Commit 29e8323c authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Better logging of connector errors

parent d33cedc0
......@@ -317,9 +317,11 @@ class ListeningConnection(BaseConnection):
if self._ssl:
conn.connecting = True
connector.ssl(self._ssl, conn._connected)
# Nothing to send as long as we haven't received a ClientHello
# message.
self.em.addWriter(conn) # for SSL or ENCODED_VERSION
self.em.addWriter(conn) # for ENCODED_VERSION
def getAddress(self):
return self.connector.getAddress()
......@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ class SocketConnector(object):
self.queued += data
return was_empty
def _error(self, op, exc):
def _error(self, op, exc=None):
if exc is None:
logging.debug('%r closed in %s', self, op)
logging.debug("%s failed for %s: %s (%s)",
op, self, errno.errorcode[exc.errno], exc.strerror)
raise ConnectorException
......@@ -152,8 +155,7 @@ class SocketConnector(object):
if data:
logging.debug('%r closed in recv', self)
raise ConnectorException
def send(self):
# XXX: unefficient for big packets
......@@ -241,10 +243,12 @@ def overlay_connector_class(cls):
class _SSL:
def _error(self, op, exc):
def _error(self, op, exc=None):
if isinstance(exc, ssl.SSLError):
if not isinstance(exc, ssl.SSLEOFError):
logging.debug("%s failed for %s: %s", op, self, exc)
raise ConnectorException
exc = None
SocketConnector._error(self, op, exc)
def receive(self, read_buf):
......@@ -259,7 +263,27 @@ class _SSL:
class _SSLHandshake(_SSL):
def receive(self, read_buf=None):
# WKRD: Unfortunately, SSL_do_handshake(3SSL) does not try to reject
# non-SSL connections as soon as possible, by checking the first
# byte. It even does nothing before receiving a full TLSPlaintext
# frame (5 bytes).
# The NEO protocol is such that a client connection is always the
# first to send a packet, as soon as the connection is established,
# and without waiting that the protocol versions are checked.
# So in practice, non-SSL connection to SSL would never hang, but
# there's another issue: such case results in WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER
# instead of something like UNEXPECTED_RECORD, because the SSL
# version is checked first.
# For better logging, we try to detect non-SSL connections with
# MSG_PEEK. This only works reliably on server side.
# For SSL client connections, 2 things may prevent the workaround to
# log that the remote node has not enabled SSL:
# - non-SSL data received (or connection closed) before the first
# call to 'recv' in 'do_handshake'
# - the server connection detects a wrong protocol version before it
# sent its one
def _handshake(self, read_buf=None):
# ???Writer | send | receive
# -----------+--------+--------
# want read | remove | -
......@@ -271,9 +295,10 @@ class _SSLHandshake(_SSL):
except ssl.SSLWantWriteError:
return read_buf is not None
except socket.error, e:
self._error('SSL handshake', e)
self._error('send' if read_buf is None else 'recv', e)
if not self.queued[0]:
del self.queued[0]
del self.receive, self.send
self.__class__ = self.SSLConnectorClass
cipher, proto, bits = self.socket.cipher()
logging.debug("SSL handshake done for %s: %s %s", self, cipher, bits)
......@@ -285,7 +310,21 @@ class _SSLHandshake(_SSL):
return self.queued
send = receive
def send(self, read_buf=None):
handshake = self.receive = self.send = self._handshake
return handshake(read_buf)
def receive(self, read_buf):
content_type = self.socket._sock.recv(1, socket.MSG_PEEK)
except socket.error, e:
self._error('recv', e)
if content_type == '\26': # handshake
return self.send(read_buf)
if content_type:
logging.debug('Rejecting non-SSL %r', self)
raise ConnectorException
class ConnectorException(Exception):
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import unittest
from neo.lib.connection import ClientConnection, ListeningConnection
from neo.lib.protocol import Packets
from .. import SSL
from .. import Patch, SSL
from . import NEOCluster, test, testReplication
......@@ -57,6 +58,18 @@ class SSLTests(SSLMixin, test.Test):
def testAbortConnectionBeforeHandshake(self):
def testSSLVsNoSSL(self):
def __init__(orig, self, app, *args, **kw):
with Patch(app, ssl=None):
orig(self, app, *args, **kw)
for cls in (ListeningConnection, # SSL connecting to non-SSL
ClientConnection, # non-SSL connecting to SSL
with Patch(cls, __init__=__init__), \
self.getLoopbackConnection() as conn:
while not conn.isClosed():
class SSLReplicationTests(SSLMixin, testReplication.ReplicationTests):
# do not repeat slowest tests with SSL
testBackupNodeLost = testBackupNormalCase = None
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