diff --git a/neo/tests/storage/testStorageMySQLdb.py b/neo/tests/storage/testStorageMySQLdb.py
index bf16dc4d435a47b02804679ab9d7ec26a8e71bcf..f2e9de9d96adb8790ffd1706a98a8442be17c2f9 100644
--- a/neo/tests/storage/testStorageMySQLdb.py
+++ b/neo/tests/storage/testStorageMySQLdb.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         # db manager
         database = '%s@%s' % (NEO_SQL_USER, NEO_SQL_DATABASE)
         self.db = MySQLDatabaseManager(database)
+        self.db.setup()
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -43,15 +44,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         call = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')[call]
-    def test_01_p64(self):
-        self.assertEquals(p64(0), '\0' * 8)
-        self.assertEquals(p64(1), '\0' * 7 +'\1')
-    def test_02_u64(self):
-        self.assertEquals(u64('\0' * 8), 0)
-        self.assertEquals(u64('\0' * 7 + '\n'), 10)
-    def test_03_MySQLDatabaseManagerInit(self):
+    def test_MySQLDatabaseManagerInit(self):
         db = MySQLDatabaseManager('%s@%s' % (NEO_SQL_USER, NEO_SQL_DATABASE))
         # init
         self.assertEquals(db.db, NEO_SQL_DATABASE)
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(db.conn, MySQLdb.connection))
         self.assertEquals(db.isUnderTransaction(), False)
-    def test_05_begin(self):
+    def test_begin(self):
         # no current transaction
         self.db.conn = Mock({ })
         self.assertEquals(self.db.isUnderTransaction(), False)
@@ -68,14 +61,14 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         self.assertEquals(self.db.isUnderTransaction(), True)
-    def test_06_commit(self):
+    def test_commit(self):
         self.db.conn = Mock()
         self.assertEquals(len(self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('commit')), 1)
         self.assertEquals(self.db.isUnderTransaction(), False)
-    def test_06_rollback(self):
+    def test_rollback(self):
         # rollback called and no current transaction
         self.db.conn = Mock({ })
         self.db.under_transaction = True
@@ -83,7 +76,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         self.assertEquals(len(self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('rollback')), 1)
         self.assertEquals(self.db.isUnderTransaction(), False)
-    def test_07_query1(self):
+    def test_query1(self):
         # fake result object
         from array import array
         result_object = Mock({
@@ -101,7 +94,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1)
-    def test_07_query2(self):
+    def test_query2(self):
         # test the OperationalError exception
         # fake object, raise exception during the first call
         from MySQLdb import OperationalError
@@ -121,7 +114,7 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
-    def test_07_query3(self):
+    def test_query3(self):
         # OperationalError > raise DatabaseFailure exception
         from MySQLdb import OperationalError
         class FakeConn(object):
@@ -132,11 +125,11 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         self.db.conn = FakeConn()
         self.assertRaises(DatabaseFailure, self.db.query, 'QUERY')
-    def test_08_escape(self):
+    def test_escape(self):
         self.assertEquals(self.db.escape('a"b'), 'a\\"b')
         self.assertEquals(self.db.escape("a'b"), "a\\'b")
-    def test_09_setup(self):
+    def test_setup(self):
         # create all tables
         self.db.conn = Mock()
@@ -148,49 +141,29 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
         calls = self.db.conn.mockGetNamedCalls('query')
         self.assertEquals(len(calls), 7)
-    def test_10_getConfiguration(self):
-        # check if a configuration entry is well read
-        self.db.setup()
-        # doesn't exists, raise
-        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.db.getConfiguration, 'a')
-        self.db.query("insert into config values ('a', 'b');")
-        result = self.db.getConfiguration('a')
-        # exists, check result
-        self.assertEquals(result, 'b')
-    def test_11_setConfiguration(self):
+    def test_configuration(self):
         # check if a configuration entry is well written
-        self.db.setup()
         self.db.setConfiguration('a', 'c')
         result = self.db.getConfiguration('a')
         self.assertEquals(result, 'c')
     def checkConfigEntry(self, get_call, set_call, value):
         # generic test for all configuration entries accessors
-        self.db.setup()
         self.assertRaises(KeyError, get_call)
         self.assertEquals(get_call(), value)
         set_call(value * 2)
         self.assertEquals(get_call(), value * 2)
-    def test_12_UUID(self):
-        self.checkConfigEntry(
-            get_call=self.db.getUUID,
-            set_call=self.db.setUUID,
-            value='TEST_VALUE')
+    def test_UUID(self):
+        self.checkConfigEntry(self.db.getUUID, self.db.setUUID, 'TEST_VALUE')
-    def test_13_NumPartitions(self):
-        self.checkConfigEntry(
-            get_call=self.db.getNumPartitions,
-            set_call=self.db.setNumPartitions,
-            value=10)
+    def test_NumPartitions(self):
+        self.checkConfigEntry(self.db.getNumPartitions,
+                self.db.setNumPartitions, 10)
-    def test_14_Name(self):
-        self.checkConfigEntry(
-            get_call=self.db.getName,
-            set_call=self.db.setName,
-            value='TEST_NAME')
+    def test_Name(self):
+        self.checkConfigEntry(self.db.getName, self.db.setName, 'TEST_NAME')
     def test_15_PTID(self):
@@ -198,479 +171,401 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
-    def test_16_getPartitionTable(self):
-        # insert an entry and check it
-        self.db.setup()
-        rid, uuid, state = '\x00' * 8, '\x00' * 16, 0
-        self.db.query("insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values ('%s', '%s', %d)" %
-                (dump(rid), dump(uuid), state))
-        pt = self.db.getPartitionTable()
-        self.assertEquals(pt, [(0L, uuid, state)])
-    def test_17_getLastOID(self):
-        self.db.setup()
-        an_oid = '\x01' * 8
-        self.db.setLastOID(an_oid)
-        result = self.db.getLastOID()
-        self.assertEquals(result, an_oid)
+    def test_getPartitionTable(self):
+        ptid = self.getPTID(1)
+        uuid1, uuid2 = self.getNewUUID(), self.getNewUUID()
+        cell1 = (0, uuid1, CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE)
+        cell2 = (1, uuid1, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE)
+        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, [cell1, cell2])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell1, cell2])
-    def test_18_getLastTID(self):
+    def test_getLastOID(self):
+        oid1 = self.getOID(1)
+        self.db.setLastOID(oid1)
+        result1 = self.db.getLastOID()
+        self.assertEquals(result1, oid1)
+    def getOIDs(self, count):
+        return [self.getOID(i) for i in xrange(count)]
+    def getTIDs(self, count):
+        tid_list = [self.getNextTID()]
+        while len(tid_list) != count:
+            tid_list.append(self.getNextTID(tid_list[-1]))
+        return tid_list
+    def getTransaction(self, oid_list):
+        transaction = (oid_list, 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False)
+        object_list = [(oid, 1, 0, '', None) for oid in oid_list]
+        return (transaction, object_list)
+    def checkSet(self, list1, list2):
+        self.assertEqual(set(list1), set(list2))
+    def test_getLastTID(self):
+        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self.getTIDs(4)
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        txn, objs = self.getTransaction([oid1, oid2])
         # max TID is in obj table
-        self.db.setup()
-        self.db.query("""insert into trans (tid, oids, user,
-                description, ext) values (1, '', '', '', '')""")
-        self.db.query("""insert into trans (tid, oids, user,
-                description, ext) values (2, '', '', '', '')""")
-        result = self.db.getLastTID()
-        self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x02')
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs, txn, False)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs, txn, False)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getLastTID(), tid2)
         # max tid is in ttrans table
-        self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
-                description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid3, objs, txn)
         result = self.db.getLastTID()
-        self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x03')
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getLastTID(), tid3)
         # max tid is in tobj (serial)
-        self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
-        result = self.db.getLastTID()
-        self.assertEquals(result, '\x00' * 7 + '\x04')
-    def test_19_getUnfinishedTIDList(self):
-        self.db.setup()
-        self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
-                description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
-        self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
-        result = self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList()
-        expected = ['\x00' * 7 + '\x03', '\x00' * 7 + '\x04']
-        self.assertEquals(result, expected)
-    def test_20_objectPresent(self):
-        self.db.setup()
-        oid1, tid1 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
-        oid2, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x02', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        # object not present
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=True))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=False))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=True))
-        # object present in temp table
-        self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
-                (u64(oid1), u64(tid1)))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
-        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid1,  tid1, all=True))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=False))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid2, tid2, all=True))
-        # object present in both table
-        self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values ("%s", "%s", 0, 0, '')""" %
-                (u64(oid2), u64(tid2)))
-        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid1, tid1, all=False))
-        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid1,  tid1, all=True))
-        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid2,  tid2, all=False))
-        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid2,  tid2, all=True))
-    def test_21_getObject(self):
-        self.db.setup()
-        oid1, tid1 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
-        oid2, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x02', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        # tid specified and object not present
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid4, objs, None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getLastTID(), tid4)
+    def test_getUnfinishedTIDList(self):
+        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self.getTIDs(4)
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        txn, objs = self.getTransaction([oid1, oid2])
+        # nothing pending
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs, txn, False)
+        self.checkSet(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [])
+        # one unfinished txn
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs, txn)
+        self.checkSet(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [tid2])
+        # no changes
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid3, objs, None, False)
+        self.checkSet(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [tid2])
+        # a second txn known by objs only
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid4, objs, None)
+        self.checkSet(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [tid2, tid4])
+    def test_objectPresent(self):
+        tid = self.getNextTID()
+        oid = self.getOID(1)
+        txn, objs = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        # not present
+        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=True))
+        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=False))
+        # available in temp table
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, objs, txn)
+        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=True))
+        self.assertFalse(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=False))
+        # available in both tables
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid)
+        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=True))
+        self.assertTrue(self.db.objectPresent(oid, tid, all=False))
+    def test_getObject(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        # non-present
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid2, tid2), None)
+        # one non-commited version
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1), None)
+        # one commited version
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
         result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1)
-        self.assertEquals(result, None)
-        # tid specified and object present
-        self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
-                (u64(oid1), u64(tid1)))
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid1), None)
+        # two version available, one non-commited
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
         result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1)
-        self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, None, 0, 0, '', None))
-        # before_tid specified, object not present
-        result = self.db.getObject(oid2, before_tid=tid2)
-        self.assertEquals(result, None)
-        # before_tid specified, object present, no next serial
-        result = self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid2)
-        self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, None, 0, 0, '', None))
-        # before_tid specified, object present, next serial exists
-        self.db.query("""insert into obj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '')""" %
-                (u64(oid1), u64(tid2)))
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid1), None)
+        # two commited versions
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid2)
+        result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid1)
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+        result = self.db.getObject(oid1, tid2)
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid2, None, 1, 0, '', None))
         result = self.db.getObject(oid1, before_tid=tid2)
-        self.assertEquals(result, (tid1, tid2, 0, 0, '', None))
-        # no tid specified, retreive last object transaction, object unknown
-        result = self.db.getObject(oid2)
-        self.assertEquals(result, None)
-        # same but object found
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, tid2, 1, 0, '', None))
+        # no tid specified, return the last version
         result = self.db.getObject(oid1)
-        self.assertEquals(result, (tid2, None, 0, 0, '', None))
-    def test_23_changePartitionTable(self):
-        # two sn, two partitions
-        self.db.setup()
-        ptid = '1'
-        uuid1, uuid2 = '\x00' * 15 + '\x01', '\x00' * 15 + '\x02'
-        cells = (
-            (0, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED),
-            (1, uuid2, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE),
-        )
-        self.db.setPTID(INVALID_PTID)
-        # empty table -> insert for second cell
-        self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, dump(uuid2), 1))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        # delete previous entries for a CellStates.DISCARDEDnode
-        self.db.query("delete from pt")
-        args = (0, dump(uuid1), CellStates.DISCARDED)
-        self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (0, dump(uuid1), 4))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, dump(uuid2), 1))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        # raise exception (config not set), check rollback
-        self.db.query("drop table config") # will generate the exception
-        args = (0, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED)
-        self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
-        self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.ProgrammingError,
-                self.db.changePartitionTable, ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from pt where rid=0')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-    def test_22_setGetPartitionTable(self):
-        # two sn, two partitions
-        self.db.setup()
-        ptid = '1'
-        uuid1, uuid2 = '\x00' * 15 + '\x01', '\x00' * 15 + '\x02'
-        cells = (
-            (0, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED),
-            (1, uuid2, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE),
-        )
-        self.db.setPTID(INVALID_PTID)
-        # not empty table, reset -> clean table first
-        args = (0, uuid2, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE)
-        self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
-        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, dump(uuid2), 1))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        # delete previous entries for a CellStates.DISCARDEDnode
-        self.db.query("delete from pt")
-        args = (0, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED)
-        self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (0, uuid1, 4))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select rid, uuid, state from pt')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1, dump(uuid2), 1))
-        self.assertEquals(self.db.getPTID(), ptid)
-        # raise exception (config not set), check rollback
-        self.db.query("drop table config") # will generate the exception
-        args = (0, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED)
-        self.db.query('insert into pt (rid, uuid, state) values (%d, "%s", %d)' % args)
-        self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.ProgrammingError,
-                self.db.setPartitionTable, ptid, cells)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from pt where rid=0')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-    def test_23_dropUnfinishedData(self):
-        # delete entries from tobj and ttrans
-        self.db.setup()
-        self.db.query("""insert into tobj (oid, serial, compression,
-                checksum, value) values (0, 4, 0, 0, '')""")
-        self.db.query("""insert into ttrans (tid, oids, user,
-                description, ext) values (3, '', '', '', '')""")
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid2, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+    def test_setPartitionTable(self):
+        ptid = self.getPTID(1)
+        uuid1, uuid2 = self.getNewUUID(), self.getNewUUID()
+        cell1 = (0, uuid1, CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE)
+        cell2 = (1, uuid1, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE)
+        cell3 = (1, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED)
+        # no partition table
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getPartitionTable(), [])
+        # set one
+        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, [cell1])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell1])
+        # then another
+        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, [cell2])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell2])
+        # drop discarded cells
+        self.db.setPartitionTable(ptid, [cell2, cell3])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [])
+    def test_changePartitionTable(self):
+        ptid = self.getPTID(1)
+        uuid1, uuid2 = self.getNewUUID(), self.getNewUUID()
+        cell1 = (0, uuid1, CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE)
+        cell2 = (1, uuid1, CellStates.UP_TO_DATE)
+        cell3 = (1, uuid1, CellStates.DISCARDED)
+        # no partition table
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getPartitionTable(), [])
+        # set one
+        self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, [cell1])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell1])
+        # add more entries
+        self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, [cell2])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell1, cell2])
+        # drop discarded cells
+        self.db.changePartitionTable(ptid, [cell2, cell3])
+        result = self.db.getPartitionTable()
+        self.assertEqual(result, [cell1])
+    def test_dropUnfinishedData(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        # nothing
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid2), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [])
+        # one is still pending
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        result = self.db.getObject(oid1)
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid2), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [tid2])
+        # drop it
-        result = self.db.query('select * from tobj')
-        self.assertEquals(result, ())
-        result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(result, ())
-    def test_24_storeTransaction1(self):
-        # data set
-        tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
-        oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, '', None), (oid2, 0, 0, '', None),)
-        transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False)
-        # store objects in temporary table
-        self.db.setup()
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, transaction=None, temporary=True)
-        result = self.db.query('select oid, serial, compression, checksum, value from tobj')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from obj')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
-        # and in obj table
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, transaction=None, temporary=False)
-        result = self.db.query('select oid, serial, compression, checksum, value from obj')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1, 0, 0, ''))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from tobj')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
-        # store transaction in temporary table
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, (), transaction=transaction, temporary=True)
-        result = self.db.query('select tid, oids, user, description, ext from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'user', 'desc', 'ext',) )
-        result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
-        # and in trans table
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, (), transaction=transaction, temporary=False)
-        result = self.db.query('select tid, oids, user, description, ext from trans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, oid1 + oid2, 'user', 'desc', 'ext',))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
-    def test_25_askFinishTransaction(self):
-        # data set
-        tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, '', None), (oid2, 0, 0, '', None),)
-        transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e', False)
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        # store two temporary transactions
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from tobj')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
-        # finish t1
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [])
+        result = self.db.getObject(oid1)
+        self.assertEqual(result, (tid1, None, 1, 0, '', None))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid2), None)
+    def test_storeTransaction(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        # nothing in database
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getLastTID(), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getUnfinishedTIDList(), [])
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid1), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getObject(oid2), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False), None)
+        # store in temporary tables
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False), None)
+        # commit pending transaction
-        # t1 should be finished
-        result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 1L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-        # t2 should stay in temporary tables
-        result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-    def test_26_deleteTransaction(self):
-        # data set
-        tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        object_list = ( (oid1, 0, 0, '', None), (oid2, 0, 0, '', None),)
-        transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e', False)
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        # store two transactions in both state
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from tobj')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from obj')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 4)
-        result = self.db.query('select count(*) from trans')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 2)
-        # delete t1 (all)
-        self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1, all=True)
-        # t2 not altered
-        result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from trans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-        # store t1 again
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, object_list, transaction, temporary=False)
-        # and remove it but only from temporary tables
-        self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1, all=False)
-        # t2 not altered and t1 stay in obj/trans tables
-        result = self.db.query('select * from tobj order by oid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from ttrans')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (2L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from obj order by oid, serial asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 4)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 1L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (1L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[2], (2L, 1L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        self.assertEquals(result[3], (2L, 2L, 0, 0, '', None))
-        result = self.db.query('select * from trans order by tid asc')
-        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(result[0], (1L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-        self.assertEquals(result[1], (2L, 0, oid1 + oid2, 'u', 'd', 'e',))
-    def test_27_getTransaction(self):
-        # data set
-        tid1, tid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        oid1, oid2 = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01', '\x00' * 7 + '\x02'
-        oids = [oid1, oid2]
-        transaction = ((oid1, oid2), 'u', 'd', 'e', False)
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        # store t1 in temporary and t2 in persistent tables
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, (), transaction, temporary=True)
-        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, (), transaction, temporary=False)
-        # get t1 from all -> OK
-        t = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, all=True)
-        self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e', False))
-        # get t1 from no tmp only -> fail
-        t = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, all=False)
-        self.assertEquals(t, None)
-        # get t2 from all or not -> always OK
-        t = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, all=True)
-        self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e', False))
-        t = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, all=False)
-        self.assertEquals(t, (oids, 'u', 'd', 'e', False))
-        # store wrong oids -> DatabaseFailure
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        self.db.query("""replace into trans (tid, oids, user, description, ext)
-        values ('%s', '%s', 'u', 'd', 'e')""" % (u64(tid1), 'OIDs_'))
-        self.assertRaises(DatabaseFailure, self.db.getTransaction, tid1)
-    def test_28_getOIDList(self):
-        # there are two partitions and two objects in each of them
-        # o1 & o3 in p1, o2 & o4 in p2
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
-        oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4 = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
-        for oid in (oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4):
-            self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '', NULL)" %
-                (u64(oid), u64(tid)))
-        # get all oids for all partitions
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 2, (0, 1))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [oid4, oid3, oid2, oid1])
-        # get all oids but from the second with a limit a two
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(1, 2, 2, (0, 1))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [oid3, oid2])
-        # get all oids for the first partition
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 2, 2, (0, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [oid3, oid1])
-        # get all oids for the second partition with a limit of one
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 1, 2, (1, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [oid4])
-        # get all oids for the second partition with an offset of 3 > nothing
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(3, 2, 2, (1, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-        # get oids for an inexsitant partition -> nothing
-        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 2, 2, (3, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-    def test_29_getObjectHistory(self):
-        # there is one object with 4 revisions
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
-        oid = '\x00' * 8
-        for tid in tids:
-            self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '', NULL)" %
-                    (u64(oid), u64(tid)))
-        # unkwown object
-        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid='\x01' * 8)
-        self.assertEquals(result, None)
-        # retreive all revisions
-        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=0, length=4)
-        expected = [(tid, 0) for tid in reversed(tids)]
-        self.assertEquals(result, expected)
-        # get from the second, limit to 2 revisions
-        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=1, length=2)
-        expected = [(tids[2], 0), (tids[1], 0)]
-        self.assertEquals(result, expected)
-        # get from the fifth -> nothing
-        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid=oid, offset=4, length=2)
-        self.assertEquals(result, None)
-    def test_28_getTIDList(self):
-        # same as for getOIDList, 2 partitions and 4 transactions
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
-        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = tids
-        for tid in tids:
-            self.db.query("""replace into trans values (%d, '', 'u', 'd', 'e',
-                False)""" % (u64(tid)))
-        # get all tids for all partitions
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 2, (0, 1))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [tid4, tid3, tid2, tid1])
-        # get all tids but from the second with a limit a two
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(1, 2, 2, (0, 1))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [tid3, tid2])
-        # get all tids for the first partition
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 2, 2, (0, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [tid3, tid1])
-        # get all tids for the second partition with a limit of one
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 1, 2, (1, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [tid4])
-        # get all tids for the second partition with an offset of 3 > nothing
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(3, 2, 2, (1, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-        # get tids for an inexsitant partition -> nothing
-        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 2, 2, (3, ))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-    def test_29_getTIDListPresent(self):
-        # 4 sample transactions
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        tid = '\x00' * 7 + '\x01'
-        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
-        for tid in (tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4):
-            self.db.query("""replace into trans values (%d, '', 'u', 'd', 'e',
-                    False)""" % (u64(tid)))
-        # all match
-        result = self.db.getTIDListPresent((tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4))
-        expected = [tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4]
-        self.assertEquals(sorted(result), expected)
-        # none match
-        result = self.db.getTIDListPresent(('\x01' * 8, '\x02' * 8))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-        # some match
-        result = self.db.getTIDListPresent((tid1, tid3))
-        self.assertEquals(sorted(result), [tid1, tid3])
-    def test_30_getSerialListPresent(self):
-        # 4 sample objects
-        self.db.setup(reset=True)
-        tids = ['\x00' * 7 + chr(i) for i in xrange(4)]
-        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = tids
-        oid = '\x00' * 8
-        for tid in tids:
-            self.db.query("replace into obj values (%d, %d, 0, 0, '', NULL)" \
-                % (u64(oid), u64(tid)))
-        # all match
-        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, tids)
-        expected = list(tids)
-        self.assertEquals(sorted(result), expected)
-        # none match
-        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, ('\x01' * 8, '\x02' * 8))
-        self.assertEquals(result, [])
-        # some match
-        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid, (tid1, tid3))
-        self.assertEquals(sorted(result), [tid1, tid3])
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid2)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+    def test_askFinishTransaction(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        # stored but not finished
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False), None)
+        # stored and finished
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid2)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+    def test_deleteTransaction(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        # delete only from temporary tables
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.deleteTransaction(tid2)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True), None)
+        # delete from all
+        self.db.deleteTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True), None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True), None)
+    def test_getTransaction(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2 = self.getTIDs(2)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        # get from temporary table or not
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid2, True)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid2], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        # get from non-temporary only
+        result = self.db.getTransaction(tid1, False)
+        self.assertEqual(result, ([oid1], 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False))
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTransaction(tid2, False), None)
+    def test_getOIDList(self):
+        # store four objects
+        oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4 = self.getOIDs(4)
+        tid = self.getNextTID()
+        txn, objs = self.getTransaction([oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4])
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid, objs, txn)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid)
+        # get oids
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4])
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 2, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid1, oid3])
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 2, [0, 1])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid1, oid2, oid3, oid4])
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 4, 3, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid1, oid4])
+        # get a subset of oids
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(2, 4, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid1, oid2])
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 2, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid3, oid4])
+        result = self.db.getOIDList(0, 1, 3, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [oid4])
+    def test_getObjectHistory(self):
+        oid = self.getOID(1)
+        tid1, tid2, tid3 = self.getTIDs(3)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn3, objs3 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        # one revision
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 0, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(result, [(tid1, 0)])
+        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 1, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(result, None)
+        # two revisions
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid2)
+        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 0, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(result, [(tid2, 0), (tid1, 0)])
+        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 1, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(result, [(tid1, 0)])
+        result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 2, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(result, None)
+    def test_getTIDList(self):
+        # use OID generator to know result of tid % N
+        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self.getOIDs(4)
+        oid = self.getOID(1)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn3, objs3 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn4, objs4 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        # store four transaction
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid3, objs3, txn3)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid4, objs4, txn4)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid2)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid3)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid4)
+        # get tids
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4])
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 2, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid3])
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 2, [0, 1])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4])
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 4, 3, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid4])
+        # get a subset of tids
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(2, 4, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2])
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 2, 1, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid3, tid4])
+        result = self.db.getTIDList(0, 1, 3, [0])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid4])
+    def test_getTIDListPresent(self):
+        oid = self.getOID(1)
+        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self.getTIDs(4)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        txn4, objs4 = self.getTransaction([oid])
+        # four tids, two missing
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid4, objs4, txn4)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid4)
+        result = self.db.getTIDListPresent([tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid4])
+        result = self.db.getTIDListPresent([tid1, tid2])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1])
+        self.assertEqual(self.db.getTIDListPresent([tid2, tid3]), [])
+    def test_getSerialListPresent(self):
+        oid1, oid2 = self.getOIDs(2)
+        tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self.getTIDs(4)
+        txn1, objs1 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn2, objs2 = self.getTransaction([oid1])
+        txn3, objs3 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        txn4, objs4 = self.getTransaction([oid2])
+        # four object, one revision each
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid1)
+        self.db.storeTransaction(tid4, objs4, txn4)
+        self.db.finishTransaction(tid4)
+        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid1, [tid1, tid2])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid1])
+        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid2, [tid3, tid4])
+        self.checkSet(result, [tid4])
+        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid1, [tid2])
+        self.assertEqual(result, [])
+        result = self.db.getSerialListPresent(oid2, [tid3])
+        self.assertEqual(result, [])
     def test__getObjectData(self):
         db = self.db