diff --git a/neo/storage/app.py b/neo/storage/app.py
index 63b17e8e72962fe234867adebfdd84841c080f7b..20bc6ba3ec86d598b5a88e653f9b996344e36805 100644
--- a/neo/storage/app.py
+++ b/neo/storage/app.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from neo.storage.handlers import identification, verification, initialization
 from neo.storage.handlers import master, hidden
 from neo.storage.replicator import Replicator
 from neo.storage.database import buildDatabaseManager
+from neo.storage.transactions import TransactionManager
 from neo.connector import getConnectorHandler
 from neo.pt import PartitionTable
 from neo.util import dump
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ class Application(object):
         # Internal attributes.
         self.em = EventManager()
         self.nm = NodeManager()
+        self.tm = TransactionManager(self)
         self.dm = buildDatabaseManager(config.getAdapter(), config.getDatabase())
         # load master nodes
@@ -67,9 +69,6 @@ class Application(object):
         self.master_node = None
         # operation related data
-        self.transaction_dict = {}
-        self.store_lock_dict = {}
-        self.load_lock_dict = {}
         self.event_queue = None
         self.operational = False
@@ -242,19 +241,7 @@ class Application(object):
         # Forget all unfinished data.
-        # This is a mapping between transaction IDs and information on
-        # UUIDs of client nodes which issued transactions and objects
-        # which were stored.
-        self.transaction_dict = {}
-        # This is a mapping between object IDs and transaction IDs. Used
-        # for locking objects against store operations.
-        self.store_lock_dict = {}
-        # This is a mapping between object IDs and transactions IDs. Used
-        # for locking objects against load operations.
-        self.load_lock_dict = {}
+        self.tm.reset()
         # This is a queue of events used to delay operations due to locks.
         self.event_queue = deque()
diff --git a/neo/storage/handlers/__init__.py b/neo/storage/handlers/__init__.py
index feb4a5cb9bf786b635639909fc28f1eea0ecf178..cd3ca1d649e0738c5ad6e1744832a844ccbd0815 100644
--- a/neo/storage/handlers/__init__.py
+++ b/neo/storage/handlers/__init__.py
@@ -97,10 +97,9 @@ class BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler(EventHandler):
     def askObject(self, conn, oid, serial, tid):
         app = self.app
-        if oid in app.load_lock_dict:
+        if self.app.tm.loadLocked(oid):
             # Delay the response.
-            app.queueEvent(self.askObject, conn, oid,
-                           serial, tid)
+            app.queueEvent(self.askObject, conn, oid, serial, tid)
         o = app.dm.getObject(oid, serial, tid)
         if o is not None:
diff --git a/neo/storage/handlers/client.py b/neo/storage/handlers/client.py
index b27c08475a162ab17e76387689a012bde9523cb0..32a86bdb27f66356e073a093caad547b38d783d9 100644
--- a/neo/storage/handlers/client.py
+++ b/neo/storage/handlers/client.py
@@ -15,159 +15,46 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from neo import logging
-from neo import protocol
 from neo.protocol import Packets
 from neo.storage.handlers import BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler
-from neo.util import dump
-class TransactionInformation(object):
-    """This class represents information on a transaction."""
-    def __init__(self, uuid):
-        self._uuid = uuid
-        self._object_dict = {}
-        self._transaction = None
-        self._last_oid_changed = False
-        self._locked = False
-    def isLocked(self):
-        return self._locked
-    def setLocked(self):
-        self._locked = True
-    def lastOIDLchange(self):
-        self._last_oid_changed = True
-    def isLastOIDChanged(self):
-        return self._last_oid_changed
-    def getUUID(self):
-        return self._uuid
-    def addObject(self, oid, compression, checksum, data):
-        self._object_dict[oid] = (oid, compression, checksum, data)
-    def addTransaction(self, oid_list, user, desc, ext):
-        self._transaction = (oid_list, user, desc, ext)
-    def getObjectList(self):
-        return self._object_dict.values()
-    def getTransaction(self):
-        return self._transaction
+from neo.storage.transactions import ConflictError, DelayedError
 class ClientOperationHandler(BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler):
-    def dealWithClientFailure(self, uuid):
-        app = self.app
-        for tid, t in app.transaction_dict.items():
-            if t.getUUID() == uuid:
-                if t.isLocked():
-                    logging.warning('Node lost while finishing transaction')
-                    break
-                for o in t.getObjectList():
-                    oid = o[0]
-                    # TODO: remove try..except: pass
-                    # XXX: we release locks without checking if tid owns them
-                    try:
-                        del app.store_lock_dict[oid]
-                        del app.load_lock_dict[oid]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                del app.transaction_dict[tid]
-        # Now it may be possible to execute some events.
-        app.executeQueuedEvents()
     def timeoutExpired(self, conn):
-        self.dealWithClientFailure(conn.getUUID())
+        self.app.tm.abortFor(conn.getUUID())
         BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler.timeoutExpired(self, conn)
     def connectionClosed(self, conn):
-        self.dealWithClientFailure(conn.getUUID())
+        self.app.tm.abortFor(conn.getUUID())
         BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler.connectionClosed(self, conn)
     def peerBroken(self, conn):
-        self.dealWithClientFailure(conn.getUUID())
+        self.app.tm.abortFor(conn.getUUID())
         BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler.peerBroken(self, conn)
     def abortTransaction(self, conn, tid):
-        app = self.app
-        # TODO: remove try..except: pass
-        try:
-            t = app.transaction_dict[tid]
-            object_list = t.getObjectList()
-            for o in object_list:
-                oid = o[0]
-                # TODO: remove try..except: pass
-                # XXX: we release locks without checking if tid owns them
-                try:
-                    del app.load_lock_dict[oid]
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-                del app.store_lock_dict[oid]
-            del app.transaction_dict[tid]
-            # Now it may be possible to execute some events.
-            app.executeQueuedEvents()
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
+        self.app.tm.abort(tid)
     def askStoreTransaction(self, conn, tid, user, desc,
                                   ext, oid_list):
         uuid = conn.getUUID()
-        t = self.app.transaction_dict.get(tid, None)
-        if t is None:
-            t = TransactionInformation(uuid)
-            self.app.transaction_dict[tid] = t
-        if t.isLastOIDChanged():
-            self.app.dm.setLastOID(self.app.loid)
-        t.addTransaction(oid_list, user, desc, ext)
+        self.app.tm.storeTransaction(uuid, tid, oid_list, user, desc, ext)
     def askStoreObject(self, conn, oid, serial,
                              compression, checksum, data, tid):
         uuid = conn.getUUID()
-        # First, check for the locking state.
-        app = self.app
-        locking_tid = app.store_lock_dict.get(oid)
-        if locking_tid is not None:
-            if locking_tid < tid:
-                # Delay the response.
-                app.queueEvent(self.askStoreObject, conn, oid, serial, 
+        try:
+            self.app.tm.storeObject(uuid, tid, serial, oid, compression,
+                    checksum, data)
+            conn.answer(Packets.AnswerStoreObject(0, oid, serial))
+        except ConflictError, err:
+            # resolvable or not
+            tid_or_serial = err.getTID()
+            conn.answer(Packets.AnswerStoreObject(1, oid, tid_or_serial))
+        except DelayedError:
+            # locked by a previous transaction, retry later
+            self.app.queueEvent(self.askStoreObject, conn, oid, serial,
                     compression, checksum, data, tid)
-            else:
-                # If a newer transaction already locks this object,
-                # do not try to resolve a conflict, so return immediately.
-                logging.info('unresolvable conflict in %s', dump(oid))
-                conn.answer(Packets.AnswerStoreObject(1, oid, locking_tid))
-            return
-        # Next, check if this is generated from the latest revision.
-        history_list = app.dm.getObjectHistory(oid)
-        if history_list:
-            last_serial = history_list[0][0]
-            if last_serial != serial:
-                logging.info('resolvable conflict in %s', dump(oid))
-                conn.answer(Packets.AnswerStoreObject(1, oid, last_serial))
-                return
-        # Now store the object.
-        t = self.app.transaction_dict.get(tid, None)
-        if t is None:
-            t = TransactionInformation(uuid)
-            self.app.transaction_dict[tid] = t
-        t.addObject(oid, compression, checksum, data)
-        conn.answer(Packets.AnswerStoreObject(0, oid, serial))
-        app.store_lock_dict[oid] = tid
-        # check if a greater OID last the last generated was used
-        if oid != protocol.INVALID_OID and oid > self.app.loid:
-            args = dump(oid), dump(self.app.loid)
-            logging.warning('Greater OID used in StoreObject : %s > %s', *args)
-            self.app.loid = oid
-            t.lastOIDLchange()
diff --git a/neo/storage/handlers/master.py b/neo/storage/handlers/master.py
index ee1d4275ce4182ec1b5de51ce3e385253179460f..59f9c244ff106c669f82235435cb81acc6a96531 100644
--- a/neo/storage/handlers/master.py
+++ b/neo/storage/handlers/master.py
@@ -57,30 +57,13 @@ class MasterOperationHandler(BaseMasterHandler):
     def lockInformation(self, conn, tid):
-        t = self.app.transaction_dict.get(tid, None)
-        if t is None:
+        if not tid in self.app.tm:
             raise ProtocolError('Unknown transaction')
-        t.setLocked()
-        object_list = t.getObjectList()
-        for o in object_list:
-            self.app.load_lock_dict[o[0]] = tid
-        self.app.dm.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, t.getTransaction())
+        self.app.tm.lock(tid)
     def notifyUnlockInformation(self, conn, tid):
-        t = self.app.transaction_dict.get(tid, None)
-        if t is None:
+        if not tid in self.app.tm:
             raise ProtocolError('Unknown transaction')
-        object_list = t.getObjectList()
-        for o in object_list:
-            oid = o[0]
-            del self.app.load_lock_dict[oid]
-            del self.app.store_lock_dict[oid]
-        self.app.dm.finishTransaction(tid)
-        del self.app.transaction_dict[tid]
-        # Now it may be possible to execute some events.
-        self.app.executeQueuedEvents()
+        # TODO: send an answer
+        self.app.tm.unlock(tid)
diff --git a/neo/storage/transactions.py b/neo/storage/transactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..904a9b0b309959d60cdde2b7b9b3ae391f7f6a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/storage/transactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010  Nexedi SA
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from neo import logging
+from neo.util import dump
+class ConflictError(Exception):
+    """
+        Raised when a resolvable conflict occurs
+        Argument: tid of locking transaction or latest revision
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tid):
+        self._tid = tid
+    def getTID(self):
+        return self._tid
+class DelayedError(Exception):
+    """
+        Raised when an object is locked by a previous transaction
+    """
+class Transaction(object):
+    """
+        Container for a pending transaction
+    """
+    def __init__(self, uuid, tid):
+        self._uuid = uuid
+        self._tid = tid
+        self._object_dict = {}
+        self._transaction = None
+        self._locked = False
+    def getTID(self):
+        return self._tid
+    def getUUID(self):
+        return self._uuid
+    def lock(self):
+        assert not self._locked
+        self._locked = True
+    def isLocked(self):
+        return self._locked
+    def prepare(self, oid_list, user, desc, ext):
+        """
+            Set the transaction informations
+        """
+        # assert self._transaction is not None
+        self._transaction = (oid_list, user, desc, ext)
+    def addObject(self, oid, compression, checksum, data):
+        """
+            Add an object to the transaction
+        """
+        self._object_dict[oid] = (oid, compression, checksum, data)
+    def getObjectList(self):
+        return self._object_dict.values()
+    def getOIDList(self):
+        return self._object_dict.keys()
+    def getTransactionInformations(self):
+        assert self._transaction is not None
+        return self._transaction
+class TransactionManager(object):
+    """
+        Manage pending transaction and locks
+    """
+    def __init__(self, app):
+        self._app = app
+        self._transaction_dict = {}
+        self._store_lock_dict = {}
+        self._load_lock_dict = {}
+        self._uuid_dict = {}
+        # TODO: replace app.loid with this one:
+        self._loid = None
+    def __contains__(self, tid):
+        """
+            Returns True if the TID is known by the manager
+        """
+        return tid in self._transaction_dict
+    def _getTransaction(self, tid, uuid):
+        """
+            Get or create the transaction object for this tid
+        """
+        transaction = self._transaction_dict.get(tid, None)
+        if transaction is None:
+            transaction = Transaction(uuid, tid)
+            self._uuid_dict.setdefault(uuid, set()).add(transaction)
+            self._transaction_dict[tid] = transaction
+        return transaction
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+            Reset the transaction manager
+        """
+        self._transaction_dict.clear()
+        self._store_lock_dict.clear()
+        self._load_lock_dict.clear()
+        self._uuid_dict.clear()
+    def lock(self, tid):
+        """
+            Lock a transaction
+        """
+        transaction = self._transaction_dict[tid]
+        # remember that the transaction has been locked
+        transaction.lock()
+        for oid in transaction.getOIDList():
+            self._load_lock_dict[oid] = tid
+        object_list = transaction.getObjectList()
+        txn_info = transaction.getTransactionInformations()
+        # store data from memory to temporary table
+        self._app.dm.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, txn_info)
+    def unlock(self, tid):
+        """
+            Unlock transaction
+        """
+        self._app.dm.finishTransaction(tid)
+        self.abort(tid, even_if_locked=True)
+        # update loid if needed
+        if self._loid != self._app.loid:
+            args = dump(self._loid), dump(self._app.loid)
+            logging.warning('Greater OID used in StoreObject : %s > %s', *args)
+            self._app.loid = self._loid
+            self._app.dm.setLastOID(self._app.loid)
+    def storeTransaction(self, uuid, tid, oid_list, user, desc, ext):
+        """
+            Store transaction information received from client node
+        """
+        transaction = self._getTransaction(tid, uuid)
+        transaction.prepare(oid_list, user, desc, ext)
+    def storeObject(self, uuid, tid, serial, oid, compression, checksum, data):
+        """
+            Store an object received from client node
+        """
+        # check if the object if locked
+        locking_tid = self._store_lock_dict.get(oid, None)
+        if locking_tid is not None:
+            if locking_tid < tid:
+                # a previous transaction lock this object, retry later
+                raise DelayedError
+            # If a newer transaction already locks this object,
+            # do not try to resolve a conflict, so return immediately.
+            logging.info('unresolvable conflict in %s', dump(oid))
+            raise ConflictError(locking_tid)
+        # check if this is generated from the latest revision.
+        history_list = self._app.dm.getObjectHistory(oid)
+        if history_list and history_list[0][0] != serial:
+            logging.info('resolvable conflict in %s', dump(oid))
+            raise ConflictError(history_list[0][0])
+        # store object
+        transaction = self._getTransaction(tid, uuid)
+        transaction.addObject(oid, compression, checksum, data)
+        self._store_lock_dict[oid] = tid
+        # update loid
+        self._loid = max(oid, self._app.loid)
+    def abort(self, tid, even_if_locked=True):
+        """
+            Abort a transaction
+        """
+        if tid not in self._transaction_dict:
+            # XXX: this happen sometimes, explain or fix
+            return
+        transaction = self._transaction_dict[tid]
+        # if the transaction is locked, ensure we can drop it
+        if not even_if_locked and transaction.isLocked():
+            return
+        # unlock any object
+        for oid in transaction.getOIDList():
+            try:
+                del self._load_lock_dict[oid]
+            except KeyError:
+                # XXX: explain why
+                pass
+            del self._store_lock_dict[oid]
+        # _uuid_dict entry will be deleted at node disconnection
+        self._uuid_dict[transaction.getUUID()].discard(transaction)
+        del self._transaction_dict[tid]
+        self._app.executeQueuedEvents()
+    def abortFor(self, uuid):
+        """
+            Abort any non-locked transaction of a node
+        """
+        # abort any non-locked transaction of this node
+        for tid in [x.getTID() for x in self._uuid_dict.get(uuid, [])]:
+            self.abort(tid, even_if_locked=False)
+        # cleanup _uuid_dict if no transaction remains for this node
+        if not self._uuid_dict.get(uuid):
+            del self._uuid_dict[uuid]
+    def loadLocked(self, oid):
+        return oid in self._load_lock_dict