Commit 15f4ff5e authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #337 from buildout/getting-started

draft getting started
parents 1362887c 683162f1
...@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Contents: ...@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Contents:
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
index index
topics/index topics/index
reference reference
Getting started with Buildout
.. contents::
.. note::
In the Buildout documentation, we'll use the word
*buildout* to refer to:
- The Buildout software
We'll capitalize the word when we do this.
- A particular use of Buildout, a directory having a Buildout
configuration file.
We'll use lower case to refer to these.
- A ``buildout`` section in a Buildout configuration (in a
particular buildout).
We'll use a lowercase fixed-width font for these.
First steps
The easiest way to install Buildout is with pip:
.. code-block:: console
pip install zc.buildout
To use Buildout, you need to provide a Buildout configuration. Here is
a minimal configuration:
.. code-block:: ini
parts =
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
A minimal (and useless) Buildout configuration has a ``buildout`` section
with a parts option. If we run Buildout:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> src
>>> run_buildout(src)
>>> import os
>>> ls = lambda d='.': os.listdir(d)
>>> eqs(ls(), 'buildout.cfg', 'bin', 'eggs', 'develop-eggs', 'parts', 'out')
>>> eqs(ls('bin'))
>>> eqs(ls('develop-eggs'))
>>> eqs(ls('parts'))
TODO: fix upgrading so eggs is empty
>>> nope('ZEO' in ls('eggs'))
Four directories are created:
A directory to hold executables.
A directory to hold develop egg links. More about these later.
A directory that hold installed packages in egg [#egg]_ format.
A directory that provides a default location for installed parts.
Buildout configuration files use an `INI syntax
<>`_ [#configparser]_.
Configuration is arranged in sections, beginning with section names in square
brackets. Section options are names, followed by equal signs, followed
by values. Values may be continued over multiple lines as long as the
continuation lines start with whitespace.
Buildout is all about building things and the things to be built are
specified using *parts*. The parts to be built are listed in the
``parts`` option. For each part, there must be a section with the same
name that specifies the software to build the part and provides
parameters to control how the part is built.
Installing software
In this tutorial, we're going to install a simple database server.
The details of the server aren't important. It just provides a useful
example that illustrates a number of ways that Buildout can make
things easier.
We'll start by adding a part to install the server software. We'll
update our Buildout configuration to add a ``zeo`` part:
.. code-block:: ini
parts = zeo
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
We added the part name, ``zeo`` to the ``parts`` option in the
``buildout`` section. We also added a ``zeo`` section with two
The standard ``recipe`` option names the software component that
will implement the part. The value is a Python distribution
requirement, as would be used with ``pip``. In this case, we've
specified `zc.recipe.egg
<>`_ which is the name of
a Python project that provides a number of recipe implementations.
A list of distribution requirements, one per
line. [#requirements-one-per-line]_ (The name of this option is
unfortunate, because the values are requirements, not egg names.)
Listed requirements are installed, along with their dependencies. In
addition, any scripts provided by the listed requirements (but not
their dependencies) are installed in the ``bin`` directory.
If we run this [#gcc]_:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> src
>>> run_buildout(src)
Then a number of things will happen:
- ``zc.recipe.egg`` will be downloaded and installed in your ``eggs``
- ``ZEO`` and its dependencies will be downloaded and installed. (ZEO
is a small Python database server.)
After this, the eggs directory will look something like:
.. code-block:: console
$ ls -l eggs
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 ZConfig-3.1.0-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 ZEO-5.0.4-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 ZODB-5.2.0-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 persistent-4.2.2-py3.5-macosx-10.10-x86_64.egg
drwxr-xr-x 5 jim staff 170 Feb 15 13:06 six-1.10.0-py3.5.egg
drwx------ 2 jim staff 68 Feb 15 13:06 tmpd_xxokys
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 transaction-2.1.0-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zc.buildout-2.8.0-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zc.lockfile-1.2.1-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zc.recipe.egg-2.0.3-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zdaemon-4.2.0-py3.5.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zodbpickle-0.6.0-py3.5-macosx-10.10-x86_64.egg
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim staff 136 Feb 15 13:06 zope.interface-4.3.3-py3.5-macosx-10.10-x86_64.egg
.. ZEO in eggs:
>>> yup([n for n in ls('eggs') if n.startswith('ZEO-4.3.1-')])
- A number of scripts will be installed in the ``bin`` directory:
.. code-block:: console
$ ls -l bin
total 40
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jim staff 861 Feb 15 13:07 runzeo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jim staff 861 Feb 15 13:07 zeo-nagios
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jim staff 861 Feb 15 13:07 zeoctl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jim staff 879 Feb 15 13:07 zeopack
One in particular, ``runzeo`` is used to run a ZEO server.
.. Really?
>>> yup('runzeo' in ls('bin'))
Generating configuration and custom scripts
The ``runzeo`` program doesn't daemonize itself. Rather, it's meant to
be used with a dedicated daemonizer like `zdaemon
<>`_ or `supervisord
<>`_. We'll use a `recipe to set up zdaemon
<>`_. Our Buildout
configuration becomes:
.. code-block:: ini
parts = zeo server
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO
recipe = zc.zdaemonrecipe
program =
-f ${buildout:directory}/data.fs
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
Here we've added a new ``server`` part that uses ``zc.zdaemonrecipe``.
We used a ``program`` option to define what program should be run.
There are a couple of interesting things to note about this option:
- We used :doc:`variable substitutions
Expands to the full path of the buildout directory.
Expands to the full path of the buildout's ``bin`` directory.
Variable substitution provides a way to access Buildout settings and
share information between parts and avoid repetition.
See the :doc:`reference <reference>` to see what buildout settings
are available.
- We spread the program over multiple lines. A configuration value
can be spread over multiple lines as long as the continuation lines
begin with whitespace.
The interpretation of a value is up to the recipe that uses it. The
``zc.zdaemonrecipe`` recipe combines the program value into a single
If we run Buildout:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> src
>>> run_buildout(src)
>>> print(read('bin/server')) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
import zdaemon.zdctl
if __name__ == '__main__':
'-C', '.../parts/server/zdaemon.conf',
- The ``zc.zdaemonrecipe`` recipe will be downloaded and installed in
the eggs directory.
- A ``server`` script is added to the ``bin`` directory. This script
is generated by the recipe. It can be run like:
.. code-block:: console
bin/server start
to start a server and:
.. code-block:: console
bin/server stop
to stop it. The script references a zdaemon configuration file
generated by the recipe in ``parts/server/zdaemon.conf``.
- A zdaemon configuration script is generated in
``parts/server/zdaemon.conf`` that looks something like:
.. code-block:: xml
daemon on
directory /Users/jim/t/0214/parts/server
program /Users/jim/t/0214/bin/runzeo -f /Users/jim/t/0214/data.fs -a
socket-name /Users/jim/t/0214/parts/server/zdaemon.sock
transcript /Users/jim/t/0214/parts/server/transcript.log
path /Users/jim/t/0214/parts/server/transcript.log
.. -> expect
>>> expect = expect.replace('/Users/jim/t/0214', os.getcwd()).strip()
>>> eq(expect, read('parts/server/zdaemon.conf').strip())
The **details aren't important**, other than the fact that the
configuration file reflects part options and the actual buildout
Version control
In this example, the only file that needs to be checked into version
control is the configuration file, ``buildout.cfg``. Everything else
is generated. Someone else could check out the project, and get the
same result [#if-same-environment]_.
More than just a package installer
The example shown above illustrates how Buildout is more than just a
package installer, like ``pip``. Using Buildout recipes, we can
install custom scripts and configuration files, and much more. For
example, we could use `configure and make
<>`_ to install non-Python
software from source, we could run JavaScript builders, or do anything
else that can be automated with Python.
Buildout is a simple automation framework. There are hundreds of
recipes to choose from [#finding-hundreds]_ and :doc:`writing new
recipes is easy <topics/writing-recipes>`.
A major goal of Buildout is to provide repeatability. But what does
this mean exactly?
If two buildouts with the same configuration are built in the same
environments at the same time, they should produce the same result,
regardless of their build history.
That definition is rather dense. Let's look at the pieces:
Buildout environment
A Buildout environment includes the operating system and the Python
installation it's run with. The more a buildout depends on its
environment, the more variation is likely between builds.
If a Python installation is shared, packages installed by one
application affect other applications, including buildouts. This can
lead to unexpected errors. This is why it's recommended to use a
`virtual environment <>`_ or a
"clean python" built from source with no third-party packages
installed [#hypocritical]_.
To limit dependence on the operating system, people sometimes install
libraries or even database servers as Buildout parts.
Modern Linux container technology (e.g. `Docker
<>`_) makes it a lot easier to control the
environment. If you develop entirely with respect to a particular
container image, you can have repeatability with respect to that
image, which is usually good enough because the environment, defined
by the image, is itself repeatable and unshared with other
Python requirement versions
Another potential source of variation is the versions of Python
dependencies used.
Newest versions
If you don't specify versions, Buildout will always try to get the
most recent version of everything it installs. This is a major reason
that Buildout can be slow. It checks for new versions every time it
runs. It does this to satisfy the repeatability requirement above.
If it didn't do this, then an older buildout would likely have
different versions of Python packages than newer buildouts.
To speed things up, you can use the ``-N`` Buildout option to tell
Buildout to *not* check for newer versions of Python requirements:
.. code-block:: console
buildout -N
.. -> src
>>> run_buildout(src)
This relaxes repeatability, but with little risk if there was a recent
run without this option.
Pinned versions
You can also pin required versions in two ways. You can specify them
where you list them, as in:
.. code-block:: ini
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO <5.0
.. -> src
>>> prefix = """
... [buildout]
... parts = zeo
... """
>>> with open('buildout.cfg', 'w') as f:
... _ = f.write(prefix)
... _ = f.write(src)
>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree('eggs')
>>> run_buildout('buildout show-picked-versions=true')
>>> yup([n for n in ls('eggs') if n.startswith('ZEO-4.3.1-')])
>>> yup('ZEO = 4.3.1' in read('out'))
In this example, we've requested a version of ZEO less than 5.0.
The more common way to pin version is using a ``versions`` section:
.. code-block:: ini
parts = zeo server
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO
recipe = zc.zdaemonrecipe
program =
-f ${buildout:directory}/data.fs
ZEO = 4.3.1
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
>>> shutil.rmtree('eggs')
>>> run_buildout('buildout show-picked-versions=true')
>>> yup([n for n in ls('eggs') if n.startswith('ZEO-4.3.1-')])
>>> nope('ZEO = 4.3.1' in read('out'))
Larger projects may need to pin many versions, so it's common to put
versions in their own file:
.. code-block:: ini
extends = versions.cfg
parts = zeo server
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO
recipe = zc.zdaemonrecipe
program =
-f ${buildout:directory}/data.fs
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
Here, we've used the Buildout ``extends`` option to say that
configurations should be read from the named file (or files) and that
configuration in the current file should override configuration in the
extended files. To continue the example, our ``versions.cfg`` file
might look like:
.. code-block:: ini
ZEO = 4.3.1
.. -> versions_cfg
>>> write(versions_cfg, 'versions.cfg')
>>> shutil.rmtree('eggs')
>>> run_buildout('buildout show-picked-versions=true')
>>> yup([n for n in ls('eggs') if n.startswith('ZEO-4.3.1-')])
>>> nope('ZEO = 4.3.1' in read('out'))
We can use the ``update-versions-file`` option to ask Buildout to
maintain our ``versions.cfg`` file for us:
.. code-block:: ini
extends = versions.cfg
show-picked-versions = true
update-versions-file = versions.cfg
parts = zeo server
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ZEO
recipe = zc.zdaemonrecipe
program =
-f ${buildout:directory}/data.fs
.. -> src
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
>>> eq(versions_cfg, read('versions.cfg'))
>>> run_buildout('buildout show-picked-versions=true')
>>> yup([n for n in ls('eggs') if n.startswith('ZEO-4.3.1-')])
>>> yup('ZODB = ' in read('versions.cfg'))
With ``update-versions-file``, whenever Buildout gets the newest
version for a requirement (subject to requirement constraints), it
appends the version to the named file, along with a comment saying
when and why the requirement is installed. If you later want to
upgrade a dependency, just edit this file with the new version, or to
remove the entry altogether and Buildout will add a new entry the next
time it runs.
We also used the ``show-picked-versions`` to tell Buildout to tell us
when it got (picked) the newest version of a requirement.
When versions are pinned, Buildout doesn't look for new versions of
the requirements, which can speed buildouts quite a bit. In fact, The
``-N`` option doesn't provide any speedup for projects whose
requirement versions are all pinned.
When should you pin versions?
The rule of thumb is that you should pin versions for a whole system,
such as an application or service. You do this because after
integration tests, you want to be sure that you can reproduce the
tested configuration.
You shouldn't pin versions for a component, such as a library, because
doing so inhibits the ability for users of your component to integrate it
with their dependencies, which may overlap with yours. If you know
that your component only works a range of versions of some dependency,
the express the range in your project requirements. Don't require
specific versions.
Buildout versions and automatic upgrade
In the interest of repeatability, Buildout can upgrade itself or its
dependencies to use the newest versions or downgrade to respect pinned
versions. This only happens if you run Buildout from a buildout's own
``bin`` directory.
We can use Buildout's ``bootstrap`` command to install a local
buildout script:
.. code-block:: console
buildout bootstrap
.. -> src
>>> nope('buildout' in ls('bin'))
>>> run_buildout(src)
>>> yup('buildout' in ls('bin'))
Then, if the installed script is used:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> src
>>> yup(os.path.exists(src.strip()))
Then Buildout will upgrade or downgrade to be consistent with version
requirements. See the :doc:`bootstrapping topic
<topics/bootstrapping>` to learn more about bootstrapping.
Python development projects
A very common Buildout use case is to manage the development of a
library or main part of an application written in Python. Buildout
facilitates this with the ``develop`` option:
.. code-block:: ini
develop = .
.. -> develop_snippet
The ``develop`` option takes one more more paths to project `
<>`_ files or,
more commonly, directories containing them. Buildout then creates
"develop eggs" [#develop-eggs]_ for the corresponding projects.
With develop eggs, you can modify the sources and the modified sources
are reflected in future Python runs (or after `reloads
For libraries that you plan to distribute using the Python packaging
infrastructure, You'll need to write a setup file, because it's needed
to generate a distribution.
If you're writing an application that won't be distributed as a
separate Python distribution, writing a setup script can feel
like overkill, but it's useful for:
- naming your project, so you can refer to it like any Python
requirement in your Buildout configuration, and for
- specifying the requirements your application code uses, separate
from requirements your buildout might have.
Fortunately, an application setup script can be minimal. Here's an
from setuptools import setup
setup(name='main', install_requires = ['ZODB', 'six'])
.. -> src
>>> write(src, '')
We suggest copying and modifying the example above, using it as
boilerplate. As is probably clear, the setup arguments used:
The name of your application. This is the name you'll use in
Buildout configuration where you want to refer to application
A list of requirement strings for Python distributions your
application depends on directly.
A *minimal* [#typical-dev-project]_ development Buildout configuration
for a project with a setup script like the one above might look
something like this:
.. code-block:: ini
develop = .
parts = py
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = main
interpreter = py
.. -> src
>>> eq(src.strip().split('\n')[:2], develop_snippet.strip().split('\n')[:2])
>>> write(src, 'buildout.cfg')
>>> run_buildout()
>>> yup('Develop: ' in read('out'))
>>> eq(os.getcwd(), read('develop-eggs/main.egg-link').split()[0])
There's a new option, ``interpreter``, which names an *interpreter*
script to be generated. An interpreter script [#interpreter-script]_
mimics a Python interpreter with its path set to include the
requirements specified in the eggs option and their (transitive)
dependencies. We can run the interpreter:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> path
>>> yup(os.getcwd() in read(path.strip()))
To get an interactive Python prompt, or you can run a script with it:
.. code-block:: console
.. -> path
>>> yup(os.path.exists(path.split()[0]))
If you need to work on multiple interdependent projects at the same
time, you can name multiple directories in the ``develop`` option,
typically pointing to multiple check outs. A popular Buildout
extension, `mr.developer <>`_,
automates this process.
Where to go from here?
This depends on what you want to do. We suggest perusing the :doc:`topics
<topics/index>` based on your needs and interest.
The :doc:`reference <reference>` section can give you important
details, as well as let you know about features not touched on here.
.. [#egg] You may have heard bad things about eggs. This stems in
part from the way that eggs were applied to regular Python
installs. We think eggs, which were inspired by `jar
<>`_, when used as
an installation format, are a good fit for Buildout's goals. Learn
more in the topic on :doc:`Buildout and packaging
.. [#configparser] Buildout uses a variation (fork) of standard
``ConfigParser`` module and follows (mostly) the same parsing
.. [#requirements-one-per-line] Requirements can have whitespace
characters as in ``ZEO <=5``, so they're separated by newlines.
.. [#gcc] Currently, this example requires the ability to build
Python extensions and requires access to development tools.
.. [#if-same-environment] This assumes the same environment and that
dependencies haven't changed. We'll explain further in the
section on repeatability.
.. [#finding-hundreds] You can list Buildout-related software,
consisting mostly of Buildout recipes, using the
`Framework :: Buildout
classifier search. These results miss recipes that don't provide
classifier meta data. Generally you can find a recipe for a task by
searching the name of the task and the "recipe" in the `package
index <>`_.
.. [#hypocritical] It's a little hypocritical to recommend installing
Buildout into an otherwise clean environment, which is why Buildout
provides a :doc:`bootstrapping mechanism <topics/bootstrapping>`
which allows setting up a buildout without having to contaminate a
virtual environment or clean Python install.)
.. [#develop-eggs] pip calls these `"editable" installs
.. [#typical-dev-project] A more typical development buildout will
include at least a part to specify a test runner. A development
buildout might define other support parts, like JavaScript
builders, database servers, development web-servers and
so on.
.. [#interpreter-script] An interpreter script is similar to the
``bin/python`` program included in a virtual environment, except
that it's lighter weight and has exactly the packages
listed in the ``eggs`` option and their dependencies, plus whatever
comes from the Python environment.
...@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ Buildout Topics ...@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ Buildout Topics
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
.. todo: .. todo:
...@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ setup( ...@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ setup(
], ],
include_package_data = True, include_package_data = True,
entry_points = entry_points, entry_points = entry_points,
extras_require = dict(test=['zope.testing', 'manuel']), extras_require = dict(
test=['zope.testing', 'manuel', 'ZEO ==4.3.1', 'zc.zdaemonrecipe']),
zip_safe=False, zip_safe=False,
classifiers = [ classifiers = [
'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
...@@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ def buildoutSetUp(test): ...@@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ def buildoutSetUp(test):
root_logger.removeHandler(handler) root_logger.removeHandler(handler)
for handler in handlers_before_set_up: for handler in handlers_before_set_up:
root_logger.addHandler(handler) root_logger.addHandler(handler)
bo_logger = logging.getLogger('zc.buildout')
for handler in bo_logger.handlers[:]:
register_teardown(restore_root_logger_handlers) register_teardown(restore_root_logger_handlers)
base = tempfile.mkdtemp('buildoutSetUp') base = tempfile.mkdtemp('buildoutSetUp')
...@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ ...@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
# #
############################################################################## ##############################################################################
from zc.buildout.buildout import print_ from zc.buildout.buildout import print_
from zope.testing import renormalizing from zope.testing import renormalizing, setupstack
import doctest import doctest
import manuel.capture import manuel.capture
import manuel.doctest import manuel.doctest
import manuel.testing import manuel.testing
from multiprocessing import Process
import os import os
import pkg_resources import pkg_resources
import re import re
...@@ -3422,10 +3423,14 @@ def updateSetup(test): ...@@ -3422,10 +3423,14 @@ def updateSetup(test):
makeNewRelease(dist.key, ws, new_releases) makeNewRelease(dist.key, ws, new_releases)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(new_releases, dist.key)) os.mkdir(os.path.join(new_releases, dist.key))
bootstrap_py = os.path.join( def ancestor(path, level):
os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( while level > 0:
os.path.dirname(__file__)))), path = os.path.dirname(path)
'bootstrap', '') level -= 1
return path
bootstrap_py = os.path.join(ancestor(__file__, 4), 'bootstrap', '')
def bootstrapSetup(test): def bootstrapSetup(test):
buildout_txt_setup(test) buildout_txt_setup(test)
...@@ -3449,6 +3454,15 @@ normalize_S = ( ...@@ -3449,6 +3454,15 @@ normalize_S = (
'#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7', '#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7',
) )
def run_buildout(command):
os.environ['HOME'] = os.getcwd() # Make sure we don't get .buildout
args = command.strip().split()
import pkg_resources
buildout = pkg_resources.load_entry_point(
'zc.buildout', 'console_scripts', args[0])
sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open('out', 'w')
def test_suite(): def test_suite():
test_suite = [ test_suite = [
manuel.testing.TestSuite( manuel.testing.TestSuite(
...@@ -3710,6 +3724,56 @@ def test_suite(): ...@@ -3710,6 +3724,56 @@ def test_suite():
unittest.makeSuite(UnitTests), unittest.makeSuite(UnitTests),
] ]
docdir = os.path.join(ancestor(__file__, 4), 'doc')
if os.path.exists(docdir) and not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# Note that the purpose of the documentation tests are mainly
# to test the documentation, not to test buildout.
def docSetUp(test):
extra_options = (
" use-dependency-links=false"
# Leaving this here so we can uncomment to see what's going on.
#" log-format=%(asctime)s____%(levelname)s_%(message)s -vvv"
" index=" + os.path.join(ancestor(__file__, 4), 'doc')
def run_buildout_in_process(command='buildout'):
process = Process(
args=(command + extra_options, ),
process.daemon = True
if process.is_alive() or process.exitcode:
def read(path='out'):
with open(path) as f:
def write(text, path):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
yup=lambda cond, orelse='Nope': None if cond else orelse,
nope=lambda cond, orelse='Nope': orelse if cond else None,
eq=lambda a, b: None if a == b else (a, b),
eqs=lambda a, *b: None if set(a) == set(b) else (a, b),
manuel.doctest.Manuel() + manuel.capture.Manuel(),
os.path.join(docdir, 'getting-started.rst'),
setUp=docSetUp, tearDown=setupstack.tearDown
# adding bootstrap.txt doctest to the suite # adding bootstrap.txt doctest to the suite
# only if is present # only if is present
if os.path.exists(bootstrap_py): if os.path.exists(bootstrap_py):
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