[buildout] extensions = slapos.zcbworkarounds slapos.rebootstrap find-links += http://www.nexedi.org/static/packages/source/slapos.buildout/ extends = ../../component/memcached/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-2.7/buildout.cfg ../../component/dcron/buildout.cfg ../../component/stunnel/buildout.cfg ../../component/rdiff-backup/buildout.cfg ../../component/lxml-python/buildout.cfg versions = versions parts = # Create instance template #TODO : list here all parts. template libxslt eggs instance-recipe-egg # XXX: Workaround of SlapOS limitation # Unzippig of eggs is required, as SlapOS do not yet provide nicely working # development / fast switching environment for whole software unzip = true [rebootstrap] # Default first version of rebootstrapped python version = 2 section = python2.7 [instance-recipe] egg = slapos.cookbook module = memcached [instance-recipe-egg] recipe = zc.recipe.egg python = python2.7 eggs = ${instance-recipe:egg} [eggs] recipe = zc.recipe.egg python = python2.7 eggs = ${lxml-python:egg} [template] # Default template for the instance. recipe = slapos.recipe.template url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance.cfg md5sum = 837caf9897332a5f70c72438f1dc5bae output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg mode = 0644 [versions] slapos.cookbook = 0.4 # Required by slapos.cookbook==0.4 slapos.core = 0.2 collective.recipe.template = 1.8 slapos.slap = 1.2.dev-r4679 netaddr = 0.7.5 xml-marshaller = 0.9.7 setuptools = 0.6c12dev-r88795 hexagonit.recipe.cmmi = 1.5.0 hexagonit.recipe.download = 1.5.0 plone.recipe.command = 1.1 # Use SlapOS patched zc.buildout zc.buildout = 1.5.3-dev-SlapOS-001