachmentList = function (err, res_list) {
var i, attachment_found = false;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
err.message = "Cannot get attachment";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
* Put the document metadata and create or update a document tree.
* Options:
* - {boolean} keep_revision_history To keep the previous revisions
* (false by default) (NYI).
* @method put
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.put = function (command) {
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
attachment_list = res_list || [];
if (specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
// getting specific attachment
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
doc._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
return onEnd(undefined, attachment_list[i]._data);
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to get an inexistent attachment",
), undefined);
that.putAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"add_to_attachment_list": {
"_attachment": command.getAttachmentId(),
"_mimetype": command.getAttachmentMimeType(),
"_data": command.getAttachmentData()
"putAttachment": true
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
if (specific_parameter.remove_from_attachment_list) {
// removing specific attachment
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
specific_parameter.remove_from_attachment_list._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
attachment_found = true;
attachment_list[i] = undefined;
if (!attachment_found) {
return onEnd(priv.notFoundError(
"Unable to remove an inexistent attachment",
), undefined);
that.remove = function (command) {
if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
return that.removeAttachment(command);
"revision_needed": true,
"remove": true
function (err, response) {
priv.putDocument(doc, option, callback.putDocument);
callback.putDocument = function (err, response) {
var i, attachment_found = false;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
err.message = "Cannot post the document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
that.removeAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"revision_needed": true,
"removeAttachment": true,
"remove_from_attachment_list": {
"_attachment": command.getAttachmentId()
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
if (specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list) {
// adding specific attachment
attachment_list = attachment_list || [];
for (i = 0; i < attachment_list.length; i += 1) {
if (attachment_list[i] &&
specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list._attachment ===
attachment_list[i]._attachment) {
attachment_found = true;
attachment_list[i] = specific_parameter.add_to_attachment_list;
if (!attachment_found) {
that.get = function (command) {
if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
return that.getAttachment(command);
"get": true
function (err, response) {
callback.putAttachmentList = function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
err.message = "Cannot copy attacments to the document";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
that.getAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"getAttachment": true
function (err, response) {
priv.putDocumentTree(doc, option, doc_tree, callback.putDocumentTree);
callback.putDocumentTree = function (err, response) {
var response_object;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
err.message = "Cannot update the document history";
return onEnd(err, undefined);
that.allDocs = function (command) {
var rows, result = {"total_rows": 0, "rows": []}, functions = {};
functions.finished = 0;
functions.falseResponseGenerator = function (response, callback) {
callback(undefined, response);
functions.fillResultGenerator = function (doc_id) {
return function (err, doc_tree) {
var document_revision, row, revs_info;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
response_object = {
"ok": true,
"id": doc._id,
"rev": doc._rev
if (specific_parameter.putAttachment ||
specific_parameter.removeAttachment ||
specific_parameter.getAttachment) {
response_object.attachment = doc._attachment;
revs_info = priv.getWinnerRevsInfo(doc_tree);
document_revision =
rows.document_revisions[doc_id + "." + revs_info[0].rev];
if (document_revision) {
row = {
"id": doc_id,
"key": doc_id,
"value": {
"rev": revs_info[0].rev
if (document_revision.doc && command.getOption("include_docs")) {
document_revision.doc._id = doc_id;
document_revision.doc._rev = revs_info[0].rev;
row.doc = document_revision.doc;
onEnd(undefined, response_object);
// if (option.keep_revision_history !== true) {
// // priv.remove(prev_doc, option, function () {
// // - change "available" status to "deleted"
// // - remove attachments
// // - done, no callback
// // });
// }
* Post the document metadata and create or update a document tree.
* Options:
* - {boolean} keep_revision_history To keep the previous revisions
* (false by default) (NYI).
* @method post
* @param {object} command The JIO command
*/ = function (command) {
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
result.total_rows += 1;
* Put the document metadata and create or update a document tree.
* Options:
* - {boolean} keep_revision_history To keep the previous revisions
* (false by default) (NYI).
* @method put
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.put = function (command) {
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
that.putAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"add_to_attachment_list": {
"_attachment": command.getAttachmentId(),
"_mimetype": command.getAttachmentMimeType(),
"_data": command.getAttachmentData()
"putAttachment": true
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
functions.success = function () {
functions.finished -= 1;
if (functions.finished === 0) {
that.remove = function (command) {
if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
return that.removeAttachment(command);
"revision_needed": true,
"remove": true
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
that.removeAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"revision_needed": true,
"removeAttachment": true,
"remove_from_attachment_list": {
"_attachment": command.getAttachmentId()
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
priv.send("allDocs", null, command.cloneOption(), function (err, response) {
var i, j, row, selector, selected;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
that.get = function (command) {
if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
return that.getAttachment(command);
selector = /\.revision_tree\.json$/;
rows = {
"revision_trees": {
// id.revision_tree.json: {
// id: blabla
// doc: {...}
// }
"get": true
"document_revisions": {
// id.rev: {
// id: blabla
// rev: 1-1
// doc: {...}
// }
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
that.getAttachment = function (command) {
"doc_id": command.getDocId(),
"attachment_id": command.getAttachmentId(),
"getAttachment": true
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
that.allDocs = function (command) {
var rows, result = {"total_rows": 0, "rows": []}, functions = {};
functions.finished = 0;
functions.falseResponseGenerator = function (response, callback) {
callback(undefined, response);
while (response.rows.length > 0) {
// filling rows
row = response.rows.shift();
selected = selector.exec(;
if (selected) {
selected = selected.input.substring(0, selected.index);
// this is a revision tree
rows.revision_trees[] = {
"id": selected
if (row.doc) {
rows.revision_trees[].doc = row.doc;
functions.fillResultGenerator = function (doc_id) {
return function (err, doc_tree) {
var document_revision, row, revs_info;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
} else {
// this is a simple revision
rows.document_revisions[] = {
"id":".").slice(0, -1),
if (row.doc) {
rows.document_revisions[].doc = row.doc;
revs_info = priv.getWinnerRevsInfo(doc_tree);
document_revision =
rows.document_revisions[doc_id + "." + revs_info[0].rev];
if (document_revision) {
row = {
"id": doc_id,
"key": doc_id,
"value": {
"rev": revs_info[0].rev
if (document_revision.doc && command.getOption("include_docs")) {
document_revision.doc._id = doc_id;
document_revision.doc._rev = revs_info[0].rev;
row.doc = document_revision.doc;
result.total_rows += 1;
functions.success = function () {
functions.finished -= 1;
if (functions.finished === 0) {
functions.finished += 1;
for (i in rows.revision_trees) {
if (rows.revision_trees.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
functions.finished += 1;
if (rows.revision_trees[i].doc) {
priv.send("allDocs", null, command.cloneOption(
), function (err, response) {
var i, j, row, selector, selected;
if (err) {
return that.error(err);
selector = /\.revision_tree\.json$/;
rows = {
"revision_trees": {
// id.revision_tree.json: {
// id: blabla
// doc: {...}
// }
"document_revisions": {
// id.rev: {
// id: blabla
// rev: 1-1
// doc: {...}
// }
while (response.rows.length > 0) {
// filling rows
row = response.rows.shift();
selected = selector.exec(;
if (selected) {
selected = selected.input.substring(0, selected.index);
// this is a revision tree
rows.revision_trees[] = {
"id": selected
if (row.doc) {
rows.revision_trees[].doc = row.doc;
} else {
{"_id": rows.revision_trees[i].id},
// this is a simple revision
rows.document_revisions[] = {
"id":".").slice(0, -1),
if (row.doc) {
rows.document_revisions[].doc = row.doc;
// END //
return that;
}); // end RevisionStorage
functions.finished += 1;
for (i in rows.revision_trees) {
if (rows.revision_trees.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
functions.finished += 1;
if (rows.revision_trees[i].doc) {
} else {
{"_id": rows.revision_trees[i].id},
// END //
return that;
}); // end RevisionStorage
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