Commit 16ddf1cd authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

bt5_config: Add migrateBTToBM to be used with migration dialog for TemplateTool

parent 95f13d53
......@@ -971,35 +971,35 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
return a2
security.declareProtected( 'Import/Export objects', 'migrateBTListToBM')
def migrateBTListToBM(self, repository_list, REQUEST=None, **kw):
def migrateBTToBMRequest(self, bt_title_list, REQUEST=None, **kw):
Run migration for BT5 one by one in a given repository. This will be done
via activities.
repository_list = filter(bool, repository_list)
if REQUEST is None:
REQUEST = getattr(self, 'REQUEST', None)
if len(repository_list) == 0 and REQUEST:
if len(bt_title_list) == 0 and REQUEST:
ret_url = self.absolute_url()
% (ret_url, 'No repository was defined'))
% (ret_url, 'No BT title was given'))
repository_list = self.getRepositoryList()
for title in bt_title_list:
title = title.rstrip('\n')
title = title.rstrip('\r')
for repository in repository_list:
repository = repository.rstrip('\n')
repository = repository.rstrip('\r')
for business_template_id in os.listdir(repository):
template_path = os.path.join(repository, business_template_id)
if title in os.listdir(repository):
template_path = os.path.join(repository, title)
if os.path.isfile(template_path):
LOG(business_template_id,0,'is file, so it is skipped')
LOG(title, 0, 'is file, so it is skipped')
if not os.path.exists((os.path.join(template_path, 'bt'))):
LOG(business_template_id,0,'has no bt sub-folder, so it is skipped')
LOG(title, 0, 'has no bt sub-folder, so it is skipped')
# migrateBTToBP(template_path)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getFilteredDiff')
def getFilteredDiff(self, diff):
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