Commit be8f6ab4 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

First complete implementation of parent virtual base category in report mode...

First complete implementation of parent virtual base category in report mode of Listbox. Various display optimisations

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent f17f875e
......@@ -185,30 +185,38 @@ def makeTreeList(here, form, root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth, unfol
if root is None: return tree_list
if base_category == 'parent':
for zo in root.searchFolder(sort_index=(('int_index', ''),('title', ''), ('id', ''))):
o = zo.getObject()
new_root_dict = root_dict.copy()
new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = o
selection_domain = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict)
if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or o.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list:
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain)] # Summary (open)
if is_report_opened :
tree_list += [(o, 0, depth, 0, _parent_domain_mark)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
tree_list += makeTreeList(here, form, new_root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth + 1, unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, is_report_opened=is_report_opened)
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain)] # Summary (closed)
if hasattr(aq_base(root), 'objectValues'):
# If this is a folder, try to browse the hierarchy
for zo in root.searchFolder(sort_order=(('int_index', 'ASC'),('title', 'ASC'), ('id', 'ASC'))):
o = zo.getObject()
if o is not None:
new_root_dict = root_dict.copy()
new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = o
selection_domain = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict)
if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or o.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list:
exception_uid_list = [] # Object we do not want to display
for sub_zo in o.searchFolder(sort_order=(('int_index', 'ASC'),('title', 'ASC'), ('id', 'ASC'))):
sub_o = sub_zo.getObject()
if sub_o is not None and hasattr(aq_base(root), 'objectValues'):
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain, exception_uid_list)] # Summary (open)
if is_report_opened :
tree_list += [(o, 0, depth, 0, selection_domain, exception_uid_list)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
tree_list += makeTreeList(here, form, new_root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth + 1, unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, is_report_opened=is_report_opened)
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain, ())] # Summary (closed)
for o in root.objectValues():
new_root_dict = root_dict.copy()
new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = o
selection_domain = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict)
if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or o.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list:
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain)] # Summary (open)
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain, None)] # Summary (open)
if is_report_opened :
tree_list += [(o, 0, depth, 0, selection_domain)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
tree_list += [(o, 0, depth, 0, selection_domain, None)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
tree_list += makeTreeList(here, form, new_root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth + 1, unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, is_report_opened=is_report_opened)
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain)] # Summary (closed)
tree_list += [(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain, None)] # Summary (closed)
return tree_list
......@@ -590,11 +598,21 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
domain_tree = 0
report_tree = 0
elif selection.domain_tree_mode == 1:
domain_tree = 1
report_tree = 0
# Only display domain if domain is defined
if len(domain_root_list):
domain_tree = 1
report_tree = 0
domain_tree = 0
report_tree = 0
elif selection.report_tree_mode == 1:
domain_tree = 0
report_tree = 1
# Only display report if report is defined
if len(report_root_list):
domain_tree = 0
report_tree = 1
domain_tree = 0
report_tree = 0
# In report tree mode, we want to remember if the items have to be displayed
is_report_opened = REQUEST.get('is_report_opened', selection.isReportOpened())
......@@ -748,6 +766,7 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
elif stat_method.method_name == 'portal_catalog':
# We use the catalog count results
stat_method = here.portal_catalog.countResults
show_stat = 1
# Try to get the method through acquisition
......@@ -757,7 +776,9 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
show_stat = 0
stat_method = here.portal_catalog.countResults
# No stat method defined means no statistics displayed
stat_method = None
show_stat = 0
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'domain_tree = %s, selection.getDomainPath() = %s, selection.getDomainList() = %s' % (repr(domain_tree), repr(selection.getDomainPath()), repr(selection.getDomainList())))
if domain_tree:
......@@ -829,7 +850,13 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
if report_tree:
selection_report_path = selection.getReportPath()
default_selection_report_path = report_root_list[0][0].split('/')[0]
if default_selection_report_path in portal_categories.objectIds() or \
(portal_domains is not None and default_selection_report_path in portal_domains.objectIds()):
default_selection_report_path = report_root_list[0][0]
selection_report_path = selection.getReportPath(default = (default_selection_report_path,))
if report_depth is not None:
selection_report_current = ()
......@@ -846,8 +873,8 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
#LOG("Report Tree",0,str(report_tree_list))
for s in report_tree_list:
# Prepare query by defining selection report object
if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
selection.edit(report = s[4])
#if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
selection.edit(report = s[4])
if s[1]:
# Push new select_expression
original_select_expression = kw.get('select_expression')
......@@ -861,8 +888,7 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
kw['select_expression'] = original_select_expression
if s[1] and show_stat:
# stat_result is a list
# we want now to make it a dictionnary
# Is this a report line
......@@ -880,24 +906,53 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
stat_context = s[0].asContext(**stat_result)
stat_context.absolute_url = lambda x: s[0].absolute_url()
stat_context.domain_url = s[0].getRelativeUrl()
report_sections += [(s[0].id, 1, s[2], [stat_context], 1, s[3], s[4])]
report_sections += [(s[0].id, 1, s[2], [stat_context], 1, s[3], s[4], stat_context, 0)]
# report id, is_summary, depth, object_list, object_list_len, XX, XX, report_object, start, stop
# Prepare query
selection.edit( params = kw )
if list_method not in (None, ''):
if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
object_list = selection(method = list_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
object_list = [s[0]]
#if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
object_list = selection(method = list_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
# object_list = [s[0]]
# If list_method is None, use already selected values.
if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
object_list = here.portal_selections.getSelectionValueList(selection_name,
#if s[4] is not _parent_domain_mark:
object_list = here.portal_selections.getSelectionValueList(selection_name,
context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
object_list = [s[0]]
# object_list = [s[0]]
# # PERFORMANCE ? is len(object_list) fast enough ?
report_sections += [ (None, 0, s[2], object_list, len(object_list), s[3], s[4]) ]
exception_uid_list = s[5]
if exception_uid_list is not None:
# Filter folders if this is a parent tree
new_object_list = []
for o in object_list:
#LOG('exception_uid_list', 0, '%s %s' % (o.getUid(), exception_uid_list))
if o.getUid() not in exception_uid_list:
object_list = new_object_list
object_list_len = len(object_list)
if not s[1]:
if show_stat:
report_sections += [ (None, 0, s[2], object_list, object_list_len, s[3], s[4], None, 0) ]
stat_context = s[0].asContext()
stat_context.absolute_url = lambda x: s[0].absolute_url()
stat_context.domain_url = s[0].getRelativeUrl()
if object_list_len and s[3]:
# Display object data at same level as category selector
# If this domain is open
report_sections += [ (s[0].id, 0, s[2], [object_list[0]], 1, s[3], s[4], stat_context, 0) ]
report_sections += [ (None, 0, s[2], object_list, object_list_len - 1, s[3], s[4], None, 1) ]
if exception_uid_list is not None:
# Display current parent domain
report_sections += [ (s[0].id, 0, s[2], [s[0]], 1, s[3], s[4], stat_context, 0) ]
# No data to display
report_sections += [ (s[0].id, 0, s[2], [None], 1, s[3], s[4], stat_context, 0) ]
# Reset original value
selection.edit(report = None)
......@@ -910,7 +965,8 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
# If list_method is None, use already selected values.
object_list = here.portal_selections.getSelectionValueList(selection_name, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
# PERFORMANCE PROBLEM ? is len(object_list) fast enough ?
report_sections = ( (None, 0, 0, object_list, len(object_list), 0), )
object_list_len = len(object_list)
report_sections = ( (None, 0, 0, object_list, object_list_len, 0, None, None, 0), )
......@@ -1089,13 +1145,24 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
<td valign="middle" nowrap>
""" % format_dict
if len(report_root_list) or len(domain_root_list):
header += """
<input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/text_block.png" id="flat_list"
title="%(flat_list_title)s" name="portal_selections/setFlatListMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img"/">
<input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_tree.png" id="flat_list"
""" % format_dict
if len(report_root_list):
header += """
<input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_tree.png" id="report_list"
title="%(report_tree_title)s" name="portal_selections/setReportTreeMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img"/">
<input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_choose.png" id="flat_list"
title="%(domain_tree_title)s" name="portal_selections/setDomainTreeMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img"/"></td>
""" % format_dict
if len(domain_root_list):
header += """
<input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_choose.png" id="domain_list"
title="%(domain_tree_title)s" name="portal_selections/setDomainTreeMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img"/">
""" % format_dict
header += """
<td width="100%%" valign="middle">&nbsp; <a href="%(list_action)s">%(field_title)s</a>:
%(record_number)s - %(item_number)s
......@@ -1140,7 +1207,7 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
%s</select>""" % (here.getUrl(),report_tree_options)
report_popup = """
<td class="Data" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">
<td class="Data" width="50" align="left" valign="middle">
""" % report_popup
......@@ -1194,18 +1261,21 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
list_header += ("<td class=\"Data\">%s</td>\n" % translate('ui', cname[1], default = cname[1]))
list_header = list_header + "</tr>"
# Create report depth_selector
if report_tree:
depth_selector = ''
for i in range(0,6):
# XXX We may lose previous list information
depth_selector += """&nbsp;<a href="%s/%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&report_depth:int=%s">%s</a>""" % \
(here.absolute_url(),, current_selection_name, current_selection_index , i, i)
# In report mode, we may want to hide items, and only display stat lines.
depth_selector += """&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="%s/%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&is_report_opened:int=%s">%s</a>""" % \
(here.absolute_url(),, current_selection_name, current_selection_index , 1 - is_report_opened, is_report_opened and 'Hide' or 'Show')
# Create the search row of the table with the name of the columns
if search:
# Add empty column for report
if report_tree:
depth_selector = ''
for i in range(0,6):
# XXX We may lose previous list information
depth_selector += """&nbsp;<a href="%s/%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&report_depth:int=%s">%s</a>""" % \
(here.absolute_url(),, current_selection_name, current_selection_index , i, i)
# In report mode, we may want to hide items, and only display stat lines.
depth_selector += """&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="%s/%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&is_report_opened:int=%s">%s</a>""" % \
(here.absolute_url(),, current_selection_name, current_selection_index , 1 - is_report_opened, is_report_opened and 'Hide' or 'Show')
# Add empty column for report
report_search = """<td class="Data" width="50" align="left" valign="middle">%s</td>""" % depth_selector
report_search = ""
......@@ -1251,7 +1321,11 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
list_search = list_search + "</tr>"
list_search = ''
if report_tree:
list_search = """<td class="Data" width="50" align="left" valign="middle" colspan="%s">%s</td>""" % \
(len(extended_columns) + select + 1, depth_selector)
list_search = ''
# Build the tuple of columns
if render_format == 'list':
......@@ -1271,7 +1345,6 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
# Build Lines
list_body = ''
if render_format == 'list':
# initialize the title line
title_listboxline = ListBoxLine()
......@@ -1291,6 +1364,8 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
if current_section is not None:
current_section_size = current_section[4]
object_list = current_section[3]
stat_context = current_section[7]
index_shift = current_section[8]
#if current_section is not None:
for i in range(start,end):
......@@ -1310,11 +1385,14 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
current_section = report_sections[section_index]
current_section_size = current_section[4]
object_list = current_section[3]
stat_context = current_section[7]
index_shift = current_section[8]
is_summary = current_section[1] # Update summary type
list_body = list_body + '<tr>'
o = object_list[i - current_section_base_index] # FASTER PERFORMANCE
o = object_list[i - current_section_base_index + index_shift] # FASTER PERFORMANCE
real_o = None
# Define the CSS
......@@ -1329,7 +1407,7 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
section_char = ''
if report_tree:
if is_summary:
if is_summary or current_section[0] is not None:
# This is a summary
section_name = current_section[0]
......@@ -1340,7 +1418,7 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
section_char = '-'
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="portal_selections/foldReport?report_url=%s&form_id=%s&list_selection_name=%s">%s%s%s</a></td>
""" % (td_css, getattr(current_section[3][0],'domain_url',''),, selection_name, '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * current_section[2], section_char, section_name)
""" % (td_css, getattr(stat_context,'domain_url',''),, selection_name, '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * current_section[2], section_char, section_name)
if render_format == 'list':
......@@ -1359,7 +1437,7 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
section_char = '+'
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="portal_selections/unfoldReport?report_url=%s&form_id=%s&list_selection_name=%s">%s%s%s</a></td>
""" % (td_css, getattr(current_section[3][0],'domain_url',''),, selection_name, '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * current_section[2], section_char, section_name)
""" % (td_css, getattr(stat_context,'domain_url',''),, selection_name, '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * current_section[2], section_char, section_name)
if render_format == 'list':
......@@ -1374,259 +1452,270 @@ onChange="submitAction(this.form,'%s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')">
current_listboxline.setSectionFolded( 1 )
if select:
if o.uid in checked_uids:
selected = 'checked'
selected = ''
if section_char != '':
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>
""" % (td_css, )
if o is not None:
if o.uid in checked_uids:
selected = 'checked'
selected = ''
if is_summary:
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>
""" % (td_css, )
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" %s value="%s" id="cb_%s" name="uids:list"/></td>
""" % (td_css, selected, o.uid , o.uid)
list_body = list_body + \
"""<td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" %s value="%s" id="cb_%s" name="uids:list"/></td>
""" % (td_css, selected, o.uid , o.uid)
"""<td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>
""" % td_css
error_list = []
if render_format == 'list':
if selected == '':
current_listboxline.setObjectUid( o.uid )
current_listboxline.checkLine( 0 )
current_listboxline.setObjectUid( o.uid )
current_listboxline.checkLine( 1 )
for cname in extended_columns:
# add attribute_original_value, because I need to know the type of the attribute
attribute_original_value = None
if o is not None:
if selected == '':
current_listboxline.setObjectUid( o.uid )
current_listboxline.checkLine( 0 )
current_listboxline.setObjectUid( o.uid )
current_listboxline.checkLine( 1 )
sql = cname[0] # (sql, title, alias)
alias = cname[2] # (sql, title, alias)
if '.' in sql:
property_id = '.'.join(sql.split('.')[1:]) # Only take trailing part
property_id = alias
# attribute_value = getattr(o, cname_id) # FUTURE WAY OF DOING TGW Brains
my_field = None
tales_expr = None
if form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias) ) and not is_summary:
my_field_id = '%s_%s' % (, alias)
my_field = form.get_field(my_field_id)
tales_expr = my_field.tales.get('default', "")
if tales_expr:
real_o = o
if hasattr(o,'getObject'): # we have a line of sql result
real_o = o.getObject()
field_kw = {'cell':real_o}
attribute_value = my_field.__of__(real_o).get_value('default',**field_kw)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
# Prepare stat_column is this is a summary
if is_summary:
# Use stat method to find value
for stat_column in stat_columns:
if stat_column[0] == sql:
stat_column = None
if hasattr(aq_self(o),alias) and (not is_summary or stat_column is None or stat_column[0] == stat_column[1]): # Block acquisition to reduce risks
# First take the indexed value
attribute_value = getattr(o,alias) # We may need acquisition in case of method call
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
elif is_summary:
attribute_value = getattr(here, stat_column[1])
if o is None:
# This line is an empty line used by reports without statistics
list_body += ('<td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td>' % td_css) * len(extended_columns)
for cname in extended_columns:
# add attribute_original_value, because I need to know the type of the attribute
attribute_original_value = None
sql = cname[0] # (sql, title, alias)
alias = cname[2] # (sql, title, alias)
if '.' in sql:
property_id = '.'.join(sql.split('.')[1:]) # Only take trailing part
property_id = alias
# attribute_value = getattr(o, cname_id) # FUTURE WAY OF DOING TGW Brains
my_field = None
tales_expr = None
if form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias) ) and not is_summary:
my_field_id = '%s_%s' % (, alias)
my_field = form.get_field(my_field_id)
tales_expr = my_field.tales.get('default', "")
if tales_expr:
real_o = o
if hasattr(o,'getObject'): # we have a line of sql result
real_o = o.getObject()
field_kw = {'cell':real_o}
attribute_value = my_field.__of__(real_o).get_value('default',**field_kw)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'column = %s, value = %s' % (repr(column), repr(value)))
if callable(attribute_value):
# set report and closed_summary
if report_tree == 1 :
kw['closed_summary'] = 1 - current_section[5]
params = dict(kw)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
# reset report and closed_summary
if report_tree == 1 :
del kw['closed_summary']
params = dict(kw)
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'WARNING: Could not call %s with %s: ' % (repr(attribute_value), repr(params)), error=sys.exc_info())
# attribute_value = 'Does not exist'
if real_o is None:
real_o = o.getObject()
if real_o is not None:
# Prepare stat_column is this is a summary
if is_summary:
# Use stat method to find value
for stat_column in stat_columns:
if stat_column[0] == sql:
stat_column = None
if hasattr(aq_self(o),alias) and (not is_summary or stat_column is None or stat_column[0] == stat_column[1]): # Block acquisition to reduce risks
# First take the indexed value
attribute_value = getattr(o,alias) # We may need acquisition in case of method call
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
elif is_summary:
attribute_value = getattr(here, stat_column[1])
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'column = %s, value = %s' % (repr(column), repr(value)))
if callable(attribute_value):
attribute_value = getattr(real_o,property_id, None)
# set report and closed_summary
if report_tree == 1 :
kw['closed_summary'] = 1 - current_section[5]
params = dict(kw)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('Look up attribute %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
if not callable(attribute_value):
#LOG('Look up accessor %s' % cname_id,0,'')
attribute_value = real_o.getProperty(property_id)
# reset report and closed_summary
if report_tree == 1 :
del kw['closed_summary']
params = dict(kw)
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'WARNING: Could not call %s with %s: ' % (repr(attribute_value), repr(params)), error=sys.exc_info())
# attribute_value = 'Does not exist'
if real_o is None:
real_o = o.getObject()
if real_o is not None:
attribute_value = getattr(real_o,property_id, None)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('Look up accessor %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
#LOG('Look up attribute %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
if not callable(attribute_value):
#LOG('Look up accessor %s' % cname_id,0,'')
attribute_value = real_o.getProperty(property_id)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('Look up accessor %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
attribute_value = getattr(real_o,property_id)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('Fallback to attribute %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
attribute_value = getattr(real_o,property_id)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
#LOG('Fallback to attribute %s' % cname_id,0,str(attribute_value))
attribute_value = 'Can not evaluate attribute: %s' % sql
attribute_value = 'Can not evaluate attribute: %s' % sql
attribute_original_value = None
attribute_value = 'Object does not exist'
attribute_original_value = None
attribute_value = 'Object does not exist'
attribute_original_value = None
if callable(attribute_value):
if callable(attribute_value):
attribute_value = attribute_value(brain = o, selection = selection)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
except TypeError:
attribute_value = attribute_value()
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'Could not evaluate', error=sys.exc_info())
attribute_value = "Could not evaluate"
attribute_original_value = None
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'o = %s' % repr(dir(o)))
if type(attribute_value) is type(0.0):
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
if sql in editable_column_ids and form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias) ):
# Do not truncate if editable
#attribute_original_value = attribute_value
attribute_value = "%.2f" % attribute_value
td_align = "right"
elif type(attribute_value) is type(1):
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
td_align = "right"
td_align = "left"
# It is safer to convert attribute_value to an unicode string, because
# it might be utf-8.
if type(attribute_value) == type(''):
attribute_value = unicode(attribute_value, 'utf-8')
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
elif attribute_value is None:
attribute_original_value = None
attribute_value = ''
if sql in editable_column_ids and form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias)) and not is_summary:
key = + '_%s' % o.uid
if field_errors.has_key(key):
error_css = 'Error'
error_message = "<br/>%s" % translate('ui', field_errors[key].error_text, default = field_errors[key].error_text)
# Display previous value (in case of error
display_value = REQUEST.get('field_%s' % key, attribute_value)
attribute_value = attribute_value(brain = o, selection = selection)
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
except TypeError:
attribute_value = attribute_value()
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'Could not evaluate', error=sys.exc_info())
attribute_value = "Could not evaluate"
attribute_original_value = None
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'o = %s' % repr(dir(o)))
if type(attribute_value) is type(0.0):
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
if sql in editable_column_ids and form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias) ):
# Do not truncate if editable
#attribute_original_value = attribute_value
attribute_value = "%.2f" % attribute_value
td_align = "right"
elif type(attribute_value) is type(1):
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
td_align = "right"
error_css = ''
error_message = ''
#display_value = REQUEST.get('field_%s' % key, attribute_value)
display_value = attribute_value # XXX Make sure this is ok
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'display_value = %r' % display_value)
if type(display_value) == type(u''):
display_value = display_value.encode('utf-8')
if my_field.meta_type not in ('DateTimeField', ):
cell_body = my_field.render(value = display_value, REQUEST = o, key = key)
# We use REQUEST which is not so good here
# This prevents from using standard display process
else: # Some fields prefer a None value to a ''
cell_body = my_field.render(value = attribute_original_value, REQUEST = o.asContext(REQUEST=REQUEST, form=REQUEST.form), key = key)
# It is safer to convert cell_body to an unicode string, because
td_align = "left"
# It is safer to convert attribute_value to an unicode string, because
# it might be utf-8.
if type(cell_body) == type(''):
cell_body = unicode(cell_body, 'utf-8')
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'cell_body = %r, error_message = %r' % (cell_body, error_message))
list_body += ('<td class=\"%s%s\">%s%s</td>' % (td_css, error_css, cell_body, error_message))
# Add item to list_result_item for list render format
# if render_format == 'list':
# column_value = my_field._get_default(my_field.generate_field_key(), attribute_original_value, o)
# if type(column_value) is type(u''):
# #column_value = unicode(column_value, 'utf-8')
# column_value = column_value.encode('utf-8')
# current_listboxline.addColumn(property_id , column_value)
if render_format == 'list':
# Make sure that attribute value is UTF-8
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(u''):
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value.encode('utf-8')
# XXX this is horrible, but it would be better without those &nbsp; ....
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(''):
if 'nbsp' in attribute_value_tmp:
attribute_value_tmp = None
current_listboxline.addColumn( property_id , attribute_value_tmp)
# Check if url_columns defines a method to retrieve the URL.
url_method = None
for column in url_columns:
if sql == column[0]:
url_method = getattr(o, column[1], '')
if url_method is not None:
object_url = url_method(brain = o, selection = selection)
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>" %
(td_css, td_align, object_url, attribute_value))
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'Could not evaluate url_method %s' % column[1], error=sys.exc_info())
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\">%s</td>" % (td_css, td_align, attribute_value) )
if type(attribute_value) == type(''):
attribute_value = unicode(attribute_value, 'utf-8')
attribute_original_value = attribute_value
elif attribute_value is None:
attribute_original_value = None
attribute_value = ''
if sql in editable_column_ids and form.has_field('%s_%s' % (, alias)) and not is_summary:
key = + '_%s' % o.uid
if field_errors.has_key(key):
error_css = 'Error'
error_message = "<br/>%s" % translate('ui', field_errors[key].error_text, default = field_errors[key].error_text)
# Display previous value (in case of error
display_value = REQUEST.get('field_%s' % key, attribute_value)
error_css = ''
error_message = ''
#display_value = REQUEST.get('field_%s' % key, attribute_value)
display_value = attribute_value # XXX Make sure this is ok
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'display_value = %r' % display_value)
if type(display_value) == type(u''):
display_value = display_value.encode('utf-8')
if my_field.meta_type not in ('DateTimeField', ):
cell_body = my_field.render(value = display_value, REQUEST = o, key = key)
# We use REQUEST which is not so good here
# This prevents from using standard display process
else: # Some fields prefer a None value to a ''
cell_body = my_field.render(value = attribute_original_value, REQUEST = o.asContext(REQUEST=REQUEST, form=REQUEST.form), key = key)
# It is safer to convert cell_body to an unicode string, because
# it might be utf-8.
if type(cell_body) == type(''):
cell_body = unicode(cell_body, 'utf-8')
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'cell_body = %r, error_message = %r' % (cell_body, error_message))
list_body += ('<td class=\"%s%s\">%s%s</td>' % (td_css, error_css, cell_body, error_message))
# Add item to list_result_item for list render format
# if render_format == 'list':
# column_value = my_field._get_default(my_field.generate_field_key(), attribute_original_value, o)
# if type(column_value) is type(u''):
# #column_value = unicode(column_value, 'utf-8')
# column_value = column_value.encode('utf-8')
# current_listboxline.addColumn(property_id , column_value)
if render_format == 'list':
# Make sure that attribute value is UTF-8
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(u''):
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value.encode('utf-8')
# XXX this is horrible, but it would be better without those &nbsp; ....
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(''):
if 'nbsp' in attribute_value_tmp:
attribute_value_tmp = None
current_listboxline.addColumn( property_id , attribute_value_tmp)
# Check if this object provides a specific URL method
url_method = getattr(o, 'getListItemUrl', None)
if url_method is None:
# Check if url_columns defines a method to retrieve the URL.
url_method = None
for column in url_columns:
if sql == column[0]:
url_method = getattr(o, column[1], '')
if url_method is not None:
object_url = o.absolute_url() + \
'/view?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s&reset=1' % (i, selection_name)
object_url = url_method(brain = o, selection = selection)
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>" %
(td_css, td_align, object_url, attribute_value))
LOG('ListBox', 0, 'Could not evaluate url_method %s' % column[1], error=sys.exc_info())
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\">%s</td>" % (td_css, td_align, attribute_value) )
object_url = url_method(alias, i, selection_name)
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>" %
(td_css, td_align, object_url, attribute_value))
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\">%s</td>" % (td_css, td_align, attribute_value) )
if render_format == 'list':
# Make sure that attribute value is UTF-8
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(u''):
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value.encode('utf-8')
# XXX this is horrible, but it would be better without those &nbsp; ....
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(''):
if 'nbsp' in attribute_value_tmp:
attribute_value_tmp = None
current_listboxline.addColumn( property_id , attribute_value_tmp)
# Check if this object provides a specific URL method
url_method = getattr(o, 'getListItemUrl', None)
if url_method is None:
object_url = o.absolute_url() + \
'/view?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s&reset=1' % (i, selection_name)
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>" %
(td_css, td_align, object_url, attribute_value))
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\">%s</td>" % (td_css, td_align, attribute_value) )
object_url = url_method(alias, i, selection_name)
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>" %
(td_css, td_align, object_url, attribute_value))
list_body = list_body + \
("<td class=\"%s\" align=\"%s\">%s</td>" % (td_css, td_align, attribute_value) )
if render_format == 'list':
# Make sure that attribute value is UTF-8
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(u''):
attribute_value_tmp = attribute_original_value.encode('utf-8')
# XXX this is horrible, but it would be better without those &nbsp; ....
if type(attribute_value_tmp) == type(''):
if 'nbsp' in attribute_value_tmp:
attribute_value_tmp = None
current_listboxline.addColumn( property_id , attribute_value_tmp)
list_body = list_body + '</tr>'
......@@ -273,9 +273,12 @@ class Selection(Acquisition.Implicit, Traversable, Persistent):
return self.checked_uids
def getDomainPath(self):
def getDomainPath(self, default=None):
if self.domain_path is None:
self.domain_path = self.getDomainList()[0]
if default is None:
self.domain_path = self.getDomainList()[0]
self.domain_path = default
return self.domain_path
......@@ -285,9 +288,12 @@ class Selection(Acquisition.Implicit, Traversable, Persistent):
return self.domain_list
def getReportPath(self):
def getReportPath(self, default=None):
if self.report_path is None:
self.report_path = ('portal_categories')
if default is None:
self.report_path = self.getReportList()[0]
self.report_path = default
return self.report_path
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