diff --git a/neo/client/tests/testZODB.py b/neo/client/tests/testZODB.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbf8fd6bbecb3a5d070689e634bd164968929121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/client/tests/testZODB.py
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+import unittest
+import ZODB
+import ZODB.FileStorage
+from ZODB.POSException import ReadConflictError, ConflictError
+from ZODB.POSException import TransactionFailedError
+from ZODB.tests.warnhook import WarningsHook
+from persistent import Persistent
+from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
+import transaction
+from neo.client.Storage import Storage
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import signal
+import MySQLdb
+import logging
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+class P(Persistent):
+    pass
+class Independent(Persistent):
+    def _p_independent(self):
+        return 1
+class DecoyIndependent(Persistent):
+    def _p_independent(self):
+        return 0
+# No need to protect this list with a lock, NEOProcess instanciations and
+# killallNeo calls are done from a single thread.
+neo_process_list = []
+class NEOProcess:
+    pid = 0
+    def __init__(self, command, *args):
+        self.pid = os.fork()
+        if self.pid == 0:
+            # Child
+            try:
+                os.execlp(command, command, *args)
+            except:
+                print traceback.format_exc()
+            # If we reach this line, exec call failed (is it possible to reach
+            # it without going through above "except" branch ?).
+            print 'Error executing %r.' % (command + ' '.join(args), )
+            # KeyboardInterrupt is not intercepted by test runner (it is still
+            # above us in the stack), and we do want to exit.
+            # To avoid polluting test foreground output with induced
+            # traceback, replace stdout & stderr.
+            sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+            raise KeyboardInterrupt
+        else:
+            neo_process_list.append(self)
+            # TODO: remove the need for this sleep. It must become possible to
+            # restart the cluster without any artificial delay.
+            time.sleep(1)
+    def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGTERM):
+        if self.pid:
+            try:
+                os.kill(self.pid, sig)
+            except OSError:
+                traceback.print_last()
+    def __del__(self):
+        # If we get killed, kill subprocesses aswell.
+        try:
+            self.kill(signal.SIGKILL)
+        except:
+            # We can ignore all exceptions at this point, since there is no
+            # garanteed way to handle them (other objects we would depend on
+            # might already have been deleted).
+            pass
+    def wait(self, options=0):
+        assert self.pid
+        return os.WEXITSTATUS(os.waitpid(self.pid, options)[1])
+def killallNeo():
+    # Kill all processes first
+    [x.kill() for x in neo_process_list]
+    # Then wait for each process' completion
+    while len(neo_process_list):
+        neo_process_list.pop().wait()
+NEO_MASTER = 'neomaster'
+NEO_STORAGE = 'neostorage'
+NEO_PORT_BASE = 10010
+    'port_1': NEO_MASTER_PORT_1,
+    'port_2': NEO_MASTER_PORT_2,
+    'port_3': NEO_MASTER_PORT_3
+NEO_SQL_USER = 'test'
+NEO_SQL_DATABASE_1 = 'test_neo1'
+NEO_SQL_DATABASE_2 = 'test_neo2'
+NEO_SQL_DATABASE_3 = 'test_neo3'
+NEO_SQL_DATABASE_4 = 'test_neo4'
+# Used to create & drop above databases and grant test users privileges.
+SQL_ADMIN_USER = 'root'
+# Default parameters.
+# The list of master nodes.
+master_nodes: %(master_nodes)s
+# The number of replicas.
+replicas: 2
+# The number of partitions.
+partitions: 1009
+# The name of this cluster.
+name: %(name)s
+# The user name for the database.
+user: %(user)s
+# The password for the database.
+password: %(password)s
+# The connector class used
+connector: SocketConnector
+# The first master.
+# The second master.
+# The third master.
+# The first storage.
+database: %(storage1_db)s
+# The first storage.
+database: %(storage2_db)s
+# The third storage.
+database: %(storage3_db)s
+# The fourth storage.
+database: %(storage4_db)s
+''' % {
+    'master_nodes': NEO_MASTER_NODES,
+    'name': NEO_CLUSTER_NAME,
+    'user': NEO_SQL_USER,
+    'password': NEO_SQL_PASSWORD,
+    'master1_port': NEO_MASTER_PORT_1,
+    'master2_port': NEO_MASTER_PORT_2,
+    'master3_port': NEO_MASTER_PORT_3,
+    'storage1_port': NEO_STORAGE_PORT_1,
+    'storage1_db': NEO_SQL_DATABASE_1,
+    'storage2_port': NEO_STORAGE_PORT_2,
+    'storage2_db': NEO_SQL_DATABASE_2,
+    'storage3_port': NEO_STORAGE_PORT_3,
+    'storage3_db': NEO_SQL_DATABASE_3,
+    'storage4_port': NEO_STORAGE_PORT_4,
+    'storage4_db': NEO_SQL_DATABASE_4
+temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='neo_')
+print 'Using temp directory %r.' % (temp_dir, )
+config_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'neo.conf')
+config_file = open(config_file_path, 'w')
+m1_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'm1.log')
+m2_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'm2.log')
+m3_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'm3.log')
+s1_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's1.log')
+s2_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's2.log')
+s3_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's3.log')
+s4_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's4.log')
+client_log = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'c.log')
+logging.basicConfig(filename=client_log, level=logging.DEBUG)
+class ZODBTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Stop NEO cluster (if running)
+        killallNeo()
+        # Cleanup or bootstrap databases
+        connect_arg_dict = {'user': SQL_ADMIN_USER}
+        if SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD is not None:
+            connect_arg_dict['passwd'] = SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD
+        sql_connection = MySQLdb.Connect(**connect_arg_dict)
+        cursor = sql_connection.cursor()
+            cursor.execute('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s' % (database, ))
+            cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' % (database, ))
+            cursor.execute('GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO "%s"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "%s"' % (database, NEO_SQL_USER, NEO_SQL_PASSWORD))
+        cursor.close()
+        sql_connection.close()
+        # Start NEO cluster
+        NEOProcess(NEO_MASTER, '-vc', config_file_path, '-s', 'master1', '-l', m1_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_MASTER, '-vc', config_file_path, '-s', 'master2', '-l', m2_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_MASTER, '-vc', config_file_path, '-s', 'master3', '-l', m3_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_STORAGE, '-vRc', config_file_path, '-s', 'storage1', '-l', s1_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_STORAGE, '-vRc', config_file_path, '-s', 'storage2', '-l', s2_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_STORAGE, '-vRc', config_file_path, '-s', 'storage3', '-l', s3_log)
+        NEOProcess(NEO_STORAGE, '-vRc', config_file_path, '-s', 'storage4', '-l', s4_log)
+        # Send Storage output to a logfile
+        self._storage = Storage(
+            master_nodes=NEO_MASTER_NODES,
+            name=NEO_CLUSTER_NAME,
+            connector='SocketConnector')
+        self._db = ZODB.DB(self._storage)
+    def populate(self):
+        transaction.begin()
+        conn = self._db.open()
+        root = conn.root()
+        root['test'] = pm = PersistentMapping()
+        for n in range(100):
+            pm[n] = PersistentMapping({0: 100 - n})
+        transaction.get().note('created test data')
+        transaction.commit()
+        conn.close()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self._db.close()
+        self._storage.cleanup()
+        killallNeo()
+    def checkExportImport(self, abort_it=False):
+        self.populate()
+        conn = self._db.open()
+        try:
+            self.duplicate(conn, abort_it)
+        finally:
+            conn.close()
+        conn = self._db.open()
+        try:
+            self.verify(conn, abort_it)
+        finally:
+            conn.close()
+    def duplicate(self, conn, abort_it):
+        transaction.begin()
+        transaction.get().note('duplication')
+        root = conn.root()
+        ob = root['test']
+        assert len(ob) > 10, 'Insufficient test data'
+        try:
+            import tempfile
+            f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+            ob._p_jar.exportFile(ob._p_oid, f)
+            assert f.tell() > 0, 'Did not export correctly'
+            f.seek(0)
+            new_ob = ob._p_jar.importFile(f)
+            self.assertEqual(new_ob, ob)
+            root['dup'] = new_ob
+            f.close()
+            if abort_it:
+                transaction.abort()
+            else:
+                transaction.commit()
+        except:
+            transaction.abort()
+            raise
+    def verify(self, conn, abort_it):
+        transaction.begin()
+        root = conn.root()
+        ob = root['test']
+        try:
+            ob2 = root['dup']
+        except KeyError:
+            if abort_it:
+                # Passed the test.
+                return
+            else:
+                raise
+        else:
+            self.failUnless(not abort_it, 'Did not abort duplication')
+        l1 = list(ob.items())
+        l1.sort()
+        l2 = list(ob2.items())
+        l2.sort()
+        l1 = map(lambda (k, v): (k, v[0]), l1)
+        l2 = map(lambda (k, v): (k, v[0]), l2)
+        self.assertEqual(l1, l2)
+        self.assert_(ob._p_oid != ob2._p_oid)
+        self.assertEqual(ob._p_jar, ob2._p_jar)
+        oids = {}
+        for v in ob.values():
+            oids[v._p_oid] = 1
+        for v in ob2.values():
+            assert not oids.has_key(v._p_oid), (
+                'Did not fully separate duplicate from original')
+        transaction.commit()
+    def checkExportImportAborted(self):
+        self.checkExportImport(abort_it=True)
+    def checkVersionOnly(self):
+        # Make sure the changes to make empty transactions a no-op
+        # still allow things like abortVersion().  This should work
+        # because abortVersion() calls tpc_begin() itself.
+        conn = self._db.open("version")
+        try:
+            r = conn.root()
+            r[1] = 1
+            transaction.commit()
+        finally:
+            conn.close()
+        self._db.abortVersion("version")
+        transaction.commit()
+    def checkResetCache(self):
+        # The cache size after a reset should be 0.  Note that
+        # _resetCache is not a public API, but the resetCaches()
+        # function is, and resetCaches() causes _resetCache() to be
+        # called.
+        self.populate()
+        conn = self._db.open()
+        conn.root()
+        self.assert_(len(conn._cache) > 0)  # Precondition
+        conn._resetCache()
+        self.assertEqual(len(conn._cache), 0)
+    def checkResetCachesAPI(self):
+        # Checks the resetCaches() API.
+        # (resetCaches used to be called updateCodeTimestamp.)
+        self.populate()
+        conn = self._db.open()
+        conn.root()
+        self.assert_(len(conn._cache) > 0)  # Precondition
+        ZODB.Connection.resetCaches()
+        conn.close()
+        self.assert_(len(conn._cache) > 0)  # Still not flushed
+        conn._setDB(self._db)  # simulate the connection being reopened
+        self.assertEqual(len(conn._cache), 0)
+    def checkExplicitTransactionManager(self):
+        # Test of transactions that apply to only the connection,
+        # not the thread.
+        tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        conn1 = self._db.open(transaction_manager=tm1)
+        tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        conn2 = self._db.open(transaction_manager=tm2)
+        try:
+            r1 = conn1.root()
+            r2 = conn2.root()
+            if r1.has_key('item'):
+                del r1['item']
+                tm1.get().commit()
+            r1.get('item')
+            r2.get('item')
+            r1['item'] = 1
+            tm1.get().commit()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 1)
+            # r2 has not seen a transaction boundary,
+            # so it should be unchanged.
+            self.assertEqual(r2.get('item'), None)
+            conn2.sync()
+            # Now r2 is updated.
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 1)
+            # Now, for good measure, send an update in the other direction.
+            r2['item'] = 2
+            tm2.get().commit()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 1)
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 2)
+            conn1.sync()
+            conn2.sync()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 2)
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 2)
+        finally:
+            conn1.close()
+            conn2.close()
+    def checkLocalTransactions(self):
+        # Test of transactions that apply to only the connection,
+        # not the thread.
+        conn1 = self._db.open()
+        conn2 = self._db.open()
+        hook = WarningsHook()
+        hook.install()
+        try:
+            conn1.setLocalTransaction()
+            conn2.setLocalTransaction()
+            r1 = conn1.root()
+            r2 = conn2.root()
+            if r1.has_key('item'):
+                del r1['item']
+                conn1.getTransaction().commit()
+            r1.get('item')
+            r2.get('item')
+            r1['item'] = 1
+            conn1.getTransaction().commit()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 1)
+            # r2 has not seen a transaction boundary,
+            # so it should be unchanged.
+            self.assertEqual(r2.get('item'), None)
+            conn2.sync()
+            # Now r2 is updated.
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 1)
+            # Now, for good measure, send an update in the other direction.
+            r2['item'] = 2
+            conn2.getTransaction().commit()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 1)
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 2)
+            conn1.sync()
+            conn2.sync()
+            self.assertEqual(r1['item'], 2)
+            self.assertEqual(r2['item'], 2)
+            for msg, obj, filename, lineno in hook.warnings:
+                self.assert_(msg in [
+                    "This will be removed in ZODB 3.6:\n"
+                        "setLocalTransaction() is deprecated. "
+                        "Use the transaction_manager argument "
+                        "to DB.open() instead.",
+                    "This will be removed in ZODB 3.6:\n"
+                        "getTransaction() is deprecated. "
+                        "Use the transaction_manager argument "
+                        "to DB.open() instead, or access "
+                        ".transaction_manager directly on the Connection."])
+        finally:
+            conn1.close()
+            conn2.close()
+            hook.uninstall()
+    def checkReadConflict(self):
+        self.obj = P()
+        self.readConflict()
+    def readConflict(self, shouldFail=True):
+        # Two transactions run concurrently.  Each reads some object,
+        # then one commits and the other tries to read an object
+        # modified by the first.  This read should fail with a conflict
+        # error because the object state read is not necessarily
+        # consistent with the objects read earlier in the transaction.
+        tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        conn = self._db.open(mvcc=False, transaction_manager=tm1)
+        r1 = conn.root()
+        r1["p"] = self.obj
+        self.obj.child1 = P()
+        tm1.get().commit()
+        # start a new transaction with a new connection
+        tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        cn2 = self._db.open(mvcc=False, transaction_manager=tm2)
+        # start a new transaction with the other connection
+        r2 = cn2.root()
+        self.assertEqual(r1._p_serial, r2._p_serial)
+        self.obj.child2 = P()
+        tm1.get().commit()
+        # resume the transaction using cn2
+        obj = r2["p"]
+        # An attempt to access obj should fail, because r2 was read
+        # earlier in the transaction and obj was modified by the othe
+        # transaction.
+        if shouldFail:
+            self.assertRaises(ReadConflictError, lambda: obj.child1)
+            # And since ReadConflictError was raised, attempting to commit
+            # the transaction should re-raise it.  checkNotIndependent()
+            # failed this part of the test for a long time.
+            self.assertRaises(ReadConflictError, tm2.get().commit)
+            # And since that commit failed, trying to commit again should
+            # fail again.
+            self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, tm2.get().commit)
+            # And again.
+            self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, tm2.get().commit)
+            # Etc.
+            self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, tm2.get().commit)
+        else:
+            # make sure that accessing the object succeeds
+            obj.child1
+        tm2.get().abort()
+    def checkReadConflictIgnored(self):
+        # Test that an application that catches a read conflict and
+        # continues can not commit the transaction later.
+        root = self._db.open(mvcc=False).root()
+        root["real_data"] = real_data = PersistentMapping()
+        root["index"] = index = PersistentMapping()
+        real_data["a"] = PersistentMapping({"indexed_value": 0})
+        real_data["b"] = PersistentMapping({"indexed_value": 1})
+        index[1] = PersistentMapping({"b": 1})
+        index[0] = PersistentMapping({"a": 1})
+        transaction.commit()
+        # load some objects from one connection
+        tm = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        cn2 = self._db.open(mvcc=False, transaction_manager=tm)
+        r2 = cn2.root()
+        real_data2 = r2["real_data"]
+        index2 = r2["index"]
+        real_data["b"]["indexed_value"] = 0
+        del index[1]["b"]
+        index[0]["b"] = 1
+        transaction.commit()
+        del real_data2["a"]
+        try:
+            del index2[0]["a"]
+        except ReadConflictError:
+            # This is the crux of the text.  Ignore the error.
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.fail("No conflict occurred")
+        # real_data2 still ready to commit
+        self.assert_(real_data2._p_changed)
+        # index2 values not ready to commit
+        self.assert_(not index2._p_changed)
+        self.assert_(not index2[0]._p_changed)
+        self.assert_(not index2[1]._p_changed)
+        self.assertRaises(ReadConflictError, tm.get().commit)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, tm.get().commit)
+        tm.get().abort()
+    def checkIndependent(self):
+        self.obj = Independent()
+        self.readConflict(shouldFail=False)
+    def checkNotIndependent(self):
+        self.obj = DecoyIndependent()
+        self.readConflict()
+    def checkSubtxnCommitDoesntGetInvalidations(self):
+        # Prior to ZODB 3.2.9 and 3.4, Connection.tpc_finish() processed
+        # invalidations even for a subtxn commit.  This could make
+        # inconsistent state visible after a subtxn commit.  There was a
+        # suspicion that POSKeyError was possible as a result, but I wasn't
+        # able to construct a case where that happened.
+        # Set up the database, to hold
+        # root --> "p" -> value = 1
+        #      --> "q" -> value = 2
+        tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        conn = self._db.open(transaction_manager=tm1)
+        r1 = conn.root()
+        p = P()
+        p.value = 1
+        r1["p"] = p
+        q = P()
+        q.value = 2
+        r1["q"] = q
+        tm1.commit()
+        # Now txn T1 changes p.value to 3 locally (subtxn commit).
+        p.value = 3
+        tm1.commit(True)
+        # Start new txn T2 with a new connection.
+        tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        cn2 = self._db.open(transaction_manager=tm2)
+        r2 = cn2.root()
+        p2 = r2["p"]
+        self.assertEqual(p._p_oid, p2._p_oid)
+        # T2 shouldn't see T1's change of p.value to 3, because T1 didn't
+        # commit yet.
+        self.assertEqual(p2.value, 1)
+        # Change p.value to 4, and q.value to 5.  Neither should be visible
+        # to T1, because T1 is still in progress.
+        p2.value = 4
+        q2 = r2["q"]
+        self.assertEqual(q._p_oid, q2._p_oid)
+        self.assertEqual(q2.value, 2)
+        q2.value = 5
+        tm2.commit()
+        # Back to T1.  p and q still have the expected values.
+        rt = conn.root()
+        self.assertEqual(rt["p"].value, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(rt["q"].value, 2)
+        # Now do another subtxn commit in T1.  This shouldn't change what
+        # T1 sees for p and q.
+        rt["r"] = P()
+        tm1.commit(True)
+        # Doing that subtxn commit in T1 should not process invalidations
+        # from T2's commit.  p.value should still be 3 here (because that's
+        # what T1 subtxn-committed earlier), and q.value should still be 2.
+        # Prior to ZODB 3.2.9 and 3.4, q.value was 5 here.
+        rt = conn.root()
+        try:
+            self.assertEqual(rt["p"].value, 3)
+            self.assertEqual(rt["q"].value, 2)
+        finally:
+            tm1.abort()
+    def checkReadConflictErrorClearedDuringAbort(self):
+        # When a transaction is aborted, the "memory" of which
+        # objects were the cause of a ReadConflictError during
+        # that transaction should be cleared.
+        root = self._db.open(mvcc=False).root()
+        data = PersistentMapping({'d': 1})
+        root["data"] = data
+        transaction.commit()
+        # Provoke a ReadConflictError.
+        tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+        cn2 = self._db.open(mvcc=False, transaction_manager=tm2)
+        r2 = cn2.root()
+        data2 = r2["data"]
+        data['d'] = 2
+        transaction.commit()
+        try:
+            data2['d'] = 3
+        except ReadConflictError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.fail("No conflict occurred")
+        # Explicitly abort cn2's transaction.
+        tm2.get().abort()
+        # cn2 should retain no memory of the read conflict after an abort(),
+        # but 3.2.3 had a bug wherein it did.
+        data_conflicts = data._p_jar._conflicts
+        data2_conflicts = data2._p_jar._conflicts
+        self.failIf(data_conflicts)
+        self.failIf(data2_conflicts)  # this used to fail
+        # And because of that, we still couldn't commit a change to data2['d']
+        # in the new transaction.
+        cn2.sync()  # process the invalidation for data2['d']
+        data2['d'] = 3
+        tm2.get().commit()  # 3.2.3 used to raise ReadConflictError
+        cn2.close()
+    def checkTxnBeginImpliesAbort(self):
+        # begin() should do an abort() first, if needed.
+        cn = self._db.open()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        rt['a'] = 1
+        transaction.begin()  # should abort adding 'a' to the root
+        rt = cn.root()
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+        # A longstanding bug:  this didn't work if changes were only in
+        # subtransactions.
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        rt['a'] = 2
+        transaction.commit(1)
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+        # One more time, mixing "top level" and subtransaction changes.
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        rt['a'] = 3
+        transaction.commit(1)
+        rt['b'] = 4
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'b')
+        # That used methods of the default transaction *manager*.  Alas,
+        # that's not necessarily the same as using methods of the current
+        # transaction, and, in fact, when this test was written,
+        # Transaction.begin() didn't do anything (everything from here
+        # down failed).
+        # Oh, bleech.  Since Transaction.begin is also deprecated, we have
+        # to goof around suppressing the deprecation warning.
+        import warnings
+        # First verify that Transaction.begin *is* deprecated, by turning
+        # the warning into an error.
+        warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=DeprecationWarning)
+        self.assertRaises(DeprecationWarning, transaction.get().begin)
+        del warnings.filters[0]
+        # Now ignore DeprecationWarnings for the duration.  Use a
+        # try/finally block to ensure we reenable DeprecationWarnings
+        # no matter what.
+        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
+        try:
+            cn = self._db.open()
+            rt = cn.root()
+            rt['a'] = 1
+            transaction.get().begin()  # should abort adding 'a' to the root
+            rt = cn.root()
+            self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+            # A longstanding bug:  this didn't work if changes were only in
+            # subtransactions.
+            transaction.get().begin()
+            rt = cn.root()
+            rt['a'] = 2
+            transaction.get().commit(1)
+            transaction.get().begin()
+            rt = cn.root()
+            self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+            # One more time, mixing "top level" and subtransaction changes.
+            transaction.get().begin()
+            rt = cn.root()
+            rt['a'] = 3
+            transaction.get().commit(1)
+            rt['b'] = 4
+            transaction.get().begin()
+            rt = cn.root()
+            self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+            self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'b')
+            cn.close()
+        finally:
+            del warnings.filters[0]
+    def checkFailingCommitSticks(self):
+        # See also checkFailingSubtransactionCommitSticks.
+        cn = self._db.open()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        rt['a'] = 1
+        # Arrange for commit to fail during tpc_vote.
+        poisoned = PoisonedObject(PoisonedJar(break_tpc_vote=True))
+        transaction.get().register(poisoned)
+        self.assertRaises(PoisonedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        # Trying to commit again fails too.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        # The change to rt['a'] is lost.
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+        # Trying to modify an object also fails, because Transaction.join()
+        # also raises TransactionFailedError.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, rt.__setitem__, 'b', 2)
+        # Clean up via abort(), and try again.
+        transaction.get().abort()
+        rt['a'] = 1
+        transaction.get().commit()
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 1)
+        # Cleaning up via begin() should also work.
+        rt['a'] = 2
+        transaction.get().register(poisoned)
+        self.assertRaises(PoisonedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        # The change to rt['a'] is lost.
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 1)
+        # Trying to modify an object also fails.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, rt.__setitem__, 'b', 2)
+        # Clean up via begin(), and try again.
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt['a'] = 2
+        transaction.get().commit()
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 2)
+        cn.close()
+    def checkFailingSubtransactionCommitSticks(self):
+        cn = self._db.open()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        rt['a'] = 1
+        transaction.get().commit(True)
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 1)
+        rt['b'] = 2
+        # Subtransactions don't do tpc_vote, so we poison tpc_begin.
+        poisoned = PoisonedJar()
+        transaction.get().join(poisoned)
+        poisoned.break_savepoint = True
+        self.assertRaises(PoisonedError, transaction.get().commit, True)
+        # Trying to subtxn-commit again fails too.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError,
+                          transaction.get().commit, True)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError,
+                          transaction.get().commit, True)
+        # Top-level commit also fails.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, transaction.get().commit)
+        # The changes to rt['a'] and rt['b'] are lost.
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'a')
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, rt.__getitem__, 'b')
+        # Trying to modify an object also fails, because Transaction.join()
+        # also raises TransactionFailedError.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, rt.__setitem__, 'b', 2)
+        # Clean up via abort(), and try again.
+        transaction.get().abort()
+        rt['a'] = 1
+        transaction.get().commit()
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 1)
+        # Cleaning up via begin() should also work.
+        rt['a'] = 2
+        poisoned = PoisonedJar()
+        transaction.get().join(poisoned)
+        poisoned.break_savepoint = True
+        self.assertRaises(PoisonedError, transaction.get().commit, True)
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError,
+                          transaction.get().commit, True)
+        # The change to rt['a'] is lost.
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 1)
+        # Trying to modify an object also fails.
+        self.assertRaises(TransactionFailedError, rt.__setitem__, 'b', 2)
+        # Clean up via begin(), and try again.
+        transaction.begin()
+        rt['a'] = 2
+        transaction.get().commit(True)
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 2)
+        transaction.get().commit()
+        cn2 = self._db.open()
+        rt = cn.root()
+        self.assertEqual(rt['a'], 2)
+        cn.close()
+        cn2.close()
+class PoisonedError(Exception):
+    pass
+# PoisonedJar arranges to raise exceptions from interesting places.
+# For whatever reason, subtransaction commits don't call tpc_vote.
+class PoisonedJar:
+    def __init__(self, break_tpc_begin=False, break_tpc_vote=False,
+                 break_savepoint=False):
+        self.break_tpc_begin = break_tpc_begin
+        self.break_tpc_vote = break_tpc_vote
+        self.break_savepoint = break_savepoint
+    def sortKey(self):
+        return str(id(self))
+    # A way to poison a subtransaction commit.
+    def tpc_begin(self, *args):
+        if self.break_tpc_begin:
+            raise PoisonedError("tpc_begin fails")
+    # A way to poison a top-level commit.
+    def tpc_vote(self, *args):
+        if self.break_tpc_vote:
+            raise PoisonedError("tpc_vote fails")
+    def savepoint(self):
+        if self.break_savepoint:
+            raise PoisonedError("savepoint fails")
+    def commit(*args):
+        pass
+    def abort(*self):
+        pass
+class PoisonedObject:
+    def __init__(self, poisonedjar):
+        self._p_jar = poisonedjar
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.makeSuite(ZODBTests, 'check')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest="test_suite")