import zope
import hashlib
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject

class PayzenService(XMLObject):
  meta_type = 'Payzen Service'
  portal_type = 'Payzen Service'


  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Declarative properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                    , PropertySheet.XMLObject
                    , PropertySheet.Reference
  def initialize(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    """See Payment Service Interface Documentation"""

  def navigate(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    """Navigation not implemented assumes that POST is done directly to the website thus there is
    no need to provide "proxy" method.
    raise NotImplementedError('Method will not be implemented')

  def notifySuccess(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    """See Payment Service Interface Documentation"""
    raise NotImplementedError
    return self._getTypeBasedMethod("acceptPayment")(**kw)

  def notifyFail(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    """See Payment Service Interface Documentation"""
    raise NotImplementedError
    return self._getTypeBasedMethod("failInPayment")(**kw)

  def notifyCancel(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    """See Payment Service Interface Documentation"""
    raise NotImplementedError
    return self._getTypeBasedMethod("abortPayment")(**kw)

  # proposed methods
  def getFormString(self, document, **kw):
    """Returns unterminated form for current document

    The responsiblity of the caller is to finish the form."""
    content_kw = dict()
    content_kw['vads_action_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsActionMode()
    content_kw['vads_amount'] = int(document.getTotalPrice() * 100)
    integration_tool = self.restrictedTraverse(self.getIntegrationSite())
    content_kw['vads_currency'] = integration_tool.getMappingFromCategory(
      'resource/currency_module/%s' % document.getPriceCurrencyReference()
    content_kw['vads_ctx_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsCtxMode()
    content_kw['vads_page_action'] = self.getPayzenVadsPageAction()
    content_kw['vads_payment_config'] = document\
    content_kw['vads_site_id'] = self.getServiceUsername()
    # date as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
    content_kw['vads_trans_date'] = document.getStartDate().strftime(
    content_kw['vads_trans_id'] = document.Base_getPayzenTransId()
    content_kw['vads_version'] = self.getPayzenVadsVersion()
    # all data are completed, now it is time to create signature
    sorted_keys = content_kw.keys()
    signature = ''
    form = '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s">\n' % self.getLinkUrlString()
    for k in sorted_keys:
      v = str(content_kw[k])
      signature += v + '+'
      form += '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="%s" VALUE="%s">\n' % (k, v)
    signature += self.getServicePassword()
    form += '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="signature" VALUE="%s">' % \
    return form

  def getSignature(self, document):
    """Returns signature for current document"""

  def validateSignature(self, document, signature):
    """Checks if documents validates against signature"""