Commit 7254fc9a authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

slapos_cloud: test: keep compatibility with previous addProject

parent 0b9f9415
......@@ -174,6 +174,17 @@ class SlapOSTestCaseMixin(testSlapOSMixin):
def addProject(self, organisation=None, currency=None, person=None, is_accountable=False):
assert organisation is None
assert currency is None
assert not is_accountable
if person is None:
project = self.portal.project_module.newContent(
title='project-%s' % self.generateNewId()
return project
# Action to submit project subscription
service = self.portal.restrictedTraverse('service_module/slapos_virtual_master_subscription')
subscription_request = service.Resource_createSubscriptionRequest(person, None, None)
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