/* * JIO extension for resource global identifier management. * Copyright (C) 2013 Nexedi SA * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */ /*global jIO: true, setTimeout: true, complex_queries: true */ /** * JIO GID Storage. Type = 'gid'. * Identifies document with their global identifier représentation * * Sub storages must support complex queries and include_docs options. * * Storage Description: * * { * "type": "gid", * "sub_storage": {<storage description>}, * "constraints": { * "default": { * "identifier": "list", // ['a', 1] * "type": "DCMIType", // 'Text' * "title": "string" // 'something blue' * }, * "Text": { * "format": "contentType" // contains 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' * }, * "Image": { * "version": "json" // value as is * } * } * } */ (function () { var dcmi_types, metadata_actions, content_type_re; dcmi_types = { 'Collection': 'Collection', 'Dataset': 'Dataset', 'Event': 'Event', 'Image': 'Image', 'InteractiveResource': 'InteractiveResource', 'MovingImage': 'MovingImage', 'PhysicalObject': 'PhysicalObject', 'Service': 'Service', 'Software': 'Software', 'Sound': 'Sound', 'StillImage': 'StillImage', 'Text': 'Text' }; metadata_actions = { /** * Returns the metadata value */ json: function (value) { return value; }, /** * Returns the metadata if it is a string */ string: function (value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } }, /** * Returns the metadata in a array format */ list: function (value) { var i, new_value = []; if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { if (typeof value[i] === 'object') { new_value[new_value.length] = value[i].content; } else { new_value[new_value.length] = value[i]; } } } else if (value !== undefined) { value = [value]; } return value; }, /** * Returns the metadata if it is a string equal to a DCMIType */ DCMIType: function (value) { return dcmi_types[value]; }, /** * Returns the metadata content type if exist */ contentType: function (value) { var i; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value = [value]; } for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { if (value[i] === 'object') { if (content_type_re.test(value[i].content)) { return value[i].content; } } else { if (content_type_re.test(value[i])) { return value[i]; } } } } }; content_type_re = /^([a-z]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]+)(?:\s*;\s*charset\s*=\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+))?$/; /** * Creates a gid from metadata and constraints. * * @param {Object} metadata The metadata to use * @param {Object} constraints The constraints * @return {String} The gid or undefined if metadata doesn't respect the * constraints */ function gidFormat(metadata, constraints) { var types, i, meta_key, result = {}, tmp; types = ['default', metadata.type]; for (i = 0; i < types.length; i += 1) { for (meta_key in constraints[types[i]]) { if (constraints[types[i]].hasOwnProperty(meta_key)) { tmp = metadata_actions[ constraints[types[i]][meta_key] ](metadata[meta_key]); if (tmp === undefined) { return; } result[meta_key] = tmp; } } } return JSON.stringify(result); } /** * Convert a gid to a complex query. * * @param {Object,String} gid The gid * @param {Object} constraints The constraints * @return {Object} A complex serialized object */ function gidToComplexQuery(gid, contraints) { var k, i, result = [], meta, content; if (typeof gid === 'string') { gid = JSON.parse(gid); } for (k in gid) { if (gid.hasOwnProperty(k)) { meta = gid[k]; if (!Array.isArray(meta)) { meta = [meta]; } for (i = 0; i < meta.length; i += 1) { content = meta[i]; if (typeof content === 'object') { content = content.content; } result[result.length] = { "type": "simple", "operator": "=", "key": k, "value": content }; } } } return { "type": "complex", "operator": "AND", "query_list": result }; } /** * Parse the gid and returns a metadata object containing gid keys and values. * * @param {String} gid The gid to convert * @param {Object} constraints The constraints * @return {Object} The gid metadata */ function gidParse(gid, constraints) { var object; try { object = JSON.parse(gid); } catch (e) { return; } if (gid !== gidFormat(object, constraints)) { return; } return object; } /** * The gid storage used by JIO. * * This storage change the id of a document with its global id. A global id * is representation of a document metadata used to define it as uniq. The way * to generate global ids can be define in the storage description. It allows * us use duplicating storage with different sub storage kind. * * @class gidStorage */ function gidStorage(spec, my) { var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my), priv = {}; priv.sub_storage = spec.sub_storage; priv.constraints = spec.constraints || { "default": { "identifier": "list", "type": "DCMIType" } }; // Overrides that.specToStore = function () { return { "sub_storage": priv.sub_storage, "constraints": priv.constraints }; }; // JIO Commands /** * Generic command for post or put one. * * This command will check if the document already exist with an allDocs * and a complex query. If exist, then post will fail. Put will update the * retrieved document thanks to its real id. If no documents are found, post * and put will create a new document with the sub storage id generator. * * @method putOrPost * @private * @param {Command} command The JIO command * @param {String} method The command method */ priv.putOrPost = function (command, method) { setTimeout(function () { var gid, complex_query, doc = command.cloneDoc(); gid = gidFormat(doc, priv.constraints); if (gid === undefined || (doc._id && gid !== doc._id)) { return that.error({ "status": 400, "statusText": "Bad Request", "error": "bad_request", "message": "Cannot " + method + " document", "reason": "metadata should respect constraints" }); } complex_query = gidToComplexQuery(gid); that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, {}, { "query": complex_query, "wildcard_character": null }, function (response) { var update_method = method; if (response.total_rows !== 0) { if (method === 'post') { return that.error({ "status": 409, "statusText": "Conflict", "error": "conflict", "message": "Cannot " + method + " document", "reason": "Document already exist" }); } doc = command.cloneDoc(); doc._id = response.rows[0].id; } else { doc = command.cloneDoc(); delete doc._id; update_method = 'post'; } that.addJob(update_method, priv.sub_storage, doc, { }, function (response) { response.id = gid; that.success(response); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot " + method + " document"; that.error(err); }); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot " + method + " document"; that.error(err); }); }); }; /** * See {{#crossLink "gidStorage/putOrPost:method"}}{{/#crossLink}}. * * @method post * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.post = function (command) { priv.putOrPost(command, 'post'); }; /** * See {{#crossLink "gidStorage/putOrPost:method"}}{{/#crossLink}}. * * @method put * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.put = function (command) { priv.putOrPost(command, 'put'); }; /** * Puts an attachment to a document thank to its gid, a sub allDocs and a * complex query. * * @method putAttachment * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.putAttachment = function (command) { setTimeout(function () { var gid_object, complex_query, doc = command.cloneDoc(); gid_object = gidParse(doc._id, priv.constraints); if (gid_object === undefined) { return that.error({ "status": 400, "statusText": "Bad Request", "error": "bad_request", "message": "Cannot put attachment", "reason": "metadata should respect constraints" }); } complex_query = gidToComplexQuery(gid_object); that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, {}, { "query": complex_query, "wildcard_character": null }, function (response) { if (response.total_rows === 0) { return that.error({ "status": 404, "statusText": "Not Found", "error": "not_found", "message": "Cannot put attachment", "reason": "Document already exist" }); } gid_object = doc._id; doc._id = response.rows[0].id; that.addJob('putAttachment', priv.sub_storage, doc, { }, function (response) { response.id = gid_object; that.success(response); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot put attachment"; that.error(err); }); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot put attachment"; that.error(err); }); }); }; /** * Gets a document thank to its gid, a sub allDocs and a complex query. * * @method get * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.get = function (command) { setTimeout(function () { var gid_object, complex_query; gid_object = gidParse(command.cloneDoc()._id, priv.constraints); if (gid_object === undefined) { return that.error({ "status": 400, "statusText": "Bad Request", "error": "bad_request", "message": "Cannot get document", "reason": "metadata should respect constraints" }); } complex_query = gidToComplexQuery(gid_object); that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, {}, { "query": complex_query, "wildcard_character": null, "include_docs": true }, function (response) { if (response.total_rows === 0) { return that.error({ "status": 404, "statusText": "Not Found", "error": "not_found", "message": "Cannot get document", "reason": "missing" }); } return that.success(response.rows[0].doc); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot get document"; return that.error(err); }); }); }; /** * Gets an attachment from a document thank to its gid, a sub allDocs and a * complex query. * * @method getAttachment * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.getAttachment = function (command) { setTimeout(function () { var gid_object, complex_query, doc = command.cloneDoc(); gid_object = gidParse(doc._id, priv.constraints); if (gid_object === undefined) { return that.error({ "status": 400, "statusText": "Bad Request", "error": "bad_request", "message": "Cannot get attachment", "reason": "metadata should respect constraints" }); } complex_query = gidToComplexQuery(gid_object); that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, {}, { "query": complex_query, "wildcard_character": null }, function (response) { if (response.total_rows === 0) { return that.error({ "status": 404, "statusText": "Not Found", "error": "not_found", "message": "Cannot get attachment", "reason": "Document already exist" }); } gid_object = doc._id; doc._id = response.rows[0].id; that.addJob('getAttachment', priv.sub_storage, doc, { }, function (response) { that.success(response); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot put attachment"; that.error(err); }); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot put attachment"; that.error(err); }); }); }; /** * Remove a document thank to its gid, sub allDocs and a complex query. * * @method remove * @param {Command} command The JIO command. */ that.remove = function (command) { setTimeout(function () { var gid_object, complex_query, doc = command.cloneDoc(); gid_object = gidParse(doc._id, priv.constraints); if (gid_object === undefined) { return that.error({ "status": 400, "statusText": "Bad Request", "error": "bad_request", "message": "Cannot remove document", "reason": "metadata should respect constraints" }); } complex_query = gidToComplexQuery(gid_object); that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, {}, { "query": complex_query, "wildcard_character": null }, function (response) { if (response.total_rows === 0) { return that.error({ "status": 404, "statusText": "Not found", "error": "not_found", "message": "Cannot remove document", "reason": "missing" }); } gid_object = doc._id; doc = {"_id": response.rows[0].id}; that.addJob('remove', priv.sub_storage, doc, { }, function (response) { response.id = gid_object; that.success(response); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot remove document"; that.error(err); }); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot remove document"; that.error(err); }); }); }; /** * Retrieve a list of document which respect gid constraints. * * @method allDocs * @param {Command} command The JIO command */ that.allDocs = function (command) { setTimeout(function () { var options = command.cloneOption(), include_docs; include_docs = options.include_docs; options.include_docs = true; that.addJob('allDocs', priv.sub_storage, { }, options, function (response) { var result = [], doc_gids = {}, i, row, gid; while ((row = response.rows.shift()) !== undefined) { if ((gid = gidFormat(row.doc, priv.constraints)) !== undefined) { if (!doc_gids[gid]) { doc_gids[gid] = true; row.id = gid; delete row.key; result[result.length] = row; if (include_docs === true) { row.doc._id = gid; } else { delete row.doc; } } } } doc_gids = undefined; // free memory row = undefined; that.success({"total_rows": result.length, "rows": result}); }, function (err) { err.message = "Cannot get all documents"; return that.error(err); }); }); }; return that; } jIO.addStorageType('gid', gidStorage); }());