Commit 3060d6c4 authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

Fix tuple constant access

parent c9cb938b
......@@ -406,4 +406,14 @@ auto call_sync(auto f) {
namespace typon {
template <auto IDX, typename T> auto constant_get(T &&val) {
if constexpr (requires { std::get<IDX>(std::forward<T>(val)); }) {
return std::get<IDX>(std::forward<T>(val));
} else {
return dot(std::forward<T>(val), oo__getitem__oo)(IDX);
}; // namespace typon
......@@ -336,14 +336,16 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
if isinstance(node.type, ClassTypeType):
yield from self.visit_BaseType(node.type.inner_type)
if isinstance(node.value.type, TupleInstanceType):
if not (isinstance(node.slice, ast.Constant) and isinstance(node.slice.value, int)):
raise NotImplementedError("Tuple subscript with non-constant not handled yet")
yield "std::get<"
if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Constant) and isinstance(node.slice.value, int):
# when the index is a constant, we special case the emitted code so we can use std::get
# if the subscripted object is a tuple because tuples are not subscriptable in C++ because
# the language is statically typed
yield "(co_await typon::constant_get<"
yield str(node.slice.value)
yield ">("
yield from self.visit(node.value)
yield ")"
yield "))"
# yield "("
# yield from self.visit(node.value)
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