Commit a0bf867d authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji

Write more details about transactions and replications.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 4631a207
Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) is a storage system for Zope
Object Database (ZODB). NEO is a novel technology in that it provides
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
Initial State
Bootstrap State
The storage node must generate a Universally Unique ID (UUID), if not
present yet, so that master nodes can identify the storage node.
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
Initial State
Bootstrap State
The client node must connect to one master node, and wait for a
"Primary" master node is selected. Once it is selected, the client
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
If a "Primary" master node is not available, the client node must
connect to another master node, and notify that the "Primary" master
node is not available. Then, it must move back to the initial state.
node is not available. Then, it must move back to the bootstrap state.
If no master node is available, the client node must report an error
and exit.
......@@ -284,6 +284,176 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
The client node must not issue any new transaction. It must shutdown
immediately, once all ongoing transactions are finished.
Transactions must be serialized with a lock in the commit phase to ensure the
atomicity and the integrity of every transaction. Thus only a single transaction
commit is allowed at a time for ZODB. For Zope, however, multiple transactions may run
at a time, until they reach the commit phase.
ZODB's transaction commit follows this order:
1. Begin a commit (tpc_begin).
2. Vote for a commit (tpc_vote).
3. Finish or abort a commit (tpc_finish or tpc_abort).
At tpc_begin, a new transaction begins. At tpc_vote, object data is sent to
storages. And, finally, at tpc_finish, the transaction is finished. If anything
wrong happens in tpc_vote, tpc_abort may be called to abort the transaction.
In NEO, a transaction commit is realized in this way:
1. A client node calls tpc_begin, and demand a new transaction ID from a "Primary"
master node. The "Primary" master node must send back storage node IDs to the
client node so that the client node will store objects in the set of specified
storage nodes.
2. The client node calls tpc_vote, and send object data to the specified storage
nodes, and meta information to the "Primary" master node.
3. The client node calls tpc_finish, and confirm that the transaction is complete
with the "Primary" master node. The "Primary" master node then must contact
storage nodes to ensure that the data has been stored, and must ask all client
nodes but the sending client node to invalidate their cached items, because
data is updated, and keeping older data will make conflicts.
4. Instead, the client node may call tpc_abort. In this case, the client node
must tell the "Primary" master node to cancel the transaction. The "Primary"
master node then must contact storage nodes to drop out the object data.
That above is the normal situation where everything goes well. It is possible, however,
that one or more errors may happen in a commit phase, at the client side, the master side
and the storage side. Thus care must be taken of the following situations.
Error Cases
In the following cases, abbriviations are used for simplicity: "CN" for a client node,
"PMN" for a "Primary" master node, "SMN" for a "Secondary" master node, and "SN" for
a storage node.
CN calls tpc_begin, then PMN does not reply
In this case, CN must stop the transaction, and notify SMN that PMN is broken.
PMN replies to tpc_begin, but CN does not go ahead
In theory, tpc_vote may take a lot of time when committing a lot of data. However,
PMN must take care of not stopping the whole cluster, as a transaction commit is
an exclusive operation. Therefore, in reality, a lock must not be obtained in tpc_begin.
At the beginning, PMN must only generate a new transaction ID.
Nevertheless, if CN does not issue tpc_vote to PMN, garbage can remain in SN,
because CN may have sent data to SN already. Thus SN must implement a garbage collection
which may expire pending transactional data.
CN calls tpc_vote, but SN does not reply or is buggy
CN must not wait for each SN too long. If CN cannot connect to a SN, CN must assume
that the SN is down, thus must report it to PMN. If CN connected to a SN but the SN
does not reply or the reply indicates an error, CN must report that the SN is broken
to PMN, so that PMN may abandone the SN. This requires a timeout, as SN may send
no rely forever. The timeout should be at least 10 seconds, because an operating
system flushes cache in every 5 second typically, and this disk activity may delay
the operation in SN significantly.
If all SNs specified by PMN fail, CN may ask PMN to send a new set of storage nodes.
As it is quite rare that all fail, this feature is not obligatory.
If all SNs specified by PMN, including newly acquired SNs, fail, CN must stop the
CN calls tpc_vote, SN accepts data, but PMN does not reply
At this stage, PMN really needs to obtain a lock, thus PMN may spend some time
to wait for other transactions to finish. However, PMN should not need much time
for this, as the lock is held only when PMN writes small meta information to its
database, and send notifications to other nodes.
PMN replies to tpc_vote, but CN does not go ahead
Because CN may vote for other storage adapters as well, this may need some time.
However, as the lock is held already, PMN must not stop other clients too long.
PMN must abort the transaction with a proper timeout.
CN calls tpc_finish, but PMN does not reply
CN must drop the connection to PMN, and report it to SMN. When CN reconnects to
a new PMN, the cache is invalidated, thus CN does not have to invalidate the
cached data for the unfinished transaction explicitly.
PMN asks SN to finish a transaction, but SN does not reply
PNM must send an error message to CN, so that CN can invalidate the cached data.
CN may not do anything else, because ZODB does not have a facility to make an
error at tpc_finish appropriately.
PMN asks CN to invalidate cache, but CN is down
PMN must ignore this error, as the CN will invalidate cache when reconnecting.
CN or PMN may ask data when a transaction is in an intermediate state
SN must take care that it does not send meta information to PMN when it is
not finished. SN should remove pending data when PMN asks for meta information,
because PMN does that only when all transactions are aborted.
PMN must take care that it does not send meta information to CN when it is
not finished. PMN should not write meta information to the database when it is not
Replications are used to make redundant copies of objects among a cluster.
This guarantees that a single node failure (or even more, depending on a
configuration) does not cause a data loss, and helps to distribute the load
of reading data.
When a client node commits a transaction, the client node itself makes
redundant copies by contact multiple storage nodes. In the normal mode of
the cluster management, a "Primary" master node is involved only with assigning
storage nodes to every transaction.
However, if a storage node is down or broken, the "Primary" master node must
undergo a recovery by making a new replication in another storage node. In
this case, the "Primary" master node must check all data which a non-functional
storage node had, and determine a new storage node for a given transaction.
When the cluster does not have a good number of storage nodes any longer,
the "Primary" master node may not proceed a replication. In this case, the only
solution is to add a new storage node to the cluster, or to reduce the required
number of replications. If a new storage node is connected, the "Primary" master
node must check if the storage node already contains data, and update its
database, if necessary, because the storage node may have a lost replication.
Another case is when meta information is reconstructed by collecting data from
all storage nodes. A "Primary" master node must undertake a complete examination
of the database to obtain a list of transactions which have fewer replications.
As replications are only that storage nodes exchange data under the management
by a "Primary" master node, this specification does not define how a "Primary"
master node must implement a replication policy.
However, an implementation should take care that replications should not affect
the system performance too much, as replications are not always urgent, in comparison
with transactions. For instance, replications should be divided into smaller
parts. Replications should be scheduled appropriately, so that they run only when
the system load of a node is low.
When a replication process is finished, a "Primary" master node should remove
a broken or down storage node from the database, if the node is not referred to
any longer. Otherwise, the database may grow up over time, and slows down replications
......@@ -330,16 +500,6 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
It might be better to improve the verification algorithm of checking the data integrity.
......@@ -350,4 +510,17 @@ Nexedi Enterprise Objects (NEO) Specification
interesting to support performance monitoring, such as the CPU load, disk space, etc.
of each node. A web interface is desirable, but probably it is not a good idea to
implement this in a client node with Zope, because Zope will not start up correctly,
if master nodes are not working well.
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if master nodes are not working well.
In the current specification, disk full is not dealt with correctly. If the disk space
of a node is full, the node is reported to be broken mistakenly. This might be inevitable
for master nodes, since unwritable master nodes are really useless, but storage nodes
may function in read-only, as they still work for a part of replications. Possibly
it would be better to add a read-only state to a storage node.
It is interesting how to export and import data. FileStorage's Data.fs would be the
best option. However, this is not very suitable for making a backup remotely, because
it must send all the data every time. One way is to make a clever protocol which asks
for only updated data. This is not difficult, because Data.fs is a pending-only structure.
Another way is to make a replicated storage node distantly, which is not used for reading
data by client nodes.
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