Commit 5dd596a2 authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

Change windows installer scripts

parent 51a4a9f5
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,47 +6,57 @@
# It will do:
# 1. Set uid of Adminstrator to 0, and create root account
# * Set uid of Adminstrator to 0, and create root account
# 2. Create .minttyrc and cygtty.bat, which used to start comand console
# * Create .minttyrc and cygtty.bat, which used to start comand console
# 3. Configure cygserver
# * Create autorebase.bat, it used to fix cygwin dll problem
# 4. Configure syslog-ng
# * Change readme.txt to dos format
if [[ ! "$(whoami)" == "Administrator" ]] ; then
exit 1
echo Checking passwd file ...
if [[ ! -f $password_filename ]] ; then
echo No passwd file found.
mkpasswd > $password_filename
echo Generate passwd file OK.
echo Check passwd file OK.
if [[ ! -f /etc/passwd ]] ; then
mkpasswd > /etc/passwd
echo Checking group file ...
if [[ ! -f /etc/group ]] ; then
echo No group file found.
mkgroup > /etc/group
echo Generate group file OK.
cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.orig
echo Check group file OK.
# sed -i -e "s/Administrator:unused:500:/Administrator:unused:0:/g" /etc/passwd
grep -q "^root:" /etc/passwd
if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
myaccount=$(grep "^Administrator:" /etc/passwd | \
sed -e "s/Administrator:unused:500:/root:unused:0:/g")
if [[ "${myaccount:0:4}" == root ]] ; then
echo $myaccount >> /etc/passwd
exit 1
# grep -q "^root:" $password_filename
# if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
# myaccount=$(grep "^Administrator:" $password_filename | \
# sed -e "s/Administrator:unused:500:/root:unused:0:/g")
# if [[ "${myaccount:0:4}" == root ]] ; then
# echo $myaccount >> $password_filename
# else
# exit 1
# fi
# fi
if [[ ! -f ~/.minttyrc ]] ; then
echo Creating ~/.minttyrc
cat <<EOF > ~/.minttyrc
Font=Courier New
echo File ~/.minttyrc created
if [[ ! -f /cygtty.bat ]] ; then
echo Creating /cygtty.bat
cyghome=$(cygpath -w /)
cat <<EOF > /cygtty.bat
@echo off
......@@ -57,24 +67,37 @@ chdir ${cyghome}\\bin
start mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
chmod +x /cygtty.bat
echo File /cygtty.bat created.
# Configure cygserver
/usr/bin/cygserver-config --yes
# Configure syslog-ng
/usr/bin/syslog-ng-config --yes
# Copy rebaseall.bat to /
if [[ -f /etc/postinstall/autorebase.bat.done ]] ; then
cp /etc/postinstall/autorebase.bat.done /autorebase.bat
if [[ ! -f /autorebase.bat ]] ; then
echo Create /autorebase.bat
copy <<EOF > /autorebase.bat
@echo off
rem Postinstall scripts are always started from the Cygwin root dir
rem so we can just call dash from here
path .\bin;%path%
dash /bin/rebaseall -p
chmod +x /autorebase.bat
echo /autorebase.bat created.
# Change format of readme.txt
readme_filepath=$(cygpath -m /)/..
if [[ -f $readme_filepath/Readme.txt ]] ; then
unix2dos $readme_filepath/Readme.txt
echo Change readme.txt to dos format OK.
# Remove cygwin services to be sure these services will be configured
# in this cygwin enviroments when there are many cygwin instances
# installed in this computer.
for x in $(cygrunsrv --list) ; do
echo Removing cygservice $x
cygrunsrv -R $x
exit 0
#! /bin/bash
# When uninstall slapos, it will be called by uninstaller.
# When uninstall slapos, it will be called by uninstaller. Root right
# required to run this script.
# /bin/bash/ --login -i
......@@ -8,24 +9,15 @@
# 1. Remove virtual netcards installed by re6stnet
# 2. Remove service cygserver and syslog-ng
# 2. Remove service cron, cygserver and syslog-ng
if [[ ! "$(whoami)" == "Administrator" ]] ; then
exit 1
# Remove slapos-init script when windows startup
regtool -q unset "$run_key\\$slapos_run_entry"
# Remove virtual netcard installed by re6stnet
for ifname in $(netsh interface show interface | gawk '{ print $3 }') ; do
if [[ ("$ifname" == re6stnet*) && ("$ifname" != "re6stnet-lo") ]] ; then
echo Removing network connection: $ifname
ip vpntap del dev $ifname mode true
......@@ -33,8 +25,10 @@ done
# Remove services installed by cygwin
cygrunsrv.exe --remove syslog-ng
cygrunsrv.exe --remove cygserver
for x in $(cygrunsrv --list) ; do
echo Removing cygservice $x
cygrunsrv -R $x
exit 0
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slap-runner.html"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\using-slapos-in-windows.html"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "user-guide.html";
......@@ -71,18 +72,18 @@ Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\README.cygwin"; DestDir: "{app}"; D
Name: "{commondesktop}\SlapOS Desktop"; Filename: ""; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\slapos.ico";
Name: "{group}\Command Console"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\cygtty.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\opt\slapos"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\terminal.ico";
Name: "{group}\Configure SlapOS"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Configure SlapOS Node"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\configure.ico";
Name: "{group}\Node Runner"; Filename: "http://{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts\slap-runner.html"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\manager.ico";
Name: "{group}\SlapOS Desktop"; Filename: ""; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\slapos.ico";
Name: "{group}\Node Runner"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-w hide -h never -l /var/log/slapos-node-runner.log /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\manager.ico";
Name: "{group}\SlapOS Node"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\node.ico";
Name: "{group}\Command Console"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\cygtty.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\opt\slapos"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\terminal.ico";
Name: "{group}\Configure SlapOS"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Configure SlapOS Client"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\configure.ico";
Name: "{group}\User Guide"; Filename: "{app}\user-guide.html";
Name: "{group}\Uninstall SlapOS"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}";
Name: "{group}\User Guide"; Filename: "{app}\user-guide.html";
Filename: "{app}\setup-cygwin.bat"; Parameters: """{app}"""; StatusMsg: "Installing Cygwin..."; Flags: runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Description: "Configure Cygwin"; StatusMsg: "Configure Cygwin..."; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Description: "Configure Cygwin"; StatusMsg: "Configure Cygwin..."; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,3 +19,22 @@ if [[ -f $current_path/node-runner.vbs ]] ; then
cyg_cscript $current_path/node-runner.vbs || (echo Failed to start slap-runner ; exit 1)
echo Start slap-runner OK.
cat <<EOF > slap-runner.html
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function openwin() {
<body onload="openwin()">
#! /bin/bash
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
# Check ipv6 connection by default ipv6 route
function check_ipv6_connection()
netsh interface ipv6 show route | grep -q " ::/0 "
ping6 > /dev/null
# Check cygwin service
function check_cygwin_service()
echo Checking $1 service ...
if [ ! -e /usr/bin/cygrunsrv.exe ]; then
show_error_exit "No cygserver found, please install the cygrunsrv package first."
service_account="$(cygrunsrv -VQ $service_name | sed -n -e 's/^Account[ :]*//p')" || \
show_error_exit "No $1 service install, please run Configure SlapOS to install it."
service_state=$(cygrunsrv --query $service_name | sed -n -e 's/^Current State[ :]*//p')
if [[ ! x$service_state == "xRunning" ]] ; then
echo Warning: Cygwin service $1 currnt state is $service_state, Running is expeted
echo Try to use cygrunsrv --start $1 to start this service
echo Check $1 service OVER.
# Show error message and waiting for user to press any key quit
function show_error_exit()
msg=${1-Failed to configure Slapos Node in this computer.}
echo $msg
read -n 1 -p "Press any key to exit..."
exit 1
# Constants
# IPv6 Connection
echo "Checking native IPv6 ..."
# Run re6stnet if no native ipv6
if (( $? )) ; then
echo "No native IPv6."
echo Check re6stnet network ...
which re6stnet > /dev/null || show_error_exit "Error: no re6stnet installed, please run Configure SlapOS first."
# re6st-conf --is-needed --registry
ps -ef | grep -q babeld.exe
if (( $? )) ; then
echo "Start re6stnet ..."
(cd /etc/re6stnet; re6stnet @re6stnet.conf --ovpnlog -I $ifname -i $ifname &)
echo "Start re6stent in the background OK."
# It need root rights to install tap-driver
(cd /etc/re6stnet; re6stnet @re6stnet.conf --ovpnlog -I $slapos_ifname -i $slapos_ifname &)
echo "Start re6stent in the background OK. You can check log files in the /var/log/re6stnet"
echo "Waiting re6stent network work ..."
while true ; do
ping6 && break
check_ipv6_connection && break
echo "re6stnet network OK."
echo "Native IPv6 Found."
# Format slapos node
# Check cygserver, syslog-ng
check_cygwin_service cygserver
check_cygwin_service syslog-ng
# Format slapos node, need root right
[[ -f /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg ]] || \
show_error_exit "Error: no node configure file found, please run Configure SlapOS first."
echo "Run Slapos format ..."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node format -cv --now
if (( $? )) ; then
echo "Failed to run slapos format."
exit 1
echo "Format slapos node OK."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node format -cv --now || \
show_error_exit "Failed to run slapos format."
echo "Format slapos node OK."
# Release software
echo "Releasing software ..."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node software
if (( $? )) ; then
echo "Failed to relase software in the slapos node."
exit 1
echo "Release software OK."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node software --verbose
# Instance software
echo "Creating instance ..."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node instance
if (( $? )) ; then
echo "Failed to create instance in the slapos node."
exit 1
echo "Create instance OK."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node instance --verbose
# Send report
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node report
echo "Sending report ..."
/opt/slapos/bin/slapos node report --verbose
exit 0
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slap-runner.html"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts";
Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\using-slapos-in-windows.html"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "user-guide.html";
......@@ -65,19 +66,19 @@ Source: "opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\README.cygwin"; DestDir: "{app}"; D
Name: "{commondesktop}\SlapOS Desktop"; Filename: ""; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\slapos.ico";
Name: "{group}\Command Console"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\cygtty.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\opt\slapos"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\terminal.ico";
Name: "{group}\Configure SlapOS"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Configure SlapOS Node"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\configure.ico";
Name: "{group}\Node Runner"; Filename: "http://{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts\slap-runner.html"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\manager.ico";
Name: "{group}\SlapOS Desktop"; Filename: ""; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\slapos.ico";
Name: "{group}\Node Runner"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-w hide -h never -l /var/log/slapos-node-runner.log /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\manager.ico";
Name: "{group}\SlapOS Node"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\node.ico";
Name: "{group}\Command Console"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\cygtty.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\opt\slapos"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\terminal.ico";
Name: "{group}\Configure SlapOS"; Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Configure SlapOS Client"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; IconFilename: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\images\configure.ico";
Name: "{group}\User Guide"; Filename: "{app}\user-guide.html";
Name: "{group}\Uninstall SlapOS"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}";
Name: "{group}\User Guide"; Filename: "{app}\user-guide.html";
Filename: "{app}\setup-cygwin.bat"; Parameters: """{app}"" network"; StatusMsg: "Installing Cygwin..."; Flags: runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Description: "Configure Cygwin"; StatusMsg: "Configure Cygwin..."; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Description: "Configure Cygwin"; StatusMsg: "Configure Cygwin..."; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Description: "Builout process"; StatusMsg: "Building SlapOS..."; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
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