Name:               ERP5Compatibility
Summary:            Compatibility with older ERP5
Version:            0.1
Release:            4mdk
Group:              Development/Python
Requires:           zope
License:            GPL
Packager:           Sebastien Robin <>
BuildRoot:          %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-rootdir
Buildarch:          noarch

Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2

This zope Products allows to be compatible with old ZODB. This is
only needed for people who are using ERP5 before the time it was
splitted in many products.


%setup -a 0


install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/zope/lib/python/Products/%{name}/
install %{name}-%{version}/*.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/zope/lib/python/Products/%{name}/
install %{name}-%{version}/*.txt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/zope/lib/python/Products/%{name}/

%doc VERSION.txt
* Mon Sep 08 2003 Sebastien Robin <> 0.1-4mdk
- New release before Mandrake 10

* Mon Sep 08 2003 Sebastien Robin <> 0.1-3mdk
- Changed permissions on files

* Wed Sep 05 2003 Sebastien Robin <> 0.1-2mdk
- Update spec in order to follows Mandrake Rules

* Mon May 12 2003 Sebastien Robin <> 0.1-1nxd
- Create the spec file