Commit dfe68321 authored by Titouan Soulard's avatar Titouan Soulard

erp5_core: remove old reindex method

Had I not done that before? How did it worked? Weird. Maybe just changed the configuration on the Portal Type ?
parent 3c5dfa90
......@@ -26,10 +26,8 @@
from six.moves import xrange
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import PropertyGetter as ConstantGetter
from erp5.component.document.Delivery import Delivery
class Inventory(Delivery):
......@@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ class Inventory(Delivery):
# CMF Type Definition
meta_type = 'ERP5 Inventory'
portal_type = 'Inventory'
isInventory = ConstantGetter('isInventory', value=True)
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
......@@ -59,14 +56,6 @@ class Inventory(Delivery):
, PropertySheet.Inventory
def alternateReindexObject(self, **kw):
This method is called when an inventory object is included in a
group of catalogged objects.
return self.immediateReindexObject(**kw)
# method used to build category list that willbe set on tmp line
def appendToCategoryListFromUid(self, category_list, uid, base_category):
object_list = [x.getObject() for x in self.portal_catalog(uid=uid)]
......@@ -82,279 +71,3 @@ class Inventory(Delivery):
value_list = []
def _immediateReindexObject(self, temp_constructor=None, **kw):
Rewrite indexation method so that we can insert lines in stock table
which will be equal to the difference between stock values for
resource in the inventory and the one before the date of this inventory
temp_constructor is used in some particular cases where we want
to have our own temp object constructor, this is usefull if we
want to use some classes with some particular methods
portal = self.getPortalObject()
sql_catalog_id = kw.pop("sql_catalog_id", None)
disable_archive = kw.pop("disable_archive", 0)
state = self.getSimulationState()
# we need reindex when cancelling inventories
if (state in portal.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() and
state != 'cancelled'):
# this prevent from trying to calculate stock
# with not all properties defined and thus making
# request with no condition in mysql
immediate_reindex_archive = sql_catalog_id is not None
sql_catalog_id = sql_catalog_id,
connection_id = None
if sql_catalog_id is not None:
# try to get connection used in the catalog
catalog = portal.portal_catalog[sql_catalog_id]
connection_id = catalog.getConnectionId()
default_inventory_calculation_list = ({ "inventory_params" : {"section": self.getDestinationSection(),
"node" : self.getDestination(),
"group_by_sub_variation" : 1,
"group_by_variation" : 1,
"group_by_resource" : 1,
"list_method" : "getMovementList",
"first_level" : ({'key' : 'resource_relative_url',
'getter' : 'getResource',
'setter' : ("appendToCategoryList", "resource")},
{'key' : 'variation_text',
'getter' : 'getVariationText',
'setter' : "splitAndExtendToCategoryList"},
"second_level" : ({'key' : 'sub_variation_text',
'getter' : 'getSubVariationText',
'setter' : "splitAndExtendToCategoryList"},
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getDefaultInventoryCalculationList')
if method is not None:
default_inventory_calculation_list = method()
if temp_constructor is None:
temp_constructor = lambda self, id, *args, **kw: self.newContent(
temp_object=True, portal_type='Movement',
id=id, *args, **kw)
stop_date = self.getStopDate()
stock_object_list = []
stock_append = stock_object_list.append
to_delete_stock_uid_set = set()
to_delete_stock_uid_add = to_delete_stock_uid_set.add
to_delete_list = []
to_delete_list_append = to_delete_list.append
for inventory_calculation_dict in default_inventory_calculation_list:
# build a dict containing all inventory for this node
# group by resource/variation and then subvariation
current_inventory_list = \
current_inventory_dict = {}
current_inventory_key_id_list = [x["key"] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['first_level']]
for line in current_inventory_list:
current_inventory_key = [line[x] for x in current_inventory_key_id_list]
for x in xrange(len(current_inventory_key)):
if current_inventory_key[x] is None:
current_inventory_key[x] = ""
current_inventory_key = tuple(current_inventory_key)
if "second_level" in inventory_calculation_dict:
# two level of variation
current_inventory_by_sub_variation = \
except KeyError:
current_inventory_by_sub_variation = \
current_inventory_dict[current_inventory_key] = {}
second_level_key_id_list = [x['key'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['second_level']]
second_level_key = tuple([line[x] for x in second_level_key_id_list])
current_inventory_by_sub_variation[second_level_key] = line['total_quantity']
# only one level of variation
current_inventory_dict[current_inventory_key] = line['total_quantity']
# Browse all movements on inventory and create diff line when necessary
if self.isFullInventory():
not_used_inventory_dict = current_inventory_dict
not_used_inventory_dict = {}
inventory_id = self.getId()
list_method = inventory_calculation_dict['list_method']
method = getattr(self, list_method)
__order_id_counter_list = [0]
def getOrderIdCounter():
value = __order_id_counter_list[0] # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
__order_id_counter_list[0] = value + 1 # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
return value
for movement in method():
if movement.getResourceValue() is not None and \
movement.getInventoriatedQuantity() not in (None, ''):
movement_quantity = movement.getInventoriatedQuantity()
# construct key to retrieve inventory into dict
getter_list = [x['getter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['first_level']]
key_list = []
for getter in getter_list:
method = getattr(movement, getter, None)
if method is not None:
inventory_value = current_inventory_dict.get(tuple(key_list), 0)
second_key_list = []
if 'second_level' in inventory_calculation_dict:
if inventory_value == 0:
inventory_value = {}
# two level
second_getter_list = [x['getter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['second_level']]
for getter in second_getter_list:
method = getattr(movement, getter, None)
if method is not None:
second_key_list = tuple(second_key_list)
if second_key_list in inventory_value:
total_quantity = inventory_value.pop(second_key_list)
# Put remaining subvariation in a dict to know which one
# to removed at end
not_used_inventory_dict[tuple(key_list)] = inventory_value
diff_quantity = movement_quantity - total_quantity
# Inventory for new resource/variation/sub_variation
diff_quantity = movement_quantity
# Put remaining subvariation in a dict to know which one
# to removed at end
not_used_inventory_dict[tuple(key_list)] = inventory_value
# we got the quantity from first level key
diff_quantity = movement_quantity - inventory_value
# Create tmp movement
kwd = {'uid': movement.getUid(),
'start_date': stop_date,
'order_id': getOrderIdCounter(),
temp_delivery_line = temp_constructor(self,
# set category on it only if quantity not null
# thus line with same uid will be deleted but we
# don't insert line with null quantity as we test
# some categories like resource/destination/source
# before insert but not before delete
if diff_quantity != 0:
kwd['quantity'] = diff_quantity
category_list = self.getCategoryList()
setter_list = [x['setter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['first_level']]
if "second_level" in inventory_calculation_dict:
setter_list.extend([x['setter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['second_level']])
value_list = list(key_list) + list(second_key_list)
for x in xrange(len(setter_list)):
value = value_list[x]
setter = setter_list[x]
base_category = ""
if isinstance(setter, (tuple, list)):
base_category = setter[1]
setter = setter[0]
method = getattr(self, setter, None)
if method is not None:
method(category_list, value, base_category)
kwd['category_list'] = category_list
# Make sure we remove any any value
# Now create line to remove some subvariation text not present
# in new inventory
if len(not_used_inventory_dict):
inventory_uid = self.getUid()
for first_level_key in not_used_inventory_dict.keys():
inventory_value = \
# XXX-Aurel : this code does not work with only one level of variation
for second_level_key in inventory_value.keys():
diff_quantity = - inventory_value[tuple(second_level_key)]
kwd = {'uid': inventory_uid,
'start_date': stop_date,
'order_id': getOrderIdCounter(),
# create the tmp line and set category on it
temp_delivery_line = temp_constructor(self,
kwd['quantity'] = diff_quantity
category_list = self.getCategoryList()
setter_list = [x['setter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['first_level']]
if "second_level" in inventory_calculation_dict:
setter_list.extend([x['setter'] for x in inventory_calculation_dict['second_level']])
value_list = list(first_level_key) + list(second_level_key)
for x in xrange(len(setter_list)):
value = value_list[x]
setter = setter_list[x]
base_category = ""
if isinstance(setter, (tuple, list)):
base_category = setter[1]
setter = setter[0]
method = getattr(self, setter, None)
if method is not None:
method(category_list, value, base_category)
kwd['category_list'] = category_list
# Reindex objects
immediate_reindex_archive = sql_catalog_id is not None
sql_catalog_id = sql_catalog_id,
# Do deletion for everything first, even if there is no need to apply correction,
# in case we need to remove previous corrections
for uid in to_delete_stock_uid_set:
temp_line = temp_constructor(self, inventory_id)
catalog_kw = dict(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id,
disable_cache=1, check_uid=0, disable_archive=disable_archive,
method_id_list = ['z0_uncatalog_stock']
if portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) \
# Delete existing stock records and old inventory_cache first.
to_delete_list[:], method_id_list=method_id_list, **catalog_kw)
if stock_object_list:
# Then insert new records without delete.
stock_object_list[:], method_id_list=('z_catalog_stock_list_without_delete_for_inventory_virtual_movement', ),
\ No newline at end of file
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