Commit 3b017fb0 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

erp5_web_renderjs: Add all_languages=True in query to get translatable Web Page list

Because if we have for example a Web Site for which default language is 'fr'
it would not get gadget Web Pages for which the language is 'en'

The scope here is to match as many documents as possible
parent a3f01a7a
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ web_page_by_reference = {}
if web_page_reference_list:
web_page_list = [
b.getObject() for b in
portal.portal_catalog.getDocumentValueList(reference=web_page_reference_list, all_languages=True)]
web_page_by_reference = {wp.getReference(): wp.getTextContent() for wp in web_page_list}
for web_page_reference in web_page_reference_list:
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