Commit 19193e74 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Make dedicated node for cypclass wrapping c class

parent a782a197
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class CypclassWrapperInjection(VisitorTransform):
cclass_body = Nodes.StatListNode(pos=node.pos, stats=stats)
cclass_doc = EncodedString("Python Object wrapper for underlying cypclass %s" %
wrapper = Nodes.CClassDefNode(
wrapper = Nodes.CypclassWrapperDefNode(
visibility = 'private',
typedef_flag = 0,
......@@ -182,10 +182,9 @@ class CypclassWrapperInjection(VisitorTransform):
in_pxd = node.in_pxd,
doc = cclass_doc,
body = cclass_body,
is_cyp_wrapper = 1
wrapped_cypclass = node
node.cyp_wrapper = wrapper
return wrapper
def synthesize_underlying_cyobject_attribute(self, node):
......@@ -219,26 +218,6 @@ class CypclassWrapperInjection(VisitorTransform):
return underlying_cyobject
# Post declaration analysis visitor for wrapped cypclasses
# - Associate the type of the wrapper cclass to the wrapped type
# => must run after AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
class CypclassPostDeclarationsVisitor(CythonTransform):
Associate the type of each wrapper cclass to the wrapped type.
- Must run after the declarations analysis phase.
# associate the type of the wrapper cclass to the type of the wrapped cypclass
def visit_CppClassNode(self, node):
if node.cypclass and node.cyp_wrapper:
node.entry.type.wrapper_type = node.cyp_wrapper.entry.type
return node
# Cypclass code generation
......@@ -1507,13 +1507,10 @@ class CppClassNode(CStructOrUnionDefNode, BlockNode):
# cypclass boolean
# lock_mode 'nolock', 'checklock', 'autolock', or None
# activable boolean
# cyp_wrapper CClassDefNode or None
decorators = None
scope = None
template_types = None
cyp_wrapper = None
cpp_message = "Cypclass"
......@@ -1624,141 +1621,6 @@ class CppClassNode(CStructOrUnionDefNode, BlockNode):
for thunk in self.entry.type.deferred_declarations:
def insert_cypclass_method_wrappers(self, env):
if self.cyp_wrapper:
for attr in self.attributes:
if isinstance(attr, CFuncDefNode):
py_method_wrapper = self.synthesize_cypclass_method_wrapper(attr, env)
if py_method_wrapper:
# the wrapper cclasses are inserted after the wrapped node
# so their declaration analysis will still occur
def synthesize_cypclass_method_wrapper(self, cfunc_method, env):
if cfunc_method.is_static_method:
return # for now skip static methods
alternatives = cfunc_method.entry.all_alternatives()
if len(alternatives) > 1:
return # for now skip overloaded methods
cfunc_declarator = cfunc_method.cfunc_declarator
# > c++ methods have an implict 'this', so the 'self' argument is skipped in the declarator
skipped_self = cfunc_declarator.skipped_self
if not skipped_self:
return # if this ever happens (?), skip non-static methods without a self argument
cfunc_type = cfunc_method.type
cfunc_return_type = cfunc_type.return_type
# > TODO: the Python-incompatibility is too conservative:
# some types have not yet resolved that they can coerce to PyObject
# in particular, any cypclass not yet examined ?
if cfunc_return_type.is_cyp_class:
if cfunc_return_type.templates:
return # only skip templated cypclasses for now
# we pass the global scope as argument, should not affect the result (?)
elif not cfunc_return_type.can_coerce_to_pyobject(env.global_scope()):
return # skip c methods with Python-incompatible return types
for argtype in cfunc_type.args:
if argtype.type.is_cyp_class:
if argtype.type.templates:
return # only skip templated cypclasses for now
elif not argtype.type.can_coerce_to_pyobject(env.global_scope()):
return # skip c methods with Python-incompatible argument types
from .CypclassWrapper import underlying_name
from . import ExprNodes
# > name of the wrapping method: same name as in the original code
cfunc_name =
py_name = cfunc_name
# > self argument of the wrapper method: same name, but type of the wrapper cclass
self_name, self_type, self_pos, self_arg = skipped_self
py_self_arg = CArgDeclNode(
base_type = CSimpleBaseTypeNode(
name = self.cyp_wrapper.class_name,
module_path = [],
signed = 1,
is_basic_c_type = 0,
longness = 0,
is_self_arg = 0, # only true for C methods
templates = None
declarator = CNameDeclaratorNode(self_pos, name=self_name, cname=None),
not_none = 0,
or_none = 0,
default = None,
annotation = None,
kw_only = 0
# > all arguments of the wrapper method declaration
py_args = [py_self_arg]
for arg in cfunc_declarator.args:
# > same docstring
py_doc = cfunc_method.doc
# > names of the arguments passed when calling the underlying method; self not included
arg_objs = [ExprNodes.NameNode(arg.pos, for arg in cfunc_declarator.args]
# > reference to the self argument of the wrapper method
self_obj = ExprNodes.NameNode(self_pos, name=self_name)
# > access the method of the underlying cyobject from the self argument of the wrapper method
underlying_obj = ExprNodes.AttributeNode(cfunc_method.pos, obj=self_obj, attribute=underlying_name)
cfunc = ExprNodes.AttributeNode(cfunc_method.pos, obj=underlying_obj, attribute=cfunc_name)
# > call to the underlying method
c_call = ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode(
# > return the result of the call if the underlying return type is not void
if cfunc_return_type.is_void:
py_stat = ExprStatNode(cfunc_method.pos, expr=c_call)
py_stat = ReturnStatNode(cfunc_method.pos, return_type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type, value=c_call)
py_body = StatListNode(cfunc_method.pos, stats=[py_stat])
# > lock around the call in checklock mode
if self.lock_mode == 'checklock':
need_wlock = not cfunc_type.is_const_method
lock_node = LockCypclassNode(
state = 'wlocked' if need_wlock else 'rlocked',
obj = underlying_obj,
body = py_body
py_body = lock_node
# > the wrapper method
return DefNode(
name = py_name,
args = py_args,
star_arg = None,
starstar_arg = None,
doc = py_doc,
body = py_body,
decorators = None,
is_async_def = 0,
return_type_annotation = None
def analyse_expressions(self, env):
self.body = self.body.analyse_expressions(self.entry.type.scope)
return self
......@@ -5696,6 +5558,140 @@ class CClassDefNode(ClassDefNode):
class CypclassWrapperDefNode(CClassDefNode):
# wrapped_cypclass CppClassNode The wrapped cypclass
is_cyp_wrapper = 1
def analyse_declarations(self, env):
# > analyse declarations before inserting methods
super(CypclassWrapperDefNode, self).analyse_declarations(env)
# > associate the wrapper type to the wrapped type
self.wrapped_cypclass.entry.type.wrapper_type = self.entry.type
# > insert and analyse each method wrapper
def insert_cypclass_method_wrappers(self, env):
for attr in self.wrapped_cypclass.attributes:
if isinstance(attr, CFuncDefNode):
py_method_wrapper = self.synthesize_cypclass_method_wrapper(attr, env)
if py_method_wrapper:
def synthesize_cypclass_method_wrapper(self, cfunc_method, env):
if cfunc_method.is_static_method:
return # for now skip static methods
alternatives = cfunc_method.entry.all_alternatives()
if len(alternatives) > 1:
return # for now skip overloaded methods
cfunc_declarator = cfunc_method.cfunc_declarator
# > c++ methods have an implict 'this', so the 'self' argument is skipped in the declarator
skipped_self = cfunc_declarator.skipped_self
if not skipped_self:
return # if this ever happens (?), skip non-static methods without a self argument
cfunc_type = cfunc_method.type
cfunc_return_type = cfunc_type.return_type
# we pass the global scope as argument, should not affect the result (?)
if not cfunc_return_type.can_coerce_to_pyobject(env.global_scope()):
return # skip c methods with Python-incompatible return types
for argtype in cfunc_type.args:
if not argtype.type.can_coerce_to_pyobject(env.global_scope()):
return # skip c methods with Python-incompatible argument types
from .CypclassWrapper import underlying_name
from . import ExprNodes
# > name of the wrapping method: same name as in the original code
cfunc_name =
py_name = cfunc_name
# > self argument of the wrapper method: same name, but type of the wrapper cclass
self_name, self_type, self_pos, self_arg = skipped_self
py_self_arg = CArgDeclNode(
base_type = CSimpleBaseTypeNode(
name = self.class_name,
module_path = [],
signed = 1,
is_basic_c_type = 0,
longness = 0,
is_self_arg = 0, # only true for C methods
templates = None
declarator = CNameDeclaratorNode(self_pos, name=self_name, cname=None),
not_none = 0,
or_none = 0,
default = None,
annotation = None,
kw_only = 0
# > all arguments of the wrapper method declaration
py_args = [py_self_arg]
for arg in cfunc_declarator.args:
# > same docstring
py_doc = cfunc_method.doc
# > names of the arguments passed when calling the underlying method; self not included
arg_objs = [ExprNodes.NameNode(arg.pos, for arg in cfunc_declarator.args]
# > reference to the self argument of the wrapper method
self_obj = ExprNodes.NameNode(self_pos, name=self_name)
# > access the method of the underlying cyobject from the self argument of the wrapper method
underlying_obj = ExprNodes.AttributeNode(cfunc_method.pos, obj=self_obj, attribute=underlying_name)
cfunc = ExprNodes.AttributeNode(cfunc_method.pos, obj=underlying_obj, attribute=cfunc_name)
# > call to the underlying method
c_call = ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode(
# > return the result of the call if the underlying return type is not void
if cfunc_return_type.is_void:
py_stat = ExprStatNode(cfunc_method.pos, expr=c_call)
py_stat = ReturnStatNode(cfunc_method.pos, return_type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type, value=c_call)
py_body = StatListNode(cfunc_method.pos, stats=[py_stat])
# > lock around the call in checklock mode
if self.wrapped_cypclass.lock_mode == 'checklock':
need_wlock = not cfunc_type.is_const_method
lock_node = LockCypclassNode(
state = 'wlocked' if need_wlock else 'rlocked',
obj = underlying_obj,
body = py_body
py_body = lock_node
# > the wrapper method
return DefNode(
name = py_name,
args = py_args,
star_arg = None,
starstar_arg = None,
doc = py_doc,
body = py_body,
decorators = None,
is_async_def = 0,
return_type_annotation = None
class PropertyNode(StatNode):
# Definition of a property in an extension type.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def inject_utility_code_stage_factory(context):
def create_pipeline(context, mode, exclude_classes=()):
assert mode in ('pyx', 'py', 'pxd')
from .Visitor import PrintTree
from .CypclassWrapper import CypclassWrapperInjection, CypclassPostDeclarationsVisitor
from .CypclassWrapper import CypclassWrapperInjection
from .ParseTreeTransforms import WithTransform, NormalizeTree, PostParse, PxdPostParse
from .ParseTreeTransforms import ForwardDeclareTypes, InjectGilHandling, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
from .ParseTreeTransforms import AnalyseExpressionsTransform, FindInvalidUseOfFusedTypes
......@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ def create_pipeline(context, mode, exclude_classes=()):
EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls(context), ## Necessary?
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