[buildout] # A proper SR for Dream with no external dependecies (fortran, etc), # but which uses a virtualenv to ease packaging on the python side. extends = ../../stack/slapos.cfg ../../component/git/buildout.cfg ../../component/gcc/buildout.cfg ../../component/libatlas/buildout.cfg ../../component/libblas/buildout.cfg ../../component/r-language/buildout.cfg parts = python2.7-virtualenv eggs gcc-fortran libatlas libblas r-language sh-dream-environment scikit-env [eggs] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${lxml-python:egg} slapos.cookbook collective.recipe.template [scikit-env] recipe = cp.recipe.cmd location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} install_cmd = mkdir -p ${:location} cd ${:location} unset PYTHONPATH ${python2.7-virtualenv:executable} ${:location} . ${:location}/bin/activate export ATLAS=${libatlas:location}/lib/libsatlas.so export BLAS=${libblas:location}/lib/libfblas.a LD_PRELOAD=${gcc-fortran:location}/lib64/libgfortran.so.3 #pip install -U setuptools #pip install -U pip pip install numpy pip install simpy==2.3 pip install scipy pip install scikit-learn pip install xlrd pip install xlwt pip install flask pip install pyparsing==1.5.7 pip install pydot # export LDFLAGS="-lncurses" export PATH=${r-language:location}/bin:$PATH # pip install rpy2 # clone repo for: # bug fix - https://bitbucket.org/lgautier/rpy2/issue/183 # (may switch to released egg later) pip install mercurial hg clone -b version_2.4.x_noreadline https://marco.mariani@bitbucket.org/marco.mariani/rpy2 cd rpy2 python setup.py install cd .. ${git:location}/bin/git clone http://git.erp5.org/repos/dream.git -b marco cd dream python setup.py install update_cmd = ${:install_cmd} [sh-dream-environment] # environment needed for running/debugging the applications, exported to a shell script to be sourced. recipe = collective.recipe.template output = ${buildout:directory}/environment.sh input = inline: unset PYTHONPATH export PATH="${r-language:location}/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`${r-language:location}/bin/R RHOME`/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export LD_PRELOAD=${gcc-fortran:location}/lib64/libgfortran.so.3 [versions] cp.recipe.cmd = 0.5nxd001